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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上八年級(下)必掌握的基本句型和短語Module 1 Feelings and impressions (感覺和印象)Unit One1、 曲奇餅嘗起來是甜的。 The cookie tastes sweet.2、 這奶聞起來餿了。 The milk smells sour.3、 這張床感覺很軟和舒服。 The bed feels soft and comfortable.4、 Tom看起來很強(qiáng)壯。 Tom looks strong.5、 這首音樂聽起來很美。 The music sounds beautiful.6、 多么香的氣味。 What a delicious

2、smell!7、 你想嘗一些嗎? 好的,請來一些。 Would you like to try some? Yes, please.8、 它看起來可愛。 It looks lovely.9、 它嘗起來很好。 It tastes good.10、頂部那是什么? Whats that on top?11、一塊奶酪 a piece of cheese12、恐怕我不喜歡奶酪。Im afraid I dont like cheese.13、它聞起來不新鮮。 It doesnt smell fresh.14、有點(diǎn)酸 a bit sour15、我的巧克力餅干現(xiàn)在做好了。 My chocolate cooki

3、es are done now.16、嘗一嘗。 Have a try.17、它們嘗起來真的很甜。 They taste really sweet.18、在中間 in the middle19、許多不同的東西 lots of different things20、我正在做一個(gè)蘋果餡餅。 Im making an apple pie.21、我喜歡吃甜食。 I have a sweet tooth.22、你確信那是糖嗎? Are you sure thats sugar?23、先嘗一嘗。 Taste it first.24、所有的東西嘗起來都如此甜。 Everything tastes so swe

4、et.25、今天我的運(yùn)氣真好。 Its my lucky day!26、你不需要很多魚。 You dont need much of the fish.27、牛奶過夜變餿了。 The milk has gone sour overnight.Units Two and Three1、 當(dāng)我說漢語時(shí),感到緊張。 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.2、 歡迎來到中國。 Welcome to China.3、 感謝你上次的來信。 Thanks for your last message.4、 收到你的來信真是太好了。 It was great to hear f

5、rom you.5、 我迫不及待地想見到你。 I cant wait to meet you.6、 當(dāng)我到機(jī)場時(shí),你能根據(jù)照片認(rèn)出我。 You will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport.7、 我個(gè)子相當(dāng)高,留著短短的金發(fā)。 Im quite tall, with short fair hair.8、 旅途中我將穿著牛仔褲和T恤衫。 Ill wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey.9、 我確信我們將找到對方。 Im sure well find each other.10、感謝你告訴我

6、有關(guān)你的愛好。 Thanks for telling me abour your hobbies.11、你聽起來太像我。 You sound just like me.12、我花費(fèi)很多時(shí)間在學(xué)校里和朋友們演奏古典音樂。 I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school.13、我也喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng),尤其是網(wǎng)球。 I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis.14、我為他自豪。 Im proud of him.15、他擅長一切。 Hes good at everything.

7、16、有時(shí)在學(xué)校里我取得不好成績。 Sometimes I get bad marks at school.17、來中國感覺如何? How do you feel about coming to China?18、最初,當(dāng)我離開爸爸和媽媽幾天時(shí),我經(jīng)常覺得有點(diǎn)難過。 I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days.19、與陌生人在一起時(shí),我很害羞。 I am quite shy when I am with strangers.20、幾天后,我就會(huì)好的。 Ill be fine in a fe

8、w days.21、當(dāng)我不知道如何用正確的方式做事情時(shí),我很難過。 Im always sorry when I dont know how to do things in the right way.22、我害怕坐飛機(jī)。 Im afraid of flying.23、對于去中國之行我是多么激動(dòng)啊! How excited I am about going to China!24、他讓我?guī)退鲇⒄Z作業(yè)。 He asked me to help him with his English homework.25、你媽媽長什么樣? What does your mother look like?26

