



1、UNIT 5 It must belong to Carla.一、學習目標 ·學會使用might,could,must等情態(tài)動詞進行合理的推測。·學會根據(jù)一定的背景或前提對某事進行判斷和預測。二、知識概覽圖類別課程標準要求掌握的內容必備單詞名詞:author,picnic,symphony,appointment,owner,helicopter,creature,neighbor,footstep, garbage,mystery, director, monkey, smell, finger, stone, ant, ocean 動詞:drop, chase, cat

2、ch, interview, escape, bark, pretend 形容詞:crucial, anxious, worried, unhappy, dishonest 副詞:possibly, extremely??级陶Zbelong to, air band,make upuse up,turn off,because of,try to do sth,too muchmuch too經典句型1It must belong to Carla2Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of thefinal exam3H

3、e might be running to catch a bus4There must be something visiting thehomes in our neighborhood, but what is it ?重點語法如何用must,may,might,can,could來表達推測三、新課導引SECTION B四、教材精華1He could be running for exercise他跑步可能是為了鍛煉身體。 (1)could be running是“情態(tài)動詞+ be + doing”結構,表示猜測正在進行或發(fā)生的動作。I think he could be watchin

4、g TV at home我想他可能正在家里看電視。(2)exercise本句中exercise作“運動;鍛煉”講,是不可數(shù)名詞,dotake exercise=do sport,意為“進行運動;鍛煉身體”。He takes exercise every day他每天都運動。當exercise作“體操;練習”講時,是可數(shù)名詞。do morningeye exercises做早操眼保健操exercise作不及物動詞,意為“運動;練習”;作及物動詞,意為“使得到鍛煉”。We exercise every morning我們每天早晨都鍛煉。She was exercising herself in s

5、inging她在練習唱歌。2He might be running to catch a bus他也許是跑著去趕公共汽車。 catch動詞,意為“捕獲;趕上”。過去式、過去分詞均為caught。The cat caught a mouse那只貓逮到了一只老鼠。He ran quickly to catch the bus為趕上公共汽車他飛快地跑。圖解助記catch的一詞多義3When he was interviewed by the local newspaper, he said,“Every night we hear strange noises outside our window”

6、當?shù)貓笊绮稍L他時,他說:“每天晚上我們都聽到窗外奇怪的聲音” (1)interview動詞,意為“面試;采訪;會見”。We are going to interview the manager of this company我們要采訪這家公司的經理。He has interviewed a lot of people for the job關于這份工作,他已面試過很多人。圖解助記interview,interviewee與interviewer動詞后加上后綴eeer,成為名詞,表示該動作的承受者發(fā)出者。train trainer trainee 訓練 訓練人 受訓者employ employe

7、r employee 雇用 雇主 雇工examine examiner examinee 考試 主考人 應試者(2)noise名詞,意為“噪音;喧鬧聲;嘈雜聲”。I don't like so much noise我不喜歡如此吵鬧。 I heard a noise in the next room我聽到隔壁房間里有嘈雜聲。溫馨提示noise作“噪聲”“喧鬧”講時,為不可數(shù)名詞;而作“某種聲音”講時為可數(shù)名詞?!?011四川德陽】4. Stop making so much _. The children are sleeping. A. voice B. noise C. sound答

8、案:B【解析】本題考查詞義辨析。voice一般指人的聲音,說話、唱歌。談笑都可用voice。noise意為“噪音”、“喧鬧聲”,常指不悅耳、不和諧的嘈雜聲。sound作“聲音”,“響聲”講時,可以指人或動物發(fā)出的聲音,或物體碰撞的聲言。這個詞的使用范圍很大??梢哉f,大自然的任何“聲音”都可以用sound。句意“不要制造那么大的噪音,孩子們正在睡覺”。根據(jù)句意可知用noise。故選B?!?011大慶】11. Did you hear any strange _when the quake happened? No, I was in my garden with my flowers and w

9、as enjoying the beautiful _of my birds at that time.A. voice; noise B. noise; sound C. whisper; sound D. sound; voice 答案:D【2010福建·晉江】32. Lily has a silk _. Listen, she is singing in the next room! - How nice! A. look B. noise C. voice答案:C 【解析】名詞詞義辨析。look可數(shù)名詞,意思“相貌,樣子,外表”,常用復數(shù)形式;noise 不可數(shù)名詞,意思“噪

