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1、2019屆陜西西安市九年級10月月考英語試卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班級_ 分數(shù)_題號-二二三四五六七八總分得分、單項填空1.The Internet has made com muni cati on much _ .I agree. For example, I can com muni cate with my frie nds on WeChat any time.A . popular _ B . n ecessaryC . more convenient D . more importa nt2.What did Ti na say?Sorry, I didnt _what she

2、 said.A . pay atte nti on to B . get on withC . look forward to D . deal with3.Dear stude nts, please read the passage carefully. _youare _ mistakesyoull make.A .The morecarefully, the fewerB .The morecareful ,the lessC .The morecareful ,the fewerD .The morecarefully, the less4.After a 3-week win te

3、r vacati on, stude nts usually_some weight whe n theyretur n to school.A . put away B . put upC . put on D . put off5.How do you improve your listening skill, Mary?I often do it _ tapes and English radios.A. by hearing _ B. in listening toC. by listening_ D. by listening to6.Therere a few new words

4、in the article?What about _ in your dictionary?A. looking it up B. looking up itC. looking them up D. looking up them7.What you can do is _ more English if youwant to learn English well.You mean _ more English is useful to me?A. practicing, practice_ B. to practice, practicingC. practicing, practici

5、ng D. to practicing, practice8.When is National Public Memorial Day(國家公祭日)On December 13 th . And it can _ usof the hard days in the past.A. remindB. rememberC. return_ D. reduce9.Could you tell me _About one hour and a half.A. how long B.how long C.how longYangzhouD. how longYangzhouit takes to dri

6、ve to Nanjing from Yangzhou it took todrive to Nanjing from Yangzhou does it take to driveto Nanjing fromdid it take to drive to Nanjing from二、完形填空10.Being a young person is one thing, and being a good young one is_ . A good person should have these qualities(品質(zhì)): First of all, health.A healthy body

7、 is the best riches(財富). _ _ it, nothing can be donewell. If you are poor in health, you will have to take_ day afterday. Even you cant work, do sports and so on. Secondly, do something for others. Help those introuble and_ the people around you. Ifeveryone did the same, _ wonderful world it would b

8、e!Thirdly, have the ability to work with others. Cooperation(合作) and communication are twoimportant keys to better human relation. Everyone needs friendsno one can live through lifealone or doeverything he wants to.Besides the examples above, patriotism is the one we shouldnever_ _ . Patriotismmeans

9、love forones countryIt is one of the highest qualitiesofhumans.Everyoneshould love hisown country. Butpeople_ thinkthat patriots(愛國者)must besoldiersor thatthey live in atime of fightingfor their country.This isAgood young persons work is not only fighting. A good young person will do the things his

10、countryasks him to do.I think a good young person of today should also have some training in artthey can live betterand enjoy more.1. A. other_ B. one_ C.another_ D. the others2. A. With_ B. Without_ C.After_ D. Before3. A. medicine B. food_ C.drink_ D. fruit4. A. take after B. talk about_ C. arguew

11、ith_ D. care about5. A. how_ B. how a_ C.what_ D. what a6. A. if_ B. because_ C.while_ D. though7. A. remember_ B. answer_ C. forget_D. ask8. A. sometimes B. never_ C. sometime_D. hardly9. A. good_ B. bad_ C.right_ D. wrong10. A. so that B. such asC. whenD. butis a nice question. Its a friendly way

12、for Americans“How are you?”is also a very unusualt need an answer. The person who asks”How arenow.”O(jiān)ften, the per son who wants to finish the phonecall gives an excuse,”Someones at the door.”The excuse might be real, or not. Perhaps theperson who wants tofinish the phone call simply doesnt want to t

13、alk anymore,but it isnt polite to say that. The excuse is morepolite, and it doesnt hurt the other person.When they are greeting eachother, talking aboutan idea, thinking of finishing a talk, peopledont say exactly what they are thinking about.other ways of sayingaHello”or“Hi”.Sometimespeoplealso do

14、nt sayexactly whatthey mean,For example,whensomeone asks“Do youagree?”the otherperson mightthink,“No,I disagreeI think youre wrong.”But it isntvery politeto disagreeso strongly,so theother personmightsay,“Imafraid Itsanicer wayto disagree.People alsodontsay exactlywhatthey are thinking whenthey fini

15、sh talkingwithother people.Forexample, manyphone talksfinish whenone personsaysI haveto goyou?”hopes to hear the answerFine”even if the persons friend isntfine. In fact, they are not really a question or an answer. They are simply1.“How are you?”is another wayof saying“Hello”or“Hi”.2. It is polite t

