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1、.第二講情態(tài)動詞1 You worry about your son. He will get well soon. A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn'tD. have to2 The poor man needs our help, he?A. needB. needn'tC. doesD. doesn't3 Must we do our homework first? No, you . You may have a rest first.A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. may not D. can&

2、#39;t情態(tài)動詞的運(yùn)用以及考點(diǎn)講解1.對于情態(tài)動詞分類以及用法不清。2.對于中考情態(tài)動詞的重難點(diǎn)和考點(diǎn)不清。情態(tài)動詞的用法1. can 的用法:1 表示能力,譯為“能、會,即有某種能力,尤其是生來具備的能力,此時 may 和 must不可代替它。例句:She can swim fast, but I cant . 她能游得很快,但我不能。 例句:I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。2 表示許可,常在口語中。這里可以用 may 代替。 例句:You can/may use my dictionary.你可以用我的字典。3 表示推測,意為“可能,常用于否定句和疑問句中,此

3、時 cant 不是“不能而是“不可能。 例句:The news is true. 這消息是真的。一般疑問句: Is the news true? 這消息是真的嗎? 表推測、懷疑: Can the news be true? 這個消息會是真的嗎? 例句:- Can it be our teacher? 那個人有可能是我們老師嗎?- No, it cant be our teacher. He is visiting the Great Wall.不可能。咱們老師正在游覽長城呢。【例題】I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she wo

4、uld go there.No. She be there, I have just been there.A.cantB. mustntC. needntD. wouldnt注意:can 和 be able to 的區(qū)別 表達(dá)“能夠的時候,兩者可以互換。但是細(xì)微的差別在于:can 強(qiáng)調(diào)與生俱來的能力,“能夠;be able to 是后天習(xí)得的能力或者經(jīng)過努力、拼搏、奮斗而做成的事,“有能力做。 例句:They can/are able to be here on time.他們能夠及時趕到。例句:They were able to arrive here on time with his h

5、elp.有了他的幫助,他們就能及時趕到這里了。 例句:They can arrive here on time.他們能夠及時趕到這里。2. could 的用法:1 can 的過去式,意為“能、會,表示過去的能力。例句:He could write poems when he was 10. 他十歲時就會寫詩。2 could 在疑問句中,表示委婉的語氣,此時 could 沒有過去式的意思。 例句:Could you give me a hand? 你能幫我個忙嗎?例句: Could I use your pen? 我能用一下你的鋼筆嗎? Yes, you can.可以。注意回答是 can 能夠3

6、. may 的用法:1 表示請求、許可,比 can 正式例句:May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行車嗎? 例句:You may go home now. 現(xiàn)在你可以回家了?!纠}】 I borrow your MP3? Sure . Here you are.A. May B. Should C. MustD. Would2表示推測,談?wù)摽赡苄裕鉃椤翱赡?,或許,一般用于肯定句中。例句:It may rain tomorrow .明天可能會下雨。 例句:She may be at home.她可能在家呢.3 may 的過去式為 might,表示推測,可能性低于 ma

7、y。例句:He is away from school. He might be sick.他離開學(xué)校了,可能是他生病了。4 表示希望、祈求、祝愿,??勺g為“祝愿。句型通常是 may +主語+動詞原形。 例句:May you have a good time.祝你過得愉快。例句:May you be happy! 祝你幸福! 例句:May you succeed!祝你成功!4. must 的用法:1 must 表示主觀看法,意為“必須、一定。例句: You must stay here until I come back.在我回來之前你必須呆在這兒。 例句:Must I hand in my

8、homework right now?我必須現(xiàn)在交作業(yè)嗎?2 其否定形式 mustnt 表示 “禁止,不準(zhǔn),不允許、“一定不要、“千萬別。 例句:You mustnt play with fire. 你不許玩火。例句:You mustnt be late.你一定不要遲到。3 must 表示有把握的推測,“肯定,用于肯定句。例句:The light is on, so he must be at home now. 燈亮著,他現(xiàn)在肯定在家。4 對 must 引導(dǎo)的疑問句答復(fù)肯定回答為 must否定回答為 neednt 或 dont have to例句:Must I finish my homew

9、ork?我現(xiàn)在必須完成作業(yè)嗎?No, you neednt./ No, you dont have to. 不,你不必。 注意 must 反意問句的構(gòu)成形式:當(dāng) must 表示肯定的判斷、推測時,其反意疑問句要用實(shí)際問句的助動詞來反問。例句:She must have seen the film before,hasnt she?例句:You must have met uncle Wang in the shop yesterday,didnt you?5. need 的用法:1 need 表示需要、必須,主要用于否定句和疑問句中。2 用 need 提問的回答:肯定回答為 must,否定回答

10、為 neednt“沒有必要或 dont have to“不必。 例句: Need I stay here any longer? 我還有必要留在這兒嗎?Yes, you must .是的。No. you neednt /dont have to.不,你不必。3 need 還可以作實(shí)義動詞,此時有人稱、數(shù)和時態(tài)的變化。1 _x0001_如果是人作主語后邊多接動詞不定式,即 need to do。 例句:I need to do it at once.我需要馬上做這件事。例句:He needs to learn more about the girl.他需要多了解那個女孩。 如果是物作主語,一般用

11、 need doing 與 need to be done。 例如:The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted.那扇門需要刷一下漆。例句:Your car needs repairing. = Your car needs to be repaired.你的車需要維修了。6. shall 的用法:shall 表示征求對方意見多用于第一、三人稱。例句:Shall we go out for a walk?我們出去散步好嗎? 其回答方式有以下幾種:Yes, please. All right.No, thank you.在英語中,

