已閱讀5頁,還剩22頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、寫作題庫分類 1.建造問題:2)It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer你家附近將要建一個大飯店。你同意還是反對,詳細闡述支持你看法的原因。根據our community現在的情況,經濟的需求大于其他,所以support。1工廠能夠吸收附近很多人進行就業(yè),對地方的經濟有很

2、大的貢獻。贏利后,就可以向當地政府貢獻稅收,政府可以利用這些錢改善社區(qū)的服務2納稅,tax建立工廠能夠促使附近其他的商業(yè)發(fā)展,例如小商店,藥店等等,這可以大大方便附近的居民3除了上述優(yōu)點,也有缺點。帶來各種污染,比如,噪音noise、廢氣air、污水等等。但是可以盡量改善。4)It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and deta

3、ils to support your answer.你家附近將要建一個電影院。你同意還是反對,詳細闡述支持你看法的原因。盡管會有一些noise之類的disadvantage,還是support1增加就業(yè)2提供交流,學習,休閑,娛樂的場所。方便。增加稅收,促進經濟。服務社區(qū)3 噪音5)The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. C

4、ompare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion政府打算建一所新大學,有人認為你家附近是個合適的地方。比較好處與壞處,詳細闡述。教育是百年大計(a fundamental task crucial for generations to come),support1.給孩子和成人提供更多受教育的機會2.帶動周邊文化產業(yè)的發(fā)展,進而提升城市文化水準 cultural industry/p

5、rojects (將有更多的書店,音像店)3帶動產業(yè)發(fā)展,提供更多就業(yè)機會. 6)It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.可能在你們社區(qū)內建一所高中。你同意還是反對,詳細闡述原因。教育是百年大計(a fundamental task crucial for generations to c

6、ome),support1.給孩子和成人提供更多受教育的機會2.帶動周邊文化產業(yè)的發(fā)展,進而提升城市文化水準 cultural industry/projects (將有更多的書店,音像店)3帶動產業(yè)發(fā)展,提供更多就業(yè)機會. 8)A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). W

7、hich of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.一所大學計劃在你的國內建一個新的研究中心。有人希望建立商業(yè)研究中心,有人希望建立農業(yè)研究中心,你推薦哪種?雖然開展商業(yè)研究必要,但是for my country,農業(yè)研究。1吃飯問題。我國是農業(yè)大國,很多人還吃不飽飯,所以要多在農業(yè)上進行調研,解決他們的吃飯問題1技術問題。我國的農業(yè)技術很落后,成本比較高,所以要進行農業(yè)調研2嚴峻的社會問題。農民大量涌

8、入城市,引發(fā)社會問題natural resources2.假設問題:10)You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. 如果你決定在每個月抽出一些時間改進你居住的社區(qū),你會做一件什么事去改進你的社區(qū)?

9、為什么?說出你選擇詳細原因關心青少年,人是社區(qū)內最重要的元素1小區(qū)內有很多青少年,既無工作,又不讀書,成天玩游戲2父母管不住,我年齡不大,可以談一談,幫助他們認識到什么是重要的3如果可能的話,還可以抽時間幫助他們學業(yè)12)If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and detai

10、ls to support your answer.如果你是一個雇主,你愿意雇傭哪種類型的員工?低薪無經驗的還是有高薪經驗的?存在一個trade-off,我選擇低薪無經驗1我所處的行業(yè)需要有新技術新知識的年青人;2.經驗可以培養(yǎng),高薪有經驗者往往比較固執(zhí),不適合這個有活動力的企業(yè)文化;3.節(jié)省成本。選擇低工資的沒有經驗的員工1)成本低 if I am a boss of a traditional factory or if I am choosing members for a the department where less skill is required ,there is no

11、doubt that the inexperienced workers at a lower salary would be the best choice ,taking into account the reason of primary costs.2)有熱情In addition to their lower costs, inexperienced workers are more enthusiastic on their work,3)有創(chuàng)新精神Stimulated by the job itself and their inexperienced background ,th

