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1、形容詞級的變化規(guī)律和級的用法:一、形容詞級的變化:1、規(guī)律變化:單音詞的變化:(四條)一般情況: +er(比較級) +est(最高級)eg :quiet-quieter-the quietestbright-brighter-the brightest 明亮/聰明的dear-dearest-the dearestclever-cleverer-the cleverest詞末為-e(不發(fā)音)+ r -+steg:fine-finer-the finestnice-nicer-the nicestcute-cuter-the cutestclose-closer-the closestwhite-

2、whiter-the whitestlarge-larger-the largestfree-freer-freest(特殊)重讀閉音節(jié),末尾只有一個輔音字母的:雙寫輔音字母+er-雙寫輔音字母+esteg:hot-hotter-the hottestbig -bigger-the biggestred-redder-the reddestwet-wetter-the wettestsad-sadder-the saddestfat-fatter-the fattestthin-thinner-the thinnestfit-fitter-fittest少數(shù)以輔音字母+y結尾的雙音節(jié) 原根詞:

3、變y為i+er 變y為i+est形容詞和副詞用法比較形容詞和副詞形容詞和副詞在語法結構中主要用于比較級和最高級。形容詞和副詞的構成形式基本上一樣,它們的形式與單音節(jié)、雙音節(jié)和多音節(jié)有關,當然還有其特殊形式。形容詞和副詞比較級的基本用法分為同級比較、比較級和最高級三種形式。但這三種形式都有它們特殊的表達方式以及它們的慣用法。對以下要點大家須一一掌握。第一節(jié) 形容詞比較級和最高級的形式一、形容詞比較級和最高級的構成形容詞的比較級和最高級變化形式規(guī)則如下構 成 法 原 級 比 較 級 最 高 級 一般單音節(jié)詞末尾加er 和 est strong stronger strongest 單音節(jié)詞如果以e

4、結尾,只加r 和st strange stranger strangest 閉音節(jié)單音節(jié)詞如末尾只有 一個輔音字母,須先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加er和est sadbighot sadderbiggerhotter saddestbiggesthottest 少數(shù)以y,er(或ure),ow,ble結尾的雙音節(jié)詞,末尾加er和est(以y結尾的詞,如y前是輔音字母,把y變成i,再加er和est,以e結尾的詞仍只加r和st) angryclevernarrownoble angriercleverernarrowernobler angrestcleverestnarrowestnoblest 其

5、他雙音節(jié)和多音節(jié)詞都在前面加單詞more和most different moredifferent mostdifferent1) The most high A mountain in B the world is Mount Everest, which is situated C in Nepal and istwentynine thousand one hundred and fourty one feet high D .2) This house is spaciouser A than that B white C one I bought in Rapid City, Sou

6、th Dakota D last year.3) Research in the social A sciences often proves difficulter B than similar C work in the physical D sciences.二、形容詞比較級或最高級的特殊形式:1. 三個或三個以上音節(jié)的形容詞只能加more和most只能說 more beautiful而不能說beautifuller; 只能說the most beautiful而不能說beautifullest。但是,以形容前綴un結尾的三音節(jié)形容詞不適合上述情況,如unhappy,untidy,我們可

7、以說:unhappierunhappiest, untidieruntidiest2. 由ING分詞和ED分詞演變過來的形容詞(包括不規(guī)則動詞如knowknown)只能加more或most來表示它們的比較級和最高級more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等。4) The drawings A of the old masters B are among the treasuredest C works in museums D .3. 英語里有些形容詞由于其詞義而不可能有比較級

8、形式absolute fatal main right universalchief final naked simulta- utterentire foremost perfect neous vitaleternalinevitablepossiblesufficientwholeexcellent infinite primary supreme wooden三、不規(guī)則形容詞的比較級和最高級形式goodwell betterbestbadillworseworstmanymuch moremostlittlefew lessleastfar fartherfarthestfurther

9、furthest5) African elephants are larger, fiercer, and difficulter A to tame B than C Asian elephants D .6) Sarah Hale became A one of the famousest B magazine C editors in the United States during D the 1800s.7) Of all A the Native American tribes B , the Shawnee Indians were C a most D transient.四、

10、例題解析1) A錯。應將“most high”改為highest。這是在考形容詞比較級的構成形式。2) A錯。改為more spacious。3) B錯。 改為more difficult。4) C錯。 treasured 在本句中是ED分詞(動詞treasure ed)作形容詞使用,是“寶貴的、珍貴的”意思,修飾名詞 works(作品),其最高級形式應用 the most treasured。5) A錯,改為more difficult。6) B錯。改為“the most famous”,因為famous(著名的)是雙音節(jié),其最高級變化應在前面加“the most”。7) D錯。應改為“th

11、e most”,因為此處表示的是最高級,“the most transient”意為“(延續(xù)時間)最短暫的”。第二節(jié) 副詞比較級和最高級的形式副詞比較級和最高級的變化形式與形容詞基本上一樣一般 副詞hardharder hardestfastfaster fastestlatelater latestearlyearlier earliest特殊 副詞well better bestmuch more mostbadly worse worstlittle less least 但是,開放類副詞即以后綴ly結尾的副詞不能像形容詞那樣加er或est,如quickly more quickly m

