



1、.春季學期四年級下冊英語段考復習試題姓名:_ 分數(shù):_筆試部分103分一、中英配對。每題1分,共30分 1.友好的 A. cloudy 7. 天氣 A. whose 2.城市 B. nice 8. 誰的 B. little 3.多云的 C. answer 9. 星期 C. take 4.假期 D. beautiful 10.幼小的 D. weather 5.接 E. city 11.帶、拿 E. clever 6.美麗的 F. holiday 12.聰明的 F. week 13.古老的 A. uncle 19. 接近的 A. aunt 14.為什么 B. have 20. 飛 B. cool

2、15.擁有 C. old 21. 下一個的 C. our 16. 伯父 D. ship 22.我們的 D. close 17.船 E. great 23.酷的 E. fly 18.太好了 F. why 24.姑母 F. next 25.不好的 A. famous 26. 年齡較大的 B. picnic 27. 著名的 C. bad 28. 野餐 D. housework 29. E. big 30. 家務活 F. call二、連詞成句。每題2分,共20分1. a nice Shes teacher _2. city big a London is _3. do will everything

3、Robots _4. you kite Will take your ?_5. fly you Will ? _6. do will on What Sunday you ?_7. help They learn children will _8. house is small My very _9. little is my This sister _10. you the Can answer call ?_三、將與中文意思相符的句子編號填入括號內(nèi)。每題1分,共10分 1. 他是一個聰明的小學生。 A. She is a naughty girl. B. He is a clever pu

4、pil. 2. 我家靠近女王的房子。 A. My house is close to the Queens house.B. My school is close to the Queens ship. 3. 倫敦是一個大城市。 A. London is a big city. B. London is a small park. 4. 白金漢宮又大又美麗。 A. Buckingham Palace is very big and very beautiful.B. Buckingham Palace is very old and very famous. 5. 他們將會做家務活。 A. T

5、hey will do the homework. B. They will do the housework. 6. Sam會騎自行車。 A. Sam can fly a kite. B. Sam can ride a bike. 7. 星期六你會幫助媽媽嗎? A. Will you help your mother on Saturday?B. Will you help your mother on Friday? 8. 星期六我們將去野餐。 A. Were going to have a picnic on Saturday.B. Were going to have a class

6、on Saturday. 9. 北京將是晴天。 A. It will be sunny in Beijing. B. It will be cloudy in Beijing. 10. 她是一個仁慈的老師。 A. Shes a nice teacher. B. Shes a clever teacher.四、選出與圖片一致的短語。每題2分,共20分A. go swimming B. do my homework C. a naughty parrotD. a clever girl E. a beautiful houseA. have a picnic B. read a book C. m

7、ake cakesD. be sunny E. play football五、選擇與圖片相符的答句編號填入括號內(nèi)。每題1分,共8分 1. Will you read a book? A. Yes, I will.B. No, I wont. 2. Will it be sunny? A. Yes, it will.B. No, it wont/ 3. What is it? A. Its Big Ben.B. Its Buckingham Palace. 4. Will it be hot tomorrow? A. Yes, it will.B. No, it wont. 5. Whats t

8、hat? A. Its a book.B. Its a robot. 6. What will you do on Saturday? A. Ill go swimming.B. Ill ride my bike. 7. Will you take your ball tomorrow? A. Yes, I will.B. No, I wont. 8. Will they pay football on Mondays? A. Yes, they will.B. No, they wont.六、選出不同類的單詞。每題1分,共10分 1. A. nice B. shy C. sky 2. A.

9、mother B. famous C. father 3.A. ship B. bus C. read 4. A. about B. uncle C. aunt 5. A. happy B. interesting C. sing 6. A. children B. chicken C. sheep 7. A. Monday B. holiday C. Friday 8. A. his B. our C. they 9. A. weather B. sunny C. cloudy 10. A. city B. fly C. take 七、從欄中找出與欄問句相對應的答句。每題1分,共5分欄 欄

10、1. Is she fangfang? A. No, I cant. 2. Can you answer the call now? B. Its the queens house. 3. Whose house is it ? C. Yes, she is. 4. What is it ? D. No, it wont. 5. Will it be windy in Hangzhou? E. It is Tower Bridge.聽力部分47分一、聽音,選出與你聽到的單詞編號填入括號內(nèi)。每題1分,共8分 1. A. cool B. call 2. A. big B. bad 3. A. gr

11、eat B. get 4. A. nice B. next 5. A. answer B. apple 6. A. our B. old 7. A. famous B. Friday 8. A. windy B. weather二、聽音,根據(jù)所聽到的單詞先后,給圖片編號。每題2分,共10分三、聽音,選詞填空。每題1分,共9分 1. Shes a bit _ A. shy B. sorry 2. London is a big _ A. China B. city 3. They will do our _ A. homework B. housework 4. On _ Ill visit m

12、y grandma. A. Thursday B. Friday 5. I will take my _tomorrow. A. kid B. kite 6. It will be _ in Rongan. A. snowy B. windy 7. Will you play _tomorrow? A. football B. basketball 8. Hyde Park is very _. A. beautiful B. big 9. We re going to have a _ on Saturday. A. picnic B. park四、聽音,判斷句子是否與圖片相符,相符的劃“,

13、不相符的劃“。每題2分,共10分其實,任何一門學科都離不開死記硬背,關鍵是記憶有技巧,“死記之后會“活用。不記住那些根底知識,怎么會向高層次進軍?尤其是語文學科涉獵的范圍很廣,要真正進步學生的寫作程度,單靠分析文章的寫作技巧是遠遠不夠的,必須從根底知識抓起,每天擠一點時間讓學生“死記名篇佳句、名言警句,以及豐富的詞語、新穎的材料等。這樣,就會在有限的時間、空間里給學生的腦海里注入無限的內(nèi)容。日積月累,積少成多,從而收到水滴石穿,繩鋸木斷的成效。五、聽音,選擇正確的答句編號填入括號內(nèi)。每題2分,共10分 1. Is it your book? A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it

14、 is .單靠“死記還不行,還得“活用,姑且稱之為“先死后活吧。讓學生把一周看到或聽到的新穎事記下來,摒棄那些假話套話空話,寫出自己的真情實感,篇幅可長可短,并要求運用積累的成語、名言警句等,定期檢查點評,選擇優(yōu)秀篇目在班里朗讀或展出。這樣,即穩(wěn)固了所學的材料,又鍛煉了學生的寫作才能,同時還培養(yǎng)了學生的觀察才能、思維才能等等,到達“一石多鳥的效果。 2. Who is that little girl? A. Its me B. Its Amy. 3. Whats this? A. Its London. B. Its Tower Bridge.單靠“死記還不行,還得“活用,姑且稱之為“先死后活吧。讓學生把一周看到或聽到的新穎事記下來,摒棄那些假話套話空話,寫出自己的真情實感,篇幅可長可短,并要求運用積累的


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