12、ey are likely to be more creative4)可塑性強Easy to be educated and trained to be skilled enough within required time in order to be suitable for their job.)14)If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons

13、 and details.如果你能學習一門你從來沒有學過的課程,你挑選什么?經濟學。1經濟學和普通人的生活越來越接近,比如個人投資事務;2.對于學于技術的人,有必要的經濟學知識,將更容易轉型為一個企業(yè)管理者;3.經濟學介于是一門社會科學,同是又有數學的理論框架,很有趣。20)If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.如果你能在你讀

14、書的學校做出一件重要的變化, 你改變什么?減少班級人數1增加老師與學生間的溝通,上課更易明白。2.學生之間更熟悉,更有效地學習、交友。3每個人都有表達自己意見的機會,可以認識每個學生3.個人品德問題:(父母,兒女,鄰居,老板,同事,室友):參考口語27)What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.一個好的管理者的重要品質是什么?1作出決定前,聽取別人的意見,

15、從各個角度準度成敗的可能性2一旦作出決定,就果斷地執(zhí)行,不再動搖3給予下屬明確的指示,并為后果承擔責任28)What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.好兒子或女兒的品質是什么?在家庭觀念方面,西方人應向東方人學習,正如東方人應向西方人學習平等觀念1對于父

16、母的意見給予尊重,即使認為不合理,也要努力地說服父母,而非抗拒2年長后,在你父母需要的時候給予一切可能的的幫助,如經濟幫助3尤其是在情感上,對年長的你父母以關心,這比物質上的關心更重要29)What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.好父母的品質是什么?在平等方面,東方人應向西方人學習,正如西方人應向東方人學習家庭觀念1父母要學孩子的健康成長負責,教育責任和養(yǎng)肓的責任2對子女的意見給予尊重,即使認為不合理,也要努力地說服父母,而

17、非抗拒3孩子年長后,在父母應對孩子的選擇給予理解和支持,盡管對這些選擇有時不滿意,比如婚姻30)Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university. What are some of the important qualities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important.許多學生在上高中或大學是要和室友同住,什么是一個好的室友的品質?1

18、對他人給予諒解,如室友因考試而晚睡,是室友更應是朋友2有沖突大家坐下來談,如吸煙和ROCK,實在不行則更換室友,但仍然是朋友(最好在事先講清楚)3經濟獨立,沖突才會比較少31)We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples

19、 to explain why these characteristics are important工作中一個合作者的重要性格是什么?1發(fā)揮個自的優(yōu)秀,責任分明,不做free-loader2接受別人的意見,并給予合理的建議3有沖突和不滿明確地講出來,大家平等地解決4.花錢問題( 公司,個人,政府,學校):公司花錢問題32)A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should cho

20、ose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.一個公司準備出資支持藝術或者保護環(huán)境?你認為公司該如何選擇?我認為應該保護環(huán)境1 環(huán)境問題很突出,非常緊迫。2 環(huán)保屬于外部性產品,除了政府無人會投資3 藝術市場很成熟,且有收益,藝術家生存狀況未必很差,不會decline into barbarism個人花錢問題33)You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tic

21、kets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.你得到一筆錢足以買一件珠寶或者買一張音樂會的門票。 你買什么?我會買手飾送給母親1持久,一直會留著,音樂會聽過就沒了2有紀念意義。我自己不懂音樂3音樂會只能自己享受,珠寶是給別人3若真要聽,買張CD即可,不必要費那么多。34)Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to sav

22、e your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.當你賺得一筆錢時是立即花掉好還是存起來為將來用好?存起來還是花掉,取決于更看重眼前消費還是未來消費,現在來看是花掉1現在打工的收入非常有限,而學費、書費的支出很大,消費掉不為過2現在的利率interest rate很低,通脹inflation很高,存起來不合算3等有了正式的可觀的收入,社會保險等起了存錢的作用,資本投資也可能了。到那時,情況就不同了36)You have enough money

