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1、Unit 3. Class PresentationListening & SpeakingThe Language for Expressing Determination and Optimism1). Directions: You are going to listen to an instructor talking about expressing determination and optimism. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Instructor: Are you a dete

2、rmined person? Are you optimistic (樂觀的) about what you have decided to do? Your determination and optimism tend to go hand in hand. Determination is a driving force. You have to make a decision to do everything. Nothing can be accomplished without a firm belief. Your determination usually reflects a

3、 certain degree of optimism. Your optimism will increase your resilience (活力), maintain hope and improve your chances of a successful or acceptable outcome. In this way your optimism reinforces (增強(qiáng)) your determination. Pick up the following sentences to express your determination: Ive made up my min

4、d. Im quite decided. Ive made a decision to move to Shanghai. Its my decision to do it right now. Ive decided to find a part time job. Ive set my mind on taking TOEFL. Ive made up my mind not to change my plan. I dont think anybody can keep me from going abroad for further studies. Nothing can stop

5、me from achieving my goal. Pick up the following sentences to express your optimism: I have no doubt of my success. Im sure well win. Were bound to (一定會(huì)) make a success of the plan. Im confident (that) everything will be fine. Im very optimistic about the results. Ive every confidence in my promotio

6、n. Thingsll work out OK. 2. Now come up with a particular subject on which you voice your opinion or attitude, and expect others to ask for clarification about something that might be unclear to them. Try to use the language you have just learned in Exercise 1.Making a Decision and Expressing Optimi

7、sm3.1) Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. crazy 瘋狂的;發(fā)瘋的out of the question 不可能的aptitude 天資,才能 Directions: Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing Words. Li Ming: What di

8、d you say? Did you say you would study Japanese as your second foreign language?Wang Ying: Yeah. Anything wrong?Li Ming: Are you crazy? Thats out of the question! How can you manage two foreign languages at the same time? How about other courses?Wang Ying: Well, Im quite decided. I dont think anybod

9、y can keep me from learning Japanese.Li Ming: I know youre a fast learner. But your schedule of courses will get tougher. You need a chance to smell the flowers. I mean you still need to relax sometimes. Wang Ying: I know what you mean. But dont you see this rapid-changing society? I would say the m

10、ore languages you can speak the more chances youll have in the job market. Right? Li Ming: I get your point. But.Wang Ying: Dont worry. Im very optimistic about my language aptitude. Speaking of languages hows your English learning?Li Ming: Well, Im working hard on it.Wang Ying: Good. Directions: No

11、w listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. What has Wang Ying decided to do?Shes decided to study Japanese as her second foreign language. 2. What does Li Ming think of her decision?Its impossible to manage two foreign languages at the same time. 3. What does he ask he

12、r to do?He asks her not to work so hard. 4. How is Wang Yings determination?Its so strong that nobody can change her mind. 5. Is she confident about her decision? Why or why not?Yes. Because she has realized the importance of speaking more languages in this rapid changing society.2) Directions: Befo

13、re you listen to the second conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. have one heart set on sth. 決心做某事admit 成認(rèn)one way or another 無論如何;用某種方法Directions: Listen to the conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have just hea

14、rd. Shelley is blind. But she has set her mind on taking college classes. Shes dreamed of going to college ever since she was a little girl. Her blindness has never stopped her from going to college. Shelley says that she will give it a try no matter how hard it is. Nothing can stop her from achievi

15、ng her goal. Her determination and optimism will certainly help her make a success of her future career.Directions: Listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class. Michael: Shelley, isnt it hard for you to take college classes? She

16、lley: Why? Because Im blind? Michael, Ive had my heart set on getting a college degree ever since I was a little girl. My blindness has never stopped me from going to college. Michael: But you surely admit it must be tough. Shelley: Sure it is. But Ive made a decision to give it a try no matter how

17、hard it is. You know, Ive always dreamed of going to college on way or another. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal. Michael: I really appreciate your determination. Shelley: Thanks. Im sure Ill make it. Ive no doubt of my success. I dont think youd be any different. Michael: Of course not. W

18、ere bound to make a success of our future career. Shelley: You bet. Nothing is impossible for a determined mind. Michael: Well said.4. Directions: Tell your class what you have decided to be upon graduation. Express optimism about your determination. Try to use the language you just picked up in Exe

