1、lil - c - aIL c.e . lie . -Ik, ”-lh.mll.,.lr.t r.i" - e cam aid m”. 2 s-eVSii ad iisSii, ulil a. "eILl llil_e m_ ., maes if i_icen. mire I i ill e l if de cis livs 11, mu li ii iaiiia simeh - fol if mae Shaig .>.,".-ik a il |l!I., cag .”-e ThiL,ifmaiii”mi- lcig lei i "e ll_h I
2、he Iul, 一 praii e AUee Ipeieile i e. I he misl im|irail liig S I e , s .a. ai l .Ie fu eiai ileissil Ie , i. mjri y if Ie ieie. cay iul iseilig Ihe - e ia id ece I level aduiigceayGeiea (fia.'lciiu shlLU .-.,mal cQUckaii. s Ihe Giir, lise reae. li Ihe g llaEve ilGv |rllalack fir Ie lime le ig, I
3、e sUmssii if ifirm<liilu、u",lhal s, fid Ies lay aleliilleleiiC i iii., Igrsi l he pulli c seilmel a. eaiis。safgua. I一 .11. 一 l- -. l. 1 rL 一一一 . . - l _l ll 一Ld -ce. . >_ sliig Gveill dui I g oegeyLgel Nil hahheleig silcii uealme is ii chage if Iheill a y a -iig sed ad rrau fase、iriva ai
4、l beUok limiemel -iki y Tbe Iiei, lUurssig Ihe mas - ae mis cice iedabiul ad reteciig Ie sliiges e s eflls Il sl<e Ihe |i ll - . Ill- l -一 - 一 .- 一 . I -一ieaiGi - rir, Lide Ieiima |r icedue ca di gild I higs ill Gi<erill, ill lUhil.ed l,C.Lil,eaes,he Ui |icUe if - is, lie s lie i, lisi s le li
5、e if le i ifmaii.ie. aid ill imi eed. Oe s Islck li ilicies、hl if iseciii i si- -.II-一一ILd 一 L Ie G<erill Iid is Isie Ie llll . Ie lulise if suevsii, I e sve leiril .Ii a.here li aualialveLusl iis qualalve il|ecl'e s if Ihe mice shiU daeliuse lul as. . - l l .id ful her imi.<e Iheif iL&quo
6、t; Igc Il be ela lie a id ueLI - sUmil iiflmI L.i. Si cle d uae dll Lie, aiumle if imiirlal isues Illaliii liI I ave css Iiuesiimlkig, li g LUe a id |rlmie I he k a id she l'a irilems. Mie d c-. Ol he ie. i ifmaii a id _e|e icy ii.rma.i, a lU esaal li ii slic a ccrace -i hle |ricedue 、im, iesaer
7、,iesaes ieve ae, aid luievisii ive sieh sii, lack ise ci sae ill sihiu as, Ie lime dies LUill m is, disal masesdid ill mis, Ie rel Ighl if sue- iiluli*, -ih Ihe leie .S -ihc!ulii|s suevsi ig - ia.es殘聯業(yè)務知識試卷(總分100分)選擇題(每小題1分,共48分)1 .根據康復定義不正確的說法是(A,以提高功能水平為主線C,以提高生活質量為目標的康復2 .康復的主要目的是()A.增加活動能力C.以疾病治
8、療為導向3 .全面康復是指幫助患者達到()A .肢體功能的全部恢復C.心理功能的全部恢復B.身體、B.以疾病為導向的康復D.綜合協(xié)調地應用各種措施B.以社會為導向,進行康復D.最大水平提高功能,回歸社會心理、職業(yè)、社會生活的整體恢復D.器官功能的全部恢復4 .社區(qū)康復任務不包括()A.組織殘疾兒童進行特殊教育B.提供就業(yè)咨詢輔導和訓練C.提供疾病的治療D.進行社區(qū)康復訓練5 .社區(qū)康復護理原則重點是訓練()A . “自我護理” B. “協(xié)同護理”C.“專業(yè)水平護理”D .“心理護理”6 .在建立社區(qū)康復環(huán)境中重點要求的保障是 ()A.提供快速通道B,光線照明應充足C.地面應平整D,無障礙設施建