23、to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice.你有足夠的錢去買一個房子或者一個企業(yè), 你買什么?我會買房子。1 再在房子的年收益率是8%,而企業(yè)的平均收益只有5%2 房子不用關心,而企業(yè)則意味著放棄自己穩(wěn)定的工作,費時費力3 更何況,我不是一個喜歡冒險的人,并不適合管理企業(yè),我未必比平均做得更好政府花錢問題37)Some people think that governments should spend

24、as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.有些人認為政府應當盡可能地花錢購買或發(fā)展計算機技術。有些人持反對意見認為這些錢應該

25、用在基本需求上。 你贊同哪種觀點?兩者存在trade-off交替使用,我認為應該適度地投資計算機1. 信息化可大降低企業(yè)成本,提高國際競爭力2. 計算機技術是國家科技水平的重要標志之一,對長遠發(fā)展有力3. 但過度投資將給財政帶來負擔,對窮人的生存生活帶來影響38)Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disag

26、ree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.有些人認為政府應當盡可能地花錢探索宇宙(比如登月或其他星球)。 令有些人認為政府應該把錢用在我們基本的需求上。你贊同哪種觀點?應該首要滿足basic needs on Earth。如果仍有資金再考慮explore outer spac

27、e。1在任何國家,Basic needs都是一切的基礎。吃穿住行。如果都成問題,談不上更高追求。政府作為為人民服務的職能部門,應該把人民最根本的需求Put in the first place.2具體國情: 當前我國人口多,解決生計問題首當其沖3Explore outer space有意義,國力(national power)的體現。但是應該先滿足前者,有extra money再去做。39)Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more m

28、oney on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.政府是應該花更多的錢改善道路還是改善公共交通工具(比如公共汽車,火車,地鐵)?為什么?我認為應發(fā)展公共交通1 在這個國家,大城市的交通問題非常嚴重。(1)道路發(fā)展根本跟不上個人交通的發(fā)展,(2)交通問題主要是城市內問題,而非城市間問題2 公共交通能使更多的人受易(包括不擁有私人汽車的人)3 公共交通更快捷,對緩解交通壓力更有效果,如地鐵4 更環(huán)保

29、學校花錢問題40)Your school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school to spend this money? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.你的學校得到一筆錢,最好如何花掉這筆錢?設立一個基金,資助貧困學生1可持續(xù)性,可用于可靠的設資,用利潤支付2提供平等的學習機會3有利于學校學術水平的提升,保證了良好的生源41)Your school has enough money to pu

30、rchase either computers for students or books for the library. Which should your school choose to buy computers or books? Use specific reasons and examples to support your recommendation.你的學校有一筆錢足夠為學生購買計算機或者為圖書館買書。 學校該買什么?計算機1學校已有一個規(guī)模可觀的圖書館,且圖書館有穩(wěn)定的社會、政府資助2信息化建設是趨勢,是學生的重要競爭力3可以大大方便教學,電子圖書館已經在其他學校廣泛建

31、立,方便且成本低5.原因題目:43)People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge).Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer人們上大學為很多目的, 比如有人為準備工作經驗,有人為增長知識。 你認為人

32、們?yōu)槭裁瓷洗髮W?我認為是一個可靠的評價1 大多數人進入大學時,并沒有考慮好一定會做什么工作;也并不是完全出于興趣。而是市場的需要2 企業(yè)通過學歷對就職業(yè)給予快速的評價,可靠的學習、思維能力和相關的技能3 若沒有大學,這種評價的成本將會非常高,企業(yè)將不知錄用誰。為了對自己的能力和智力做出保證,人們才去上大學。44)In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay討論人們現在長壽

33、的原因。所謂長壽是指平均壽命比過去長了,如50歲到75歲1沒有大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)爭,人類通過更文明的方式解決沖突2沒有大規(guī)模流行疾病,醫(yī)學使人類更強大3持續(xù)增長的經濟和社會保障體系使大多數人不僅獲得必要的衣食,還使人們更注意合理的生活方式46)Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.了解文化,聽解說,節(jié)省費用很多人旅游到新地方時為什么參觀博