16、osay”No,I disagree.I thinkyou arewrong”if you dont agree withothers.3. When someone says”I have togo now”onthe phone,it means he wants to goon talking.4.“Someone is at thedoor”may be anexcusefor三、閱讀理解11.“How are you? togreet each other. Butquestion. It often doesnt say exactly what they are thinking

17、 about justbecause they try to be nice to each other.Its an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it ispart of the game of language.finishing a phone call.5.Sometimes, people don12. Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on theli

18、ght and looked at his clock. It was twelve oclock. Who can it be at this time of night?”Hethought. He decided to go and findout. So he got up, put on his dressing gown(長袍) and went to the door. Whenhe opened the door, there was nobody there. That is very strange. Then he went back to hisbedroom, too

19、k off his dressing gown, got back into bed, turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.A few minutes later he heard the bell ring again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushedto the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feelangry. Then

20、 he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it:“It is now after midnight, so it is April Fools Day. April fool to you!”“Oh, it was the English boy next door! Mr. Lee exclaimed (驚叫) andalmost smiled. He went back to bed and fell asleep at once. The bell did not ri

21、ng again.1._ When did Mr. Lee go to bed? He wentto bed_ .A、before twelve oclockB、when the bell rangC、when he saw the boyD、after twelve oclock2._From this passage, we learn that we can_on April Fools Day.A、dance and sing at nightB、send presents to childrenC、play tricks on othersD、give others a piece

22、of paper3.How many times did the bell ring?A、One B、Two C、Three D、Four13. p14. ly:宋體; font-size:10.5ptThe 2014 FIFA World Cup, the twentieth World Cup football match,will be held in Brazil from June 12 th , 2014 to July 13 th , 2014. Thirty-two teams from differentcountries will bring us sixty-four w

23、onderful games during the World Cup. This is the second timethe World Cup is held in this country and the fifth in South America. Thousands of football fans arelookingforward to watchi ng the games.尖上的中國),a mouth-watering documentary TVprogram featuring delicious Chin ese food, has in terested a lar

24、ge nu mber ofpeople. The program has become very popular since it was show n on TV. The docume ntaryprovides not only Chin ese delicious food but also the relati ons betwee n people and food.“Wemade this docume ntary with our respect and love for food. I hope it will help people lear n moreabout Chi

25、n ese food as well as Chin ese culture.” said the directorMr. Chen.Lu Jialei, a school girl from Han gzhou,China, won the champi on ship of the first Chin ese CharacterDictati on Con test, which made her become famous over ni ght. Luis a hard-work ing girl and always comes top at school.like reading

26、 and Im crazy about learning Chinese characters.I enjoy the con test and hope more and more people become in terested in lear ningChin ese characters.”said Lu Jialei2014 FIFA World Cup last?A. About a week._ B. About two weeks.C. About a mon th.D. About two mon ths.2. What kind of TV program is A Bi

27、te of Chi na?A. A documentary._B. A comedy.C. A thriller.D. An actio n movie.3. Which is NOT true accordi ng to the articles?A.Lu Jialei always gets good grades at school.B.The World Cup has bee n held in South America twice.C.Many people like watchi ng the TV program A Bite ofChina.D. Lu Jialei hop

28、es more people can take much interest in Chinese characters.4.Where may the articles probably come from?A. A story book._ B. A science report.after winning the con test.1.How lo ng will theA Bite of Chi na(C. A sports magazine._ D. The Internet.15.What is th e hottest English word these years?“Selfi

29、e may be one ofthem. It was even named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries in 2013. The word was first used in anAustralian online forum in 2002. Now, almost everybody knows it.Selfie is a photo that one takes of oneself. People usually take selfies with a smart phone and send them toa social me

30、dia website. Nowadays, more and more people are taking selfies. From your best friend to yourfavorite pop star, selfies are taking over Renren and Sina Weibo.What makes people love selfies? Selfies can help to remember whats going on in their personal life.Almost every day, I take a photo of myself

31、at school, and save it in my Ozone . These photos record myhappy and sad moments. said Huang Xu, 16, from Hunan. Another usual reason for taking a selfie is toshare online. They hope to make friends and share their feelings with others.During summer vacation, my classmates and I shared many selfies

32、online. Through these photos, we gotto know each others holidays and feelings, said Wang Lin, 15, from Henan. Im too shy to ask someone totake pictures of me, but its easier to do it by myself.Although taking selfies is popular among young people around the world, they should be careful at theplaces

33、 where they take selfies. People are warned(警告)not to take light-hearted selfies in serious places, such as in some traffic accidents. In order to protectart works, selfie is banned in some museums and galleries, too.1. The word selfie has a history of about _ .A.12 years B.13 years C.15 years D.20

