1、1. Parents pick up on social mediaSome young people are blocking their parents on social media. QUANJINGWould you add your parents on WeChat? This has become one of the biggest questions facing young Chinese in an age of *unprecedented digital interconnectedness. In a poll conducted by the Huashang
2、Bao newspaper in Xian, 17 of 40 young people polled said they have added their parents on WeChat, but 14 blocked them from seeing their “friends circles” - a space where friends can share pictures and posts with one another. Of the 20 parents polled, 12 have added their children on WeChat but only c
3、ould see his or her childs *updates. The other 11 parents had been blocked by their kids from having access to their friends circles despite being able to send them messages on WeChat.Some children say theyre not comfortable with their parents combing through their everyday activities and photos, as
4、 their parents either dont approve of the things they do for fun, or would constantly worry over what they consider unsafe or inappropriate behavior. Others say their friends circles are for friends of a similar age with similar interests, and their parents wouldnt understand. However, some say pare
5、nts feelings would be hurt if they discovered their children restricted their access to this part of their social life.So, what is your opinion? Should young people share their everyday activities with their parents through social media like WeChat?Yes.Young people can be friends with their parents.
6、1. Social media is an efficient and informal way for children to keep in touch with their parents. Regular phone calls are still necessary, but with social media parents can keep current on their childrens daily activities, and nothing pleases parents more than that.2. Children often underestimate t
7、heir parents tech *savvy. Not only are many parents on social media like WeChat, many are also surprisingly understanding of young peoples thinking and lifestyles. Before automatically blocking their parents from their friends circles, young people should think twice.3. Many children have difficult
8、relationships with their parents. Social media represents an opportunity to *reboot those relationships. By treating each other as friends and equals on social media, families can overcome any previous sour feelings and work to rebuild their relationships.No.The generation gap cant be *underestimate
9、d.1. Just as we block colleagues, bosses, teachers and others we dont know very well on social media, many young people block their parents because they dont share the same views. The generation gap is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing wrong with that.2. Many Chinese parents are in the habit
10、 of worrying about every little thing their children do, which can hurt relationships. Social media would only worsen this problem, allowing parents to keep tabs on their kids every move.3. Most young adults desire independence from their parents. Kids need to make their own choices. Barring their p
11、arents on social media allows kids room to grow and build the self-confidence necessary to have a successful life.2. Students must train mind and bodyA recent *amended regulation issued by the Ministry of Education has left hundreds of thousands of college graduates this year worried about their fut
12、ure. Under this new policy, university graduates must pass all test items in a physical examination by their graduation, or they will not be issued graduation certificates by their universities. The last version of the regulation, amended in 2007, required students to pass a certain number of tests,
13、 but some of them such as pull-ups, sit-ups and 1km or 800m runs, are optional items which could be replaced by easier tests at a students request. This years amendment made all of these tests *mandatory. Many graduates are worried that they cannot pass the more demanding physical tests and therefor
14、e wont be able to get proper certificates to get jobs or pursue further studies.While supporters of the new policy say that health and physical strength are a key factor for a young persons future success, and point to the worrying decline in the health of many college graduates, opponents insist it
15、 is not necessary to *withhold graduation certificates from those who fail to pass their physical exams.So, what is your opinion? Should college students be banned from graduating if they cannot pass mandatory physical exams?Yes.College graduates need to have a healthy and strong body.1. The purpose
16、 of the new policy is not to bar the graduation of college students, but to encourage them to do more exercise and improve their health. They will not be adequately prepared for the *rigors of starting a career or more studies if they are not healthy and physically strong.2. Many young people give i
17、n to unhealthy lifestyles in college, which results in bad health. If physical exams also become optional, there is very little *incentive for students to improve their lifestyle and health on their own. Only mandatory exams could force them into action.3. Physical exams are just like any other exam
18、 in college students studies. Without passing them all they cannot graduate, it is as simple as that. Students should just think of a strong and healthy body as another important goal to achieve.No.Physical strength is not the most important thing for a college graduate.1. There are many other ways
19、for universities to improve their students health and physical strength, instead of just *slapping mandatory exams on them and withholding graduating certificates from those who cant pass these exams.2. College graduates these days are under huge pressure to achieve high academic scores, apply for f
20、urther studies or hunt for a promising job. Artificially setting another *hurdle for them in the form of physical exams is unfair to these stressed young people.3. Some students may not be entirely healthy or physically fit by the time they graduate, but they have learned key knowledge and skills wh
