1、-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -UNIT 6Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationWind and SpiritWe donoticethewindwhen itseems(1) cruel,when the trees turn away from it, and it (2) cuts intoour hearts. Certain winds will make mens (3) temperbad,saidGeorgeEliot. InSouthernCalifornia,theSantaAnais(4)associa
2、tedwithanincreaseindepression and domestic (5) violence.Scientistshavetried(6)withoutsuccesstoidentify physiological reasons for these (7) reactions.Everyone agrees, however, that (8) dry winds like theSantaAna,themistralinFrance andthefoehn*in-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -Germany and Switzerland seem to have (9)
3、negativeeffects on our mental and physical (10) well-being.On windy days, playground fights, (11)suicidesand heart failures are more (12) frequent. In Geneva,traffic accidents (13) increase when a wind called thebise*blows.Atthe(14)requestofpatients,someSwissandGermanhospitals(15)postponesurgeryduri
4、ng the foehn.It is human to ask what is (16) behind the wind. Itis easy to personify the wind as the (17) breath of God.Theactof takingwindintoourlungsis what(18)gives us life. The Jews, Arabs, Romans and Greeks alltook their word for (19) spirit from the word for wind.But our day-to-day lives are n
5、o longer (20 blownon the winds. We do not identify wind with spirit-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -anymore.Part 2 Listening for GistA catgoton toa ScandinavianAirlinesplaneinNairobiyesterdayandcostthecompanyabout 10,000. One of the 66 passengers heard a strangemiaowwhenthe planelandedinCopenhagen.Mechanicsarrivedimm
6、ediatelyandtheairlinecompanyphonedforananimalambulance.Themechanicsfoundthecataftereighthourswork. Ithadgot into theair-conditioningsysteminNairobi.TheplanewastwelvehourslateleavingforTokyo,costing the companyafter its experience and wasand a plate of fish. 10,000. The cat was quite well given a lar
7、ge bowl of milk-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -ExerciseDirections: Listen to the passage and find its topicsentence.The topic sentence is A cat got on to a ScandinavianAirlines plane in Nairobi yesterday and cost thecompany about10.000.Section TwoListening ComprehensionPart 1 DialogueWhat a Coincidence!Storyteller:
8、Talking of coincidences, did I tell youabout what happened to me and Jeannie last-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -holiday?Friend(s): No.Storyteller: We went on holiday in the States and wewent to Mexico. Well, we were driving down to MexicoCity.Weweregoingtospenda fewdaysinPalmBeach . see the sea, look up an old frie
9、nd, you know.Aswelefttherewestoppedata garagefora carcheck . oil, the water, the tires, all that . petrol. Andthe mechanics spotted something. They said that ourfuel pump was not working properly and it was quiteserious . it would cost a lot of money . well, we werevery worried.Friend(s): Were you i
10、nsured?Storyteller: Well, no, we werent and I didnt have thatmuch money on me, you know. It was meant to be a-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -cheap holiday. Well, just then, two men drove up andtheysaidwhatsthe problem?And,do youknow?They were mechanics - it was such good luck. Theylookedatour carandtheysaid,Theresno
11、thingwrong with your car. Dont spend money on it. Justforgetaboutit.Well,naturally,wewereworried,but . er, I thought . Ill trust them, I think theyreright. So, we drove on, we crossed the Mexican borderandhadamarvelousfewdayssightseeingthereround Monterey.Friend(s):Oh, oh, brilliant . jealous .Story
12、teller:And then we went on andon toMexicoCity.Wedroveaboutfortykilometersandthenwesawacarwiththesame USnumberplatesastheother car wed seen in Palm Beach.-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -Friend(s): Youre joking!Storyteller: It was parked by the road, and the sametwo men who gave us the advice about our car werestuck w
13、ith their car.Friend(s): Oh, no!Storyteller: So, we stopped and asked them what waswrong. And do you know? Their car had broken downforexactlythesamereason:Thefuelpumpwasntworking! It was quite extraordinary.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and decide whetherthe following statements are tr
14、ue (T) or false (F)l. T2.T3.F4.F5.T6.F7.T8.FPart 2 Passage-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -Corporate Culture1.How well the employee fits the culture can makethe difference between job-search success andfailure.2.It guides how employees think, act, and feel.3.The amount of time outside the office youreexpected to spen
15、d with co-workers is part of thecorporate culture.4.The truth is that you will never really know thecorporate culture until you have worked at thecompany for a number of months.5.It should be a place where you can have a voice, berespected, and have opportunities for growth.-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -Whyshouldj
