1、華爾街英語學習資源分享 全國統(tǒng)一客服熱線ection 37.1A Dialogue.JOHN: Here I am then, ready for all those gorgeoushousewives, sitting around at home with nothing to do!Geez, these things are heavy! I sure hope I manage to sell afew of them soon.JOHN: Here we are, Chernobyl Avenue. Let's start with No1. O
2、h, it's an apartment building. Never mind, I'll start onthe top floor and work my way down to the bottom.Excuse me sir, where's the elevator?TENANT: Youve got to be joking, man! There's noelevator here, you're going to have to go up the stairs.JOHN: Oh, I see, thanks.JOHN: Top fl
3、oor, at last! Gee, that nearly killed me! I guessI should have left the boxes at the bottom. Oh well - here wego!SLUM MUM: Well?JOHN: Oh!SLUM MUM: Well, what is it? If it's the rent, I'll be payingit tomorrow.JOHN: Hey no, its nothing to do with the rent. I'd just liketo ask you a few qu
4、estions. Where the heck.? Sorry, I seemto have lost my bit of paper.SLUM MUM: What bit of paper? What questions? Bill!HER BOYFRIEND: What's going on here? Who is thisguy?SLUM MUM: He says he wants to ask us a lot ofquestions.BOYFRIEND: Who are you? Who sent you here?JOHN: I was just wondering if
5、 you had a washing machine,that's all! It doesn't matter; I think I'll be going now.BOYFRIEND: Hey, not so fast! Come here!JOHN: Must go. Real nice to have met you! So long!BOYFRIEND: Youd better not come back!JOHN: Gosh! I'd better get out of this building as fast as Ican!JOHN: Here
6、 we are! I've got my list of questions, Ive gotmy machines. I'm ready to go!MADAM OLGA: Yes? What can I do for you?JOHN: Gee, hello! Um, er. do you like coffee?MADAM OLGA: What a strange question! I think you'dbetter come in.JOHN: Oh, thank you!MADAM OLGA: Well, take your coat off.JOHN:
7、Oh, thank you.MADAM OLGA: You can hang it up here in the hall. Gointo my consulting-room there, and make yourselfcomfortable. I'll be with you in a couple of minutes.JOHN: Gosh, what a weird place!MADAM OLGA: Good morning.JOHN: Good morning, madam. Now -MADAM OLGA: No, dont say anything. Let me
8、see.You have had a lot of bad luck in your time.JOHN: Thats true enough.MADAM OLGA: But your luck is about to change.JOHN: Gee, is it really?MADAM OLGA: Please stop interrupting me.JOHN: Sorry.MADAM OLGA: You will meet some interesting newpeople today. I see a young woman, blonde, verybeautiful. But
9、 I dont see you talking to her about love. I seeyou talking about washing machines?JOHN: Thats right. You see - Oh darn it, I've left themoutside!JOHN: How does this lock work? I can't unlock the door!MADAM OLGA: But where are you going? We haventfinished the consultation.JOHN: My machines w
10、ill get stolen! I must bring them in!MADAM OLGA: You dont need your machines anymore, young man. Let them go!JOHN: No I cant, Im supposed to be selling them!MADAM OLGA: Very well, but you'll have to pay for theconsultation first. That is my rule.JOHN: How much?MADAM OLGA: $150.JOHN: Oh, alright!
