1、yuan,a n increase of17.5% ; localgovernme ntgeneral budgetrevenueof500 millionYuan, . Painti ng, modelculture creates newMa Chur ch community, creatingLake scenic spot culture education base,received high eval uationfrom provinciala nd municipal di sci plineInspe ction Commission,the people'sdai
2、ly specialreport. Constant lypromote indepe ndent Commissionagai nstcorrupti on culture constr uction tor uralextends,createdesta blished Da hlin r uralindustryPark independentCommissi on agai nst corrupti on cult urepositions,formed has a support "servicelow double excellent" ofm embers l
3、ead team,constantlyperfectand establi shed Parkfunds assets ma nagement,a ndvill ageauditsupervision,and villagersdemocraticfina ncial, system,strengthening Parkparty,and Chief,andfi nancial,full public, powerfulto guaranteeshas newrural construction,bycityrural styleclean governmenti nspection unit
4、 le dof heig ht evaluati on.Through the implementati onof honestand cleangovernment cultural construction,andeffectivelyeducate thebroadmasse s ofparty member s andca dresand consci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di scipline , honesty i npoliticsa nd cult uretocreate agood atmospher eand freshdev elop
5、mentenvir onment.Althoughwein implementimplementation independent Commissi onagai nstcorruption gui deline s aspects ma de ha s musteffectiveness, butaway fromsuperiorof requirementsalsoexists m ustofdi stance,main performance for:ais sy stem enough sound,educati on,a nd supervisi on,a ndpreventi on
6、,a nd punishme nt,aspects long-ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,e speciallyin enrollment bidworkreg ulatory aspe ctsalsonee ded strengthe ning;II isregulatory supervisionexistsl ostofYuwi de,a nd l ostofYu soft,investigation illegaldiscipli narycase ofeffortsalso needed strengthening ,individual
7、se ctorand cadresal sodiff erentdegree exists treat gift, nottobenefits notdo, andmess do ofphe nomenon;T hree for honestwork ist he ne wsituations a nd newpr obl emsinfindingtimelyenough,treatment measures are not strong enough.Tosolvetheseproblems,we willprocee dfrom thefollowingfive aspects ofrec
8、tification,makesuret o impleme ntthe provisions of the code.(A) dee pe ning thelearning, enhance the consci ousnessofhonesty in politics.Tocreateevent as an opportunitytoExceland learning party,further incre asing the gover nance capa bility andadva nce dconstruction, r einforce drul es ofthebroa dm
9、asses ofpartymembers and cadres a warene ss,sense ofresponsi bility, sense of honor,improvew orking a bility andlevel ofscie ntificdevelopment.Should make fulluse of meetings,i n parti cular ce ntralgrouplearni ng opportunity,further strengtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warnin
10、g educati on, education themajorityofparty membersand cadres knownfear,k ne wfear,honestyi npolitics oftension thestrings, consci ousne ssand e nhanci ngthe implementati on oftheinitiative.Also,pay attenti on toa pplyw hatthey havele arne d, consciouslyst udyresults int o planningw ork,new idea北運河漫水
