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1、Three Times Beating Monster劇本作者:黃斯倩(重慶郵電大學)導演:黃斯倩演員:黃斯倩,佘加杰,張碧亮,王傳奇,謝光磊,卓煬程人物:唐僧 、孫悟空、 豬八戒、 沙僧、白骨精(村姑 小孩、老太婆、 幕后放ppt的場景一:(“路在腳下” 音樂響起)唐僧:(輕咳)悟空,factually, I am a bit hungry, Could you go to get me some food?八戒: You see, master is hungry, me too!沙僧:大師兄,二師兄說的對唐僧: 八戒!Dont forget who ate my last meal!(腳

2、踹八戒)八戒:(委屈)but I still hungry!沙僧: But master, if a monster comes while 大師兄 is away···唐僧: (點頭)Em.It is a problem.悟空, do you have any idea?悟空: No problem! (悟空圍三人轉了一圈) 八戒: This is.?悟空: Electric net! I have learnt the energy of electricity from 兒歌三百首. So I made this. No monster can approa

3、ch you if you stay in it!唐僧: Emm (摸悟空頭)悟空, you are becoming smarter! 額米頭發(fā), knowledge is power!悟空: Bye! jindou cloud!筋斗云:I am jindou cloud!(捶胸,做熊樣)I am here!(把孫悟空拖走) 唐僧打坐,閉目養(yǎng)神。八戒和沙僧:兩只小蜜蜂啊,飛在花叢中啊···場景二:村姑:米拉桑,闊你急哇(日語)師徒三人:oh,hi(大家站了起來,某些個吹口哨,做勾引手勢)村姑:My name is bai (扭捏害羞樣)大家:hello, mis

4、s bai.村姑: actually, I am going to send some food to some masters ,they live in the temple, look, around the corner. (欲接近唐僧,被彈回)em···may be you are hungry, welcome to my home to have a dinner, I will make food for you ,(輕聲說)delicious! 八戒:yeah! you look so delicious! shifu! lets go!唐僧:m

5、iss bai, you are so kind ,but we have to wait for 悟空沙僧:師傅,二師兄說的對,大師兄will find us, let us go now!村姑:come with me.(大家跟著村姑走著,村姑一個媚眼,八戒倒下,唐僧跨過八戒的身體繼續(xù)跟著村姑)沙僧:(扶八戒)are you ok?八戒:no! I am full in love with the girl!沙僧:yeah!she is an apple in my eyes!(吃了一口蘋果)唐僧:miss bai!村姑:(轉身眨眼)what ?唐僧:I love you when I s

6、ee you at the first time! I ···村姑:(輕輕用手堵住唐僧嘴)you jump , I jump!(音樂響起,二人做泰坦尼克號經(jīng)典動作)村姑:(轉過身)shifu, close your eyes! lets have a kiss!唐僧:wow I love to(閉眼,翹起嘴巴,伸脖子)(村姑奸笑,準備吃了唐僧) 悟空: (回來,看見村姑,火眼金睛看一眼村姑)Oh, monster!(上前就打,兩人大戰(zhàn)三回合,村姑倒)村姑: (倒)Ah(凄慘的音樂放起)唐僧: (氣憤)悟空! Look what have done! She is

7、a kind girl!悟空: She is a monster!唐僧: Nonsense!(深呼吸)悟空: Oh, please dont唐僧:Its too late!(唱) 哦瑪麗瑪麗買賣home悟空: Please, Please, oh, no(痛苦抱頭)唐僧: (捶胸痛喊)悟空,Im disappointed with you!場景三:小孩:(坐在地上痛哭)(唐僧師徒走過來)小孩:(拉住八戒的腿)I want my mom.八戒:shifu, we are in trouble!沙僧:let me try. little girl ,who is your mama?小孩:her

8、name is bai.沙僧:師傅,二師兄說的對。We are in trouble.師傅:little girl, your mom is going to the heaven.小孩:what does it mean?八戒:yeah, she is dead.沙僧:d-e-a-d, dead! we killed her.小孩:what? why? bring back my mom . I kill you!悟空:stop!(聞小孩三下)you are monster!小孩:you !are the monster! Ugly monster!悟空:(咬牙切齒)I am not ugl

9、y! You monster, Ill beat you into hell!(悟空追打小孩,小孩躲至唐僧身后,悟空打,不想打到唐僧頭,唐僧暈,悟空再打死小孩) (凄慘的音樂放起)八戒&沙僧: Are you Ok, shifu? (扶唐僧)沙僧: Look,(伸食指)how many?唐僧:Two(暈乎乎地)悟空, game over!場景四:老太婆:you killed my daughter and my daughters daughter!I kill you!唐僧:oh !it is my fault! I am not a good shifu! please kill

10、me !(老太婆掐唐僧,原地轉圈)(悟空張開右手,左手指著右手,閉眼大喊:turn,turn,turn,沙僧把金箍棒放到他手中) 八戒:awsome! you turn into your golden cudgel!沙僧:大師兄,是被妖怪抓走了!悟空:oh, shifu ,I am coming!.dont move!悟空: Ill kill you, monster!(打)唐僧: (想阻止,未及)You, you.(悟空打到師傅,師傅暈,E,沙僧扶住 )(悟空與老太婆大戰(zhàn)三回合,老太婆死)唐僧:You have killed three lives!悟空: No, they are not

11、 human beings! They are created by monster!唐僧: Monster? You are a real monster! look! you so ugly! Never let me see you, go!(凄慘的音樂放起)八戒: Master, 大師兄 just.唐僧: shut up! Don't mention that guy any more!八戒:look,the body is gone! May be大師兄is right.沙僧:師傅,二師兄說的對,the women is really a monster!唐僧:oh!悟空,come back!悟空:what?唐僧:do you know what is “dang dang dang”?悟空:what is“dang dang”?唐僧:dang dang dang ,is (唱)only you (only you的音樂放起)八戒、沙僧:(抱悟空大


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