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1、國五聽力資料CD2UNIT3 CITY LIFECD2-2MR GREY: Ok,kids,we' get lost!Dan: No problem.Dad!lt'ten past two now,so weve got more than three hoursShari: We want to get some interesting information for our ezine,so where we go firstAlvin: Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge in London. Lets go thereShari

2、: How do we get there?Alvin:l et'look at the map.now,w6s'ereDan:we have to go straight along this road.we don't go across the river .we turn left here.Dan: ok,now we're at a corner.Do we want to go left or right ,Alvin?Alvin: er,I don'know .I think we take the third street on the

3、 right ,then walk past this parkShari: er ,boys.tur n the map roun d!w6re going in the wrong directi on!Shari: Excuse me. Can you tell us how to get to Tower Bridge,please?Woman: Look, dear, it's'behind youCD2-41、sat the end of the street?2、'on the right?3、'on the left?4、Go straight

4、on .Take the third street on the right .Walk past the shoe shop and stop .Whats on the right?5、Go up The High Street .Take the first street on the right .Next take the first street on the left and go across Green Street .Then take the first street on the right . What'on the left?CD2-51 castle 2

5、hotel 3 police station 4 airport 5 museum 6 theatre 7 post office8 taxi 9 restaura ntCD2-91 under 2 won 3 cafe 4 maths 5 jump 6 study 7 fur 8 country 9 nurse 10 actor 11 dow n 12 cloudy 13 hungry 14 mustUNIT4 Disaster!災(zāi)難!CD2-12Shari: That was amazingAlvin: It was really scary as wellAlvin: Now we &#

6、39;e got a great project for our ezine.Disaster!Shari and Dan: Yeah!Reporter: Well ,hello ,children.Are you getting warm?Shari ,Dan and Alvin: Yes!Reporter: Can you tell me what happened?Shari: It was hot and sunny this morning ,so we decided to sail to the small isla nd for a piic with my dadAlvin:

7、 When we were sailing to the island ,the sky went dark.Reporter: Were you listening to the weather on the radio?Dan: the radio was on ,but we were n'liste ning to the weather .We were liste ning to music.Reporter: Why didn 'you go back to the beach?Dan: Because we were very near the island .

8、 We decided to wait there for the weather to get betterbut it did'. A stom startedShari: We were walking up the beach,looking for somewhere safe to stay , when lighting hit the boat and it caught fire.Reporter: What a dieaster!Shari: We couldn'leave the island , so Dad had to phone for helpA

9、lvin: At first the phone didn 'work . But then he tried again and it was ok,phewReporter: Were you afraid?Shari,Dan and Alvin: Yes!Dan: But it was really exciting when the helicopter came to get us.Shari and Alvin: Yeah,that was great!CD2-161、The tsunami was on 28 december 19082、The volcano Krak

10、atoa erupted on 26 August3、The Great Hurricane was in 18704、The Hindenburg disaster was on 6 may 19375、The Titanic hit an iceberg on 14 january 19126、The lisbon earthquake was on 1 novemberCD2-181、It' sunny and windy. There are a lot of red apples on the trees.They're falli ng and there are

11、some on the ground.2、It' sunny and windy. The children are flying their kites in a field.There are a lot of small,yellow flowers.3、It' sunny and raining. There are a lot of big,yellow flowers in the field and there's a rain bow in the sky.4、It 'hot and sunny. The childre n are hav in

12、g a piic n ext to the river and there are some apples on the bla nket.5、It 'sunny, but there are some clouds and a rain bow in the sky. The children are in a field . They re reading ics on a blanket.6、It 'grey and foggy. The childre n are play ing in the garde n. They 're jumping in the

13、leaves. Theresa fire because their fathe'burning leaves.He' weari ng an old brow n hat.7、It 'gray and foggy. Outside we can see that there aretna ny leaves on the trees in the garden. The children are reading ics next to the fire in the livi ng room.8、It' sunny, but there are some cl

14、ouds in the sky. Some boats are saili ng on the lake.9、 The children are eating sandwiches next to the fire in the living room. Outside we can see its foggy and snowing heavily10、It' sunny. The children are having a piic at the beach. Some boats are sail ing on the sea.11、The children are playin

15、g in the garden. There's a lot of snow and they're making a sno wma n. It'got a carrot for a nose and an old brow n hat on its head.12、It 'cloudy and win dy. There are a lot of leaves on the trees in the garde n. Theyre red, orange and yellow. Theyre falli ng on the ground.CD2-201、Th

16、ey were running round the park.2、 I was fishing under the trees by a river.3、She was painting a flower in the garden.4、We were playing golf on the grass5、She was driving across the desert on a bus6、They were walking in the forest on a cloudy dayCD2-23Nick:Today our programmer is ing from the USA. Go

17、od morni ng, DrBrosa na. Wele to our series on world disasters.Dr Bros nan: Good morning, Nick.Nick: Now, today's programme is about volcanoes. Which volcano are you going to tell us about first?Dr Bros nan: Well,today I'm going to tell you about Mount Sai nt Hele ns here in the USA.Nick: Wa