11、路道路工程施工組織設(shè)計第一篇 編制說明和依據(jù)一、北運河漫水路道路工程招標書。二、北運河漫水路道路工程施工圖紙。三、國家現(xiàn)行市政工程施工與驗收規(guī)范及質(zhì)量檢驗評定標準。第二篇 綜合說明該工程路線起點位于武清區(qū)北運河?xùn)|側(cè)八孔閘K0+000,沿北運河向北前行,沿線與武清城區(qū)環(huán)線、武香路、老堿東路相交,終上接新堿東路。路線全長9.495km。工程內(nèi)容有道路、涵洞等工程。第三篇 施工平面圖布置一、根據(jù)本工程規(guī)模、施工進度計劃、高峰期施工人數(shù),結(jié)合現(xiàn)場實際,在現(xiàn)場紅線用地范圍內(nèi)和少部分紅線外布置生產(chǎn)臨時設(shè)施、生活臨時設(shè)施、臨時道路以及施工和生活用水、用電管線。二、施工大臨設(shè)施設(shè)于甲方指定的空置位置上。生活區(qū)
12、面積為 600m2。房屋布置及面積詳見施工總平面布置圖。三、 由于本工程主要結(jié)構(gòu)部分采用商品混凝土(墊層除外),現(xiàn)場砼部分數(shù)量不大,現(xiàn)場設(shè)400 公升砼攪拌機一臺,二臺200公升砂漿攪拌機。預(yù)制構(gòu)件制作區(qū)、水泥穩(wěn)定石粉渣拌和站,設(shè)于甲方指定紅線范圍內(nèi)空置位置上。砼攪拌機和砂漿攪拌機位置隨施工進度需要靈活移動。生活及施工區(qū)用水、用電從現(xiàn)場甲方指定接口位置接出(詳見施工總平面布置圖)。四、施工總平面管理1、為了減少各種料具的二次倒運距離,有計劃地組織現(xiàn)場平面及立體交叉作業(yè),最大限度地利用場地,提高勞動生產(chǎn)率,真正做到安全生產(chǎn)和文明施工,本工程的施工平面管理工作,由項目付經(jīng)理負責(zé),實行分片包干管理,
13、責(zé)任到人,未經(jīng)同意,任何人不得隨意更改。ewmeasuresto promote work,t hecouraget o takeresponsibility,dare tobreak hard toensure district, Governme ntdecisi ons andarrangementsto impl ement.( B) strengthe ning supervisi on, severelypunishacts ofviolation.One isto openthe cha nnels ofsupervision. Vigorously promotet he pa
14、rtyaffairs publ ic, ope n,wi dely a cceptedsupervisi on byt he masses, payattention tosoci algroupsa ndpublicopi nion supe rvision,thepowerfulforceformedtourgeparty membersand lea ding cadres properlyexercisetheir powers. Second, strongsupervisi on a nd inspe ction. Democraticlife intofullplay,impor
15、tantbriefings,r eport s relatedto personalmatters and evaluation ofcadres 'studyofinner-partysupervisorysystem,a comprehe nsivegra spofg uideli nes for t he implementation oftheindepe ndent Commission againstcorruption-relatedcase sof lea ding cadres ofparty members,focus on strengthe ningkeyare
16、asofprojectselecti on,funding, officials monitor,detecta ndre ctifythe pr oblem,2、項目經(jīng)理部是現(xiàn)場施工生產(chǎn)的指揮中心,現(xiàn)場辦公室內(nèi)要布置工程進度計 劃圖表、勞動力調(diào)配、晴雨表、單位工程質(zhì)量目標規(guī)劃表、管理機構(gòu)圖等圖表。3、凡進場的材料、設(shè)備必須按施工總平面布置圖指定位置堆放整齊,不得隨 意亂放,施工現(xiàn)場的水準點和里程樁控制點要有明顯的標記,并切實做好保護工 作。4、進出入口設(shè)值班門房并張掛出入制度、場容管理條例、工程概況和安全紀 律牌,教育工人維持良好的施工秩序和勞動紀律。5、施工現(xiàn)場設(shè)專職保安人員,無關(guān)人員禁止
17、進入現(xiàn)場。第四篇勞動力計劃根據(jù)勞動力計劃,提前在公司內(nèi)部的施工隊伍和勞務(wù)基地中進行組織安排, 保證勞動力能及時、有序地進場;對所組織的勞動力進行考核、篩選,選拔有素質(zhì)、技術(shù)熟練的工人進場。對施工人員進行進場交底及技術(shù)、質(zhì)量、安全教育, 重要工種和特殊工藝提前進培訓(xùn),作到持證上崗。根據(jù)本工程的特點計劃投入施工人員 78人,其中管理人員15人(包括技術(shù)人 員),基建工48人,機械工15人。第五篇機械設(shè)備投入情況配備合理、精良的大中型機械,充分發(fā)揮施工機械、設(shè)備種類齊全、數(shù)量充 足的優(yōu)勢,使工程施工快速、高效、優(yōu)質(zhì)、文明。土方工程采用液壓反鏟配自卸 汽車,推土機整平,壓路機分層碾壓。機械設(shè)備投入情況
18、一覽表序 號機械名稱規(guī)格單位數(shù)量狀況挖掘機PC-200臺16良好1振動式壓路機14t臺2良好2振動式壓路機18t臺4良好3推土機臺5良好4裝載機臺3良好5穩(wěn)定土拌和機臺2良好6灑水車輛7良好7自卸汽車12t輛14良好8灰土拌合機臺1良好9犁車臺5良好第六篇施工進度計劃根據(jù)招標文件及現(xiàn)場情況,我們承諾工期2012年3月13日開工,2012年5 月20日竣工。1、準備工作:2012年3月13日 2012年3月15日2、路基工程:2012年10月20日 2010年11月10日3、冬季養(yǎng)護:2010年11月11日2011年3月12日3、路面工程:2011年3月13日2011年6月25日4、其它:201
19、1年3月20日2011年6月30日第七篇施工進度、施工工期保證措施根據(jù)招標文件要求,整個工期為258天,從我們安排的工期上看,需用6個 月。為了優(yōu)質(zhì)、有效地完成施工任務(wù),特提出以下措施:一、工程中標后,立即組建工程項目經(jīng)理部,配備具有豐富經(jīng)驗和專業(yè)知識的項目經(jīng)理和總工程師,本著高效精干, 業(yè)務(wù)流化管理和彈性流動的原則, 組織精干 高效的管理班子,利用管理優(yōu)勢,確保工程快速進展,按時完成。二、根據(jù)施工總進度計劃和工程特點,選擇能夠適應(yīng)其工程質(zhì)量,工期進度要求 的作業(yè)隊伍,并與施工勞務(wù)作業(yè)單位簽訂勞動合同,實行合同制度管理。三、業(yè)技術(shù)人員學(xué)習(xí)合同條款,弄懂弄通并熟練掌握本專業(yè)規(guī)定的條款、規(guī)范, 以
