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2、珀、靈珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蠟香珀、靈珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蠟珀等,尤以含有完整昆蟲或植物的琥珀為珍珀等,尤以含有完整昆蟲或植物的琥珀為珍貴貴 。AmberCan you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?RawRawamberamberDo you know what picture this is?A picture of the Amber Room in St Petersburg in RussiaCatherine Palace琥琥 珀珀 屋屋 The Amber Room 1709年,生性豪奢的普魯士國王腓特烈一

3、世命令當時普魯士最有名的年,生性豪奢的普魯士國王腓特烈一世命令當時普魯士最有名的建筑師安建筑師安休魯達和戈休魯達和戈德恩著手興建德恩著手興建“琥珀屋琥珀屋”(Amber Room)。)。完成后的琥珀屋面積約完成后的琥珀屋面積約55平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的12塊護壁鑲板塊護壁鑲板和和12個柱腳,其上飾有銀箔,可任意拼裝成各種形狀。在當時,琥珀個柱腳,其上飾有銀箔,可任意拼裝成各種形狀。在當時,琥珀的價值為黃金的的價值為黃金的13倍,因此倍,因此“琥珀屋琥珀屋”無論從材料的貴重程度還是工無論從材料的貴重程度還是工藝水平來說都堪稱稀世奇珍,曾有藝水平來說都堪稱稀世奇珍,曾

4、有“世界第八奇跡世界第八奇跡”之譽。之譽。 為了向俄國示好,加強兩國間的軍事同盟關系,腓特烈一世在為了向俄國示好,加強兩國間的軍事同盟關系,腓特烈一世在1716年決定將琥珀屋贈予俄國的彼得大帝。年決定將琥珀屋贈予俄國的彼得大帝。1717年,琥珀屋被運抵俄國的年,琥珀屋被運抵俄國的圣彼得堡。后來,這座估計價值圣彼得堡。后來,這座估計價值1億億5千萬英鎊的藝術珍品又被運到了千萬英鎊的藝術珍品又被運到了圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名為普希金城)的凱瑟琳宮。圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名為普希金城)的凱瑟琳宮。 德國入侵前蘇聯(lián)后,凱瑟琳宮的工匠曾打算用紗和假墻紙把琥珀屋德國入侵前蘇聯(lián)后,凱瑟琳宮的工匠曾打算用

5、紗和假墻紙把琥珀屋遮蓋起來。不過,攻占皇宮的德軍識破了偽裝,將琥珀屋拆開運到了遮蓋起來。不過,攻占皇宮的德軍識破了偽裝,將琥珀屋拆開運到了德國。人們知道德國人曾把琥珀屋收藏在東普魯士的哥尼斯堡,但自德國。人們知道德國人曾把琥珀屋收藏在東普魯士的哥尼斯堡,但自那以后就再也沒有人清楚它的下落。那以后就再也沒有人清楚它的下落。60年來,人們有過各種各樣的揣年來,人們有過各種各樣的揣測,尋找,卻始終不見其蹤影。充滿傳奇色彩的琥珀屋成了全世界最測,尋找,卻始終不見其蹤影。充滿傳奇色彩的琥珀屋成了全世界最重要的失蹤藝術品之一重要的失蹤藝術品之一。Listen to the text, trying to

6、get the main idea about the text.It tells us the strange history of the Amber Room, a cultural relic of two countries: Germany and Russia.1.How many tone of amber were used to make the Amber Room?2.What else were used to make the room besides amber?3.Why was the Amber Room first built?4.When and why

7、 did Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter the Great?5.What did Peter give in return?6.What did Catherine do with the Amber Room?7.When and how was the Amber Room supposed to have been lost?Questions: How many tons of amber were used to make the Amber Room?2. What else were used to make t

8、he Amber Room?3. Why was the Amber Room first built?4. When and why Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter The Great?Seven thousand tons.Gold and jewels.It was built for the palace of Frederick.In 1716. It was given as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to Russian people.5. What did Pe

9、ter the Great give in return?6. What did Catherine the Great do with the Amber Room?7. When and how was the Amber Room supposed to have been lost?55 of his best soldiers.She told her artists to add more details to its design.In September, 1941. The Nazis secretly stole the Amber Room.1.What could th

10、e King of Prussia never think of his present to the Russian?2. Why was the gift given the name the Amber Room?3. What shape can the amber be made into when heated?4. Is the Amber Room pure amber made with?5. Was the Amber Room specially made to be a gift?He could never think of his present would hav

11、e such a strange history.Because about seven thousand tons of amber were melt to make it.Any shape.No. Its also made with gold and jewels.No, it wasnt.6. What was the Amber Room made for?For the palace of Frederick I.7. Where was the Amber Room first placed?In the Czars winter palace in St Petersbur

12、g.8. Is the Amber Room still in Russia?No, it isnt.9. Where is it now?No one knows. It remains a mystery.10. What happened to the Amber Room?It was stolen by the Nazis and is missing now.11. What were saved from the Amber Room?The furniture and small art objects.12. How old is St Petersburg now?300