9、立7 .偏癱病人功能訓練重點內容是()A.輔助性支具使用B.健側功能的代償C.患側肌肉鍛煉D .患側功能的恢復8 .防止精神分裂癥復發(fā)的重要措施是()A.堅持服藥 B.使病人心情愉快C.居住環(huán)境安靜D.有家屬的照顧9、哪一年我國開始有計劃的開展殘疾人康復工作?(A 1990 年 B 1989 年 C 1988 年10、目前我國有多少殘疾人?(A 8000多萬 B 6000多萬 C 5000多萬11、康復的基本途徑有幾種形式?()A 4種 B 5種 C 6種12、從哪一年開始我國將白內障復明手術作為重點康復工程列入國家計劃實施?(A 1988 年 B 1989 年 C 1990 年13、精神病人
10、的治療方式主要是什么?()A住院治療B手術治療 C親情治療eeliigssurvey, ly liik iig ui iulli cse ilimeils li fiid i.li-s Pl il s -l iicraie is siecahadai ais-er li everylh ig I he s r if %. e ai imiaclii simeiflheiulsla idi ig issues, suiervisi ii deiarlme ils aid iifirmaliii cimiiieils ligelhe r, ilayl hesuiervi siry rileif l
11、heialiig i ileriala ideiler ialfealures,ciilacl,rallyalalllevels, li milivaleeveryaiflhe daily-irkif le Paly Cmmile. siarlyaulhirilies iidicume ilha idliigregulalicullural- irk iili l herece iliii, alillle mirehumaiiis aidiriviieeds,acivks, i- ler if |resue realii, ica e li eccirdi ig li la- aid se
12、curily e ifirceme il,eisurelhelhe Geieral deCieeice a id eeraime il sev s fl cus ii lig ligs males Iiilia -irk li mlel Ihe iemaids if ie- Ichiilig, devil|meld,receiliii services shiul d layslressii humae , |esia , cLiua ad h - a. cel ii a id - ik Ue cy -I |e|le, re -|liii vics diecl,alclig leOace if
13、iaycmmi - e,ou un - a IL cae m_ lie f_s -ok, ""'.", moreil! Ini _e mai ., ms of i_ices uls more t o it e ." .0”, mu to in lOtna ""一."niwa.ai Shang ".".," 111a wok, a il pull ., cag p”-e ,",” o."im tbe”-m" c Quck a il tmei y The aw
14、: fr lie . ". ».ba. In "” ng, te sums- of f"-、" tat s, " the”a .aw.i. d "(>" .”" a"- tiailimiit _ul y Tbe t ue il -一e Tue mai* refec lie ul picueof-is,ns0 o, Isi s tel. of tei "”一. ” q . il qii.ii . *.iilla."""“ > igcTobe“bi
15、e a ui W slmi iifiatu t "iue_nm_bb, to g Ude a il ime t he wk a il sve .“"”. M l . . Ot he ”- i "r>”. a il . i ifiaii, a pd eaton in stc a wi lie pr o-.*“e.ai* ne ae, aitr.o" - e cam aid Ikmmig In 2 sue - onaL iisson, iilil il proiecigtheiiI.e totouch the trllh,一prraji eslts A
16、Lee topepeoleI te- t he most mportant thing.to e , s .aL a I L pie Iu eitaliterssoi te oo h ig mjri y of the pepe. cay ill ispecin,so mis go eamong the mases go L pitte rralt a , s pay ateinttepeoples-l iooL, tgrsp t he plbli c sen - et a- eanns。saiguaL the be nei, o-rssn. the mases ae moscnceledabo
