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1、 腎上腺素腎上腺素AdrenalineA kind of vasoactive drugs A kind of vasoactive drugs Another name: AdnephrinAnother name: AdnephrinCommonly used preparation:Commonly used preparation: 1ml(1mg) 1ml(1mg) Pharmacologic actionsAdrenaline Cardiac output Blood vessel Contractilityskeletal muscle Abdominal visceral va

2、scular peripheral resistanceHeartHeart rate liver blood vessels ConstrictionDiastoleConductionWhat are the indications of Adrenaline? OR When and where do we need it? Do you know? SO easy!SO easy! Indication Cardiac arrest Ventricular fibrillation HivesLaryngeal edema、 Dyspnea DysphagiaComa Anaphyla

3、ctic Shock Bronchial asthma Highlights in nursing care Hypertension Organic cardiopathy Diabetes Coronary atherosclerosis Hyperthyroidism Digitalism Trauma Hemorrhagic shock Cardiac asthma contraindicated used with cautionused with caution Untoward effectsHeadache PalpitationElevated blood pressure

4、ConvulsionFacial expression pale Hyperhidrosis Tremor Urinary retention Pay more attention when you inject Subcutaneous or intramuscular replace the injection site must pumpback no bleeding vein Observe blood pressure and pulse In case of blood pressure surge and tachycardiaAdrenaline increase myoca

5、rdial and systemic oxygen consumptiongive sufficient oxygen prevent acidosis 尼可剎米尼可剎米Nikethamidecentral nervous system stimulantcentral nervous system stimulant Another name: Coramine Another name: CoramineCommonly used preparation:Commonly used preparation: 1.5ml(0.375g),2ml(0.5g) 1.5ml(0.375g),2ml

6、(0.5g) Pharmacologic actionsBlood vessel constrictionBlood vessel constriction HR BP RR HR BP RRCarotid sinusCarotid sinusAorticbodyAorticbodyMedullaoblongataMedullaoblongata Indicationrespiratory failure respiratory failure Opiate drug poisoningOpiate drug poisoning Central respiratory insufficienc

7、y OR Apnea Central respiratory insufficiency OR Apnea Untoward effectsLarge doses can cause High blood pressurePalpitation Sweating VomitTremor Muscle rigidity Convulsions Control doses give benzodiazepines give benzodiazepines timely via veins timely via veinsL/O/G/OEmergency medicineContents1、DOPA

8、MINEPharmacologyDopamine agonistsDopamine agonistscan make the mesenteric, kidney, brain and coronary artery expansion, increase blood flow, make the renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate increased, thus increase the sodium excretion and urine output , prevention of acute renal failureIndi

9、cationsAll kinds of shock, congestive heart failure, acute renal failure (share with diuretics).Commonly used doseInjection: 2 ml (20 mg).Care the main pointsBefore use should be added blood volume and correct acidosis.Banned for pheochromocytoma patientsAdverse reactions: large dose can make breath

10、ing acceleration, arrhythmia, excessive can cause rapid arrhythmia.For patients with peripheral vascular disease application of this product, the need to closely observe body color, temperature change, in case of severe ischemic necrosis of the body.2、LidocainePharmacologylocal anesthetics and class

11、 b anti-arrhythmic drugs, reduce myocardial excitability, slow conduction velocity, IndicationsCaused by various reasons like tachycardia, frequent ventricular premature beat, digitalism, myocardial infarction.Commonly used doseCare the main points points3 3In the process of intravenous drug use, cl

12、osely observe the patient blood pressure and electrocardiogram (ecg), prevent excessive poisoning.1 1Banned for allergy to this product, severe atrioventricular block, indoor conduction block4 4Must pay attention to choose lidocaine which is used for arrhythmia , rather than for the local anesthetic

13、 injection2 2Adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, euphoria, difficulty swallowing, irritability, etc. Large dose can cause convulsions, respiratory depression, and cardiac arrest.zzplovezzpDeslanosideDeslanosideAlias Cedilanidzzplovezzp2022-2-14zzplovezzp目錄目錄contentsPharmacolo

14、gy AIndications BCommon agents Cnursing points Dzzplovezzp2022-2-14Positive inotropic drugs, enhance myocardial contractility, Slow heart rate, inhibition of conduction.Pharmacology Azzplovezzp2022-2-14Positive inotropic drugs1Positive Positive inotropic inotropic drugsdrugs2 enhance enhance myocard

15、ial myocardial contractilitycontractility 3 Slow heart rate 4inhibition of conduction 在此錄入上述圖表的綜合分析結(jié)論,錄入結(jié)論在此錄入上述圖表的綜合分析結(jié)論,錄入結(jié)論CHFCHFzzplovezzpacute hear failurechornic heart failure atrial fibrillation AHF AHF CHFCHF AFAF IndicationsBzzplovezzp2022-2-14 AF CHF AHFCedilanidzzplovezzp2022-2-14injectio

16、n: 1ml (0.2mg), 2ml (0.4mg) Common agents Czzplovezzp2022-2-141、Use it with caution in patients with severe myocardial damage and renal insufficiency 2、Forbid to use with calcium injections 3、Deslanoside can be injected into vein slowly with nearly 5 minutes after being diluted.4、Adverse reactions n

17、ursing points Dzzplovezzp2022-2-14Adverse reactionsnauseabradycardia headache anorexia vomiting atrioventricular block. zzplovezzp2022-2-14 謝謝DexamethasoneDexamethasoneDexamethasonePharmacologyPharmacologyIndicationsIndicationsCommon Common formulationsformulationsNursing Nursing EssentialsEssential

18、s PharmacologyLong-term glucocorticoid of synthetic drugs.Have stronger anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, sodium and water retention, for the role of potassium platoon minor, antitoxins, shock-resistant, lifting small artery spasms, improve heart contractility, improve microcirculation IndicationsSe

19、vere bacterial infectious diseases, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, severe skin diseases, various causes of eye inflammation, leukemia, aplastic anemia, shockCommon Common formulationsformulationsInjection1ml(5mg) 0.5ml(2.5mg)Tablets0.75mg Nursing EssentialsDisable: Bacterial canker disease、Thr

20、ombotic phlebitis、Active pulmonary tuberculosis、Intestinal anastomosis、Acute infections and so onAdverse reactions: Larger quantity can cause glycosuria and class Cushing s syndromeWithdrawal should be gradual reductions, should not be stopped, so as not to induce or adrenocortical insufficiency sym

21、ptomsPeriodically check the electrolytes and blood glucose。ATROPINETo understand the indications of the drugTo understand the indications of the drugPharmacologicalPharmacological Actions Actions IndicationsIndications usual dose usual dose thenursingthenursingpointsofpointsofusingusingTo masterthe

22、nursing points of usingTo masterthe nursing points of usingPharmacological ActionsVisceral colicVisceral colicAdams-Stokes syndromeAdams-Stokes syndromeSeptic shockSeptic shockOrganophosphate poisoningOrganophosphate poisoningmydriasismydriasispreanesthetic medicationpreanesthetic medicationIndicationsTablet:0.3mgInjection: Injection: 1ml(0.5mg),1ml(5mg),1ml(0.5mg),1ml(5mg),2ml(10mg)2


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