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1、EAC講座精彩回憶:大數(shù)據(jù)的文藝兒Review the EAC lecture: The Tone of Big Datal數(shù)據(jù)的文琳兒Aken yu云時代的到來,As the Cloud era arrival ,有關(guān)“大數(shù)據(jù)的傳說日漸深入人心,The lege nd of Big Data has looked so deeply into people 'mind,大數(shù)據(jù)掀起的商戰(zhàn)風(fēng)云,讓每個商業(yè)職場人士為之著迷。Professi on als fasci nated by the bus in ess competiti on of Big Data.那么,大數(shù)據(jù)究竟是何種存在

2、?But actually, what is Big Data and why it could be exist ?與藝術(shù)文創(chuàng)行業(yè)又有哪些關(guān)聯(lián)?What kind of relatio nship is betwee n cultural creative in dustry and Big Data?作為集藝術(shù)細(xì)胞與商業(yè)頭腦于一身的EAC,特推出這場“大數(shù)據(jù)與文創(chuàng)產(chǎn)業(yè)主題講座,初探文創(chuàng)藝術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)的大數(shù)據(jù)時代。EAC, in tegrated by artistic and commercial eleme nt, especially choose the topic and hold th

3、is lecture,i n order to illustrate Big Data&Cultural Creative In dustry.2021年1月9日,EAC法國藝術(shù)文化管理學(xué)院 MBA新年第一講一一“看大數(shù)據(jù)玩轉(zhuǎn)文 創(chuàng)藝術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè),在同學(xué)們的熱切期盼中如期而至。即便當(dāng)天,的氣溫降至最低點(diǎn),依舊無法 阻擋同學(xué)們參與的熱情。參與講座的人員,除了才華與氣質(zhì)并存的本校同學(xué)外,同時吸引了眾多來自各行各業(yè)的精英人員的參與,講座現(xiàn)場座無虛席。Jan 1 2021, EAC France institute of art and cultural management,held her fi

4、rst lecture-How to play in a role in the Big Data Era,which is keenly awaited by the students in the the beginning of year.Although the temperature was worst frozen, students ' enthusiasm can 'tbe stopped .Excepted the tale nt pretty stude nt, this lecture attracted all kinds of elites in di

5、ffere nt fields,which was a full and hot live.而此次我們特邀了實(shí)力派講師俞楠博士,帥氣的俞楠博士對大數(shù)據(jù)時代的數(shù)據(jù)思維戰(zhàn)略及企業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)型,人工智能,情境社交理論等學(xué)科領(lǐng)域,有著非常的研究與實(shí)戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗(yàn),本次給 我們帶來了趣味十足的干貨。Dr.Yu Nan was invited as an excellent lecturer at this time. In the field of date thinking strategy &enterprise transformation,artificial intelligenee, situati

6、onal social theory, handsome Dr.Yu had an extraord inary research and practical experie nee at the back-gra nd of Big Data Era, mean while,he bright us some in terest ing eno ugh hardcore in formati on.人物背景:數(shù)據(jù)科學(xué)家Key man Backgro und: Data Scien tist大數(shù)據(jù)商策聯(lián)盟會長Prese nt of Big Data Busin ess Strategy All

7、ia nee 開開會聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人Co Fou nder of KKH交大-法國尼斯工商管理博士DBA of Uni versity of Shan ghai Jiaot ong&France Nice Sophia-A ntipolis天賦藝術(shù)才華,擅長速寫漫畫素描Art Tale nt, good at sketch,comic and line draw ing 最具顏值博士、科學(xué)家Best Appeara nee of Doctor and Scien tist講座開篇,俞楠博士用有趣的生活案例,為我們揭開了“大數(shù)據(jù)的神秘面紗。俞楠指 出,大數(shù)據(jù)沒有想象中的神秘,大數(shù)據(jù)是需要新處理

8、模式才能具有更強(qiáng)的決策力、洞察發(fā)現(xiàn)力和流程優(yōu)化能力的海量、高增長率和多樣化的信息資產(chǎn),可堪稱“未來的石油。大數(shù)據(jù) 來源于各種科技產(chǎn)品,如移動智能終端,社交媒體,傳感器等。大數(shù)據(jù)在商業(yè)中主要應(yīng)用于三大方面:Social-CRM、推薦系統(tǒng)和營銷系統(tǒng)。而論及我們的文創(chuàng)藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域,大數(shù)據(jù)對其 影響是非常廣泛而具有顛覆性的。First,Dr. Yu Nan lift the mystery veil of Big Data with the funny life cases.There was not so much mystery as people 'imagine,Dr. Yu pointe

9、d out.Big Data which need brand new processing mode so that it could be more stronger in decision-making,insight&discovery force, process optimizati on, was the mass and high rate of growth and diversificati on of in formatio n asset,a nd we can call it future en ergy. Big data came from differe

10、 nt kinds of tech no logy products, such asmobile in tellige nt term in als, social media, sen sors, etc. In the bus in ess field,Big Data was used as three aspects: Social-CRM,Recomme ndati on system and Marketi ng system. Even in our cultural creative in dustry, its in flue nee was still exte nsiv