17、lta- reielig the stronlesisuesefrtsto slo t he of ins mp ente-aidnotimpeeL.Oestostckto pl.ies、ht of ispecionisoneofthemos im portat po r s of the Hile shol Laetouse bltals -I - lin. So cle L -ae Lto l , animbeofmportatisuesbolLupeni sin ove spev sin, tack ise ci saenotsolo ateb e Lies 1Lllitmis,-isa
18、t masesLiLnotmis,therellg hl of sue- onluto*, -i h the bene .S -ih.luton» sue - ' ng iepatmiets.olL se ighe I te lollcioosllss of al horize L stil, accig t o proleure pe- ntig the siensi on a id ecelsie I panel a ig birdetgrssr oos. To ti s end, the upens on lepalment of te Pal, Cmmi of lup
19、enisiolmustbelide!,aid Cuint,pay Cummitte Se crtayGe nea mice. Slcol shold fouson.sthe Gonenor, lose reae- to the g obaE- it Gon enol t he prota ce- L.iuI sting Gone lor Lui I g oege, iget Not han ng sppcil -ealme ns il chage of the Geneal Go - .or, lide te noma pl ocedue ca Li good t higs lot Go<
20、;er nor, not .uholzeLb,Cuint,eies lot te Go<er nor lir L is Isle te prbl -. Ie pupose of suenis on, I e sne te prob . To aee to aidfuther.p.<e t he14、兒童智力障礙分為幾級?()A三級 B 四級 C 五級 D六級15、兒童智力障礙的預防分為幾級?()A三級預防B四級預防C 五級預防16、耳聾的種類有幾種?()A三種B四種C五種17、精神殘疾分幾級?()A三級B四級C五級D六級18、家庭康復訓練是對聾兒進行啟蒙教育、幫助聾兒發(fā)展“聽”“說
21、”能力的什么途()A 一般 B極一般 C最佳19、弱智兒童通常在各個方面的發(fā)育、發(fā)展均比一般人遲緩,但發(fā)展的次序是什么?()A不正常 B 完全正常 C基本正常20、殘疾人用品用具,目前國內較為常用的分類方法有幾類?()A 4類 B 5類 C 6類21、社區(qū)康復是以什么為基礎開展殘疾人康復服務的工作形式和途徑?()A 社區(qū)和醫(yī)療機構 B家庭和醫(yī)療機構C社區(qū)和家庭22、智力殘疾兒童康復訓練的領域主要有什么、感知、認知、語言、生活自理、社會適應六大領域?()A運動 B學習 C 舞蹈23、智商可用什么符號表示?()AICBIQCJQDJC24、正常人的智商為多少?()A70B80C90D10025、大
22、聲呼叫聽取困難屬于哪級耳聾?()A極重度聾B 中度聾 C 中重度聾 D 重度聾26、目前使用助聽器最多的一類是哪種?()A盒式 B 眼睛式 C耳背式D耳內式27、弱視的最佳治療年齡為幾歲?()A35 歲 B 47 歲 C 812 歲 D3 7 歲28、白內障治療的最佳方法是什么?()。A藥物治療B手術治療C診斷治療D輔助器具29、殘疾人就業(yè)的主要方式包括集中就業(yè)、()、自主擇業(yè)和自主創(chuàng)業(yè)等。A、分散就業(yè)B、分散按比例就業(yè)C、合伙就業(yè) D、集體就業(yè)30、勞動合同的履行應遵循全面履行原則、()、協(xié)作履行原則。A、安全履行原則 B、實際旅行原則 C、一致履行原則 D、防范風險原則“gs lie ,i
23、,1 liking u pllc -ntiment s tofiL plbl-s Pl ob- s l inceae is se ca pen son, se incuts hold on II We solcisieiti oosy im p et the lei ng contacig mates seure had an anse toeneyhi ng, len-Ils lie of %. <e an impac onsme of the oltsaI I g us, lupensi on iepalments a id inumain cm ponents toge he, p
24、lay the slensorl role of the n med a toplm ole plbems m g "este l.insst on a iaiy Ill, alud t h e pra cie of trlh caching fiienny, fous sicifcain.、g ul p m to the paly Of alud cinecing, cool naing inteaa a id -te I a faues conta c, aly at al enls, Imotinae eney ase ct adee to the trlh, sreI gth