12、ost quickly quietly more quietly most quietly注: early中的ly不是后綴,故可以把y變i再加er和est第三節(jié) 形容詞與副詞比較級和最高級的基本用法一、原級比較的基本用法1. 原級比較由“as形容詞或副詞(或再加名詞或短語)as ”構成“原級相同”比較句,表示兩者比較;其否定式,即“程度不及”比較句型為“not so(as) 形容詞或副詞as”,而且asas結構前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的詞修飾1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as man

13、y calories as .A to run for fifteen minutesB running for fifteen minutesC you run for fifteen minutesD fifteenminute walking2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while A not quite as curious than B the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence C and memory retention(記憶力) in solving D a problem.3) Alaska is twice A as

14、larger B as C the next largest D state, Texas.2. “as (so)名詞as名詞”進行名詞比較,這時一般情況下有一個表示原級的比較詞,但如果第一名詞前出現(xiàn)了形容詞修飾該詞或出現(xiàn)副詞修飾謂語,應當用so而不用as4) Thomas Jeffersons achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.A suchB moreC asD than5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考

15、題)A thatB soC thisD as二、比較級1. 比較級由“形容詞(副詞)比較級than,”構成表示在兩者中間一方比另一方“更加”。連詞than后可接句子,也可接名詞、代詞、名詞短語、介詞短語、動詞、動詞不定式、ING結構和ED結構,有時也可省去than。6) Natural mica(云母) of A a superior B quality is cheapest C to obtain than synthetic D mica.7) She is older than .A any other girl in the groupB any girl in the groupC

16、 all girls in the groupD you and me as well as the group8) Josephine McCrackin joined A the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late B , remained C active in journalistic D work.2. 注意than前后兩項相比較的人或事物要一致9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them

17、than .A oursB with usC for ours it hadD it did for us10) Sound travels air.A faster through water than through B faster than through water andC through water faster andD where it is faster through water than through11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrands pupils, followed A the style of his t

18、eacher so implicitly that B his paintings C are sometimes confused with his master D .三、最高級1. 最高級用于三者以上比較,形容詞的結構形式是“定冠詞形容詞最高級名詞表示范圍的短語或從句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)12) The more A fearsome of all the B animals in C the Western D Hemisphere is the grizzly bea

19、r.13) Of all economic A problems, inflation continues to be B a C most significant in its daily impact on D people and business.14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.A All the activitiesB The activitiesC Of all the activitiesD It is the activities2. 副詞的最高級與形容詞最高級的區(qū)別在

20、于最高級前沒有定冠詞the四、例題解析1) B為正確答案。2) B錯。改為 as ,和前面的as和形容詞原形curious 一起構成同程度比較。3) B錯。 改為as large。4) C對。動詞rival(勝過、匹敵)前后是兩個相比較的成分achievements(成果)和 contributions(貢獻),由于前面的名詞后出現(xiàn)了短語 as an architect,故空白處也應用as,使前后對比成分一致。5) B為正確答案。6) C錯。應改為比較級cheaper。比較級后并不一定跟接連詞than,有時在其間有名詞或名詞短語(被形容詞所修飾),介詞短語,不定式或其他成分隔開。7) A為正確

21、答案?!癝he”作為單個不能跟全組比(C和D不對),也不能跟全組所有相比,因為“她”也是其中一員,自然“她”不能跟自己相比。這里“She”比較的是“這組中的任何一個”,所以A對。8) B錯。應改為比較級later,因此處實為與1905年相比晚15年,故應使用比較級。9) D為正確答案。10) A為正確答案。11) D錯。 改為his masters。12) A錯。 改為most。13) C錯。改為the, significant是多音節(jié)形容詞,在此處應用最高級形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all ”。14) C為正確答案。本句空白處缺狀語,A和B全為名詞短語,不符合條件

22、;D為句子,和空白后面的句子沒有任何聯(lián)系,故亦應排除。只有C正確,和后面的最高級the most familiar前后呼應。第四節(jié) 形容詞和副詞的特殊表達法一、形容詞與副詞的同級比較: 由“as(so)as”引出,其否定式為“not so”或“not asas”,考生還應注意下列含有“as”結構或短語的句子1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是個孩子,必須被當作孩子對待。2. as much:表示“與同量”Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。I would gladly

23、have paid twice as much for it. 就是價格再貴一倍,我也會愿意把它買下的。He as much as admitted the whole story. 他幾乎全部承認了。3. as many:表示“與一樣多”I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中發(fā)現(xiàn)了六個錯。二、表示“幾倍于”的比較級:用twice (兩倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as as 結構This one is four times as big as that one. 這個是那個的四倍大。(這個比那個大三倍。

24、) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我們的校園比你們的大兩倍。 / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的書比她多一倍。1) The fiveyear deal obligates A the country to buy nine million tons B of grain a year C , three million more as D the old pacts minimum.三、“the same 名詞as”表示同等比較2) The lens of a camera p

25、erforms the lens of the eye.A in the same function B the same function asC the function is the same as D and has the same function3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan wouldhave as the amount of money borrowed.A as the same value B the same val

26、ueC value as the same D the value is the same四、比較級前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等詞語表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更進一步4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.A more sophisticated thanB much more sophisticatedC much sophisticat

27、edD sophisticated5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.A clearestB the clearestC much clearerD more clearer6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered A migratory, although B some do move C to more warmer D waters in winter.兼有兩種形式的副詞1) close與closely

28、close意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔細地"He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.2) late 與latelylate意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"You have come too late.What have you been doing lately?3) deep與deeplydeep意思是"深",表示空間深度;deeply時常表示感情上的深度,"深深地"He pushed the stick deep into the mu


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