11、 Here you are. Please will you unlockthe door now?MADAM OLGA: Have a nice day! You wont.JOHN: Great! I shouldnt have given her all that money.What a load of garbage! “You will meet some interestingnew people! A beautiful young blonde woman.” In mydreams! Oh well, Id better get on with it. Let's
12、try nextdoor.ANNIE: Coming!JOHN: Gosh! Its true!ANNIE: What?JOHN: Sorry. Good morning, madam. Are you the onlyperson in this house?ANNIE: No, I share it with three other people. Why?Whats it do with you?JOHN: Next question. Is the house owned or rented, and ifrented, is it furnished or unfurnished?A
13、NNIE: We rent it, unfurnished. Look, would you mindtelling me who you are? I'm sure I've seen you somewherebefore.JOHN: Yes; my names John Berry.ANNIE: John Berry?JOHN: Yes.ANNIE: Who used to live next door to my father? What thehell are you doing here?JOHN: Gee, of course! You're Annie
14、Peters! Gosh, I'msorry, I didn't recognize you! You've changed a lot! Yourhair's different; you're just as pretty as ever, though. Gosh,fancy that! Fancy us meeting each other again like this! Doyou remember the good old days, when Hugo and I wereneighbors, and. hey, Im sorry Ann
15、ie, I shouldn't havementioned Hugo. I'm real sorry about what happened.ANNIE: So am I. Now, would you hurry up and explainwhat you came here for?JOHN: Er, yeah, sure, like, I'm here to demonstrate thisamazing new machine, which makes clothes and washescoffee. No, I mean, it washes clothe
16、s and.ANNIE: So you didn't know I lived here? You just camehere by accident, not on purpose?JOHN: Oh no. As I was saying, this machine.ANNIE: OK, that's all. Please go now.JOHN: Hey, Annie! Look, never mind about the machine!Are you doing anything tonight? What about tomorrownight?ANNIE: Go
17、away!JOHN: Oh darn it! I shouldnt have tried to sell her amachine; I should just have asked her out to dinner. Whatelse did Madam Olga say? Some stuff about meetinginteresting new people, wasnt it?BEDGES: Excuse me, sir. Could we have a little word withyou?JOHN: Eh?BEDGES: Just get into the car plea
18、se sir.JOHN: What for? What about my boxes?BEDGES: You won't be needing them. In you go, please.JOHN: Hey, I can't just leave my boxes there! Where areyou taking me?HENSON: Tell him we're asking the questions.BEDGES: We're asking the questions. What was thepurpose of your visit to No
19、. 26 Chernobyl Avenue, sir?JOHN: To sell them something. That's why I need thoseboxes. Please, can we -BEDGES: Do you know any of the inhabitants of thehouse?JOHN: No! I mean. well, yes. I know Annie. well, like,sort of. I mean, I used to know her father, before he. he,you know.BEDGES: So you
20、9;ve been a close friend of Miss Peters forquite a long time?HENSON: Ask him if he belongs to any subversivepolitical organizations.BEDGES: Are you a member of any subversive politicalorganizations, sir?JOHN: Oh no, no, no! I'm not political at all, I voteRepublican. Oh, say can you see, By the
21、dawns early light -HENSON: That's be all for now, Bedges.BEDGES: You can get out now, sir.JOHN: Thank you.BEDGES: Take care, wont you?BEDGES: Havent we forgotten something?HENSON: What?BEDGES: I was very suspicious of those boxes, sir. Weshould have looked inside them.HENSON: No, we shouldn'
22、t. Too dangerous. You neverknow with these terrorists. Anyway, we don't want him toget suspicious of us, do we?BEDGES: No, sir.HENSON: Right. What we'll do is this: we'll follow him,and see what he does next. And let's tell the Chief whatwe've found.HENSON: Mr Carter? I have some
23、 very interesting newsfor you. We're following this guy who calls himself a doorto-door salesman, and, believe it or not.Section 37.1E Dialogue.MR CONN:Take a letter, please, Judith:SALESMANPERFORMANCE REPORTNAME OF SALESMAN: John Aloysius BerryNUMBER OF SALES TO DATE: 0Dear Colleagues,Although
24、this salesman has only been working with theorganization for two weeks, it is already quite possible togive a general picture of his success in selling, and his valueto the organization.As far as his success in selling is concerned, the fact that intwo weeks he has not sold anything at all I think s
25、ays quiteenough. As for his value to the organization, I woulddescribe it as less than nothing; indeed, even less than that.I have asked Mr Berry to leave his position and to return tous the five Laundroperk machines which he has beenunsuccessfully carrying around the streets of Washdon, asfrom next
26、 Monday. I need hardly say that I will be keepingthe deposit of $500 which Mr Berry paid for thesemachines, though I will wait for him to return them beforeinforming him of the fact.Signed October 26th,Eamonn T Conn.Section 37.2A Dialogue.KATE: I'll get it!KATE: Hello! 218-5434.KRISTI: Hello. Is
27、 that Annie Peters?KATE: Er, no. I'm, like, one of her room-mates. She's out,you know, shopping.KRISTI: When will she be back, do you think?KATE: Oh, I don't know. Hey, hang on a moment. I mean,who wants her?KRISTI: I'm a. a friend of hers. Look, would you be sokind as to give her a