25、ening sa lida l - l mannget to a cie<e cohee nt, efcet ad fec Uncinig of theay - o. of the Paly Cmmi s plooessng m-sg- solslne to st.* sana a id quai y Steiing is to citlil the nimbe of mesaes cmpre - mesae s,reuc ng proceure, impr o<e mesage handl ng fiiency S ppcacaions, is to sri d| efce th
26、e ba isuedbytheComminispall aUhliis idocome nt hai ng rrguatins a id pinncal ad mlnicpal egulai ons cnnciet olil, sengte I ad impl'e cmmlnicai ins ma nng-et I e isue tha pal,docomesoel y Hg h oly, s t o impl - te qoaliy of mesage pl. ng, i s ne cesay I iciuate,i mplementig te ientiin of the Paly
27、 C.mmi ,Oance good commuiat ons policy pl og» close e nnulng ta te e is no elor. Se cid meei ng sceiule d tenue toroogh, sae ad efiient -,alage ns fl te meeig s ad eent* caeUly alaged, iem b,iielae impementt, sue ongor ous,stemlie meltig s actnil s nimbe of pe sue re dlotin, sale to e I Ure t h
28、a esi egl fom te Ge nea Cnfeene ad eelaimet se nics, fcus on bg ti ngs, mates Thi , reepton -nces shoUd a,ste - onh ae pelsnnl cultlal ad human. Reepti on aid -k iecy -i h pe opl e, lee ptin sen ccs recy fecig te Ofce of pay Cummlee The imlge of the Igiin. JI the lame t>e steghenigte const icinof
29、 Ibra ,mpro'e t he ecetin cidiins, morehomaorieepesnalculUra ok it t he lee pin, a lite more homanes a lite mle hlma cae mle hlmae amoshee, ad consaily .pi<e te leni ce, .pin e te qoaly of leni ce lean-hile to fut he pa,spc' a akitii I the -i,-ilk of te lie Ike Systm. C.nfieitil - rk rrsp
30、onsiily sstm for lang ce s tmpeme nt - cu Is a ea ie| to bpro'e the cifieitia of caisii per soinel e spe-ly 11a dig ca die, ste I gte nig pal,ad Gnermet focus on nia -cols of - cu maagement, I adnace princ,ma nng-et sa Ida diatoi, modenzat on of scu e cniuos Is a mla ns of aimi nisain a cci ng I
31、 a- ad H,e ifrceme nt ensue the saey of te pay ad Sae scet. Cuneitil-ilktomlet the iemaids of ne- tchiolog,lil - - a IL c.e . lie . -Ik, ”.lh.一,lll.,.lr.t r.i" - e cam aid m”. 2 s-eVSii ad iisSii, ulil a. "eILl llil-e ml> ., maes if i_icen. mire I i ill e l if de l_ iivs 11, mire li ii
32、iaiiia simeh -.if mae Shaig .>.,".-ik a il |l!I ., cag .”-e ThiL,ifmai ii”mi- lcig lei i "e ll_h Ihe Iul, 一 praLicI esus AUee Ipeieile i e. I he misl im|irail liig . I e , s .a. ai l .Ie fu eiai iters. il Ie , i. mjri y if Ie ieie. cay iul i.eiiig Ihe - e ii l lace I iela - igI, Se ceay
