1、國(guó)家開放大學(xué)電大??朴⒄Z教學(xué)法2023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號(hào):2145)I C hiMiHr the best uiiNcr ( 10 polnlx)Directional In I hi* purl* you nrc given hvrnly quest hiiM which tire followed b, I cholv<» murlcrdA. He ( anti 11 Rcml the choirs cnrcfulh nml choose I he one which cm> bcM nnswer the qiieitlon.L Which nf lh
2、o fbllnwing in inir nf vcotnl Ijingimgi lcnt!itiixuA. N/iiurnl hngnugv rxpOMirrK Informa! hnrnitiy context( Siruciurr<! in|iuiI) , Lml<? c rror corrrc mm2. Whm type ul Icnnwrji enn brnrfii nioM from rcnl ohjrrt iriNtruchon?A. IridtvidiMl Ifnrrirm11 Tarhlr IrmrirrnC> Auditory IcArncrnIX Vibu
3、aI learners3. Which n( I hr (ollowtnu cun irnin lirh ning?A. Sequencing tbr picturesH. Wrifing rnpnon? for ph linoC. TPR11 Mati hing with(li(lrrrnl pnrnrnnhL Wlnth ul the follriwnig netiviib n iftvnlvr wrttiti«?,X. I JilirliriH piclurcnB. MnirhinK pidurr* with hbrhC. l)rniriMii/i<ionIX Rale
4、ilnyG. Whm vocnbiilftry le/irnitiK Jratruic tkx?* die follpwinw ncuviiy help u> Ein?Th儼 Inu hrr writer <lnwn n !i%i ol rnlrgorir nti the bo/irtL thru pihnwft n word c«r<l to ihv rlns. ihr ihm nrrd to drchlc which raivKory llw word be longA.contextunhrAiionItgrnupiiiK(imttRcryIJ.collorn
5、iion6. Whtil n&pcctH nl voi abulary ilncw rrallA help tn pre 5rnt nnd pr irlirr?A.word informationItwnnl grntnniAr(word vnrniHngI),won! group1 V|iich of Iht fiillowini; m tivilif lu4p> io train written cdnunuiHctttion bkill%?A. Inbrlit) piciurcs or ohjrriNIt liHirriing nml iIfawiuhC. p«i
6、rx findingIX dietaiinnH. Wlnth ol tin following m tivitu r rnosi rnrch inn nl? A> drAcrihing rhildhontl11 rYi/iknt Actitrnrvs rtcriiniinK 16 the pirliircC. siilijiiniiling ihr undrrlinnl with Klv< wnrrh1) . rolr piny9- Wluii I、lh< icarlit r ikijrig in h r <4 t rroi cium tiun fS I wnh h &
7、#171; vrrv “,md fnnlbnll tnntrb nn TV Y< IffdrtV.I Ycu W A 1(/1 ITI * n vi tv pjhh!fiuncli v« ( r<bi*tA. Ierstir< i tlx nn uikvK (living a binl Ibnl th”h:z tiht d ihtt wrcin u?n<i( Ank»riM llv AtlKlMH !< mfm I llw Hiislhkr hinovlfIX Ankihu thv fttudeiit win ihvt Imlly %mw th
8、e (tlhihi VVhai dmulil wi* irm hi r*-(!> win n <Hisnkritm ih山h山 >hi)ri .iitrnhnn *pun7A. Wr nluiiild nui nmkr hiiy urtlvHy inn 1,廿時(shí)H. W v ?<lx>ulil iw»i wn.tr linir( Kplniniric (oniplicfi il InnguAge rulrr«C. W«< <hnuhl prnvidt gnnd ihoJpIh (>r chililrrn 10 inn
9、inir.!>. Wr hnuhl Krlrct ihnr lopio rclvnnt t(> Mudrntf cMpfrirnrr#I I. /XironlniH io iln trxihx>k> which ul llir (dllowinw nrTiMU*- Ivlj to llir chi。?A. whole i l.iwh work to(opy lh»H. dnirmi nvlingC. drAwing n piciurc occonlinn n» ihr irKTruciinn12. Whm huinmig ninuvRy ran ih
10、r killowinu help io Uatn?Mmrh the mljcciiven on ihr Irli with ihc rxoiiK% on ih< rwhi.Nnr rnwNiceClew lu«ht I nil luteDav B/iby Building E*CApV KriirnI SmokrrA. (irnupthKK Col lor* lion(' ImiiAtionIX fmngrry13. Whn h nl lhr fnllnwitig 片 line o! Niiiiini»fiw nMrnrul?A. mainly linked
11、on imimH mnl dune nf ihr vn<l <( /i wchonl yunnK Ui prnvtilc Inform dinh nn rhil(kvnes IcnrriirtH during tin Ivorriing proevnsi( inlnrinuhnn <(»lh i I«mI for I he |Jurpo、> nl miprovin Irnrhing nml Irnnimu#I). hnll“ p頃u r>l minh nEI I W I)ii * s Hm h irlvr I iltig hy ivntp M
12、VVhn a rii “)Im i irv,MA ( nnirnlling iliAriphniK. t tivmir pmrupt5”hn" workI J. birr( ting* niirnf ichi lh lh-I 云 Which ol du (nlhiwirig m Tivhica un hr be i ilnnr with group wnrk?A. Gnrsing kohivII Sinry h Hing( lri!nminii<«n k叩IX I >rnfTiM pcrloxmnnrr16< Which of thr h)l!owitlg