19、rcise 1 in justifying your determination and optimism.Listening Practice5. Directions: Listen to the following people talking in order to learn new time expressions. 1. M: Im not so sure that I want a car. Its really a problem finding a place to park-day in and day out. W: Thats for sure. Q : What d

20、oes the man mean? A) Sometimes it is hard to find a place to park. B) It is always difficult to find a place to park.C) It is easy for the man to park at the correct time. D) Never is it a problem for the man to find a place to park. 2. W: Li, youre late again for class. This is the third time this

21、week. M: Miss, you must have mistaken me for somebody else. Im only late for class once in a while. Q: What does the man mean? A) This is his first time to be late for class. B) Hes been late for class only once.C) Hes late for class sometimes. D) Hes never late for class. 3. W: Our vacation is just

22、 around the corner. Are you doing anything special? M: Nothing in particular. What are you planning to do? Q: When is the vacation coming? A) Itll come eventually.B) Its coming on time.C) Its coming soon.D) Its already come. 4. W: Stop eating junk food like that. Just imagine what junk food is doing

23、 to your heart and arteries! It will make you sick in the long run.M: Oh, yeah? Mm Ill take your advice. Q: What does the woman say about junk food? A) It can sometimes be harmful to the health. B) It will eventually make the man sick.C) It will kill the man right away.D) It is safe for a short time

24、. 5. M: Ill tell you what. Ive left that job for good. It was so boring. W: Oh, have you? Do you think you can stay in your present job for good? Q: What does the woman mean? A) Shell take the job for the time being.B) She accepted the job in time. C) Shell never leave the job.D) Shes left the job f

25、orever.6. Directions: Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. 1. W: Hi, Jack. Howre you doing? M: Oh, its been a long day! Q: What does the man mean? A) The daylight hours are long.B) He has had a nice day.C) Hes tired. D) Hes sick. 2. M: Would you like to ha

26、ve a piece of cake? W: No, thanks. Im on a diet. Q: What does the woman mean? A) She wants to lose weight.B) She does not like cakes.C) Shes going to drive. D) Shes afraid to diet.3. M: The deadline for computer registration is tomorrow. W: But I havent decided which courses to take yet. Q: What are

27、 they talking about? A) Registering for classes. B) Buying a computer.C) Getting directions. D) Buying books.4. M: Dr. Smith, could you let me audit your class? W: Let me see, Ill have to check the class enrollment list first. Q: What does the woman mean? A) She has to ask for permission. B) She thi

28、nks it will be fine.C) She says it is impossible. D) She doesnt know yet. 5. W: I dont think the job has to be done perfectly. M: Maybe not, but its important that you do your best. Q: What does the man mean? A) One should write down anything important.B) Its difficult to write correctly. C) Nobody

29、can be perfect. D) Do as well as you can.6. Directions: Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have just heard. software 軟件awkward 棘手的airliner 大型客機(jī)programmer 程序設(shè)計(jì)員disembark 下飛機(jī)ensuing 接著發(fā)生的mot

30、ionless 不動(dòng)的taxi (飛機(jī))滑行l(wèi)et alone 更不用說At a recent computer software engineering course, the participants were given an awkward question to answer: “If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your team of programmers had been responsible for the flight control software, how many of you wou

31、ld disembark immediately? Among the ensuing forest of raised hands only one man sat motionless. When asked what he would do, he replied that he would be quite content to stay aboard. With his teams software, he said, the plane was unlikely to even taxi as far as the runway, let alone take off. F 1.

32、The story took place in an airliner. F 2. The team of programmers designed the flight control software._ T 3. Asked if they would stay aboard, the programmers did not even trust themselves and said they would disembark immediately. T 4. Only one of the programmers said he would be comfortable stayin

33、g on board. T 5. The only programmer left was confident that the airliner would not even take off.8. Directions: Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. Weve all heard the classic adage (格言), “Is the glass half empty or half full? but we m

34、ay not realize the true power of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It can have a far-reaching (深遠(yuǎn)的) influence on everything from our day-to-day lives and selections of mates (配偶), to our career choices and long-term successes. Optimists think in color. They are open-minded to new ideas and situations and enjoy the thoughts and opinions of others. Optimists realize that change is a good and necessary thing. They us


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