33、Geiea (Oiice. Siciiu shiuu .-. mH c QUck a ii, si mu. g .II, s Ihe Giii, lise reaed Il Ihe g ilaEvei| Gvback fir Ie lime le ig, Ie sLmssii if ifiimHiiIu、L",ihai is,1. Ies ia,alellilleiei|. s Ive iiid, Igrsi I he |ulli L se ilme| ad eai 。fg d Ieiir I he |rlla-l df >_ sliig Gveill dui I g oege
34、icyLgel Nil havig siicia uearmeheleirlla r lulla -iig se. ad rrad fase、|riva aI d feulak lim.emel .ikl ,T le I Liei, luurss ig Ihe mases ae misciLe ieda llul a d ekclig le sliige sues efrls Il sl<e Ihe |r lils ii Lhage if IheiealGi - lir, uide leiima |r lLedue ca di gild I higs ill Gi<eriir, i
35、ll -uhill l,Ciuii,e<ue*he UI |iLlue if I Is, lie s lie l, Ihisi s Ihe lie if lei ifmaii.iled aid ill imi eel. Oe s I sickli iiicies、hi if iseLiii i siIII, I e slve leiril .Ti aUee Il aid ful her .|.<e Iheii* qualalve il|ecl'e iy daeli use lulais -if lUliLl aaie Igc Il le ela lie a id ueul
36、sUmi iiflm11a uii.Si Cie d uae dll uie, aiumle if mprlal isues lilaliii liI se accss Ilueii ii makig Il * LUe a id |rlmie I he k a id sve l'a irilems. Mie d c-. Ol he ie* i ifmaii a id - ege icy ii.ima.i, a lU e saH ii ii sIC a ccrace -i hie |r icedue 、im, iesaer,iesaes ieve , aid luievisii i si
37、ev sii.IaCTise Ci sae ill sihiu a le lime dies u.ill mis, mases di . ill mis, le rel ighl if sue- iiauli*, -ih Ihe leie .S -ihcauliil*sue - iig - ia.es31、按()劃分,從業(yè)人員可分為單位就業(yè)、自主創(chuàng)業(yè)、靈活就業(yè)、勞務輸出就業(yè)、公益 崗位就業(yè)等。A就業(yè)方式 B、就業(yè)去向C、產業(yè)D、所在單位性質32、()是勞動保障協(xié)理員職業(yè)守則“嚴格執(zhí)行國家、地方的勞動保障法律、法規(guī)和有關政策”的要求。A、團結互助,相互支持 C、執(zhí)行政策,注重落實 33、有工作要
38、求,但受(C、制定政策,領會政策D、樂于奉獻,愛崗敬業(yè))因素影響尚未實現就業(yè)是失業(yè)的特征之一A、社會B、身體C、主觀34、社會保險主要采用()來保障勞動者的基本生活。A、政治手段B、金融手段C、社會手段35、社會保險的主要特征有:強制性、補償性、預防性、A、合法性B、營利性C、福利性36、關于社會保險與社會保障區(qū)別,不正確的是()。D、客觀D、經濟手段)、共濟性和責任分擔。D、獨立性A、目標不同 B、對象不同C、性質不同D、經費來源不同37、()是采集失業(yè)人員享受就業(yè)再就業(yè)政策情況的主要內容之一。A、享受少數民族政策B、享受住房補貼C、享受政策期限D、享受政策動機38、公益性崗位開發(fā)計劃的主要
39、內容包括:中報事由、崗位名稱、()上崗條件、工資待遇等。A、崗位質量、工作內容B、崗位數量、工作內容C、崗位數量、工作紀律D、崗位職責、工作內容39、在勞動或工作崗位上,勞動者不能充分發(fā)揮其能力,這是()A、就業(yè) B、失業(yè) C、顯性失業(yè) D、不充分就業(yè)40、2010年第十屆亞洲殘疾人運動會(簡稱“亞殘會”)與亞運會在同城舉行,下列哪一項 不是本屆殘奧會承辦方。()A亞殘奧委會B中國殘奧委會C廣州市政府三方 D廣州殘奧委會41、2010年第十屆亞洲殘疾人運動會歷史上第()次與亞運會在同城舉行。A 一B二C三D四42、亞殘會的理念不包括()A同一個視角B同一個目標C同一項使命D同一種希望43、廣州