13、 brlnngj* to pro|rrr>?A. < tucsmriM Hwhnl i» hr eahng?f,H. C'rrnimg aC. Lisirnini! imd idrrililyiiiuI). IrilorrnHlifiri grip17. What kind of cloerntin arrnngemont i> mdii Muitablr (nr I he (allowitig nebvny?rhr trucJwr thr ptipib !n iliA< hr* wliiit ihtfV hft? lining to ilo Nt t
14、hr wt rkrnd.A. p/nr work11 group wnrkl wholr dz workI), individual workI8< In whirl) of ihr lollowinw dnplay the *ub|rctivr role?At piiirrn drill/11projrcl ivcirk11hrtitrncc rnniplclinnIQ. Which of th< l<i|i>win« oHh、for iIh nrcih af viMinl ImrnrfM?A> rn|c playUp«tt* fimling
15、< Simon «>y«IXpirhirr lidkinM20> Which of thn Ini lowing arfivnitr. workn h< tn pmr work7i Ihfcmng m iIh: upv and < implrting I hr mhkIt ri ivIIiiik ( h >tory wnh the lirlp of key wonkC. quttflion nml nnswrr prnrhccI). m tpirtu ihr picuireM ftfu r n irlinn| , Mntclihiu(20
16、 poitiK)I)irrclh>n« In thi pnrl. you urc five qucsHom< KnrhIn two cohnnn* iif uptiunn Vou arc to nuitch the options on the Irfi mnt ked 1 J 2 ). :<). I ) rrlrvwnl opt ion% on the rlyht mHrked A. B. ( and I), mid wrile the umwm on the niiswrr shcrl. Make sure rnch option cun unly nintch
17、 wilh unc nnothor.2L Miih h i卜” IrnminK myl國(guó) on the lr| with thr type of ictiviiieti on ihr right,2)Kllifn|hrlic3 > AuditoryI > Mnilr1) VUuaIA. hundwnrkIt pti lur< hilkinK( piny ni lingIh song Hrul nmic linh fhiikA. chi eking umlmgdh電Il ErulinK I hr nrtivily('. I »rnionntrn(inH the
18、 oprrnholt I h givnkg the star!22. Match the triicherinsiru linn on ilw l»?fi wnh hi,purpobr on the righu1) Now. you cun Ifim2) All right* 1 think it in time.3 I ( an yon two hcw ih hnw to work7I) Wr nrr going to dn twn things todny?fofn run you trll us what they arc?23. M/nch t hr lypc of Irnn
19、iniK Hylrs on I hr Irll with the(lrM ripiinn> on thr right.1) Rcfleciivr Ivnrncrs2) IndivnliHil ItMrnrrs3> /Xuthnrily oriented learnerst) (irnup Irttrncrsi2 L Much thr ncuvnica on ihc nghi wnh llw1) whole dim work2) individual work3) pair workI > group workA. I likr in w(uk with 01 InnI leu
20、rn Iwsr wiihm grnups>11 I like io fhmk by my«elL I likr to huv» more ophnnA to chooAr frncn<(L I prcfi r to >nnlv by mys<dl ! do nni likr othcis to nitcrrupi nir.IL I prrfrr In liMlrri to the tmehcr. ndrvant cbimroom MrnitiKrnirnt on I hr left .A. rcflilinn for nnirnal imniuttI
21、k unking <|i*rsticins h* coinplrtc a tnble flboul one "» pnrinrr( iliscunr.ing tu nwke m pL>ri lut the weekendI), Itstnu) Atid r<|H7iling nftri lhi* iruchvr23. Mnh h ilk* type(4 ih< inh lliurticv with iln mtivirir* mvolviri ilA. lniniprrM»nnl HHelhgcnrc11inh lli«mce(
22、Kitivjithrtic initlligi ncrIX Mnlli and kiKiriil mt< lh|(i?nrrI > Ehtnullnrnl debate2> nnilx»ritiK >.r<|iirtuva3) Drama acliftg4) rdlttlK nlntut ferlifigMIII. Multiple choice quest Ions (10 points)DlrrvtlonM In this port >)ou lire kKiii Fhe qiic?t1hm which nrv lolhmcd by 4 cho
23、ke% rnnrkcd A lit C and I) Rciiil the chokv* cnrcfully und niukr your chniccsi. <m inny hnvc more Ihnn one answer h» null26. Which of the (olliiwiriH mk偵 da th* primnry -uhaol teacher* pl/iy?A.A tnoiivAtorItAn orgnniterCA purliripantIAn rvMkmior7。Which of lhr following bvlotig t(i formutivr
24、Mtiirnl?A<truchhiK ilinnriKtninurripla c»ftrnrlirr InJk in chjnCMiutkrilf prrturnMiu r in thr clna l>.(hiaI cxitm rrMiillh2X Whirh <>f (hr loll(>wiri(: hcnviin ewi "wilIL n rbi% nr c/ilrn down ih» cJ/e?A. TPH urlivilirsH. CupyingC. Drawing【). GutMuInK game*29. Whirh rd