13、years old now. Built in Prussia_Frederick William I_Sent it to Peter the Great(Russian)_Winter palaceCzarCatherine IIMove outside St Petersburg_The war between(R&G) Nazi German Secretly stole_Sent to Konigsberg (G)_mystery_NowRebuilt_Group work Discuss the following topic in groups, then show yo

14、ur opinions: Do you think it is meaningful to rebuild the new Amber Room? Why? in search of - looking fore.g. Im now in search of a house to live in. At that time many people went to the west in search of gold.1. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, _ that his greatest gift to the Russian peopl

15、e would have such a strange history. 普魯士國王腓特烈普魯士國王腓特烈威廉一世從威廉一世從來也不會想到他贈送給俄國人民的禮物會有如此來也不會想到他贈送給俄國人民的禮物會有如此離奇的歷史。離奇的歷史。 could not/never have done 對過去所發(fā)生事情的對過去所發(fā)生事情的否定推測否定推測could never have imaginedThe ground is wet everywhere. It must have rained last night._ (我本可以把錢借給他我本可以把錢借給他)but he didnt tell me h

16、e needed it._ (你一定感到很緊張你一定感到很緊張)when you spoke in front of so many people.I could have lent him moneyYou must felt very nervous2. Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts_ . 盡管它摸上去像石頭一盡管它摸上去像石頭一樣堅硬,然而加熱時它卻很容易融化。樣堅硬,然而加熱時它卻很容易融化。 when heated 是是when it is heated 的省略形式。的省略形式。狀語從句中,若其主語和主句的主語

17、一致,狀語從句中,若其主語和主句的主語一致,同時謂語動詞含有系動詞同時謂語動詞含有系動詞be, 或或it is/was結構,結構,可省去該從句的主語和系動詞可省去該從句的主語和系動詞be,留下其余,留下其余部分。部分。 Turn to him for help if necessary. When _ why he was late, he went red. (ask) Be careful when _ the street. (cross) askedcrossingwhen heated3. Once it is heated, the amber room can be made i

18、nto any shape. (P1, L4) 一旦加熱,可以把琥珀一旦加熱,可以把琥珀制作成任何形狀。制作成任何形狀。 once 為從屬連詞,意為為從屬連詞,意為“一旦一旦” Once you begin to do it, you must do it well. Once you see it, youll like it. be made into 被制成被制成 由由制成(能看出原材料)制成(能看出原材料) 由由制成(看不出原材料)制成(看不出原材料) 由由組成組成/構成構成 產于,生產于(某地產于,生產于(某地/某時)某時)be made ofbe made frombe made

19、up ofbe made inThe wood here will _ table.The bottle _ glass.The kind of wine _ grapes.This class _ 60 students.The machines _ china.be made intois made ofis made from is made up ofare made in4. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days. (P1, L5) 琥珀琥珀屋的設計具有當時那個年代最流行的奇屋的設計具

20、有當時那個年代最流行的奇特風格。特風格。 fancy adj. 奇特的,花樣的奇特的,花樣的 I dont feel like making a fancy meal. vt. 想象想象,推測推測,假想假想1) Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.2) I cant fancy his doing such a thing.3) I fancied him to be dead.4) He fancies himself as a good writer.5) Do you fancy a glass of coffee?6) I

21、 dont fancy walking in the rain.fancy + that-/ones doing sth/sb to be/sb as/sth/doing sthof the fancy style“of +抽象名詞抽象名詞”表示人或事物所具有的特表示人或事物所具有的特征,特性,可在句中做表語或后置定語。征,特性,可在句中做表語或后置定語。They are of different sizes, but they are the same in weight.I dont find anything of interest in todays newspaperYour adv

22、ise is of great help to learners of English.1) They are of great help to learners of English.of great importance=of interest=of use=of value=of help=importantinterestingusefulvaluablehelpful1._ (一旦見到一旦見到), the beautiful scenery can be never forgotten. 2.I wont attend their party _ (即使被邀請即使被邀請).3.She

23、 will remain silent _ (如果不跟她說話如果不跟她說話).4.I called on them _ (逗留逗留) in London.5._ (當?shù)谝淮谓榻B當?shù)谝淮谓榻B) to us, he looked shy.6.These models _ (大小各異大小各異). 7.The meeting _ (很重要很重要).8. Such books _ (沒用沒用).9. They _ (很有幫助很有幫助)to learners of English.10. Your advice _(很有價值很有價值)to our work.Once seeneven if invited

24、unless spoken towhen stayingWhen first introducedare of different sizesis of great importanceare of no useare of great helpis of great valueof high quality of different colours of the same sizeof this kind高質量的高質量的顏色不同的顏色不同的一樣大小的一樣大小的屬于這一類的屬于這一類的5. in return (for) -as repayment (for)作為報答作為報答e.g. I re

25、ally dont know what I can present in return. He did something in return for their kindness.6. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors. (Para2, L9) 琥珀屋約四米長,做琥珀屋約四米長,做了接待貴賓的小接待廳。了接待貴賓的小接待廳。 serve as 擔任,充當擔任,充當 He served two terms as President. He served

