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1、英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理 重點短語 英漢短語互譯1生長,成長 _2同時 _3電腦程序設計者 _4搬到某個有趣的地方 _5一份兼職工作 _6攢錢 _grow up at the same time computer programmer move somewhere interesting a parttime job save money 英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理7彈奏一種樂器 _8獲得好成績 _9保持身體健康 _10與某人交流 _11職業(yè)籃球運動員 _12搬到紐約 _13computer science _14a

2、round the world _15take acting lessons _上表演課 play an instrument get good grades keep fit/healthy communicate with sb. a professional basketball player move to New York 計算機科學 全世界,世界各地 英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理16sound like _17a year or two _18hold art exhibitions _19make the soccer team _20get lot

3、s of exercise _21work harder in school _22after high school _23dream job _24exchange student _交換生 聽起來像 一兩年 舉辦藝術展覽 組建足球隊 進行很多體育鍛煉 在學校里更加努力學習 中學畢業(yè)后 理想的工作 重點句型 Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子1“你長大了想干什么?” “我打算成為一名籃球運動員。” What you to be when you grow up? I am to be a basketball player.2“你如何才能做到?” “我將每天練習打

4、籃球?!?are you going to do that? I am going to practice basketball every day. going are How going Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理英語新課標(RJ)3長大后,我打算做我想做的事情。 When I grow up, Im going to do I want to do.4我打算搬到有趣的地方。 Im going to somewhere interesting.5一位老婦人找了一份語言教師的工作。 An old lady found a job a . teacher as language

5、move what 英語新課標(RJ) 語法解讀Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理be going to 結構1含義be going to 表示“打算,準備,要”的含義,常指按計劃或安排將要發(fā)生的動作,助動詞be要隨著主語的 的變化而變化。 人稱和數(shù) Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理英語新課標(RJ)2用法 (1)表示主語的意圖:將要做某事。 (2)表示計劃或安排要發(fā)生的事。 (3)表示有跡象要發(fā)生的事。 如:Look at the clouds. Its going to rain. 看那烏云,要下雨了。 (4)表示“某地或某時將有”用將來時的There be 句型: Ther

6、e is/are going to be 如:There is going to be a movie tonight. 今晚將有一場電影。 Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理英語新課標(RJ)3基本構成 (1)陳述句:主語be going to 其他。 如: Were going to buy a new house. 我們將買一座新房子。 (2)否定句:主語be going to 動詞原形其他。 如:They are not going to play games this Sunday. 這周日他們不玩游戲。 (3)一般疑問句:be主語going to 動詞原形其他? 如:Are

7、you going to have a birthday party? 你打算舉辦生日聚會嗎? not 動詞原形 Unit 10 基礎知識梳理基礎知識梳理英語新課標(RJ) (4) 特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞 ? 如:Where are you going to travel? 你要去哪里旅游?4時間狀語 所有與這一結構連用的時間狀語都是表示 的狀語。 如:tomorrow, next week/year/month, in the future, soon等。 一般疑問句 將來 英語新課標(RJ)能力提升訓練Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練.單項填空( )1.Must I do the

8、work today? No, you _.You may do it tomorrow. Acant Bmustnt Cshouldt Dneednt( )2.We _ stop riding when the traffic light turns red. A. may B. must C. could Dcan( )3.He likes painting, so he is going to be a (n)_ when he is older. Aprogrammer Bpilot Cengineer Dartist DBD英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練(

9、 )4.I want _ famous, so that I can make lots of money. Abe Bto be Cbeing Dto being( )5.What are you doing? Im _ my bag, but I cant _ it. Alooking for; look for Blooking for; find Cfinding; look for Dlooking for; finding ( )6.What _ you _ to do when you _high school? Ado; want; finish Bwill; want; fi

10、nish Care; going; are going to finish Dare; going; will finish BBA英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練( )7.He decides to work _than last year. Amore hard B. much hard Cmuch harder Dmore harder( )8.We got lots of email _our readers _ their New Years resolutions. Ato; about Bfrom; about Cof; for Dfor; about(