9、、你媽媽怎么樣? What is your mother like?27、媽媽給我做了一塊蛋糕。 Mum made a cake for me.28、另一件好事 another good thing29、他真的很友好很和藹。 Hes really friendly and kind.30、互相握手 shake hands with each other31、彼此站的很近 stand close to each other32、在聚會(huì)上 at a party33、同其他某人說話 talk with someone else34、互相望著對方 look each other in the eye3

10、5、它們可能有點(diǎn)吵。 They may be a bit noisy.36、人們經(jīng)常說“謝謝”是禮貌的,即使是家庭成員間。 Its polite for people to say “thank you” very often, even to their family members.Module 2 Experiences(經(jīng)歷)Unit One1、 我正在參加一個(gè)競賽。 Im entering a competition.2、 什么類型的競賽? What kind of competition?3、 它將會(huì)幫助你提高你的演講能力。 Itll help you improve your s

11、peaking.4、 你以前得過獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)嗎? Have you ever won any prizes before?5、 一等獎(jiǎng) first prize6、 我一直想度過一個(gè)夢想假日。 I ve always wanted to go on a dream holiday.7、 我負(fù)擔(dān)不起。 I cant afford it.8、 祝你好運(yùn)! Good luck!9、 我也參加了許多演講比賽。 Ive also entered lots of speaking competition.10、現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)不嘗試了。 Ive stopped trying now.11、真遺憾! Thats a pit

12、y. =What a pity!12、你曾考慮過其它的比賽嗎? Have you ever thought about other kinds of competitions?13、你什么意思? What do you mean?14、80天環(huán)游世界。 Around the World in 80 Days.15、那聽起來棒極了。 That sounds wonderful.16、我不經(jīng)常旅游。 I havent travelled much.17、我怎么寫關(guān)于旅游的文章? How can I write about travel?18、你可以編一個(gè)故事。 You can make it up

13、.19、我要邀請你和我一起來。 Ill invite you to come with me.20、你會(huì)打敗每個(gè)人。 Youll beat everyone.21、我們家買不起比賽的票。 My family cant afford to buy a ticket for the match.22、上周John邀請他的新朋友來參加他的生日聚會(huì)。John invited his new friends to his birthday party last week.Units Two and Three1、 你參觀過哪些中國的名勝? Which interesting places in Chin

14、a have you visited?2、 你曾去過其它的某個(gè)國家嗎? Have you ever visited another country?3、 一個(gè)15歲男孩 a fifteen-year-old boy4、 非洲最大最繁華的城市之一 one of the biggest and busiest cities in Africa5、 兩年前他們和父母一起搬到這里。 They moved here with their parents two years ago.6、 Peter在一家很大的公司上班。 Peter works for a very big company.7、 他們?nèi)ミ^

15、許多有趣的地方。 They have been to many interesting places.8、 他們在尼羅河上乘船游覽過。 They have travelled on a boat on the Nile River.9、 古代國王和王后們居住的宮殿和塔 the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens10、這種語言在很多方面與英語不同 The language is different from English in many ways.11、他們發(fā)現(xiàn)這些詞的拼寫和發(fā)音很難。 They find it hard to spel

16、l and pronounce the words.12、他們?nèi)匀缓軜芬鈱W(xué)習(xí)。 They still enjoy learning it.13、到目前為止,他們已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì)說 So far they have learnt to speak 14、Mike 和Clare對這個(gè)消息很開心。 Mike and Clare are happy about this.15、他們思念美國的朋友。 They miss their friends in the USA.16、他們開始倒計(jì)時(shí)了。 They are counting down the days.17、Robinson一家在埃及待了多久? How l

17、ong have the Robinsons been in Egypt?18、他們期待著回家嗎? Are they looking forward to going home?19、Mike 和Clare學(xué)了一點(diǎn)Arabic. Mike and Clare have learnt a little Arabic.20、他們經(jīng)常把阿拉伯語同德語混在一起。 They often mix Arabic with German.21、你曾吃過西餐嗎? Have you ever had a Western meal?22、我從未給父母做過飯。 I have never cooked dinner f

