



1、8Bunit 4 A good read 一.知識點。1. Sandy is wondering where to ask for help.(1)wonder 此處用作及物動詞, 意為想知道,對感到懷疑”。Eg:She won dered what the child was doing.【拓展】1wonder 作不及物動詞,意為感到驚訝”。What are you wondering about?你對什么感到疑惑?2wonder 4wonder 作不可數名詞,意為驚奇,驚異,驚訝”。a look “ wonder 驚異的表情be filled with wonder 非常驚奇3wonder

2、 作可數名詞,意為奇觀”。The Great Wall is one of the won ders in the world.ask for 意為請求”。ask sb. for.意為向某人請求.”。Eg:Sa ndy often asks her classmates for advice about lear ning Chin ese.(2013 .山東東營)-l wonder_ .-Shandong Provi nee.A whe n will Peng Liyua n comeB. Where Peng Liyua n is fromC. Where Peng Liyua n cam

3、e fromD. How Peng Liyua n will come2. Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities.advise 及物動詞,意為“建議,勸告”,后面常跟名詞、代詞、動名詞或賓語從句等。Eg:The doctor advised (taking) a week rest.【拓展】advise sb. to do sth.意為“建議某人做某事”Eg:She advised us to wait.她建議我們等一等。3. Daniel taught himself how to use a computer

4、 to draw.(1) teach on eself 意為“自學”,相當于 learn by on eself.The girl taught herself En glish. =The girl lear ned En glish by herself.teach sb. (how) to do sth.意為“教某人(如何)做某事”Eg:Would you please teach me (how) to paint Chin ese pain ti ngs?4. What you think of it and so on.你認為這本書怎么樣,等等。and so on 是一個短語,意為

5、“等等”,用在舉例的末尾,表示舉例未完。and so on 之前的舉例,都是用逗號隔開的,不能用and 連接。I love many sports such as football,basketball,badm inton ,table tennis and so on.5. You must return the books on time .on time 意為 “按時,準時 ”。Eg:We students should get to school on time.【拓展】in time 意為“及時”。Eg:Will you be able to finish it in time?6

6、. All the British publish ing houses refused to publish it.refuse 及物動詞,意為“拒絕”,其常用搭配有:(1) refuse+名詞/代詞,意為“拒絕.”。Eg:He refused my help.(2) refuse to do sth.意為“拒絕做某事”。Eg:He refused to accept my invitation .refuse sb, sth.意為“拒絕某人某物”。Eg:She can、t refuse him anything .7. so far 意為“到目前為止”,指從過去某一時刻開始一直到現在這一段

7、時間。So far 常用于現在完成時態(tài),多位于句首或句末。So far we e planted more than 2 , 000 trees.8. a great success 巨大的成功success 此處用作可數名詞,意為成功的人或事” ;success 也可作不可數名詞,意為成功”,其反義詞為 failure 失敗”。Failure is the mother of success.【拓展】1succeed 用作不及物動詞,意為成功”,后常跟 in doing sth.。The people succeeded in climb ing the mountain at last.2

8、successful 形容詞,意為成功的”。My uncle is a successful bus in essma n.3successfully 副詞,意為成功地”。If you work hard,you will get it successfully.(哈爾濱中考)Dear friends,please read every sentence carefully. Details decide_or not. If you take it seriously,you achieve your goal!A successB. successfulC succeed9. The fi

9、rst Harry Potter book was a great success in the very beginning.(1) very 此處用作形容詞,意為正是.,就是那個,恰恰是. ”,與 the, this, that 或my, your, his 等連用,以加強語氣。Eg:This is the very pen I want.這正是我想要的鋼筆。(2) in the very beginning 在剛開始”,in the beginning 開始,起初”,也可用 at first.Eg:He became interested in English in the very b

10、eginning .他在剛開始就對英語感興趣。10. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.(1) tell 此處用作及物動詞,意為“告訴” 。tell sb. sth.意為“告訴某人某事”。Eg:Please tell me your phone nu mber aga in.【拓展】tell sb. to do sth.表示“告訴某人做某事”,其否定式為 tell sb. n ot to do sth.Eg:Tell him n ot to be late aga in.(2014 .北京)My parents alwa