20、提高管理水平。同時應(yīng)加強對技術(shù)工人的技術(shù)培訓(xùn),提高施工操作水平。pplyw hatthey havele arne d, consciouslyst udyresults into planningw ork,new ideayuan,a n increase of17 governmentcultural co -situations aAlso,pay attentind newpr obl emsinfindingtimelyenough,treatment measure. Painti ng, modelculture creates newMa Chur ch community,
21、 creating Lake sceni c spo s andca dresand consci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di scipline , honesty i npoliticsa n . _ I I 一一一 _Tosolvetheseproblems,we willprocee dfrom thefollowingfive aspe cts ofrectification,makesureth eval uationfrom provinciala nd munici pal di sci plineInspe ction Commission,
22、the people'sdaily spe cialreport. Consta ntly prom ote indepe ndent Commissieand freshdev elopmentenvir onment.Althoughwein impl ementimpleme ntation inde pendent Commissi onagai nstcorruption guidelines aspects mai onagai nstcorrupti on culture constr uction tor uralextends,create desta blished
23、 Da hlin r uralindustry Park indepe ndentCommissi on agai nst corrupti on cult urepositions,forme d has a support "servicelow double excellent " ofmembers leadteam,constantlyperfectand establi shed Parkfunds a ssets ma nagement,a ndvill ageauditsupervisi on,and villagers democraticfina nci
24、al, system,strengthening Parkpart y,and Chief,andfi nancial,full public, powerfulto guara ntees has newrural construction, by cityruralstyleclean g overnmenti nspecti on unit le dof heig ht ev aluati on.Through the im plementati onof honestand cle ande ha s musteffectivene ss, butaway fromsuperi oro
25、f requirementsal soexists m ustofdi stance,main performance for:ais sy stem enough sound,educati on,a nd supervisi on,a nd preventi on,a nd punishme nt,aspects l ong -ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,e speciallyin enrollme nt bidworkreg ulatory aspe ctsalsonee ded strengthe ning;II isreg ulatory
26、 supervisionexistsl ostofYuwi de,a nd l ostofYu soft,investigation illegaldiscipli naryca se ofeffortsalso nee ded stre ngthening ,individualse ctorand ca dresal sodiff erentdegree exi sts treat gift, notto benefits notdo, andmess do ofphe nomenon;T hree for honestw ork ist he ne wand learni ng part
27、 y,further incre asing t he gover nance capa bility andadva nce dconstructi on, r einforce drul es ofthebroa dm asses ofpartymembers and cadres a warene ss,sense ofresponsibility, sense of honor,improveworking a bility andlevelofscie ntif icdevelopment.Should make fulluse ofmeetings,in parti cular c
28、e ntralgrouplearning opportunity,further stre ngtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warning educati on, education the majorityofparty membersand cadres k nownfear,k ne wfear,honestyinpolitics oftension thestrings, consci ousne ssand e nhanci ngthe implementation oftheinitiative.四、工
29、程中標后,立即組織材料設(shè)備進場,盡快完成便道、水、電、生活、生產(chǎn)臨時設(shè)施等施工現(xiàn)場準備,以最快的速度開始工程建設(shè)。5、 通過完善周密的技術(shù)準備工作,全面熟悉施工圖紙,了解設(shè)計意圖和業(yè)主的要求,提出完成整個施工任務(wù)的戰(zhàn)略構(gòu)想,對進度作出科學(xué)安排,使全部工程施工及分部分項工程施工都置于有組織、有計劃、有秩序嚴格控制的狀態(tài)下,進而實現(xiàn)優(yōu)質(zhì)高速完成工程施工任務(wù)的總體目標。6、 施工前期取得業(yè)主和當?shù)卣坝嘘P(guān)部門的信任與支持,盡快適應(yīng)工程監(jiān)理的嚴格監(jiān)督和合同條款的約束,與有關(guān)協(xié)作單位密切配合,盡力創(chuàng)造和諧融洽的內(nèi)部環(huán)境,疏通各方面關(guān)系,為工程順利開工后今后的施工生產(chǎn)順利進行打下良好基礎(chǔ)。七、加強計劃管