34、years2.In Paragraph 3, the writer mentioned (提到) 2 young people to _ .A. talk about their school livesB. introduce the development of selfieC. help people take a clear and beautiful selfieD. explain the different reasons why people love selfies3.The underlined word banned means _A. not visited_ B. n

35、ot stoppedC. not allowed_ D. not watched四、補充句子16.根據(jù)所給漢語意思,用單詞或短語完成下列英文句子。1.我的英語老師對我產(chǎn)生了巨大的影響。My English teacher has _ me a lot.2.在回家的路上,她發(fā)現(xiàn)地上躺著一個錢包She found a wallet _ on the ground on_ .3.知道如何禮貌的求助很重要。Its important to know _.4.他兒子過去常喝可樂,但是現(xiàn)在他習(xí)慣于喝牛奶。Her son _ coke, but now he _ milk.5.斯克魯奇意識到了與周圍人分享快

36、樂的重要性。Scrooge _ the importance of _ peoplearound us.五、選詞填空17.用方框里所給單詞的正確形式填空,使短文通順、完整(每詞限用一次)18.ly:宋體; font-size:10.5ptmove_ direction_fall_ you_ resulteasy_ they_ against_safe_ important六、其他題19.閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成下列各題。In the past, many students practiced English with their pen friendsthey sent letters

37、to people all aroundthe world. However, we now send emails to others and chat with people who live quite far away on theInternet.Heres some advice on how to succeed in your online language exchanges:How to start a conversation when speaking English onlineWhen you speak to somebody online, start by a

38、sking or No”questions. Use questionssuch as“Do you like?” or“Can you?” or“Have you everRemember your goal. You are trying to learn about the other person. Think about thingsyou enjoy and try to find some common ground between you. And share your ownexperiences to show that you have similar interests

39、. If you only ask questions, you willsound like a policeman or a policewoman!How to keep a conversation going“Listen”carefully. In that way, you can get to know somebody well. When you knowhim or her well, you will have more to talk about.Then ask follow- up questions. After you“l(fā)isten”, useyou“hear

40、”to learn more about that person. Use“ended”questions, such as“What do you think of“What was the most interesting experience .?”Remember some basic rules for online language exchanges.Be patient. Do not try to find a good friend right away.Be careful. Dont give any personal information on the Intern

41、et, especially your address, telephonenumber, and even your real name.1. How did many students practice English with their pen friends in the past?They practice English by_.2. How should you start a conversation when speaking English online?I should start by asking_ .3. Can you share your own experi

42、ences online with other people?4. What does the writer think of giving personal information online?Its_ .5. What is the passage mainly about?It is mainly about advice on七、補充句子20.從方框中選出適當(dāng)?shù)木渥映诳瞻滋帲瓿蓪υ?,有兩項為多余選項21.ly:宋體; font-size:10.5ptA:How can I help you?B:I really get frustrated.C:Its easy to say b

43、ut hard to do.D:But I often make mistakes in practice.“Yes?”whatope n?”orE:Learning English is like driving a car.F:That happens to every language learner.G:Do you ever speak to any native English speakers?22.根據(jù)對話情景,用恰當(dāng)?shù)恼Z句完成對話。( Meimei and Linlin are talking to each other in the school bus.)Meimei=M

44、_ Linlin=LM: Hi, Linlin. You are in Grade Nine now. Is your life quite different?L: Yes, I used to get up at a quarter to seven. But now I have to get up at six.M: 1._ .L: At about ten. But now I have to go to bed until eleven.M: Did you use to spend time chatting online?L: 2. , but now my study tak

45、es all mytime at present.M: 3. ?L: My favourite sport is only basketball now. But I usedto like many ball games.M: Do you have a relaxing weekend now?L: No, I only stay at home to do much homework.M: 4.?L: I usedtowatchTVand readsomebooks Ilike onmy weekend, but now we arentallowedto doso.M: 5.?L: B

46、y bus. But I went to school by bike last year. Itis good for our health. What about you?M: Me too.八、書面表達23.書面表達(共1題,滿分15分)假如你是李磊,你的美國筆友Tom對中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日“春節(jié)”很感興趣。請用英語給他寫圭寸80詞電子郵件,介紹一下春節(jié)(Spring Festival)。1.內(nèi)容包括:節(jié)日簡介(whe n/why等)、節(jié)日準(zhǔn)備、節(jié)日活動等。2.表達完整準(zhǔn)確,書寫規(guī)范,卷面整潔3.提示詞:decorate裝飾; set off firecrackers放鞭炮; gettogeth

