1、關于端午節(jié)的英文演講稿:三分鐘英語端午 節(jié)演講稿關于端午節(jié)的英文演講稿:三分鐘英語端午節(jié)演講稿端午節(jié)是古老的傳統節(jié)日,始于中國的春秋戰(zhàn)國時期,至今已有XX多年歷史。據史記“屈原賈生列傳”記載,屈原,是春秋時期 楚懷王的大臣。他倡導舉賢授能,富國強兵,力主聯齊抗秦, 遭到貴族子蘭等人的強烈反對,屈原遭饞去職,被趕由都城,流放到沅、湘流域。他在流放中,寫下了憂國憂民的 離騷、天問、九歌等不朽詩篇,獨具風貌,影響深遠。公 元前278年,秦軍攻破楚國京都。屈原眼看自己的祖國被侵 略,心如刀割,但是始終不忍舍棄自己的祖國,于五月五日,在寫下了絕筆作懷沙之后,抱石投汩羅江身死,以自己 的生命譜寫了一曲壯麗
2、的愛國主義樂章。傳說屈原死后,楚國百姓哀痛異常,紛紛涌到汩羅江邊 去憑吊屈原。漁夫們劃起船只,在江上來回打撈他的真身。 有位漁夫拿由為屈原準備的飯團、雞蛋等食物,“撲通、撲 通”地丟進江里,說是讓魚龍蝦蟹吃飽了,就不會去咬屈大 夫的身體了。人們見后紛紛仿效。一位老醫(yī)師則拿來一壇雄 黃酒倒進江里,說是要藥暈蛟龍水獸,以免傷害屈大夫。后 來為怕飯團為蛟龍所食, 人們想由用楝樹葉包飯, 外纏彩絲,發(fā)展成棕子賽龍舟,是端午節(jié)的主要習俗。相傳起源于古時楚國人 因舍不得賢臣屈原投江死去,許多人劃船追趕拯救。他們爭 先恐后,追至洞庭湖時不見蹤跡。之后每年五月五日劃龍舟 以紀念之。借劃龍舟驅散江中之魚, 以免
3、魚吃掉屈原的身體。 競渡之習,盛行于吳、越、楚。其實,“龍舟競渡”早在戰(zhàn)國時代就有了。在急豉聲 中劃刻成龍形的獨木舟,做競渡游戲,以娛神與樂人,是祭 儀中半宗教性、半娛樂性的節(jié)目。后來,賽龍舟除紀念屈原 之外,在各地人們還付予了不同的寓意。此外,劃龍舟也先 后傳入鄰國日本、越南等及英國。1980年,賽龍舟被列入中國國家體育比賽項目,并每年舉行“屈原杯”龍舟賽。端午節(jié)吃粽子,這是中國人民的又一傳統習俗。粽子, 又叫“角黍”、“筒粽”。具由來已久,花樣繁多。據記載,早在春秋時期,用菰葉包黍米成牛角狀, 稱“角 黍”;用竹筒裝米密封烤熟,稱“筒粽”。一直到今天,每 年五月初,中國百姓家家都要浸糯米、
4、洗粽葉、包粽子,具 花色品種更為繁多。從餡料看,北方多包小棗的北京棗粽; 南方則有豆沙、鮮肉、火腿、蛋黃等多種餡料,其中以浙江 嘉興粽子為代表。吃粽子的風俗,千百年來,在中國盛行不 衰,而且流傳到朝鮮、日本及東南亞諸國。端午節(jié)小孩佩香囊,傳說有避邪驅瘟之意,實際是用于襟頭點綴裝飾。香囊內有朱砂、雄黃、香藥,外包以絲布, 清香四溢,再以五色絲線弦扣成索,作各種不同形狀,結成 一串,形形色色,玲瓏可愛。Dragon Boat FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history
5、 of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar.There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in memoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China 's earliest poets. In face of great
6、 pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai. In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country
7、and people and posed immortal poems including Li Sao (The Lament), Tian Wen(Heavenly Questions) and Jiu Ge (Nine Songs), which haad far-reaching influences. In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu ' scapital, so he finished his last piece(Embracing Sand) and plunge
8、d himself into the MiluoHuai ShaRiver, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar. After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the
9、 river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the wa
10、ter, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That' s why people laterfollowed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see
11、racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, acpanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination. Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seekingQu Yuan ' s body, but experts, after painstaking and meticulous research, conclude that dragon
12、boat racing is a semi-religious, semi-entertaining program from the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). In the following thousands of years, the gamespread to Japan, Vietnam and Britain as well as China 's Taiwan and Hong Kong. Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item whi
13、ch features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit. In 1980, it was listed into the state sports petition programs and has since been held every year. The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup."Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that people ate them in th
14、e Spring and Autumn Period (770476 BC). In early times, it was only glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or other plant leaves and tied with colored thread, but now the fillings are more diversified, including jujube and bean paste, fresh meat, and hamand egg yolk. If time permits, people will s
15、oak glutinous rice, wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi themselves. Otherwise, they will go to shops to buywhatever stuff they want. The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.On Dragon Boat Festival, parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch. They first sew little bags with colorful silk clo
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