18、or my parents.23、我在北京過得非常愉快。 Im having a wonderful time in Beijing.24、而且、此外、另外 whats more25、她寫得漂亮。 She can write beautifully.26、他到美國去過多少次? How many times has he been to the USA?27、第一次 for the first time28、剩余的、剩下的 the rest of29、一副手套 a pair of gloves30、你的樹將比玩具持續(xù)的更長。 Your tree will last longer than toy

19、s.Module 3 Journey to space(太空旅行)Unit One1、 你在干什么? What are you up to?=What are you doing?2、 我剛剛為我們學(xué)校的課題做了一個(gè)宇宙飛船模型。 Ive just made a model spaceship for our school project.3、 我不確定如何做。 Im not sure how to make it.4、 沒問題。 No problem.5、 你聽說最新的新聞了嗎? Have you heard the latest news?6、 科學(xué)家們已經(jīng)把一艘宇宙飛船發(fā)送到了火星上。

20、Scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars.7、 這次旅程花費(fèi)了幾個(gè)月的時(shí)間。 The journey has taken several months.8、 它已經(jīng)到達(dá)了嗎? Has it arrived yet?9、 這就是為什么它會(huì)上新聞。 Thats why its on the news.10、他們在火星上發(fā)現(xiàn)生命了嗎? Have they discovered life on Mars?11、宇宙飛船里由宇航員嗎? Are there any astronauts in the spaceship?12、宇航員已經(jīng)去過月球了。 Astronau

21、ts have already been to the moon.13、還沒有人去過火星。 No one has been to Mars yet.14、火星(離地球)非常遠(yuǎn)Have HHHave ,比月球遠(yuǎn)的多。Mars is very far away, much farther than the moon 15、許多科學(xué)家正在努力研究,目的是有朝一日把宇航員送到火星上去。 Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day.16、我怎樣才能得到關(guān)于太空旅行的信息? How can

22、I get information on space travel?17、你可以上網(wǎng)查詢信息。 You can go online to search for information.18、沒有宇航員曾去過火星,因?yàn)樘h(yuǎn)了。 No astronaut has ever been to Mars because it is very far away.Units Two and Three1、 神州九號是一個(gè)載人飛船。 Shenzhou-9 is a manned spaceship.2、 在遠(yuǎn)方的那里有人嗎? Anyone out there?3、 晚上的星星 The stars at nig

23、ht.4、 地球上的生命。 Life on the earth.5、 科學(xué)家們認(rèn)為地球上的生命已有數(shù)億年的歷史。 Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.6、 然而,我們還沒有在其它任何行星上發(fā)現(xiàn)生命。 However, we havent found life on any other planets yet.7、 地球圍繞太陽轉(zhuǎn)。 The earth goes around the sun.8、 此外還有七顆行星也圍繞太陽轉(zhuǎn)。 Seven other p

24、lanets also go around the sun.9、 這七顆行星中沒有一顆上的環(huán)境有像地球上的那樣,因此科學(xué)家們認(rèn)為他們不會(huì)在它們上面發(fā)現(xiàn)生命。 None of them has an environment like that of the earth, so scientists do not think they will find life on them.10. 太陽和它的行星被稱為太陽系,并且我們的太陽系是一個(gè)(比太陽系)大得多的恒星和行星群中的一小部分, (這個(gè)由恒星和行星組成的星系)稱作銀河系或銀河。 The sun and its planets are call

25、ed the solar system, and our solar system is a small part of a much larger group of stars and planets, called the Galaxy or the Milky Way.11. 銀河系中有數(shù)十億的恒星。 There are billions of stars in the Galaxy.12. 科學(xué)家們在宇宙中還發(fā)現(xiàn)了許多其它星系。 Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe.13. 它們非常遙遠(yuǎn),

26、并且它們的光要經(jīng)過很多年才能到達(dá)我們。 They are very far away and their light has to travel for many years to reach us.14. 這很難想象。 Its impossible to imagine.15. 科學(xué)家們已經(jīng)發(fā)射了宇宙飛船去火星拍照。 Scientists have sent spaceships to the planet Mars to take photos.16. 沒有一艘宇宙飛船飛得足夠遠(yuǎn),到達(dá)我們的銀河系中的其它恒星。 No spaceship has travelled far enough t