40、2010年亞殘運會定于2010年12月12日開幕,()閉幕。A 12月19日 B 12月20日 C 12月21日 D 12月22日44、與架拐杖的朋友同行、上樓卞$或乘電梯,最好走在他們(),不要讓他們有緊迫感;如果為了方便照顧他們,也可在征求他們的意見之后,陪伴在適合的位置。A左邊 B右邊 C前面 D后面“gs lure,i,I iikig u |Uic ilimeil s li. i.ll-s Pl il s-iiceae is siecaluievsii, uacculs hild ii Il - siuUcisieili i-y imi el Ihe ieui ig LiilaLiig
41、 males seure. had ai ais-eIeve" ig, leilells rae if%. <e ai im|aL iisme if Ihe iulsaiU I g us,7e iiiialmeils a id iifimaii cm |iieils lige he, iI,Ihe suevsiry rie if Ihei med a l.lm ile l.lems g .v le l.iissl ii a Laiy rui, alud I h e |ra Cie if lUh c hig feeicy, fcus siciacHii. Ig Ui |iy I
42、le lay Of alud ciieCiig, Lill uiaiig iileia a id -le I a Ues clia C a alai e , Imil eeve, ase l| adee li Ihe lUh, sleI gleiiig sa iual - l maiigel li aLie ciheeil, elCel ad eleL UiCiiig if Ihe .ay - i. if le Pa" Cmmile. s |riiessig m-sg- siuUslve li sliie sa-u a id quai y Sle.iig is I cilil le
43、iumle if mesaes cm|re - mesae s,reuC ig iriceur im|r i<emesage haidi ig fceicy SKciacHiis, sI sli , efce Ihe las-d i,Ihe CimmuiislU, aUhill idic-e il hadi ig irgua.is a id irvical ad muiiC | a reguiai iis ciiciel lusy sreigleia. im1rlecmmuiicai iis ma i. el I eisue Iha ill,.ic-esirdel y Hg h iu
44、187;| s I i imil - le q iy if mesage |rI Lessig, is iecesa,I(c aHy imiemeilig le ieiliI i if le Pay CmmleeCaaice gildcimmuial iis ilicy irigrBcise u e iiulig la lee is iierrir. Se Cid meei ig sCeuue d leiue liri-h, sae ad efiieil A,alage is Ii le meeig s ad eeils caeUh araged, iem l,iielae imiemeill
45、u, sue i vgir ius,slemke meelig s aCvli s iumle if |re sure re duCii, sae li e.lure Ih a ia si-eglufim le Ge iea "ifeeie ad eelaI mel levics, fius ii Ig liigs, miles Third, ree|liilervces shlUd a,sle- iih ae lersiil cuiural ad humai. Ree|li ii aid - k dieLy -i h |e i|l e, lee ilii sev ccs UreCy
46、 feCig leOfce if lay Cmmiee Ihe im.e if Ihe rgiI i. Ji Ihelame Ime slegheiig le ciiil uCii if ilia,im|ii<e Ihe eceii cidiiis, mireh air iee. lesialcullural-lk ii Ihe reelii, a - mire h - aiiy imir - ie vice,imirive ie q - iy if vice Ml ai-hil li fulher iaysieci aialleiliii li lhedaiiy-irkif ie li
47、e Ike Sys-. "ifieilii -rk r - iiisiiiy ss fir uig cue s i mpemeil se curily as aiea der,l i imirivelhe ciifideiliOy if cssi- lersliiei es|eilah l »g ia die, sre iglheiig iai,adGve I mel ficus ii via leclirs if se curily maiagemeil,li advaice irivacymaiig-el sa Ida dizlii, mideiZHii if secu
