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1、En glish for Careers 2Un it 1 WorkplaceTeach ing objectiveAfter studying this unit, the students are able to master the key words and structures and more importa ntly, to com muni cate for the followi ng purposes:? un dersta nding workplace fashi on trends? un dersta nding a code of con duct (of a w

2、orkplace)? hav ing in ter nal com muni cati on? un dersta nding and writ ing a no tice? prepari ng for a party? masteri ng time man ageme ntThe method of approach1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role playing by the stude nts;2. Expla nati on and dem on strati on by the teacher;3. A

3、fter class research and practice by the studentsUnit contentReadi ng A: Workplace Fashi on TrendsReadi ng B: Boe ing Code of Con ductListening & Speaking: Having Internal CommunicationWriting : NoticeMi ni project: Prepari ng for a PartyLear ning Strategy: Time Man ageme ntTime requireme nt: 8 9

4、 periods2Unit Focusfit in with complime nt productivereputati onfor in sta neein corporatepros and consoutfitcasualsett ing3#Teach ing proceduresThis unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours during which a time limit is suggested for each step Though it's always important to keep a time limit

5、 in mi nd for each activity , a teacher should n ever stick to a rigid time pla n in teachi ng , but rather follow a more flexible time table whe n deali ng with un expected in class occurre nces and make n ecessary adjustme nts accord in gly。 Note that not every step suggested here is a must in tea

6、chi ng A teacher can make whatever cha nges he thinks n ecessaryHour 1 :Course in troductio n45mi nutesWarmi ng up Task 110 mi nu tesObjective: Ss can ide ntify differe nt rooms in an office。Steps:?Ss read Warmi ng up Task 1.?Get Ss to look at the layout of the office.?Ask Ss to ide ntify differe nt

7、 rooms。?Give the suggested an swersSuggested an swers:B4 C-5D3E-6 F2G-7Task 210 minu tesObjective: Ss can give directionsSteps:? Ss read Warmi ngup Task 2。? Get Ss to look at the picture of Task 1.? Ask Ss to work in pairs and tell each other how to find Mike and Jack in the office。? Ask some Ss to

8、report in class? Give the suggested an swersSuggested an swersGo through the reception room to the hallway. The first room on your left is the multifunction meeting room。 Mike is having a meeting there. Keep going straight along the hallway till you get to the end of it。Jack is working in the last s

9、taff office on your left。New words in Readi ng A15 mi nu tesObjective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expression, etc.。 Steps:? Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc? Ss read the new words and expressions etc。Notes: For a class with higher English proficiency, the teacher may f

10、ollow the follow ing steps:? Ss preview the new words and expressi ons.? Ss read the new words and expressions? Ss dictate several importa nt new words and expressionsDiscussi ons before Readi ng A10 minu tesObjective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressi ons, etc. Steps:? Ss know som

11、ethi ng about Read ing A.? Ss discuss the followi ngtwo questi ons:1. What are the pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trend?2. Before relying on workplace fashion trends what will you do? Comme nt briefly on their work。Hours 2-3 :Read ing A45 mi nu tesLan guage points35 minu tesParagraph

12、1fit in with: to live, work, etc。in an easy and natural way withhow hesome on e/somethi nge。g。He' s never done this type of work before; I' m not surin with the other people。Our national policy fits in with the changed international situation。 reputation : n。 the opinion that people have abo

13、ut whatsome on e/somethi ng is like based on what has happe ned in the past e。 g。 The school has a good reputati on for exam in ati on results.He earned the reputati on of being a hard workerParagraph 2pros and cons: the adva ntages and disadva ntages of somethi ng e。g。What comment do you have on th

14、e pros and cons of studying abroad?We weighed up the pros and cons of starti ng up our own bus in ess outfit: n. a set of clothes especially one that you wear for a special occasi one。g。She was dressed in a white outfit.On the ope ning cere mony of the sports meet, all of us wore sports outfitsThe f

15、ootball team members were weari ng ora nge plime nt: n。 a remark that shows you admire some on e/somethi ng e。g. Thank you very much for your complime nt.He knew that he had just bee n paid a great complimentShe took his accepta nee as a great complimentParagraph 3for instanee: for exampl

16、ee。g。What would you do, for instanee, if you found a member of staff steali ng?His spelling is terrible. For instanee,look at this word!For in sta nee, an electric fire is a relatively expe nsive method of heat ing a room.casual:a。 in formale.g。 He was weari ng casual clothes, not his school on es.W

17、e don' t like his casual behaviorParagraph 4sett ing: n。a set of surro undings; the place at which somethi ng happe n:e.g。It was the perfect sett ing for a won derful Christmas.People tend to behave differe ntly in differe nt social sett in gs.The old castle would have provided the perfect sett

18、ing for a horror story productive: a。 producing or achieving a lote。g。 Agriculture and industry both grow more productive.There are a lot of productive workers in this factoryParagraph 6in corporate : v。 to in clude somethi ng so that it forms a part of somethi ng elsee.g.Ma ny of your suggesti ons

19、have bee n in corporated into the pla n.We have in corporated all the latest safety features into the desig nHis picture had bee n in corporated without his permissi on into anadvertiseme n。Task 15 minu tesObjective: Ss can un dersta nd the passage and write the correct order Steps:? Ss do Task 1.?