21、ich qualify them for careers or further academic training; physical education shouldnt become a hurdle.3. Approved for all?評論 打印 收藏Some movie theaters are experimenting with their own ratings systems to better serve moviegoers. QUANJINGFilm ratings have long been a
22、controversial topic in China. Various industry analysts, artist groups and government authorities have expressed support over the years for a rating system like the one in the United States, but so far no development has been made in terms of government regulations or laws. However, encouraged by po
23、pular demand and *frustrated over the lack of laws or regulations, some movie theaters have tried to introduce such a system voluntarily.The latest such move occurred in Urumqi, Xinjiang. The China Film International Theater has introduced two ratings for all films shown there: “general” for films f
24、it for all age groups; “special guidance” for those containing violent, bloody and frightening scenes, which are off-limits to viewers under 13. The theater *enforces the policy by checking ticket buyers identification, checking viewers age at theater entry, and *random *inspections during movies. T
25、wo other movie theaters in Yili, Xinjiang have also introduced similar rules.Some experts have said that such voluntary ratings may help *prompt relevant government agencies into action as movie theater operators are closest to the publics needs and their own rating efforts could eventually gather e
26、nough useful experience for the government to base its official rules on.So, what is your opinion? Could voluntary film rating standards introduced by movie theaters help speed up Chinas movie rating reform and protect young film viewers?Yes.Young film viewers need to be protected.1.The theater oper
27、ators move means that there is an urgent need on behalf of millions of movie viewers as well as the film industry. The government should take the initiative and act soon.2.The theater did this primarily for the good of young viewers who should be protected from content unfit for their age, even with
28、 Chinas tight film content standards.3. As children become an increasingly important part of the movie market, their needs and preferences will be key to the future of the industry. This is sufficient reason for government authorities to take action and shape the future market.No.Film theaters own r
29、atings lack authority.1.The government has long realized how important and helpful it would be to have a film rating system. However, there are so many different and powerful interests behind this that it has been extremely difficult to introduce standards that could suit all the *stakeholders.2.A f
30、ilm theaters own action does not carry any authority and, without laws regulating how ratings should be given and enforced, it is very difficult to keep doing so given the tight competition in the market.3.Protecting children is only one consideration behind introducing a film rating system. There a
31、re also the needs of different age groups that need to be met, and without taking this into serious consideration, a ratings system cannot be successful, official or unofficial.4. Equal education?評論 打印 收藏Recent reports over possible changes to two of Chinas most *pr
32、estigious State-sponsored programs to give funding support to top-tier universities have once again raised *controversy over education equality.The 211 Project and the 985 Project, started by the central government in the 1990s, selected about 100 universities and 39 universities respectively from a
33、round China for generous funding and policy support to help them build state-of-the-art laboratories, start research projects and *recruit top talents from around the world. The Ministry of Education has said both projects have closed their doors to new entrants, while recently, there were reports t
34、hat they may be cancelled altogether. Later, the Education Ministry said they were rumors.The aim of both projects is to help the nations top universities aggressively build up their academic and research capabilities, and become world-class higher education and research institutions. In the last tw
35、o decades, the universities selected to participate in these programs have grown quickly and been generally regarded as the most prestigious universities in the nation. But the programs have also attracted a fair amount of controversy, with some critics saying that they led to the concentration of l
36、imited resources in these “top” universities while affecting the growth of thousands of other higher education organizations, creating more inequality in education. Others say the large amounts of State funding have not always achieved the intended targets, but led to waste and *bureaucratic growth
37、in many universities.So, what is your opinion? Should the 211 and 985 projects be abolished?Yes.Both have served their purposes.1. China already has dozens of world-class universities, and there is no need to continue to give high funding priority to the same universities. Instead, other less develo
38、ped institutions should now become the focus for improvement. Therefore the two *elite programs are no longer appropriate for todays situation.2. In the last two decades “211” and “985” have become *synonymous with education prestige and quality. However, this indeed has created more inequality amon
39、g universities, with those on the lists continuing to enjoy the best resources and attract top students. This is no good for the *sustainable overall development of Chinese higher education.3. All universities should be on an equal footing when applying for government funding support. The projects a