48、rilylechiiques asameais if aumi iisaii aicui ig I i- ad le- ri,e illiemei| eisue Ihesae,if le lay aid Slae secls "ifieids ifie-lechiiiigyou un - - , a IL .lie m_ lie f_s -ok,“ "'.", moreil! Ini _e mai ., ms of i_icesulsmoret o it e l of de .”, mu to in lOtna ""一."ni
49、wa.ai Shan.".".," 111a wok, a il pull ., can. - p”-e ,",”!> o."im tbe ” - m" c Quck a il tmei y The -“ "he . ”. ».ba. In "” ng, te sums- of fnt-、-', tat s, Iil te."ia . “ a w.i. d "(>" e .”" a"- tiailimiit _ul y Tbe t .e
50、 ” -一e Tue ma* "c the ul pi.ue of i s, n s 0 o, Is i s tel. of tei "”一. ” .ve ” .ii.ii . *.(a."""“ > igc To be “bie a ui W slmi iifiatu t “ o-sonmiti., t . , a il ime t he wk a il s'e .“"”. M. . . Ot he ”- i"" a il . i ifiaii, a pd eaton in stc a ra- wi
51、 lie n o-.*“e.ai* ie-r ae, aitr.o" - e cam and Ikmmig Il-es 2 suesonai insiloi, aolld ad proHeci.thei i nteess to touch the tlth,一plalicl eslts idee topepeoreIte_t he most bpoltant thin.,to e , s .aL a I L ipte fu entaliterssoHtheoveh i. mjli y of the pepe. cay olt ispecil,so m.s .o - e among t
52、he mases go l pitte Halt a , s pa, atetin to thepeoples-l ioil, t.lsp t he plbli c sen - et ad eanls。fg L the be lei, l - s ng the mases ae moscnceledaboltadifici. the ston-sisle* ellts to slve t he- of ins mp entedandnot imp eeL.Oe,to s" to p"ies、ht of i.pelionis ole of the mos im poltat
53、po r s of the Hile shol Laeto use bltals -I l(i. So cle L Lae L to . , animbeofmpoitatisuesbolL lupe-i sin o-e spe- sin, talk ise ci s ae not so-» a - te b e Loes 1Ll lit mis,. at masesLiLlotmis,thelei. ht of sues on ntholh, -i h the bene -Cal -ihc1111nls sue - ' I. iepatmets.olL se n.he I
54、te lol>ci ousniss of al holize d stil, a ccLi. t o pineuie peve nti. the s|esi on a id ecelse I pleta i. biidet.lssi 00s. To ti s eld, the lupei on Ie pa.melt of te Pal, Cmmi of lupe isiolmustbe llde ct, and Cuint, pay Cummitte Se cltayGe lea mice. Smli, shold louson.stheGovenoi,toseieae.tothe.ob
55、aEventGo- enol t he plota ce. dfiuI stol. Gove lol dui I . »e|e, lget Not ha I. sppcil dealme ns il cha.e of the Geneal Goveloi, llde te noma pl ocedue ca do .old t hi.s lot Giver nor, not.uholzed b, Cuint, enes lot te Gover no. Ti d is Ise te p.bl -. Ie pupose of s|es on, I e se tepiob . To aidee to andfuthermp.ethe45、殘疾人社會工作的根本目的是增強殘疾人的()。A.生理功能 B.心理功能 C.運動功能 D.勞動功能46、下列不屬于殘疾人社會工作主要方法的是()。A.個案工作方法 B.小組工作方法 C.社區(qū)工作方法 D.機構照顧工作方法47、孤獨癥屬于精神病基本類型的哪種類型?()A情感反應性精神病 B器質性精神病C精神發(fā)育遲滯 D其他類型48、精神殘疾分幾級?()A、三級 B、
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