27、o reach other stars in our Galaxy.17. 宇宙中有這么多星球,我們是孤獨(dú)的嗎?With so many stars in the universe, are we alone?18. 太空中還有其它生命存在嗎? Is there life out there in space?19. 有來自其它行星到地球的訪客嗎? Have there been visitors to the earth from other planets?20. 為什么沒有人來聯(lián)系我們呢? Why has no one communicated with us?21. 宇宙中不止一個(gè)星系

28、。 There is more than one galaxy in the universe.22. 來自地球的宇宙飛船已經(jīng)對其它行星做了調(diào)查。 Spaceships from the earth have done surveys of the other planets.23. 一些科學(xué)家相信有朝一日會(huì)找到它的。 Some scientists believe that they will find it some day.24. 我們剛剛收到了來自一艘宇宙飛船的信息。 We have just reveived a message from one of the spaceships.

29、25. 宇宙飛船已經(jīng)去了火星。 The spaceship has gone to Mars.26. 一些宇航員到月球去過兩次。 Some astronauts have been to the moon twice.27. 科學(xué)家們正努力在火星上找到生命。 Scientists are trying to find life on Mars now.28. 我剛剛在學(xué)校讀完一本名著。 I have just finished reading a great book at school.29. 我好久沒讀過這么好的東西了。 I havent read anything as good as

30、that for a long time.30. 我以前從未考慮過那個(gè)問題。 I have never thought about that before.31. 我一生中還未遇到過任何名人。 I havent met anyone famous in my life.32. 我已經(jīng)給一位中國宇航員寫了信,要更多的關(guān)于太空和他的太空旅行經(jīng)歷的信息。 Ive written to a Chinese astronaut for more information about space and his expreience of space travel.33. 我還在等待。 Im still w

31、aiting.34. 1969年7月,Neil Armstrong成為了第一個(gè)在月球行走的宇航員。 In July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first astronaut to walk on the moon.35. 我們現(xiàn)在發(fā)現(xiàn)了更多的關(guān)于太陽系的東西。 We have now discovered a lot more about our solar system.36. 天體 heavenly body37. 宇宙有多大? How large is the universe?38. 它帶回了兩名宇航員。 It brought back two a

32、stronauts.Module 4 Seeing the doctor.(看病)Unit One1、 自從去年我有了電腦以來,我不經(jīng)常鍛煉。 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.2、 你哪里不舒服? How can I help you?3、 我胃痛并且頭還痛。 Ive got a stomach ache and my head hurts.4、 像這種情況多久了? How long have you been like this?5、 我生病三天了。 Ive been ill for three days.6、 你感冒了

33、嗎? Have you caught a cold?7、 我認(rèn)為沒有。 I dont think so.8、 讓我量量你的體溫。 Let me take your temperature. 9、 沒有發(fā)燒。 Theres no fever. 10、你吃什么種食物? What kind of food do you eat?11、快餐。 Fast food.12、你吃早餐嗎? Do you have breakfast?13、那就是問題。 That's the problem.14、那就是你為什么胃痛的原因。 Thats why youve got a stomach ache.15、頭

34、痛是怎么回事? What about the headache?16、你鍛煉嗎? Do you do any exercise?17、你在電腦前花費(fèi)的時(shí)間太長。You spend too much time in front of the computer.18、這可能對你的健康有害。 It can be harmful to your health.19、不嚴(yán)重。 It is not serious.20、停止吃快餐食品。 Stop eating fast food.21、每天吃早飯。 Have breakfast every day.22、做一些鍛煉,比如跑步。 Get some exer

35、cise, such as running.23、我會(huì)給你開些藥。 Ill give you some medicine.24、每天吃三次藥。 Take the medicine three times a day.25、關(guān)照好你的健康很容易。 Its easy to look after your health.26、你的體溫比往常高。 Your temperature is higher than usual.27、我咳嗽的厲害。 Ive got a bad cough.Units Two and Three1、 我感覺不是很舒服,所以醫(yī)生檢查了我的心臟。 Im not feeling w