26、 as a waiter there. When you sleep in the open, old newspapers can serve as a blanket.7. She told her artists to add more details to its design. (Para3, L3) 她告訴他的藝術家們她告訴他的藝術家們將設計方案再增加更多的細節(jié)。將設計方案再增加更多的細節(jié)。 addto把把加進加進里去里去 He added that he was very pleased with our work. Please add some sugar to the mi

27、lk. Add the score up. His being absent added to our difficulty. The money he spent one day added up to about $100.8. light v. (pt, pp lit or ed; but ed usu as an attrib adj.) cause to begin burning or give out light照亮照亮,點亮點亮e.g. He lit a lamp/candle/cigarette/fire. These streets are lit/lighted by e

28、lectricity. She entered the room, with a lighted candle in her hand.9. wonder n. thing or event causing surprised feeling combined with admiration奇跡奇跡e.g. Walking on the moon is one of the wonders of our times. What a wonder it is!注注:light的過去式或過去分詞可用的過去式或過去分詞可用lighted或或lit,但作定語修但作定語修飾名詞時用飾名詞時用lighte

29、d10. This was a time when the two countries were at war. (Para4, L2)這是兩國交戰(zhàn))這是兩國交戰(zhàn)時期。時期。 at war 處于戰(zhàn)爭狀態(tài),介詞處于戰(zhàn)爭狀態(tài),介詞at可表示狀可表示狀態(tài)或動作。態(tài)或動作。 at peace at breakfast at rest at table at work at school at the piano at ones best11. remove vt. take to another place移動移動,搬開搬開e.g. Remove your hand from my shoulder,

30、 will you? She removed the cloth from the table.remove ones clothesremovefrom 12. furniture n.(總稱總稱)家具家具典型錯誤典型錯誤: They bought many new furnitures.much new furniturefurniture 為不可數(shù)名詞為不可數(shù)名詞一件家具一件家具 a piece of furnitureThere is much furniture in his house.13. There is no doubt that the boxes were then p

31、ut on a train for Konigsberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. (Para4, L6) 毫毫無疑問,這些箱子后來被裝上火車運往哥尼無疑問,這些箱子后來被裝上火車運往哥尼斯堡,當時它是波羅的海邊的一個德國城市。斯堡,當時它是波羅的海邊的一個德國城市。 There is no doubt = Its clear = Its beyond argument毫無疑問毫無疑問There is no doubt that he can do the work well.e.g. I have no doubt that

32、 he will succeed. that he is honest. There is no doubt about his honesty.e.g. I doubt his ability to the work. We doubt the truth of the news. I dont doubt that he will succeed. I doubt whether he will come.注意注意: doubt后面跟后面跟that還是還是whether引導從句的根據(jù)引導從句的根據(jù): 一般來說一般來說,否定句型中多用否定句型中多用that從句從句;肯定句型中多用肯定句型中多

33、用whether 從句從句.Assignments: Change the following sentences The bike there is his. The bike there _ _ _. Britain was fighting against Germany then. Britain and Germany _ _ _ then. It is certain that they will come. _ _ _ _ _ they will come. What really happened to the Amber Room is still a mystery. Wh

34、at really happened to the Amber Room _ a mystery. Jack went to look for a doctor for his sick wife. Jack went _ _ _ a doctor for his sick wife.belongs to himwere at warThere is no doubt thatin search ofremainsP44馮驥才,男,浙江寧波人,中國當代馮驥才,男,浙江寧波人,中國當代作家和畫家。作家和畫家。1942年生于天津。初為年生于天津。初為畫家,專事摹古。畫家,專事摹古。“文革文革”后為


36、譯成英、法、德、意、日、俄、荷、西、等西、等10余種文字,在海外出版各種余種文字,在海外出版各種譯本譯本30種。種。Feng Jicai馮驥才于馮驥才于20世紀世紀90年年代以來,投入文化遺產代以來,投入文化遺產的搶救與保護工作,組的搶救與保護工作,組織多次大型文化搶救行織多次大型文化搶救行動,出版各種相關著作,動,出版各種相關著作,發(fā)表大量關于文化遺產發(fā)表大量關于文化遺產保護的思辨性與呼吁性保護的思辨性與呼吁性的文章,并在海內外舉的文章,并在海內外舉行相關的演講,對當代行相關的演講,對當代中國文化界產生深遠影中國文化界產生深遠影響。響。 Why does Big Feng want to s

37、ave cultural relics? How does he save the cultural relics of his hometown?Big Feng and his friends offer each other help whoever needs help. So Feng believes that his work to save cultural relics is a way to thank many of his friends.He goes out and does a lot of things as possible as he can. One of

38、 his biggest project was to Another project was more successfulNot long ago, he took photos of the old part of Tianjin1.What does “a big heart ”mean? In what way does Feng Jicai show that he has a big heart?2.Why does he think it is more important to do this than to write his novels?3.It is very time-consuming(耗時的耗時的) and expensive for Feng Jicai to take care of cult


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