20、Ask Ss to work individually。? Check the an swers.Suggested An swers:1。C 2。 D3。B 4。 F5。E 6。ATask 25 minu tesObjective: Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or falseaccord ing to the passageSteps:? Ss do Task 2? Ask Ss to work in dividually。? Check the an swers.Suggested An swers1。F

21、 2。F 3。 F4。F 5。TLan guage lab45 minu tesTask 15 minu tesObjective: Ss know the spelling and meaning of the words and expressionsfrom Read ing A。Steps:?Ss read Task 1?Allow Ss 5 minu tes to do the task.?Check the an swersKeyKey: 1。 J 2。 I 3。 F 4. H 5。B 6。G 7. D 8.E 9. A10。CTask 210 minu tesObjective:

22、 Ss can use the words and expressi ons from Readi ng A.Steps:?Ss do Task 2?Ask Ss to work in dividually.?Check the an swersAn swers1。in corporate2. hampered 3。 displayed 4。reputati on5。impartially6。abused7。 approve 8。 violation 9. for instanee10。 un derliesTask 310 minu tesObjective: Ss can use the

23、words and expressi ons from Readi ng°A Steps:?Ss do Task 3.?Ask Ss to work individually。?Check the an swersKey:1。You can display your compa ny's products if you go to the trade fair2。Despite severe discomfort, she remains actively engaged in helping those in n eed after the earthquake.3。We

24、can ensure the safety of the workers if we check the machines carefully。4。To make sure the plan fits in with our arrangemen, you need to have a discussi on with him。5。We have to rely on ourselves to solve the problem because they are very busy for the mome n。Task 410 minu tesObjective: Ss can expres

25、s ideas in writing using the two models outlined forTask 4。Steps:?Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed?Ss work in pairs。?Check the an swers.Key:Model 11. Before booking a train ticket, you'd better find out if the time suits you.2. After finishing his paper, he checked his spellin

26、g very carefully3. He was very sorry for being late for school againModel 21。 What interests the children a lot is that there are many animals in the zoo。2。What she said at the meeti ng is that the program will be put off.3。What Mr. Li was proud of was that his son won in the matchTask 510 minu tesO

27、bjective: Ss can use the vocabulary in Read ing A for tran slationSteps:?Ss work in dividually or in pairs an d tran slate the sentences?Ask two Ss to write their tra nslati ons on the board?Comme nt briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their13senten ces.Key:1. All the compa ny r

28、ules and regulati ons must be strictly observed.2. We should be casual whe n we stay with these students3. The above-me ntio ned are some com muni catio n skills that are very useful in an office setting。4. We have a professi onal team to market our products5. Do you know black clothes will be trend

29、y this fall?6. We would rather rely on ourselves in stead of seek ing help from othet7. New vehicles must comply with n ati onal sta ndards8. Some young people in our compa ny may come to seek your advice.Hours 4 5:Liste ning45 mi nu tesTask 15 minu tesObjective: Ss can accurately write dow n the mi

30、ssi ng in formationScript:W: Roy, I shall work out a time to meet with your people to discuss the new project。M : Do you wish every one in the departme nt to be there Wils on is on vacati on this week.W: It would be best if everybody could be there. Whe n will Wils on comeback?M: Next Mon day.W: How

31、 about sometime next week?M : Let me look at the schedule first I ' II get back to you this after noonW: Tha nk you。KeyKey:1。 the new project2。 on vacati on3。 n ext Mon day4。 the scheduleTask 210 minu tesObjective: Ss can decide whether the stateme nts are true or falseScript:M : Hi, Shelly, how

32、 are you today?W: Well, I didn' t sleep very well last tight m having a slight headacnow.M: I ' m sorry to hear that. Hope you' ll°be better soonW: Thanks. Do you know that a shift-work system is to be in troduced next mon th?M: Really? How will we be affected?W: The system will aff

33、ect every one in our office i It will be on a two shift basis7 am to 2 p。m。, and 2 p.m to 9 p。m.M : I wonder which shift rII be working on.W: Why don' t we go and ask the man a?erM : I shall wait. Actually it doesn' t make enyhdMfiesbifCI amallocated.Key:1。T 2. F 3. T 4. FTask 310 minu tesOb

34、jective: Ss can accurately tick off the items accord ing to the conv ersation。Script:W: What do you usually wear for work?M : I don ' t need to meettousers too often, so I usually wear very casual clothes in my office, like jeans and T shirts。 I feel more relaxed in that。W: What do you thi nk of

35、 the dress ing policies of a compa n?M : Well, I think formal bus in ess clothes should be wor n whe n meet ing with customers and clients at scheduled meetings That gives people a sense of trust and authority.W: Yes。 By look ing n eat and smart, we'll be able to gain the trust of customers.M :

36、Right。 But at other times, staff can wear bus in ess casual clothes This includes dress shirts, collared sports shirts, sweaters or ski。But shoes should be forma。 I suppose casual san dals and slippers are not suitable in the workplace.W: And I think blue jeans, T-shirts and shorts are far too casua