36、ell so the doctor checked my heart.2、 我每天通過遛狗來鍛煉身體。 I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day.3、 我擁有這條狗三個(gè)月了。 I have had the dog for three months.4、 我感覺真的很健康。 I feel really healthy.5、 我們老師決定創(chuàng)辦一個(gè)女子足球隊(duì)。 Our teacher decided to start a girls football team.6、 多好的一個(gè)主意呀! What a great idea!7、 我們踢了一年的

37、足球。 We have played football for a year.8、 我們都感覺很健康。 We all feel very fit.9、 她也和我們一起參加訓(xùn)練。 She also takes part in the training with us.10. 她健康狀況很好。 She is in excellent condition.11、在過去的幾年里,我乘地鐵上班。 For the last few years, I went to work on the underground.12、當(dāng)我開始工作時(shí),總是感覺非常困乏。 When I got to work, I alwa

38、ys felt sleepy.13、從那時(shí)起,它就成為了我生活中的一部分。 Since then, it has become part of my life.14、我每天騎車上班。 I ride to work every day.=I go to work by bike every day.15、這是我的日常鍛煉。 It is my daily exercise.16、我總是面帶微笑地開始工作。 I arrive at work with a smile on my face.17、久病之后我很虛弱。 I was weak after a long illness.18、我想多運(yùn)動(dòng)。 I

39、 wanted to exercise more.19、上學(xué)前,我們?yōu)槭裁床蝗ヅ懿剑?Why dont we go for a run before school?20、一周前我們開始跑步。 We started running a week ago.21、我不喜歡跑步。 I dont enjoy running.22、當(dāng)我到學(xué)校時(shí),感到很難受。 When I get to school, I feel awful.23、我全身發(fā)熱。 I am hot all over.24、可能我身體太弱,不能做任何鍛煉。 Perhaps Im too weak to do any exercise.=Pe

40、rhaps Im so weak that I cant do any exercise.25、Ben是校足球隊(duì)的一名隊(duì)員。 Ben is a member of the school football team.26、這輛自行車你買多久了? 五年了。 How long have you had the bike? Ive had it for five years.27、你認(rèn)識你最好的朋友多久了? How long have you known your best friend?28、兩天前我生病了。 I fell ill two days ago. (fall ill)29、過去三天你沒看

41、見她? You havent seen her in the last three days.30、明天我要第一次步行上學(xué)。 Ill walk to school for the first time tomorrow.=Ill go to school on foot 31、你住院兩天了? You have been in hospital for two days?32、起初,他感覺累。 At first , he felt tired.33、自他開始騎車起,沒再感冒過。 Since he started riding a bike, he has not had a cold.34、自他

42、停止吃快餐起,胃沒再疼過。 He hasnt had a stomach ache since he stopped eating fast food.35、你怎么了? Can I help you?36、我后背疼。 Ive got a pain in my back.37、讓我看看。 Let me have a look.38、不時(shí)站起來做做鍛煉。 Stand up and do some exercise from time to time.39、別過多的玩電腦游戲。 Dont play computer games too much.40、教練沒有選我參加足球隊(duì)。 The coach h

43、as not chosen me to play in the football team.41、為了鍛煉,我去公園跑步。 I went running in the park to get fit.42、我感到孤獨(dú)。 I felt lonely.43、我變得強(qiáng)壯多了。 Im getting a lot fitter.44、在路上我沒有人說話。 I dont have anyone to talk with on the way.45、我不知道如何變得更健壯更健康。 I dont know how to become fitter and healthier.46、散步幫你變得更健壯。 Wal

44、king has helped you get fitter.47、為什么不請一位朋友和你一起步行上學(xué)Why not ask a friend to walk to school with you?48、請一個(gè)朋友和你一起去跑步怎么樣? How about asking a friend to go running with you?49、和朋友一起去以便一起度過時(shí)光。Go with your friends so that you will spend time together.50、世界衛(wèi)生組織創(chuàng)建于1948年。 The WHO was set up in 1948.51、世界衛(wèi)生組織已