11、 )9.Its already 8 oclock, but the children are not back _. Aalso Beither Cyet Dtoo( )10.There _ an important meeting after school tomorrow. Ais going to have Bis going to be Cis going to hold Dis going to do BCBC英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練.完形填空 Dennis is a schoolboy from Shanghai. He _1_some New Y

12、ears resolutions yesterday. He wants to _2_.So he is going to exercise more and eat a lot of healthier food. He _3_ junk food. He is going to make a soccer team because he likes it and he is also good at playing_4_.He is going to be the _5_ of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his _6_.He is

13、going to read English every morning. He is going to _7_a pen pal in England or Australia. And he is going to write letters or email in English_8_ his pen pal. _9_ he grows up he is going to be a doctor for children. He wants to help sick people. He is going to a medical school. He is going to work h

14、ard. He loves children and he thinks _10_ childen will be wonderful. 英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練( )1.A.had Bmade Cdid Dlisted( )2.A.keep fat Bkeep young Ckeep old Dkeep fit ( )3.A.didnt eat Bis going to eat Cisnt going to eat Deats( )4.A.basketball Bvolleyball Csoccer Dbaseball( )5.A.player Bcapta

15、in Cfriend Dclassmate BDCCB英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練( )6.A.Chinese BEnglish CJapanese DFrench( )7.A.find Bhave Cget Dlook for( )8.A.with B. in Con Dto( )9.A.Where BWhen CWhy DWhat( )10.A.looking for Blooking like Clooking at Dlooking after DBAAB英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練.閱讀理解 My name is Maria

16、n. When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do. I want to be an art editor for a fashion show. How am I going to do it? First, Im going to find a part time job for a year or two and save some money. Then Im going to be a student at an art college. Maybe I will hold some art exhibitions. Except

17、that, Im going to learn something about computers. I think it is the most important thing for me to do because its a useful tool in the future. If I have a chance, Im going to travel around the world to see something different. 英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練( )1.What is Marian going to be? AA teacher

18、. BA musician. CAn art editor. DA college student.( )2.How is she going to be an art editor? AShe is going to save money. BShe is going to learn in an art college. CA and B. DNeither A nor B.( )3.What is she going to learn except art? AShe is going to travel around the world. BShe is going to learn

19、something about computers. CShe is going to hold art exhibitions. DShe is going to learn singing. CCB英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練( )4.What is she going to do if she has a chance? AShe is going to learn something about computers. BShe is going to travel around the world. CShe is going to be an edito

20、r. DShe is going to study hard.( )5.Why is she going to learn computers? ABecause she likes playing computer games. BBecause she thinks it is a useful tool. CBecause she has to learn computers. DBecause her parents make her learn computers. BB英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練.詞匯(A)根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補全單詞。1Englis

21、h is a very useful f language.2Mr Smith is a r man. He has lots of money.3Tom begins to s money because he wants to buy a computer.4What is your d ? I want to be a football player.5We are going to b a new bridge over the river. uild ream ave ich oreign 英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練(B)用所給詞的適當形式填空。6Th

22、e story sounds (interest)7Are you going to exercise (much) or less this year?8Yao Ming is a (profession) basketball player.9She (move) to New York next month.10My parents (take) me to the city aquarium last Saturday and we had fun there. took is going to move professional more interesting 英語新課標(RJ)U

23、nit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練.根據(jù)對話情景填入恰當?shù)木渥友a全對話A: Hello, Tom! 1. ?B: I am going to England for my winter holiday.A: 2. ?B: By plane.A: 3. ?B: About two weeks.A: 4. ?B: I am going there with my friend, Mary.A: When are you leaving?B: Were leaving tomorrow.A: I hope you will have a good holiday.B: 5. . Thanks W

24、ho are you going with How long are you staying there How are you going there Where are you going for your winter holiday 英語新課標(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓練能力提升訓練.任務型閱讀 The New Year is coming, and everyone has a new plan. Most students are going to work harder at school this year because they want to get good grades. Some students are going to eat more fruit and vegetables to keep healthy. A few students plan to join sports clubs, and they


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