12、我們可以用其他多種方式提出我們的建議或征求對方意見。1 用“Let's do.來提出建議。例句:Let's go for a walk after supper.我們晚飯后去散步吧。和聽話者一起散步 例句:Let us go for a walk after supper.請讓我們晚飯后去散步吧。征求聽話者意見2 用“What/How about.?來提出建議;about 后接名詞或 doing 形式。 例句:What about/How about a drink? 喝一杯怎么樣?例句:What about/How about taking Tom with us?帶上湯姆和

13、我們一起怎么樣?3 用“Why not.?來提出建議,表示“何不not 面后接動詞原形?!癢hy not.?實(shí)際上 是“Why don't you/we.?的簡略形式。例句:Why not meet at the school gate at eight? 不如八點(diǎn)在校門口見吧? 例句:Why don't we stay here another day? 我們何不改天留在這里?4 用“Would you like.?來提出建議,意思是“你想要嗎?Would you like 后可接名詞或to do。例句:Would you like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶嗎?

14、例句:Would you like to go and see her?你想去看看她嗎?因此,如果我們說:“去游泳好嗎?英語中可有這樣幾種表達(dá)法:Shall we go for a swim?Let's go for a swim,shall we?What about/How about going swimming? Why not go for a swim?Would you like to go for a swim?What do you think of going for a swim?would you 的回答方式有以下幾種:A.Yes, I will. No, I

15、wont.嗯,好的。不,不必了。B. Sure . Im sorry , I cant.當(dāng)然。抱歉,不能。C.All right. / OK. / With pleasure./Certainly. No, thank you .好的。/樂意效勞。/當(dāng)然。不, 謝謝。D. Yes, please.好的,麻煩了。【例題】Would you give me a hand and pass on my thanks to Lily?A.Thats rightB. With pleasureC. It doesnt matter D. No trouble7. should 的用法:1 should

16、意為“應(yīng)該,可表示勸告、建議、義務(wù)、責(zé)任等。例句:We should protect the environment.我們應(yīng)該保護(hù)環(huán)境。2 should have done 過去本應(yīng)當(dāng)做某事但卻沒有做,表示對過去動作的責(zé)備、批評。 例句:You should have finished your homework by now.3 到目前為止你應(yīng)該已經(jīng)完成作業(yè)了。事實(shí)上你沒有完成。8. will 的用法:will 表示意愿、意志、打算,可用于多種人稱。例句:I will help you if Im free this afternoon.今天下午如果我有空,我就會幫你。9. had bett

17、er 的用法:had better 意為“最好,沒有人稱的變化,后面接不帶 to 的不定式,其否定形式為:had better not。例句:We had better go now.我們最好現(xiàn)在就走。例句:You had better not give the book to him.你最好不要把這本書給他。 1. John come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet. A. may B. canC. has toD. must 2. They do well in the exam. A. can be able toB.

18、be able to C. can able toD. are able to 3. -May I take this book out?-No, you .A. can'tB. may not C. needn'tD. aren't 4. You go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever. A. canB. mustC. dareD. would 5. -Can you speak Japanese?-No, I .A. mustn'tB. can'tC. needn'

19、tD. may not 6. -He be in the classroom, I think.-No, he be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can'tD. may; mustn't 7. Even the top students in our class can't work out this problem, so it be very difficult. A. may B. mustC. canD. nee

20、d 8. He isn't at school. I think he be ill.A. canB. will C. mustD. has to 9. I take this one?A. May B. Will C. AreD. Do 10. The children play football on the road.A. can'tB. canC. mustn'tD. must1.情態(tài)動詞本身有具體的詞義,但也同助動詞一樣,需要與其他詞語一起構(gòu)成句子的謂語。情態(tài)動詞有四個特征:1不能單獨(dú)做謂語,必須與其他動詞一起構(gòu)成謂語;2沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化;3情態(tài)動詞后必須跟

21、動詞原形;4具有助動詞功能。2. 9個重要情態(tài)動詞的用法。 1. You be late for school again next time.A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. don't have toD. don't need to 2. -Must I do my homework at once?-No, you .A. needn'tB. mustn'tC. can'tD. may not 3. His arm is all right. He go and see the doctor.A. has not toB

22、. don't have to C. haven't toD. doesn't have to 4. He had to give up the plan, he?A. did B. didn'tC. doesD. doesn't 5. Must I return the hook tomorrow morning?No, you .You can keep it longer.A. mustn'tB. can'tC. needn'tD. couldn't 6. How long may I keep the book?Y

23、ou keep it for two weeks.A. may B. mustC. will 7. Susan, would you like to go hiking with us this afternoon? I'd love to, but I study for a test.A. may B. have to C. can 8.- May I go out now, Dad?- No. You let your mother know first.yA. canB. may C. needD. must 9. - Can I skate on the lake now?-

24、 No, you . Its dangerous.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont 10. Peter doesnt mind lending you his camera.He . Ive already borrowed one.A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. shouldnt 11. Good morning. I've got an appointment with Ms King in her office. Morning. You be Mr. Jones. This way, please.A. wil

25、l B. must C. can D, might 12. -Dad, the bread is not enough. I am still hungry. I have something more?-But theres nothing in the fridge now.A. MustB. NeedC. Will D. Can 13. Where's my music disc? I can't see it!You'd better the disc carefully in your bedroom. A. look up B. look through C

26、. look for 14. - Do we have to go to school this afternoon?-Yes,you .A. must B. can C. need 15. Congratulations! You've got the first prize in the English Contest. it be true? It's unbelievable!A. May B. Should C. Must D. Can 16. -May we go home now ?- No, you . You to go home until 5 oclock.A. mustnt; are allowed B. dont have to; are supposedC. neednt; arent allowed D. cant; aren't supposed填空題:1. Must we leave now?No, we


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