34、物館?最方便、系統(tǒng)、有趣味的方式1不可能到各地參觀,花費很大,尤其當這個國家很大時,博物館集中了文物精品 representative antiques2.因為專家們系統(tǒng)地安排,能全面(雖不完整)地大致了解不同的文化3.經過特別布置,展品以最有趣味的方式呈現,使不注釋的人們容易接受47)Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.為什么有人

35、被危險的體育或其他危險的活動所吸引?1 有些看似危險的活動,其實安全是有保障,心理學家認為,人們通常這些活動主動迎接恐懼,反而能獲得釋放;或者是逃避現實的一種方式2 也有生理學家認為,人在神經高度興奮和刺激的條件,身份會分泌一種物質,使人感到非常愉快。3 對于一些真正危險的活動,其實象征了人類征服自然的偉大精神。若完成會有極大的成就感。48)People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons.

36、 Use specific examples and details to support your answer.人們工作的目的是人們需要金錢而生存。 人們工作的其他諸原因是什么?1有的人工作則完全是為了興趣,一些藝術家和科學家是這樣2有的人工作則是為獲得別人的認可,這種社會認可會使他覺得自己的價值。3大多數人兼而有之,如經濟學雖認為企業(yè)家掙錢為第一目的,但有深入接觸就會發(fā)現,大多數成功的企業(yè)家都有自己的偉大的夢想,追求這個夢想的過程滿足了他們對管理的興趣,同學成功的企業(yè)又使他們感到成就感-即獲得了市場和大眾的認可。49)Do you agree or disagree with the f

37、ollowing statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.工作的最重要的方面是一個人賺的金錢,同意與否?同上。52)Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to suppo

38、rt your answer.讀寫能力是否比以前更重要?為什么是或非?1 信息量越來越大,讀的能力提高獲得有用信息的速度2 信息化是書面交流越來越容易3 工作方式的轉變使讀寫能為獲得高薪的重要條件53)Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer為什么電影變得全球普及?1全球范圍內人類生活水平的提高,電影已成為重要的掙錢機器2全球化使人們比以往更易接受不同的價值觀,電影亦全球化3人

39、們的生活壓力越來越大,需要合適的方式去排解6.交友問題:54)What do you want most in a friend someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.你最喜歡朋友的什么特點才智,幽默, 可靠?哪個對

40、你最重要?可靠,因為朋友的基礎在信賴1玩伴很多,朋友很少。真正的朋友建立對無私的付出之上2只有在困難的情況下,才真正顯示出朋友的價值。舉例,生意伙伴3情感因素往往是最重要,一個再成功的人也需要朋友,情感上的交流和分享55)Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to suppor

41、t your answer有些人喜歡單獨度過閑暇, 而另外有些人喜歡和朋友一起度過時間。 你喜歡哪個?要看做什么事1若是學習、工作,我喜歡一個個,安靜沒有干擾2若是玩樂,我喜歡和大家一起,重在分享和競爭,比如玩球。比較有趣味3不會感到孤獨4相比之下,群居的時間多一些56)Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. W

42、hich of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.有些人喜歡和一個或兩個朋友,而另外有些人喜歡和很多朋友一起度過時間。 你喜歡哪個?1玩伴很多,朋友很少。真正的朋友建立對無私的付出之上2只有在困難的情況下,才真正顯示出朋友的價值。舉例,生意伙伴3情感因素往往是最重要,在大多數人面前,人總想表現得成功,但其實需要情感交流和分享59)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One s

43、hould never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer永遠不要以貌取人,同意與否?不完全同意1 相貌不能決定一個人的品性/品德,好看難看是先天的2 但可以透露一個人的習慣,比如愛干凈3 也可以體現一個人審美觀和性格,如喜歡什么風格,都是很重要的信息宗教信仰,身份,costume.7.學習和教育:61)It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in boo