18、s that the worst volcano eruption ever?Dr bros nan: No, it was n't. The worst eruptio n was in Tambora in Indonesia in 1815. It was 100 times worse than the eruption at Mount Saint Hele ns.Nick: So, why is Mount Sai nt Hele ns importa nt?Dr bros nan: Well, it was n 'the worst erupti on in th

19、e world,but it was the worst eruption in the USANick: When was it?Dr brosnan: On 18 May 1980Nick: How did it start?Dr bros nan: Well, scie ntists were watch ing the moun ta in becauseo ne side of it was growing by two metres a day. At half past eight in the morning, it erupted. There was no noise, s

20、o it was a big surprise for all the people there.Nick: What happened?Dr bros nan: the sky turned black and there was light ning. A big cloud of hot gas went 19km into the sky.Nick: Did you say 19km?Dr bros nan: That' right, and in two days the cloud of gas arrived in NewYorkNick: Was that the la

21、st time Mount Saint Helens erupted?Dr brosnan:N o, but 1980 was by far the worst eruption.Review Un its 3 and 4CD2-251、Where did Paul go yesterday?Girl:Hi, Paul. How are you?Paul:F ine, tha nksGirl:Where were you yesterday? I didn'see you.Paul:No, I was in London visiting my granddad.Girl: wow!2

22、 What did they do first?Girl : What places did you visit?Paul: well,the first place we went to was the Natura History Museum.Girl: Really?Paul: Yeah. It'great. It'got thing from all over the world.3 What did they do in the park?Girl:The n where did you go?Paul:Well,after the Natural History

23、Museum,we went to a park.Hyde ParkGirl:What did you do there?Paul:I flew my kite because it was really wi ndy.4 What did they have for lun ch?Girl: Did you go to a restaura nt for lun ch?Paul: No,we had a piic in the park. My granddad makes lovely san dwiches.5 What was the film about?Girl:Did you s

24、tay in the park all after noon?Paul:No. It started to rai n so we went to Gran dda'to watch a film.Girl:oh! What was it about?Paul:It was about the Titanic disaster,whena big boat hit an iceberg. It was very sad.6 How did Paul get home?Girl: did you get a taxi home?Paul: No,I went to the bus sta

25、ti on with Gran dad and we caught the bus.He' stay ing at our house for the weeke nd.Girl: That'great!CD2-26Shari:This is a great new shopping centre. Ifsall made of brick. Look at this sweet shop!Dan: Wow! Look at those mice! They're made of white chocolateAlvin: Let sgo and buy some sw

26、eet.Dan: Ahah! Do you like my new teeth?Shari: Ugh. They're horrible. What are they made of?Alvin: ha ha! They're made of sugar. They re great. Nice one,DanDan: Hee,hee,heeShari :Ooh,look! These snakes are made of rubber. There fantasticAlvin: Yeah! Ooh, I'm going to buy one of these spi

27、ders. Theyre made of furDan: Really?I don 'th ink an ybody's going to be afriad of thoseShari:Ah! Look out, Dan! There s a big black spider on your shoulderDan: No,there isn't.Alvin: Oh,yes,there is. That spider isrtmade of fur,Dan. It'real!Dan : Aagghhh!Alvin and Shari: ha ha ha!Alv

28、in: It' OK. We were only joking!Dan:Hmph. Well,let sgo and find out what thing are made of for our next ezine.Alvin: OKShari: Oh,yeahCD2-281Girl: Is your new schoolbag made of leatherBoy: Y es,it is2Boy: Whe n did you make the sno wma n in this picture?Girl: We made it the last time it snowed a

29、lot. You can only build sno wma n in very cold win ters because the'e made of snow.3Girl: What is this wall made of?Man: It 'made of bricks. I always use brick whe n I build walls4Woman1 :I love your hat. Is it new? It look very warm.Woman2:Thankyou. It is new and it is very warm because it

30、'made of fur!5Girl: What'this? Is it made of plastic?Woma n: No,it' called an eraser and it 'made of rubber. Look! It feels soft and you can use it if you make a mistake when you write with apen cil.6Girl: What'your school like?Boy: it 'n ice! It' very big and ' got o

31、ld, sto ne walls.7Girl: Where"syour old,metal bike? You usually ride it to school.Boy: Can I buy a pen cil made of glass?Woman: No! Our pencils are made of wood, like this one.Girl: I know that.CD2-331、Through. He was walking through the park.2、Would. Would you like a spoon?3、Week. There are se

32、ven days in a week.4、Flower. She was wearing a dress with a big flower on the pocket.5、Way. Can you tell me the way to the museum,please?6、Road. Take the third road on your left.CD2-36Woman: Today we have with us Dr Siman Carter who is going to talk tous about how we use plastic in Britain.Dr Carter: Hi. That "right. Today we use plastic for almost everyth ing.I'm going to tell you what we use it for , and how much we use.Woman : Right. Well, I see you ve got a diagram here to help us un dersta


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