47、er團聚Dear Tom,Im very glad to tell you something aboutYours,Lilei參考答案及解析第1題【答案】C【解析】【解析】試題分析臭豆意二互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使溝通例如I,我可以在任何吐間建用微信與我的朋左交產(chǎn)populax,受歡迎的;necessary, ikiW的;more convenient七屈的一-和,muchs用萊修命比較繩的,可mBj :第2題【答案】【解析】【解析】第3題【答案】convenient,更片便的more important,更重姜的。另 根抿弟可的思恿可知臺案為C耳司劉S.蓉疋1 f1MW是一:_ii的習(xí)ats多略多省屠疋的后

48、:用為析【解析】 試題分析:青查堆爸詞比較等級的用諸二前崟引有系動詞牡 5 可知缺少形容詞故排除選項A; mistakes為可數(shù)名詞,用fe幗r來修飾故選C第4題【答案】C【解析】 試題分析:句章三周的條季假期后,豈地們回到學(xué)校吐學(xué)圭%辭都肄重。A. put刖鈔放到一邊j B. put期張貼,C* put on weight増重。Put off延輒丞句青,故運。第5題【答案】試題分析:第6題【答案】【解析】耀朋意礙紆測黔歸翳缽邂字 g 前面提到By doing第8題【答案】【解析】 試題柱哲0崖:國家谷翠且星什各竝?十二月十三日,它讓我們想起過去艱苦的日子。rind sb,f使某人想起.根55

49、句啟,知答案為A *第9題【答案】A南京乘車要多久嗎Q通常一個判過辦在臺境叢使用摩述C,D。Could you tell me?中的could只表不委婉語氣,不表過【解【解第10題【答案】1. C2. B3. A4. D5. D6. B7. C8. A9.D10. A【解析】【解析】試題分析:本文說明了一個新時代年輕人所要具備的幾個品質(zhì):健康、助人、協(xié)作、愛國等。鄭里解A. medicine藥;B. food食物;C. drink飲料;D. fruit水果。如 鸛/此選A。?OWK3?SS;芻腌擁I翩疑巖芻駕撤歸 他人。囲業(yè)選D。裁考謂囂霹辭卜擴昨題也橇 要永不韻忘記前是愛自己的祖亂礪疫。5.

50、瞳懸嘆句的:6.B考查連詞及語境理解v_A if,如果,喚W(wǎng)te點矍翳気醐嘶皿電8. A考查副詞及語境I人們在觀念圭用靈hardlyo A. sometimes時;B. never,從丕絕不;C. sometime將來某時;D.宓有紡第/愛漏罡是軍人或為祖菌而岳耳的人。每個人軸愛氤佃是有時thex o故乞 用來指代上礎(chǔ)I吹籲曲曲礙皿鬆有健N 刖。第11題【答案】1. A2. B3. B4.A【解析】試題分析:中美之間有著不同的文化背景,這篇文童將教會你如何打招呼,如何學(xué)會更有禮貌的拒絕。1* A由第一段的最后句話:They aze simply other ways o saying aze

51、youRftAlKT招葩寒暄蓿,與原文相符,故答采為恥rtHcllowor Hi.可知)How2 B由第二段中But it isnJsay,iiT,HIafraid It嫖文不符,故答案為哄t very polite to disagx&e so strongly, so the otker person might s a nicer way todisagree.直接拒絕別人是不禮貌的f亍為, 占$ B由第二E殳第二彳亍For example, many phone talts finish when one pexson says I have to go n詠可知;弩有人總我現(xiàn)在必須走

52、了,打電話應(yīng)該終止,而不是想繼續(xù)打電話,與徐文不符,故答案為94. A由第二E殳tliE person udiD vants to finish the phone call gives an已孟匚use, Someone7s at tKe door 可知,有人在敲門,無論真假,只是不想打電話的一種托辭,與原文相符,故答案為乩A由原文最后一段people dor/ t say exactly what they are thinking about* It s an import ant way that people try tobe nice to each other可和丄人們不說出自己

53、的真實想法學(xué)會 更有禮貌謝呂紅 是為了不傷害對方,増進左誼,與原文相符故答案軸乩第12題【答案】1, A2.C3+E【解析】【解析】試越分析:本文簡述的罡一個小男孩和一個成年人幵玩笑的事乜1. AlttS是一道細節(jié)題.,文童第一自然段的前三個句子Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when heheard the bell ring HEturned on the light and looked at his clock It vas twelve oclock就告訴了此題的轡案。故答案為爲(wèi)N C此題是一道常識題,因為大家都知道在