11、e and subversive.大數(shù)據(jù)一詞的起源與T?殳定義Big Oats The Nejct Ifontiet for in new抽on compe titiorii and productiwrfyl MG1.20m.S) 大咖時代-自藥12起.正式逬入兀年大數(shù)據(jù)是含了技術(shù).商業(yè)和思維能 力三個層面的綜合性的概念繪彈 止了用虔宰彰列m冉工a圧可權(quán)暫泗罵內(nèi)為n單宀收廉 晦幻匕型溜的大數(shù)據(jù)產(chǎn)主的影響力JS板具碩置性的垸樂丈叱內(nèi)容的產(chǎn)生和傳播方式從此改變,大 敷抓期了兩者N間的芙系俞博士指出,首先,從其容的產(chǎn)生和傳播方式而言,大數(shù)據(jù)重構(gòu)了兩者之間的關(guān)系???以幫助文創(chuàng)領(lǐng)域?qū)崿F(xiàn)全方位多角度,

12、新的客戶洞察;其次,實(shí)時反應(yīng),以數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)論指導(dǎo)容生產(chǎn)。?紙牌屋?就是一個非常典型的實(shí)例,借助大數(shù)據(jù),拍出消費(fèi)者想要看的影視作品。Dr.Yu stated that, firstly,from the content gen erati on and tran smissi on mode, Big Data recon struct their the relati on ship, which could realize all-r ound and multi-a ngle in sight towards customers.Next,it can be real-time feedbac

13、k so that date con clusi on would guide the gen erati on of content. House of Cards is the typical successful case for the practice of Big Data.大數(shù)據(jù)的反向推導(dǎo)原理通過線睥論召導(dǎo)企業(yè)庭出產(chǎn)詔.是神典空的星J人數(shù)據(jù)的C2E權(quán)式HOUSESNetftlHO隠雌晰趣晦述辻1推薦冋己訴了用戶存岡I觀宥楓娜所有轄杓4定找蛍給體看什么,血定像粗石什么,山就為么西,溝lit ,問恥漢詁大卩廠演f腳 丸甸於部經(jīng)典.201年倒哉 冃D?曲匱動沁* 1E擷丈城運(yùn)用的 經(jīng)典

14、郵|而對于藝術(shù)品市場,大數(shù)據(jù)可以幫助其實(shí)現(xiàn)消費(fèi)群體的精準(zhǔn)定位,以及藝術(shù)市場行情的分析,為藝術(shù)市場帶來了非常多的開展機(jī)遇。In the art market,Big Data could make the accurate positioning towards customer group and an alyze marketi ng con diti on, which en rich much more developme nt opport un ities.大數(shù)據(jù)最大的怖值在于實(shí)時分析和精進(jìn)廊II 但在藝術(shù)品市場.我們車關(guān)注教據(jù)6勺有效性和真實(shí)性對于大數(shù)據(jù)的應(yīng)用,最重要的是需要了解其

15、算法,在此,俞博士為同學(xué)們科普了 Apriori 算法的相關(guān)知識,有趣的“啤酒與“尿布商業(yè)營銷案例,讓同學(xué)們明白了算法的玄妙。E)(這些算法的普及,著實(shí)驚呆了純文科出身的小For the application of Big Data, the most important was how to understand the algorithm,therefore,Dr.Yu showed the kno wledge of Apriori algorithm with in the funny bus in ess practical cases Beer"& Diaper

16、s so that students could make it clear.(Apriori algorithm made little E surprised in deed).或頁應(yīng)金序郵.為冊打O溪顯木/It址帶人戶話威占豹的空詔掛.酬本嚴(yán)備扛和個世出餡產(chǎn)詁屮*利占出酬沬竝斛芯占比方IEU,俞博士的演講結(jié)束,同學(xué)們進(jìn)入了熱烈的討論環(huán)節(jié)。來自各行業(yè)的大數(shù)據(jù)資深研究與實(shí) 踐者,向俞博士探討了行業(yè)困惑已久的問題,如數(shù)據(jù)的真實(shí)性問題以及如何利用大數(shù)據(jù)為自身行業(yè)效勞的問題。 在此,俞博士毫不保存的給予了詳細(xì)的解答。有同學(xué)表示,聽了那么多 場大數(shù)據(jù)講座,唯獨(dú)此場講座不虛此行。When Dr.Yu

17、finished his speech, the students had a lively discussion.Senior research practiti oners of Big Data from various in dustry explored Ion g-time con fused problems with Dr.Yu, such as the authenticity and the application of Big Data.According to the fact, Dr.Yu unreservedly imported the kno wledge in

18、 detail. One stude nt said,although he took part in so many lectures, only this lecture deserved his time.聽君一席話,勝讀十年書。俞博士的精彩演講,讓同學(xué)們頗感受益匪淺,意猶未盡。有 美女同學(xué)很文藝的發(fā)出感慨:BIG DATA大數(shù)據(jù)時代,你被數(shù)據(jù)了么?A single conversation across the table with a wise man worth a mouth ' study of books.Stude nts expressed that they had ben efits a lot from the speech of Dr.Yu,but also they expected longing for more.Another pretty girl sighed very literally that:Did Big Data data you?大數(shù)據(jù)為藝術(shù)文化領(lǐng)域帶來的機(jī)遇,讓我們看到了文創(chuàng)領(lǐng)域的市場潛力與信心。在這里,E


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