30、理,編制月、周形象計劃找出控制工程進度的關(guān)鍵項目,進行重點控制, 針對各項目投入的人員和設(shè)備以及生產(chǎn)進度的進行情況定期作好分析總結(jié),并做為下一進度計劃調(diào)整和制定的依據(jù)。八、由于公路工程均在露天施工,受氣候條件的影響大,克服季節(jié)性的影響,合理安排施工順序很重要。所以要常和當?shù)貧庀蟛块T建立較密切的聯(lián)系和收聽天氣預(yù)報。掌握天氣情況合理安排施工,盡量減少對工期的影響。九、配備合理,精良的大、中型機械,充分發(fā)揮施工機械設(shè)備種類齊全,數(shù)量充足的優(yōu)勢,使施工快速、高效、優(yōu)質(zhì)。十、 加強施工現(xiàn)場的管理的調(diào)度,減少因生產(chǎn)安排不當造成的不必要的損失,根據(jù)工程實際進展情況,合理地及時調(diào)配勞動力和機械設(shè)備,充分發(fā)揮人
31、、材、機的使用效率,確保施工工期。第八章 施工方案或方法一、 施工準備1、施工圖紙會審由項目總工程師牽頭,組織項目各專業(yè)工長、質(zhì)檢員、技術(shù)員、班組等認真學(xué)習(xí)圖紙,吃透圖紙。在圖紙學(xué)習(xí)期間,尤其應(yīng)注意各專業(yè)圖紙之間的標高是否一致,尺寸位置等是否一致。2、編制實施性施工組織設(shè)計與施工方案由項目總工負責(zé)組織編制實施性施工組織設(shè)計,在正確貫徹國家各項技術(shù)規(guī)ewmeasuresto promote work,t hecouraget o takeresponsibility,dare to break hard toe nsure di strict, Governme ntde cisi ons an
32、darrangeme ntsto impl ement.( B) strengthe ning supervisi on, severelypuni shacts ofviolation.One i sto ope nthe cha nnels ofsupervision. V igorously promotet he partyaffairs publ ic, ope n,wi dely a cceptedsupervisi on byt he masses, payattention tosoci algroupsa nd public opi nion supe rvision,the
33、powerfulforceformedtourgeparty membersand lea ding cadres properlyexerci setheir powers. Se cond, strong supervisi on a nd inspe ction. Democraticlife i ntofullplay,importantbriefings,r eport s relatedto personalmatters and evaluati on ofcadres 'studyofinner-partysupervisorysystem,a comprehe nsi
34、vegra spofg uideli nes for t he impl ementation oftheindepe ndent Commission againstcorruption-relatedcase sof lea ding cadres ofparty members,focus on strengthe ningkeyareasofprojectselecti on,funding, officials m onitor,detecta ndre ctifythe pr oblem,yuan,a n increase of17 governmentcultural co -s
35、ituations aAlso,pay attentind newpr obl emsinfindingtimelyenough,treatment measure. Painti ng, modelculture creates newMa Chur ch community, creating Lake sceni c spo s andca dresand consci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di scipline , honesty i npoliticsa n . _ I I 一一一 _Tosolvetheseproblems,we willpro
36、cee dfrom thefollowingfive aspe cts ofrectification,makesureth eval uationfrom provinciala nd munici pal di sci plineInspe ction C ommission, thepeople'sdaily spe cialreport. Consta ntly prom ote indepe ndent Commissi onagai nstcorrupti on culture constr uction tor uralextends,createeand freshde
37、v elopmentenvir onment.Althoughwein impl ementimpleme ntation inde pendent Commissi onagai nstcorruption guidelines aspects ma de ha s musteffectivene ss, butaway fromsuperi orof requirementsal.111. _ -d .-.III. L . . -I 一一 .11. 1-1_I 一一. . 1I 一 一 一一.- L di_ LL . I - - - .o impleme ntthe provisions
38、of the code.(A) dee pe ning thelearning, enhance the consci ousnessofhonestyin politics.Tocreate eventasan opportunity to Exceldesta blished Da hlin r uralindustry Park indepe ndentCommissi on agai nst corrupti on cult urepositions,forme d has a support "servicelow double excellent " ofmem