11、ys tell me_ more vegetables and fruit.A. eatB. eatingC.eats D . to eat(2) because 用作連詞,意為“因為” .eg:He didn come because he was busy.辨析: becausebecause asas 與 sincesincebecausebecause 意為“因為”,引導的從句表示直接的原因或理由,常用于回答why 引導的問句。Eg:I was late because I was ill yesterday.asas意為“由于,鑒于”,引導的從句表示十分明顯的原因。Eg:As you

12、 weren tthere,l left a message.sincesince意為“既然”,表示稍加分析可得出來的雙方都知道的原因。Eg: Since everybody is here,let begin our meeting.(3) keep a secret 意為“保守秘密”。Eg: I donwant to let more people know it. Please keep a secret.11.His story gave me a lot of con fide nee.confidence 不可數名詞,意為“信心”。have confidence in 意為“對.

13、有信心”。eg:D on be n ervous. You should have con fide nee in yourself.【拓展】con fide nt 形容詞,意為自信的,有信心的,有把握的”,常用作定語或表語。be confident of 意為對.充滿信心”。Eg:lm con fide nt of success .我有信心能成功。There is a con fide nt smile on his face .他的臉上露出了自信的微笑。12. I also want to travel and have excit ing experie nces in the fut

14、ure.(1)experienee 在此用作可數名詞,意為經歷”.Eg:He has a lot of unusual experiences .【拓展】1experienee 還可用作不可數名詞,意為經驗”。表示做某事的經驗時,其后常接 in/of doingsth.oEg:Mr Wang has so much experie nee in teach ing.2experienee 還可作及物動詞,意為體驗;經歷”。Eg:The girl has n ever experie need sad ness .這個女孩從未體驗過悲傷。3experieneed 形容詞,意為有經驗的”。Eg:M

15、y father is an experieneed teacher.我父親是一個有經驗的教師。in the future 意為將來”。I will be a doctor in the future .13. Who do you usually ask for advice on books?advice 不可數名詞,意為建議,忠告,勸告”。表示一條建議”用a/one piece of advice ,表示一些建議”用some advice.Eg:l give you some advice on how to look after your pet dog.【拓展】advice 的常用搭

16、配:give sb. some advice/give some advice to sb .給某人提一些建議ask for advice 征求意見follow/take sb. advice 接受某人的建議(2014 貴州遵義)Mr. Li is always patient to give me_ on how to work out the problems.A.adviceB. many advicesC.some advice14. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books.(1)over 介詞,

17、意為多于,超過”,相當于 more than。Eg: I have been here for over 10 years .我已經在這里 10 多年了。(2)type 可數名詞,意為類型,種類”,相當于 kind。a type of 一種.all types of 各種各樣的.different types of 不同類型的.Eg:There are different types of books in the bookshop .二.語法專項。1 凝問詞+to do在英語中,疑問詞(who, what, which , when, where, how 等)可以跟動詞不定式,但是疑 問詞

18、 why后不能跟動詞不定式。(1)作主語,此時謂語動詞常用單數形式。When to have a sports meeti ng is still a problem.作賓語,常放在動詞(詞組)tell, show, know, learn, decide, teach, find out, forget, wonder,remember 等后面。I have n decided what to eat for lun ch.(3)作表語The questi on is how to lear n En glish well.作雙賓語,常放在 advise, tell, ask, teach,

19、 show 等詞后面。Can you advise me which coat to buy?“疑問詞+ +動詞不定式”結構可以改為從句。Can you tell me what to do n ext?=Ca n you tell me what I should do n ext?I forgot where to meet her.=I forgot where I should meet her.2.must 與 have to1. must 的用法must 是情態(tài)動詞,意為“必須,一定要”,后接動詞原形,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑問句。Must 的否定形式 must not (must

20、n )語氣較為強烈,意為“不許;禁止”。I must finish the work before dinner.You mustnswim in the lake. It too dangerous.2. have to 的用法have to 意為“必須,不得不”,后接動詞原形,表示在客觀上有必要做某事。使用haveto 時應注意以下幾點:(1) have to 有一般現在(have to , has to),一般過去(had to)和一般將來(will have to)等多種時 態(tài)。Eg:Sa ndy had to wait at the park gate yesterday morning.(2) 構成一般疑問句時,要在句子開頭加do/does, did 或 will 等助動詞。Eg:Will they hav


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