16、obseekerscareabouta potentialemployerscorporateculture?Arenttheremoreimportant factors to consider, such as the job itself,salary and bonuses, and fringe benefits(附加福利) ?These factors are indeed important, but increasinglycareerexpertsare talkingaboutthe importanceofemployee-employerfit intermsofcul
17、ture,withtheidea that how well the employee fits the culture canmake the difference between job-search success andfailure.What is corporate culture? At its most basic, itsdescribedasthepersonalityofanorganization,orsimplyashowthingsaredonearoundhere.Itguides how employees think, act, and feel. Corpo
18、rateculture is a broad term(廣義的術(shù)語)used to define-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -the unique personality or character of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics( 企 業(yè) 倫 理 , 公 司 道 德 ) ,andrulesofbehavior.Corporate culture can be expressed in the compa
19、nysmission statement (宗旨) and other communications, in the architectural style or interior decorationofoffices, by what people wear to work, by how peopleaddress each other, and in the titles given to variousemployees.How does a companys culture affect you? In many,many ways. For instance:? The hour
20、s you work per day, per week, including options such as flextime and telecommuting.? The work environment, including how employees-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -interact, the degree of competition, and whetherits a fun or hostile environment - or somethingin-between.? The dress code, including the accepted styles o
21、f attire* and things such as casual days.? The office space you get, including things such as cubicles*, window offices, and rules regarding display of personal items.? The training and skills development you receive, which you need both on the job and to keep yourself marketable for future jobs and
22、 employers.? Onsite perks (特別的待遇) , such as break rooms, gyms and play rooms, daycare facilities, andmore.-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -? The amount of time outside the office youre expected to spend with co-workers.? Interaction with other employees, including managers and top management.How do you uncover the co
23、rporate culture of apotential employer? The truth is that you will neverreallyknowthecorporatecultureuntilyouhaveworked at the company for a number of months, butyoucangetclosetoitthroughresearchandobservation.Understandingcultureisatwo-stepprocess,startingwithresearchbeforetheinterviewand ending wi
24、th observation at the interview.If you get a chance to meet with other employees,you can ask some questions to try and get a handleon an organizations corporate culture. Such as:-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -? Whats it really like to work here? What skills and characteristics does the company value? How do people
25、get promoted around here? The bottom line is that you are going to spend a lot of time in the work environment -and to behappy, successful and productive,you ll wantto be in a place where you fit the culture, a placewhere you can have a voice, be respected andhave opportunity for growth.A : Pre-list
26、ening QuestionManyarticlesandbookshavebeenwritteninrecent years about culture in organizations, usuallyreferredtoasCorporateCulture.Thedictionary-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -defines culture as the act of developing intellectualand moralfaculties,especiallythrougheducation.Somepeopledefineitasthemoral,social,andbe
27、havioralnormsofanorganizationbasedonthebeliefs, attitudes, and priorities of its members.Every organization has its own unique culture orvalue set. Most organizations dont consciously try tocreateacertainculture.Thecultureoftheorganizationistypicallycreatedunconsciously,basedonthevaluesofthetopmanag
28、ementorthefounders of an organization.B : Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write themdown. You will hear each sentence three times-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -C : Detailed ListeningDirections:Listen to thepassageandcompletethefollowing paragraphsAt its most basic, corporate culture is de
29、scribed asthepersonalityofan organization.Itguideshowemployees think, act, and feel. Corporate culture is abroad term used to define the unique personality orcharacterof aparticularcompanyororganization,andincludessuchelementsascorevaluesandbeliefs, corporateethics,andrulesofbehavior.Corporatecultur
30、ecanalso beexpressedinthecompanysmissionstatementandothercommunications, in the architectural style or interiordecoration of offices, by what people wear to work, by-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -how people address each other, and in the titles givento various employees.Acompanyscultureaffectsyou inmanyways,suchas
31、the working hours,theworkenvironment,the dress code, the office space you get, the trainingand skills development you receive, onsite perks, theamount of time outside the office youre expected tospend with co-workersandinteractionwithotheremployees,includingmanagersandtopmanagement.D : After-listeni