28、message?KATE: Hang on while I get a pen.KATE: Oh, heck! There must be one somewhere! Bloodything doesn't write! OK, what's the message?KRISTI: My name is Kristi Schmidt. I have an urgentmessage for Annie from a German friend. Could you pleasetell her to contact me - that's Kristi Schmidt
29、, Room 688, theTerminal Hotel, Washdon. I'll be here for the next week.KATE: Does she know your phone number?KRISTI: It's 222 493-4900. You won't forget to tell her it'surgent, will you?KATE: Don't worry, I'll tell her.KRISTI: Thanks. Bye-bye.JEAN: Hey, Kate, who's that?K
30、ATE: I don't know. Strange. Oh, I know, it must havebeen something to do with that German airportdemonstration.JEAN: I thought that had finished a month ago.KATE: So did I. God, it's cold in here, Jean! Is the centralheating still not working?JEAN: You mean, haven't I repaired it yet? No
31、, I haven't, asa matter of fact.ANNIE: Hi.ANNIE: Hell, it's freezing in here!JEAN: Well don't look at me.ANNIE: Repairing things is your responsibility, Jean. It'spart of our agreement, right?JEAN: Look, I've done my best; I just can't work out what'swrong with it. We'
32、;ll have to get someone in to fix it, that'sall.ANNIE: We're not paying some rip-off company.JEAN: Great! So we're going to freeze to death, are we?Until we can find someone wholl do it for free?ANNIE: Look Jean, were supposed to be autonomous andself-sufficient. So we should be able to
33、deal with a littlemechanical problem like this.JEAN: Oh bravo! Hear, hear! That's all very well in theory,Annie, but I dont know how to mend the central heating. IfI'd known how to fix it I would have fixed it. Got that?KATE: Hey, take it easy, you two!KATE: Anyway, before you get any more i
34、nvolved in this,there's just been this really weird phone call for you, Annie.A lady called oh hell, uh Kristi, something or other.ANNIE: Never heard of her. What was it about?KATE: She said - what was it now? Let me see if I canremember. er yeah! There are these Germans, right,and theyre in. oh
35、, I don't know, maybe some kind oftrouble with the police, and. yeah, well, anyway, she's gota message for you.ANNIE: What Germans? What kind of trouble?KATE: Don't you know?ANNIE: No, Ive got no idea. Are you sure she wasn't acop?KATE: Well she didn't sound like a cop. But I mus
36、t say, shewas German, and I don't know what German cops soundlike. No, hang on, if she'd been a cop, she'd just have rungoff. Shed have called back later; she wouldn't have left heraddress and phone number. Dont you think?ANNIE: Oh, she left her address and phone number?KATE: Yeah. U
37、mm.it must be here somewhere. Oh, here!Here you are.ANNIE: Thanks.JEAN: While we're on the subject of cops, what about thatguy that came to the door this morning?ANNIE: Oh, don't worry about him. He's just somehopeless idiot my father used to know.JEAN: Well I do worry, Annie. We've
38、got mysteriousGermans ringing us up. We've got the police watching us.How did this guy get hold of your address anyway? What'sgoing on, eh?ANNIE: Calm down, Jean! It was completely by chancethat he came here. He was selling electrical goods orsomething. As for this Kristi lady, look, if it h
39、ad beenanything really serious the Germans would have contactedme directly. Right?JEAN: Not the ones who are in prison.ANNIE: Anyway, I'll ring her later, OK? Look, I haven'teven unpacked the shopping yet.ANNIE: I hope the fridge is working, at least.ANNIE: Well done, Jean.JEAN: My pleasure.
40、 And I mended the freezer, too.ANNIE: Listen, Im exhausted. I'm going to my room to liedown for a bit. Will you both still be in later?JEAN/KATE: Yeah.ANNIE: OK. Oh, by the way, was there any mail for me?JEAN: Yeah, a couple of letters. I put them on your desk inyour room.ANNIE: Thanks, Jean.NEW
41、SREADER: German police still have no idea of thewhereabouts of industrialist Werner Lembach, head of thegiant chemical multinational Krapp. Mr Lembach waskidnapped two days ago, apparently by a group ofenvironmentalist terrorists. Meanwhile, here in Washdon,the Police Department are looking into the
42、 theory that alocal organization may have helped to carry out thekidnapping.DAVID: Oh, Geez!NEWSREADER: We spoke to the Head of the WashdonPolice Departments Foreign and Political Section.Detective-Superintendent Harold Carter explained that, inhis view JUANITA: What is it, darling? Look, you haven&
43、#39;t tidied upin here and you've still got the television on. Oh, really,David!JUANITA: Come on now, Liliane will be here anymoment. What's the matter with you, David? Are youalright?JUANITA: That'll be her now. Oh, put that beer away, atleast!JUANITA/LILIANE: Darling!JUANITA: Liliane,
44、this is David.LILIANE: So, this is your charming husband. Youre right,darling, hes terribly good-looking! Lovely to meet you,David - I've heard such a lot about you and your family!DAVID: What! What have you heard?JUANITA: David, why not go and make us some tea? OK,darling?DAVID: Oh, yeah. Sure.