44、ks.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?不是所有的東西能從書本中學來。 比較經驗知識和書本知識。 哪個更重要。在不同領域的重要必不同1理論學習,書本很重要,是大師智慧的結晶,自己想不出來2實現工作中實踐非常重要,有些事情不經歷是永遠學不會的,如游泳,如演講3人們往往過分忽視實際經驗,所以大學生實習很重要理論為基礎特別是對于一些基礎學科但大多數都要

45、歸到實踐中去,通過自己的時間來掌握.犯錯誤等62)Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.學生應該不應該自己選擇上課?還是要強迫學生上課?1低年

46、級學生不知道什么是重要的,而學習往往是痛苦的過程2高年級學生也應該上課,既是學習所必需的,也是評價方式之一3應該給予學生選擇有興趣的、適合自己水平的課程的權力64)Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.學生每天的作業(yè)是必要的嗎?1低年級學生不知道什么是重要的,而學習往往是痛苦的過程,必要;2對于高年

47、級學生應該有更大的自由度,尤其對學得好的人,作業(yè)會浪費很多時間3有其他的學習形式,比如present.65)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.考試分數鼓勵學生學習嗎?是,但不是最好的1. 其他分數是一種兩向的評價方式,對老師,對學生2. 因為有所比較,差者想更好3. 但學習是有差異的,不可為考試而學,興趣才是關鍵66)

48、Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.有些學校要求學生學習很多專業(yè)?還有些學校只要求學生集中在某一具體的學科上。 哪個更好?我認為一個更好1四年時間有限,內容量大,多了學不好2學習要適應就好,有專長比較好3也要注意hum

49、anity的培養(yǎng)67)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.男女應該分學校上課嗎?不應該1男女的正常接觸是必要的,不然以后有困難2性別意識有助于培養(yǎng)合適的社會性別角色,如男人承擔更多責任3異性朋友或男女朋友很重要,缺少很多快樂和鼓勵68)Some people believe that a college or uni

50、versity education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.高等教育是否應該給所有的學生? 還是給優(yōu)秀的學生?不應該1教育的資源有限,投入有限2并不是很有人都合適,也并不是說沒讀過大學就低等,也好考慮能力和興趣3好不好的評價很重要,要盡量提供公平的教育機會70)P

51、eople learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to support your choice.做事,聽別人講,讀書那種方法對你而言是最好的。這與我學的內容有關1 對于理論

52、學習,讀書是最方便的方式,前人經驗的總結比自己體驗更快2 對于技能,比如游泳、修車,光看不做不沒用的3 大部分內部分則要多種方法并用,比如學英文,學經濟(對市場的體會)71)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion人們

53、只應該讀關于現實的書, 比如關于真實的人和事的書,同意與否?不同意1小說反映的也是現實,其力量有時更甚2詩歌是情感的表達,人除了了解世界分析世界,還要了解自己3幻想往往是科學的動力72)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons and example

54、s to support your opinion科學和歷史文學哪個更重要?1哪個更重要要看興趣2目前確實有越來越實用化的傾向,市場的力量3文學等其實對個人很重要,應該在兩者間找到平衡74)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer高中學生必須學習音樂和藝術嗎?有必要,但不強求1對美的欣賞有助

55、于他們日后的生活,是civilized的標志,提高生活品味2不管日后學什么,都有好處。3高中學學習壓力很重,這些課對他們是個放松,但不應規(guī)定增加負擔4每個人層次不同,有些很擅長,有些則不懂。課程要分層,這對有些學校不現實75)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support yo

56、ur opinion.高中應該準許學生學習他們喜歡的課程嗎?高中應該提供一些選修課程1大部分課程是必修的,因為高中是打基礎2也因為高中生仍然不知道自己的真正興趣3選擇課的好處,找到興趣;學有余力;實踐能力76)In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.學生在家里利用計算機和電視機學習, 還是傳統(tǒng)的學校學習?你喜歡什么?我更喜歡傳統(tǒng)的,但我不反對新技術,是補充1 新技術交流2 新技術對學生的約束不強3 新技術比較淺4 但新技術也方便、外捷,吸引力77)Some students like classes where teachers lecture (do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes where the students d


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