32、ng DiscussionDirections:Listento thepassageagainanddiscussthe following questions.1. The truth is that you will never really know the-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -corporate culture until you have worked at thecompany for a number of months, but you can getclose to it through research and observation.Understanding
33、culture is a two-step process, startingwith research before the interview and ending withobservation at the interview.If you get a chance to meet with other employees,you can ask some questions to try and get a handleonanorganizationscorporateculture.Suchas:Whatsitreallyliketo workhere?Whatskillsand
34、characteristicsdoesthecompanyvalue?Howdopeople get promoted around here?2. (Open)Section Three-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -NewsNews Item 1On his way home from his first official visit to theUnited States, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardaristopped in London for two days of discussions.His first meeting was with
35、British Prime MinisterGordon Brown at his official residence.At a joint news conference, Mr. Brown praised thecurrent Pakistani army offensive against Talibantargets in the Swat valley.Becauseofthis,Mr.BrownsaidBritainispledging$18millionworthofadditionalhumanitarian aid in the form of food, water,
36、shelterandsanitationthatwilldirectedatthosebeingdisplaced in the northwest.-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -In addition to the aid, the Prime Minister said heexpects much more cooperation between Britain andPakistan over a wide range of issues.Mr.BrownsaidhelpingtheefforttotackleterrorisminPakistanandimprovinghealtha
37、ndeducationtherewereimportantprioritiesforhisgovernment.Mr.Zardarisaidthefightagainstextremistsinparticularisastrugglethatwillnotbesolvedovernight.Islamabadsays15,000securitytroopshavemoved into the tribal areas.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -the summary .This news
38、 item is about an anti-Taliban campaignthat British and Pakistani leaders discussed.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.1. He stopped in London for two days of discussions.2. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.3. He praised the current Pakistani army offensive
39、 against Taliban targets in Swat valley.4. It included food, water, shelter and sanitation that will be directed at those being displaced in the northwest.5. He said he expects much more cooperation between Britain and Pakistan over a wide range of issues.-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -6. Helping the effort to tack
40、le terrorism in Pakistan and improving health and education there were important priorities for his government.7. 15,000 security troops have moved into the tribal areas.News Item 2Israel-PalestinePalestinianwitnessesandsecuritysourcessaidsome 30 tanks and armored personnel carriers droveinto the Tu
41、lkarem refugee camp around 3 a.m. Thearmy did not say whether the gunman responsible forthe attack on the kibbutz* was among those detained.The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of Palestinian leaderYasserArafatsFatahmovementclaimed-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -responsibility for the killings. Mr Arafat says he hasformed a
42、 committee to investigate the attack on thekibbutz.In Tuesdays action, the Israeli military alsodemolished the home of a Palestinian militant(Mohammed Naifan) they say is responsible forsending the gunman into Kibbutz Metzer.IsraeliofficialssaythegunmancamefromTulkarem but that he was following orde
43、rs of AIAqsaleadersinNablus.BymiddayTuesdayPalestinianwitnesseswerereportingthatIsraelitroopsweregathering outside the West Bank town.Israeli authorities say Palestinian militants fromFatah and Hamas in Nablus are behind a series ofattacks against Israelis over the past few months.-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -The
44、latestviolencecomesasUSenvoy*DavidSatterfieldbeginsa visitto theregionto workon apeace plan. He arrived in Israel Monday for separatetalks with Israeli and Palestinian officials.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about a recent conflict between Palestin
45、e and Israel.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and completethe following passage.Palestinianwitnessesandsecuritysourcessaidsome 30 tanks and armored personnel carriers droveinto the Tulkaremrefugee camp around3 a.m. The-WORD格式 - 可編輯 -army did not say whether the gunman responsible forthe attac
46、k on the kibbutz was among those detained.In Tuesdays action, the Israeli military alsodemolished the home of a Palestinian militant(Mohammed Naifan) they say is responsible forsending the gunman into Kibbutz Metzer.The latest violence comes as US envoy DavidSatterfield begins a visit to the region to work on apeace plan. He arrived in Israel Monday for separatetalks with Israeli and Palestinian officials.News
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