45、JUANITA: So this is our apartment, then. What do youthink?LILIANE: But it's so small, darling!JUANITA: Yes, it's tiny: only 50 square meters, in fact.Still, there's enough room here for me, and David, and ourlittle baby.LILIANE: I'm just dying to meet her, of course. Listen,darling,
46、between you and me.DAVID: Here's the tea, and some cookies. Milk and sugar,Liliane?LILIANE: Lots of sugar, but no milk, please, David.JUANITA: We were just talking about the apartment,darling, while you were in the kitchen. My daddy bought itfor us. He'd do anything for us. And it only cost
47、$150,000.A nice neighborhood too; McCarthy Park's only a shortwalk away.LILIANE: Oh, parks are so boring!JUANITA: Well, we're very near all the big stores, too. Ofcourse, we chose all the furniture ourselves, didn't we,David?DAVID: Yes, you - er, we did.JUANITA: You see that armchair you
48、're sitting on, Liliane;well, you'll never guess what it's made from!LILIANE: Darling, I can't imagine!JUANITA: From the skins of buffaloes. Isn't thatincredible?LILIANE: But darling, leather furnitures so terribly,terribly last year. Anyway, I don't think David's veryint
49、erested in this conversation. Are you, David?DAVID: Eh? Oh, er, you know, it's all the same to me.LILIANE: You have a far-away look in your eyes.Something must be on your mind, I guess.DAVID: Perhaps. You know -JUANITA: Look darling, Liliane's cup is empty. Why don'tyou go and get some m
50、ore tea?DAVID: Sure. Ill just be a moment.LILIANE: Tell me, Juanita darling, is it true what they sayabout David?JUANITA: Is what true? What who says? What are youtalking about?DAVID: Here's the tea.LILIANE: That was quick.JUANITA: Ah, thats because we cook by gas here, not byelectricity, you se
51、e. Gas is so much quicker. What aboutyou?LILIANE: Oh, I have an electric stove. But who cares?JUANITA: Now, Liliane, let me show you around theapartment. Come on, David!DAVID: Oh er, yes.JUANITA: So, this is the bedroom.LILIANE: The bed's enormous! It must be two meterswide!LILIANE: But it's
52、 much too soft! Soft beds are terrible forsleeping in!JUANITA: Are they? Now, do you see the curtains and thewallpaper?LILIANE: Yes. What about them?JUANITA: Well, they're the same pattern. Didn't younotice?LILIANE: Oh yes darling, how terribly clever of you!LILIANE: Ah-ha! Who is this hands
53、ome, mysterious man?DAVID: That's - that was, my father.LILIANE: Aha! Your father! I'm dying to hear all abouthim!JUANITA: Why don't you go and see if Sigismonda needschanging, darling?DAVID: OK. Fine.LILIANE: Now my dear, you've just got to tell me! Is ittrue that David's father
54、 was a member of an internationalcriminal gang, and that he was murdered by his boss?Section 38.1A Dialogue.LILIANE: Now my dear, you've just got to tell me! Is ittrue that David's father was a member of an internationalcriminal gang, and that he was murdered by his boss?JUANITA: Certainly n
55、ot! I wouldn't have married David ifhe'd been the son of a criminal. How can you say such athing?LILIANE: Sorry my dear, I'm only repeating what I'veheard.DAVID: Its alright, I'll get it!JUANITA: No you won't; I will!JUANITA: Hello!ANNIE: Hello, Juanita. Annie here.JUANITA: A
56、nnie? What is it? Is something wrong?ANNIE: No Juanita, everything's fine. How about you?JUANITA: I'm OK.ANNIE: Good. Well, can I have a word with David?JUANITA: What about?ANNIE: It's nothing important. Could I just speak to him,please?JUANITA: Very well. David! It's Annie, for you.
57、DAVID: What? Just coming!DAVID: Hello, Annie. Where are you calling from?ANNIE: I'm at home. Look, David, I've got to talk to youurgently.DAVID: Yeah, sure, of course. But, you know, I don't wantany trouble with the police, or anything. What if we met inthe park?ANNIE: Haven't you no
58、ticed, David, it's snowing! I'd ratherwe met at your place. Can I come over in about an hour?DAVID: OK. It's 188b Mount Street, and it's in thebasement. When you get to No. 188b, go down the stepsoutside.ANNIE: It's alright, David. I do remember how to get toyour apartmentDAVID: Hello, Annie. Come in.ANNIE: Thanks.ANNIE: Hello, Juanita.JUANITA: Hello. Liliane, this is my sister-in-law, Annie.LILIANE: How lovely to meet you! So, I hear you're awildly radical Green.ANNIE: I guess you could say that, yeah
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