40、re not good for healthy competition between universities, and should instead be replaced by something more open and fair.No.Chinese colleges still need a lot of government support. 1. The existence of the projects doesnt mean these universities enjoy all the funding the government has to offer, but
41、because they have already made big leaps towards becoming world-class universities, they have better chances of achieving greater things than others with the same level of support.2. A handful of Chinese universities may already rank high on global rankings, but most Chinese universities still *lag
42、far behind. The projects can still help direct more resources to the mid-tier universities who can benefit a lot with government support.3. Instead of abolishing the program, the government should consider a more balanced approach and expand the list of universities to receive support, therefore giv
43、ing other universities the opportunities to grow their education and research capabilities, and benefit millions of more students.5. His love a crime?When love is unrequited, do desperate times necessarily call for desperate measures?QUANJINGA student at ShangqiuCollege in HenanProvince became the c
44、enter of a media *frenzy after he was *expelled from the college for “forcibly expressing his love for a female student”. A notice was posted online early this month stating that a student from the colleges School of Electric Information Engineering had been expelled for “severely disrupting campus
45、order” first by declaring his feelings for a female student in public, and then for verbally abusing school officials when they asked his parents to come to the school.While the details of the students *alleged offenses were still under dispute, many commentators have come to his defense, arguing th
46、at the college overreacted to something that is only natural for young people of this age. Even if the female student rejected the students feelings, there was nothing wrong with what he did, they say. In contrast, school officials overreacted by accusing the student in question of inappropriate beh
47、avior and then asking his parents to travel all the way to the college to help deal with the incident.Others, however, think that the student was too immature and had no control of his own emotions, and that what the school did was justified.So, what is your opinion? Should the student have been exp
48、elled?Yes.The student made some serious mistakes.1. The student caused serious *distress to the target of his passion. In a high-stress environment like a college campus, the embarrassment such an *unsolicited proposal brings to a young female student could be quite damaging, even if the male studen
49、t meant well.2. Even if the male student was just acting out of love, he committed serious violations of school regulation and potentially broke the law as well when he lost his *temper and verbally abused teachers when they brought his parents to campus.3. Although colleges have no business *interf
50、ering in students private lives, school officials do have a responsibility to maintain normal order on campus, to protect students rights, and to provide a peaceful environment for them.No.There is nothing wrong with young people expressing their feelings.1. The school made things much worse by *rep
51、rimanding the student for something that should have been resolved between the students themselves. By asking the male students parents to come to the school, officials triggered a very emotional response from the student. The school should *revoke the expulsion decision and apologize to the student
52、.2. There is nothing wrong with going public with ones feelings, especially for young people at this age. Maybe the male student should have taken more care so as not to make the girl feel uncomfortable or hurt her feelings, but this is nothing that justifies expulsion.3. Chinese college officials s
53、till tend to be on the conservative side with a lot of regulations involving students private lives, even though their students are young adults and should be able to make decisions for their own lives.Depression can be defeated with a good treatment plan and a firm understanding of the disease. FIL
54、E PHOTOMore people die from suicide than from conflict, war and natural disasters combined, according to a global report on suicide prevention released by the World Health Organization on Sept 4.The report, the first of its kind, shows that more than 800,000 people die by suicide every year. The rep
55、ort also states suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 15 to 29, and that three-quarters of suicides occur in low and middle-income countries, with higher numbers in central and eastern Europe and Asia.While some suicides are *impulsive, caused by *dire financial *straits, il
56、lness and relationship troubles, academic journalism website The Conversation reports that depression is also a major risk factor in suicide attempts across the globe.Depression is highly responsive to treatment when *detected early in its development. But sadly, there are many *misconceptions surro
57、unding the illness.When US actor Robin Williams took his life after suffering a long *bout with the disorder, many were heartbroken. They couldnt understand how someone so talented and beloved could feel unhappy enough to end his life.Rebranding sadDepression is a disease. Dean Burnett, writing for
58、The Guardian, says depression needs a new name. The word “depressed” can be applied to people who are in a bad mood as well as those with a genuinely *debilitating mental disorder. For this reason, its easy for depression to be dismissed by others as minor. After all, everyone gets depressed every now and then, right?But depression is a serious medical condition. Its an emotional, physical and *cognitive state that is intense, long-lasting and that affects a persons day-to-day life. Someone suffering from depression needs and deserves t
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