54、愚人節(jié)這夭,人1門可相互開玩笑故答案為 6已B此題星二道訥節(jié)題,從第二段的第一句話A few minutes Later he heard the bell zing agaiiii以及賢壹的矗啟一旬話The bell did not ring again月知門鈴共響了兩次,故答案為肌老占.軸車世同確第13題【答案】1. C2. A3. E4. D【解【解析】蹩嘗臉務(wù)是一張表格,表格中主要介紹了皿巴西世界杯和舌尖上的中國以5中國漢字聽寫大寒的1.C數(shù)字計算題心根據(jù)表格中The 2014 FIFA World Cupf分的thgtwentieth World Cupfootball jnatch

55、j as heldinBxasil from June 12th) 2014 to July 13th, 2014,界杯的舉辦將持續(xù)一個月前時間。故選口3.BThis is the second time the Woxld Cup is held in this country and the fit th in South恥工is可知jf是世界杯在甬罪萌第応次奉和,而木是第二欠,技旌肌ZA根堀原文第二段中ABite ofChinafeaturingdeliciousChinese food可扣Tv program,dn陀錄rl紀te視-wa電個ut-IRO是y第14題【答案】1.BND3.

56、C【解析】磐麓書需礬疆扌白的由花 以及剎與弊這個詞是2002年首次使用的自拍的目的是1.B:細節(jié)理忙題根據(jù)第段j Ilie word was first used in an Australian nnline forum in 2002.?逑今詢是陰02年苜次便用的。到現(xiàn)在13年了,可知應(yīng)選B。2細節(jié)理解風(fēng) 融干竜為:第三段,作者提到兩位年輕人是_?提到第一個是介紹外泄 訕“people love selfies? Selfies can help to renembeT vhat * s going on in their pezsonal life提至U第二個是介2召Anothgr us

57、ual reason for taking a selfie is to share online. Th空hope to make friends and share theix feelings withothers.,解釋了人們愛自拍的兩個理由 故 連D*仏詞義猜測題。題干養(yǎng)型:第四段的劃線部疔的banned意黒是。根據(jù)最后一節(jié)旳最后兩句話museumsand galleries, ixm齊紹了禁It人彷疾自拍命兩神協(xié)合,j匕處箭珈嬪咅盼的里詞旳意思應(yīng)該 是焙被藜止陽故選 5 者占*計仝頰整世滬寺i祁盍亠第15題【答案】1* influenced工、her way home3, hoiv

58、 to ask for help politely4. used to irink is used to irinking 5 realized sharing joy ivith【解析】 試題分析:犍購続H麋益書S:T如同時又考查了現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),睚后應(yīng)該加動詞的2.本題既直查了find sb. /s+h. doing這一結(jié)構(gòu),同時又考查了m one s vay home,在某人回冢的路 丄選一姮胃&注意丄在的分詞刑式為lying: one7s宓甦主曽一致*故答案鬲|坯工。3本題考g74f詞后扣不結(jié)構(gòu),尋求幫助a for help,有禮貌的應(yīng)該用副詞刑式politely來修飾動詞help,所以

59、應(yīng)填hew to ask for help politely*taiifefc:瞬勰:躥卿;魁去鍥聶 濫默干某事的意思里倉識到了 |應(yīng)為realized第16題【答案】込時也IX -A1a#- w總寸一-籃joy_畐in Bax盍sh5,押,1. the most important2. to fall3. yourself4. against5. easily6. direction7. then8 moving9.result10.safety【解析【解析】 試題分析:試題分析:本文寫了怎樣在踩踏事件中保護自己,怎樣從人群中出來,還有要避免的事。端翳震鬣編茁溜瓢盤蠶鬆辭露驚勰蠢雋礬關(guān)護重m

60、ost importanto廖攣漏惆龜躋蟲“d0迪意思是導(dǎo)致某人做某事。由句意可知地面不平 鬣唧霧冊黯假設(shè)你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己處在流動的人群中,-走要當(dāng)心。反身代詞要與論本趙考查介詞以及避免踩踏的小常識。防止踩踏不應(yīng)該停止,坐下:也不能背看人流行走。故答案應(yīng) 填against。本題豈章副詞的用法。由上句可知,如果方式不當(dāng),會很容易的受到傷害,副詞修飾動詞,所臥應(yīng)填I(lǐng)Sily修飾動詞get。嚨翥蠶聽汕 海后應(yīng)該跟單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,由前后句意可知,應(yīng)該是人群相同的方向7本題考查代詞的用法。動詞后應(yīng)該跟代詞的賓格形式,kids應(yīng)該由theyg代,其賓格為them。舔驚譎韻議/靂劉鷲噱式5-不停的干樗。根據(jù)上文可短


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