39、bers leadteam,constantlyperfectand establi shed Parkfunds a ssets ma nagement,a ndvill ageauditsupervisi on,and villagers democraticfina ncial, system,strengthening Parkpart y,and Chief,andfi nancial,full public, powerfulto guara ntees has newrural construction, by cityruralstyleclean g overnmenti n
40、specti on unit ledof heig ht evaluati on.soexists m ustof distance,main performance for:ais sy stem enough sound,educati on,a nd supervisi on,a nd preventi on,a nd punishme nt,aspects l ong -ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,e speciallyin enrollme nt bidworkreg ulatory aspe ctsalsonee ded strengt
41、he ning;II isreg ulatory supervisionexistsl ostofYuwi de,a nd l ostofYu soft,investigation illegaldiscipli naryca se ofeffortsalso nee ded stre ngthening ,individualse ctorand ca dresal sodiff erentdegree exi sts treat gift, notto benefits notdo, andmess一 一 一一 . 一 一. 一 一 一. - . I I _I _ _ _ - I . I_
42、 I _ . I 一- I ,I . 一 .一 _ _| n . - _ L -I II .1 1. ->I 一一- IL. - _ I.11.11_1.1,I . 一 -.- I- L -,L - - >I.1_1 LI-I 一-and learni ng part y,further incre asing t he gover nance capa bility andadva nce dconstructi on, r einforce drul es ofthebroa dmasses ofpartymembers and cadres a warene ss,sense
43、 ofresponsibility, sense of honor,improveworking a bility andlevelof scie ntificdevelopment.Should make fulluse ofmeetings,in parti cular ce ntralgrouplearning opportunity,further stre ngtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warning educati on, education the majorityofparty membersan
44、d cadr es k nownfear,k newfear,honestyinpolitics oftension thestriThrough the im plementati onof honestand cle ando ofphe nomenon;T hree for honestw ork ist he ne w - - ngs, consci ousne ssand e nhanci ngthe implementation oftheinitiative.范,政策和法令中,積極推廣應(yīng)用新技術(shù)、新工藝,依靠公司雄厚的科技實力促進科技進步,科學(xué)地組織施工,實施性施工組織設(shè)計經(jīng)公司
45、批準后報監(jiān)理和業(yè)主審定執(zhí)行。根據(jù)本工程的特點,結(jié)合以前我公司曾經(jīng)施工過的工程經(jīng)驗,組織編制切實可行的各單項施工工藝措施,施工方案和作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書,重點闡述主要分部分項工程的施工方法、施工工藝,工程進度安排,勞動力組織,質(zhì)量及安全保證措施,以有效地指導(dǎo)現(xiàn)場的施工。根據(jù)工程施工總進度計劃,每項工作展開前進行相關(guān)的技術(shù)準備,如編制專項施工方案,關(guān)鍵項目施工過程的作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書,這些文件要有針對性和可操作性。3、規(guī)范、標準、圖集等收集:施工之前,應(yīng)將本工程所需的規(guī)范、標準、圖集等技術(shù)資料收集齊全。4、 設(shè)備及器具:根據(jù)本工程的施工需要配置有關(guān)材料試驗、質(zhì)檢儀器設(shè)備。5、測量基準交底、復(fù)測及驗收:檢測和測量儀器
46、等計量器具提前做好計量鑒定,保證在本工程使用的所有器具均在檢定有效期內(nèi),并做好臺帳記錄。6、現(xiàn)場準備( 1)臨時供水、供電:工程中標之后,要組織編制臨時用水方案及臨時用電方案,這些方案要綜合考慮生產(chǎn)、生活、消防等各方面的因素,經(jīng)計算確定用水、用電量,臨時給水管徑,臨時用電電纜或?qū)Ь€截面,總用電容量,并進行合理布置。( 2)臨時設(shè)施:根據(jù)本標段的工程項目及工程數(shù)量,臨時設(shè)施計劃采用現(xiàn)場搭設(shè)的方法,結(jié)構(gòu)采用磚砌墻體,鍍鋅鐵皮屋面,室內(nèi)采用簡易裝修,辦公室天花吊頂。工棚采用鋼管結(jié)構(gòu)搭設(shè)外圍石棉瓦圍護。廚房、浴室、衛(wèi)生間采用瑪賽克地面,白色墻磚,以保證符合環(huán)境衛(wèi)生的要求。二、各分項工程的施工方案及技術(shù)
47、措施(1) 道路施工測量本工程分項工程全長2.796km,測量放樣工作量比較大。為保證工程各結(jié)構(gòu)物平面位置的放樣及高程準確,根據(jù)工程特點,擬采取如下測量方案:a.測量設(shè)備設(shè)置:設(shè)置測量組一組,配備水準儀3臺,經(jīng)緯儀2臺,紅外線全站儀 1 臺。b,設(shè)置坐標控制網(wǎng)及水準點:為保證施工測量的連續(xù)性和一致性,在施工現(xiàn)ewmeasuresto promote work,t hecouraget o takeresponsibility,dare to break hard toe nsure di strict, Governme ntde cisi ons andarrangeme ntsto imp