10、雜聲,吵鬧聲”;voice,可數(shù)名詞,意思“嗓音,說話聲”。故選擇C。(2008·安徽中考) The music made me think of the _ of a running stream.A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound 【解析】選D。考查“聲音”的區(qū)別。根據(jù)題意“這種音樂讓我想起來機器運轉聲”可確定D為正確答案。4There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood 一定有某種東西闖入了我們的小區(qū)(1)there must be是there be句型與情態(tài)動詞m

11、ust連用,表示對現(xiàn)在情況的肯定推測,意為“一定有”。There must be someone in the room房間里一定有人。注意由there must be構成的句子,如果must表推測,意為“一定是,必須”,其反意疑問句則需要根據(jù)be來選用適當形式,即be + not + there? There must be a knife in your pocket,isn't there? 你的口袋里一定有把小刀,不是嗎? There must be some people in the room,aren't there?房間里肯定有一些人,是嗎?there be句型

12、除有現(xiàn)在時態(tài)和過去時態(tài)形式外,還可以有完成形式,其結構為“There have been+名詞”。 There have been great changes in our hometown in the last few years 在過去的幾年里我們家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了巨大的變化。(2)“There be+名詞十doing”句型表示“有在進行”。 There is someone knocking at the door有人在敲門。5No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood鐘樓小區(qū)不再神秘 該句是一個省略句,完整的句子應是There is no more

13、mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood其中no more意為“不再”,表示動作不再出現(xiàn),相當于not.any more,可以和表示短暫動作的動詞連用。Time lost will return no more時光一去不復返。6We now know what was happening in Bell Tower neighborhood 現(xiàn)在我們知道鐘樓小區(qū)發(fā)生什么事情了。 辨析:happen與take placehappen“(偶然)發(fā)生”,較多地用來指某個事件的突然發(fā)生,強調其偶然性,主語往往是事件、事故等名詞。其后也可接動詞不定式,多用于It happen

14、s that結構,表示“碰巧”的意義。happen to do sth“碰巧做某事”。take place“發(fā)生,舉行”,常指某事按規(guī)律、預先布置或按計劃發(fā)生或進行,尤指“舉行”,不含偶然的意味。用表示具體事物的名詞作主語時,有時可以和happen交換使用。If anything happens to the machine,please let me know 如果機器出了什么毛病,請通知我。The sports meeting took place(was held)in our school last week上周我們學校舉行了一場運動會。7The director of the loc

15、al zoo says that three monkeys escaped from 當?shù)貏游飯@的主管說3只猴子從逃跑了。 (1)director是由動詞direct(指導,指揮)加后綴or構成的名詞,意為“主管,主任;導演”。 The director of the film is Feng Xiao gang這部電影的導演是馮小剛。 She is a director in the company 她在這家公司做主管。(2)escape動詞,意為“逃跑,逃走”,常與from,out of連用,表示“從逃跑逃走,逃離”。They escaped from the burning house

16、他們從那座著火的房子里逃了出來。8In my dream, I was swimming in an ocean of paper 在我的夢中,我在試卷的海洋里遨游。 ocean海洋,大海;喻無限,無際;常用復數(shù)大量,許多。本句中an ocean of= oceans of,后可跟可數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞,意為“極多的,無邊際的,大量的”。 I saw an ocean of ants moving to a new place 我看見很多的螞蟻正在搬往一個新地方去。五、課堂檢測用所給單詞的適當形式填空 1Look! There is a man (lie)under the tree 2The mo

17、nkeys have no interest in (escape)from the Zoo because they are used to (live)there 3The man is (extreme)afraid of the lion nearby 4The students were all (happy)on hearing the sad news 5The boss was a little nervous because he would be (interview)by the local newspaper單項填空 1The teacher said he had to tell us Asomething important Bimportant something Canything important Dimportant anything 2一Must I finish my homework now? 一No,you You do it after dinner Amustn't;can B


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