45、經(jīng)幫助了數(shù)百萬人,通過培訓(xùn)醫(yī)生和護(hù)士,還通過教媽媽們?nèi)绾胃玫恼疹櫤⒆印?The WHO has helped millions of people by training doctors and nurses, and by teaching mothers how to take better care of their children.Module 5 Cartoons(動(dòng)畫片)Unit One1、 到看動(dòng)畫片的時(shí)間了。 Its time to watch a cartoon.2、 該吃午飯了。Its time to have lunch.=Its time for lunch.3、

46、咱們該回家了。 Its time for us to go home.4、 動(dòng)畫片總是以快樂的方式結(jié)局嗎? Do cartoons always end in a happy way?5、 我們?yōu)槭裁床豢粗┲雮b? Why dont we watch Spiderman?=Why not watch Spiderman?6、 它更有現(xiàn)代氣息。 Its more modern.7、 他能夠飛向天空并能同壞人對抗。 He can fly through the sky and fight bad man. 8、 他用他的手和腳攀爬建筑物。 He climbs up buildings with hi

47、s hands and feet.9、 太酷了。 Thats cool.10、我想成為像他一樣的人。 I want to be someone like him.11、他堅(jiān)持和壞人斗爭。 He keeps fighting bad people.12、那才是真正的英雄。 Thats a real hero.13、我想我們不同意。 I dont think we agree.14、好吧! All right.15、我喜歡幽默的動(dòng)畫片。 I like humorous cartoons.16、當(dāng)我看它們的時(shí)候,我忍不住發(fā)笑。 I cant help laughing when I watch th

48、em!17、對于Tom來說Jerry太聰明了。 Jerry is too smart for Tom.18、機(jī)靈的老鼠總是打敗貓。 The cute mouse always beats the cat!19、他們經(jīng)常爭斗,但他們是真正的彼此喜歡。They fight a lot, but they really love each other.20、有時(shí)他們互相保護(hù)并一起工作。 Sometimes they protect each other and work together.21、Tony 認(rèn)為蜘蛛俠怎么樣? What does Tony think about Spiderman?2

49、2、Tony從Tom and Jerry學(xué)到什么教訓(xùn)?What lesson does Tony learn from Tom and Jerry?23、全世界的孩子和成年人喜歡動(dòng)畫片。 Children and adults all over the world love cartoons.24、一些喜歡其他的喜歡 Some like , others like25、人們喜歡嘲笑里邊的滑稽故事。 People enjoy laughing at the funny stories in them.26、這些動(dòng)畫片不僅僅是故事,它們也教給人們關(guān)于好的和壞的教訓(xùn)。 These cartoons

50、are not just stories -they also teach lessons about good and bad.27、你喜歡看什么樣的漫畫書? What cartoons do you like reading?Units Two and Three1、 自從畫家艾爾熱在1929年創(chuàng)造出他以來,Tintin已經(jīng)流行80多年了。 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years, ever since the artist Herge invented him in 1929.2、 卡通英雄。 Cartoon heroes.3、 Nem

51、o是可愛的橙白相間的魚,Shrek是一只丑陋的綠色動(dòng)物。 Nemo is a cute orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an ugly green man.4、 他們看上去非常不同,但他們兩個(gè)都贏得了世界上年輕人的心。 They look very different, but both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world.5、 這些流行的卡通英雄的圖片隨處可見The pictures of these cartoon heroes are everywhere.6、 他是一個(gè)叫大鬧天宮故事的英雄。 He is the hero of a story called Havoc in Heaven.7、 他帶領(lǐng)一群猴子反對玉皇大帝和他的人。 He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.8、 當(dāng)猴王把天宮搞得一團(tuán)糟時(shí),父母和孩子們一起笑。 Parents and children laugh together as the Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven.9、 他們總


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