37、l to be accepted in the office.M: I don't agree on this。 I think casual wear brings a sense of freedom in the office and can in spire us in our job.W: Maybe you are right。KeyKey: High-heels0 Sandals71ns|7| SkirtsEl T-shirts0 SweatersR71 Shorts 5uitsTask 410 minu tesObjective: Ss can un dersta nd

38、 the conv ersati on and choose the best an swerScript:M : A report says that there has been too much water cooler chat in thecompany recently. I don ' t think Mr. Blacksmith will be happy when hereads it.W: Well, the boss may not like it, but we do。It ' s always relaxing to stay atthe water

39、cooler and chat for a while It helps to ease the tension from the workload.M : Yes, I agree. But haven' t you noticed that some of our workmates arespe nding too much time chatt ing around the water coolerW: You are right。 I guess we n eed to come back to work once we fin ishour cup of coffee or

40、 teaM: I don't want our nice and pleasa nt water cooler chats to ever get the boss an gry.W: Neither do I。 I think the point is that we keep chatting at the water cooler until it is too long。M: Yes. Otherwise we might drink too much water and spend a lot of time inthe bathroom!W: You bet!Q1: Who

41、 is Mr。 Blacksmith ?Q2: What does the woma n thi nk of the water cooler cha?Q3: Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true accord ing to the conv ersatio n?Q4: What are the attitudes of the man and the woma n toward the rece nt water cooler chatt ing in the compa ny?KeyKey:1。A 2。B 3. B 4. CTask 510

42、 minu tesObjective: Ss can find specific in formatio n from liste ning to a passage related to the theme.Script & Key:We all know that com muni cati on is the key to a healthy relati on ship inand out of work。 Deali ng with people can be very annoying, because each of us has a different view on

43、life and how things ought to be Try your best to speak to your boss but in a polite and respectful way. Always remember that a good job is hard to find and one should be professi onal un der all situatio ns。Ano ther brillia nt way of deali ng with your boss is by study ing him。Notice the sig nals he

44、 or she sen ds; pick up on body Ian guage as well as spoken Ianguage. Figure out your boss' s ,genmldl Tbenole toread your boss bette, un dersta nd what he or she is telli ng you and decide the best course of action And don't be afraid to ask your co workers for help。Get yourself ready to he

45、lp in the work, and always look on thepositive side of thi ngs. If your boss says he or she n eeds somethi ng done,don' t say, “ That ' s impossible. I ' ” onaif you were in your boss' spositi on, would n' t you want some one telli ng you that they' re on beready to help?Spea

46、k ing45 minu tesTask 645 mi nu tesObjective: Ss are able to practice show ing a new colleague around the office (and the other as a newcomgr with the useful expressi ons.Steps:?Ss read Task 6?Ss work in pairs, one show ing a new colleague around the office and the other as a n ewcomer.Key:(Omitted)H

47、ours 6-7 :Read ing B45mi nu tesNew words5 mi nu tesObjective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expression, etc.Steps:? Ss listen to the new words and expressions etc。? Ss read the new words and expressi ons, etcFast readi ng20mi nu tesObjective: Ss can comprehend Reading B.Steps:?Ss read t

48、he passage?Provide help if n eedectTask 110mi nu tesObjective:Ss can decide whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or falseaccord ing to the passageSteps:?Ss read the passage.?Ss complete the task?Ss compare their work with others?Select Ss to prese nt their wor kKeyKey: 1。 F 2. F3。T 4。 F 5. FT

49、ask 210mi nu tesObjective: Ss can comprehe nd the specific in formatio n take n from the passageSteps:?Ss read the passage.?Ss complete the task.?Ss compare their work with others?Select Ss to prese nt their work.Key:1. N 2 kN 3。A4 kN 5。A 6。 NWrit ing45 minu tesTask 115 minu tesObjective: Ss can get

50、 familiar with the style of noticeSteps:?Ss do the task in dividually。? Ss compare with each other ' s answers.?Provide help if n eedect?Prese nt the an swers.Key:NoticeKin dly n ote that our Healthcare Cen ter will be relocated to the follow ing address with effect from September 1,2009New addr

51、ess 909 J 2nd Street NorthFult onNew YorkTeleph one nu mbers and fax nu mbers rema in un cha ngedThanks for your kind atte nti on and con ti nu ous supportTask 215 minu tesObjective: Ss can get familiar with the style of no ticebSteps:?Ss do the task in dividually。? Ss compare with each other '。

52、s answers?Provide help if n eedec。?Prese nt the an swersKey:Sample:NoticePlease be in formed that Office Safety Trai ning Secti on will be con ducted from 2:30 to 4: 30 this Friday after noon in Conference Room 109。All staff are required to come. Handouts will be available after the secti on。JackyTamOfficeMan agerJuly 15, 2009Task 315mi nu tesObjective: Ss can get familiar with the style of noticeSteps:?Ss do the task in dividually.24? Ss compare with each other '。s answers?Provide help if n


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