



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上一、形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成規(guī)則1大多數(shù)單詞的變法smallsmallersmallest shortshortershortest greatgreatergreatest clevercleverercleverest narrownarrowernarrowest talltallertallest 2 以不發(fā)音e結(jié)尾的單音節(jié)詞,比較在原級后加-r,最高級在原級后加-st;largelargerlargest nicenicernicest 3 先雙寫末尾的輔音字母,比較級加-er,最高級加-est;bigbiggerbiggest hothotter

2、hottest fatfatterfattest thin-thinner-thinnest new-newer/newest sad-sadder-saddest red-redder-reddest4以“輔音字母y”結(jié)尾的雙音節(jié)詞,把y改為i,比較級加-er,最高級加-est;easyeasiereasiest heavyheavierheaviest busybusierbusiest happyhappierhappiest5其他雙音節(jié)詞和多音節(jié)詞,比較級在前面加more,最高級在前面加most;beautifulmore beautifulmost beautifuldifferen

3、tmore differentmost different 注意:(1)形容詞最高級前通常必須用定冠詞 the,副詞最高級前可不用。6有少數(shù)形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級是不規(guī)則的,必須熟記。good-better-best 好的well-better-best 身體好的bad-worse-worst 壞的ill-worse-worst病的many-more-most 許多much-more-most 許多few-less-least少數(shù)幾個little-less-least 少數(shù)一點兒far-further-furthest 更進一步,程度far-farther-farthest 更遠,路程o

4、ld-older-oldest年老的(指年紀(jì))old-elder-eldest年老的(指兄弟姐妹的排行)二、形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的用法 “A + be +形容詞比較級 + than + B” 意思為“A比B更”。如:This tree is taller than that one. 這棵樹比那棵樹高。 注意: 在含有連詞than的比較級中,前后的比較對象必須是同一范疇,即同類事物之間的比較。 在比較級前面使用much,表示程度程度“強得多”。如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple.形容詞、副詞的最高級形式主要用來表示三者或三者以上人或事

5、物的比較,表示“最”的意思。句子中有表示范圍的詞或短語。如:of the three, in our class等等。如:He is the tallest in our class. 他在我們班里是最高的?!揪毩?xí)】一1. My school is _, but Toms school is _than mine. And Sallys school is the _. (small)2. Rabbits can run _, but tigers can run _ than rabbits, and cheetahs can run _of the three. (fast) 3.Pig

6、is _, but deer is _than pig, and elephant is the _ (heavy)4. Im _, but she is _ than me. (beautiful) 5. Every day is _. But today is the _ day I have ever had. (busy) 6. I think pizza is the _ food of all. (delicious)7My brother is two years _ (old) than me.8. Is your sister _(young) than you? Yes,s

7、he is.9. Who is _(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.10. Whose pencil-box is _ (big),yours or hers? Hers is.11Ben jumps _ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 12Does Nancy sing _(well) than Helen? Yes, she does. 13My eyes are _(big) than hers. 14Which is _(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 15Who gets

8、up _ (early),Tim or Tom? 16Do the girls get up_(early) than the boys? No,they_.17Jim runs _ (slow). But Ben runs _(slow).二,根據(jù)句意寫出所缺的單詞(1) Im 12 years old. Youre 14. Im than you.(2) A rabbits tail is than a monkeys tail.(3) An elephant is than a pig.(4) A lake is than a sea.(5) A basketball is than a football.三,選出合適的單詞完成句子heavy tall long much many big (1) How is the Yellow River?(2) How is Mr Green? Hes 175cm.(3) How are your feet? I wear size


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