25、I hr follnwitiKenn hrnt br nri:iH)iyrrl in ihr (nrtn of whole cIikswork?A. r»iory tlliriRH listening nnd doing( inforrnAtion gapI). ninKinx30t Which cil lhe folluwing nvhviltv< rnn hr ummJ to trnin thr 乖ill nf ukimming?A pu king八il ftub lopir MntrnreKK InrniinK Uic !.p(Tifir in(irriuHi<in
26、( redd I nr 1 hr pnrprmc of ih<? Aiilhor in wrilinKYX wwk uui llie ineniunR ol n wnrd fr()tn ihr ruinexiIV Activity DcKiitninu <30 points)31. l>lrccthiiHl hi this purlv you nrr h> n 10-inhiiitr urunntmr lennting nclivhy to compurr b:iMk udjrcthc5f coinpnniHvn unit super Inti ve% iiccordl
27、ii to thr nintcriul Riven. Ihc a( llv|)shouhl br basrd on Ihr Sllgh* mnlrrlMl IncluilhiK thr word table und picture hen Milke Hiirc >oii Include all tin1 llrnu of the nrtivit)山perilled In thr hilik uivrn Make Mirr you Khc fhr iismhiihI Ihnr f(ir cncli step.Mnlrrifd I pivllirvDaveMntrtUI 2. wonlb
28、t/iblcAdj< rtivr(onipnrativrSupcrlnliveKwtFa HitfheTnllTiillerThe 1 idlestSmallI hr smallestYoungYnungrrTheOlder1 In nliirfitS FioriShnricrWk1 hr biggeMOhjn BVrl ')(hftsraommjsni 以u(píng)icm/55iHiicd liinrTcftching niil>PrnfvdtircIcnchrr1 h mMnicnonStu(lcnifl,net1)I,3) -Prvdicicil problem()Solun
29、oni s)試題及答案評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考).Choose (he best ”心wcr(0 pniiitM)本翩為刺選Jffi ,共20個(gè)小履倪計(jì)頓分.flS92分aL C2 I)3.C4- A5. B6.C7A8.C9. A10. A11.B12. B13. AH. ii1)!6eB17. H18. C19.【)20> CII . Mntchin|(20 palaU)本J為匹配明.共5個(gè)小.總廿20分,佰分.匹憂對(duì)一項(xiàng)俾I分。11) -H2)C3) - I)4) A22.1) D2)B3) C4) A23.1) B2)C3) 1.)4) A24.1) 一 D2)A3) Bt) -C25
30、.1) B2)D3) CO A|Q Multiple choice que<itions( 10 poinu)本IB為步瑣選擇,共5個(gè)小JB.總計(jì)I。分,符踢2分,全部選項(xiàng)都逸擇正現(xiàn)方可得分。26. A. H. C. I)27. A. H C28. B* C29. A.B.I)30. ACIV. Activity Designing (30 points)本魄為實(shí)踐題共I小38,總計(jì)30分。31. 參考簽案與評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)一、參考答案Objectives: to rnablv MudtMHs to identify I hr furni of baste udjectivn, rompamti
31、ves and superlativesClassroom orKnaization: whol<rcla»s work to pair workAssumed time: 10#Iraching aid: Piciurra multi medinProcedure(I )lnviif*to watch I hr pieiurc on the tnuhnnedia scrrrti (2*)Stnrt by Bhowing the picture# a thin one# u fat one And it nonnhl one. Then the teacher compares
32、 them< Peter is fatter thnn Joet Joe is fatter than Dave 亦(2) Ask three students to the front> a mil orw. n short one and a medium height oneInvite students to compare them again(2f. Tcuchrrinstrucrion"Look m Aniy> Satiu nud Torn> Who i$ taller? Who i% the lallrHi? Studrnis* iictSlu
33、drnis say Hccnrding to <hr real situatiariIccdbjickSummoriKC lhe students9 nnswrrs and demQnMrm Again who is talk who is ulhr hhcI who is the tailed.(3) Ajtk stuclenis to liniuh tlw inblc of words in Micritil 2(2').rcnchcr1 In5lructlon:"All right, boys a nd girls < ran you fill in thr
34、 hlanki« in the (Able?"Students1 netStmlctns begin lo (ill in the bhinks.(4) Pair work to check (4')Arrange the ludrnts into pairs to check ihrir answer While th<? students are working the teacher Mhould walk around to see how the siudvnis unrlrrsiflnd> Teacher instructhm:M All r
35、ight, boys nnd giHs. ph aj?e stop, Now> can you compare yaur answer with your partner?" Students" actStudents work m pairs io compare their answers-Feed buckThe ledehr mils on students by pair to assess There is no need to call on all pairs to nnswen Whtfi one pah has given the Answer, ask other pair to add if th<;y hnvf different ideas-leachcr's instructioncan you tell 眼 your answer now? Mary# what bout your pair?. ."Students* act&ch pair reponn about the n
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