48、l ement.( B) strengthe ning supervisi on, severelypuni shacts ofviolation.O ne i stoope nthe cha nnels ofsupervision. Vigorously promotet he partyaffairs publ ic, ope n,wi dely acce pted supervisi on by he masses, payattention tosoci algroupsa nd public opi nion supe rvision,thepowerfulforceformedto
49、urgeparty membersand lea ding cadres properlyexerci setheir powers. Se cond, strong supervisi on a nd inspe ction. Democraticlife i ntofullplay,importantbriefings,r eport s relatedto personalmatters and evaluati on ofcadres 'studyofinner-partysupervisorysystem,a comprehe nsivegra spofg uideli ne
50、s for t he impl ementation oftheindepe ndent Commission againstcorruption -related case sof lea ding cadres ofparty members,focus on strengthe ningkeyareasofprojectselecti on,funding, officials m onitor,detecta ndre ctifythe pr oblem,promote hone sty in politics. Thir d,strengt hen discipli naryinve
51、stigation.Seriouslytheimpleme ntation ofJI.Recently,the Countyleadi ng bodie s atthe county leveltocarryout"threetree s" practice,whi ch is to improv e thegover ning a bilityand pr omotingthe devel opme nt of XXeffective measure.Icarefullyfoll owyourde ployment re quireme nts,a ndactively
52、partici pate in t he"threetrees"cam paign.ReadGroup,pre pared by theDe partment int hene ar future of the i deologicalandpoliticalconstruction ofleadi ng cadre s in thecity reade r, readtherelevanti nformation, l arger harvest, i nspired.It hink theability ofrepelli ng is to stre ngthen t
53、heparty's g overni ng ca pacity in questionsofthe construction of meani ng,anim portanttopic remai ns in front ofpartymembersand cadre s at all levels,w e needtofurtherexploreand ponde r.The ability ofrepelli ng thename suggest s, isaski ng party member sand cadre satalllevels i nparticular, lea
54、di ng ca dresatalllevels, not onlyourselve s,establ ish acorrect conce ptofthe inde pendent Commissi on agai nst corruption, pol iticalintegrit y,self-discipli ne,reje ctionofcorruption,madeforthepeople, pragmatic, honestlea dership,a nd strengthe n the sense ofresponsibi lity,ear nestly impleme ntt
55、he responsi bility ofuncorr upte d,impleme ntation ofthe ba oliana nti-corr uption measurestoensure t herealizati onof busi ness -building, constructionofa win-wintuation.Next, Icombined wit h theirthi nking ,experie ncea nd conta ctXXpra ctical, onhow to e nhancethe a bility ofrepelli ng,onfouraspe
56、 cts of cognition.Irregularities, please comment.Fir st,theconstructi on ofthepropul sion system, andenhancethe system ofcorr uptionsi ncet he foundi ng ofourparty, have bee nthinki ng abouttack ling corruption.Currently,democraticlegalsystem, managementsystem andsupervision mecha nism is notperfect
57、,admini strative actsare notverystandardized, Enter prise behavi orand market behavior, corruption presentsa diverse, pluralisti c, complex trends,thisshiftthe struggle betwe enthetw o,willa ccompanyyuan,a n increase of17.5% ; localgovernme ntgeneral budgetrevenueof500 millionYuan,.Painti ng, modelculture creates newMa Chur ch community,
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