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1、Universal Bridge - Implement universal power converter with selectable topologies and power electronic devices通用電橋 -具有可選擇的拓撲結構和電力電子設備的通用電源轉(zhuǎn)換器的實現(xiàn)LibraryPower ElectronicsDescriptionThe Universal Bridge block implements a universal three-phase power converter that consists of up to six power switches c

2、onnected in a bridge configuration. The type of power switch and converter configuration are selectable from the dialog box.通用電橋模塊可以看作一個通用的三相電源轉(zhuǎn)換器, 由最高六個電源開關連接在一個橋路中配置。電源開關和轉(zhuǎn)換器配置類型參數(shù)在對話框中選擇。The Universal Bridge block allows simulation of converters using both naturally commutated (or line-commutated

3、) power electronic devices (diodes or thyristors) and forced-commutated devices (GTO, IGBT, MOSFET).通用電橋模塊可以仿真自然換流器(或換線)電力電子器件(二極管或晶閘管)和強迫換流器件( GTO、 IGBT ,MOSFET)。The Universal Bridge block is the basic block for building two-level voltage-sourced converters (VSC).通用電橋模塊是建立兩級電壓源變換器的基本塊(VSC)。The devi

4、ce numbering is different if the power electronic devices are naturally commutated or forced-commutated. For a naturally commutated three-phase converter (diode and thyristor), numbering follows the natural order of commutation:不同自然換流或強迫換流電力電子器件的編號是不同的。 一個自然整流三相轉(zhuǎn)換器(二極管或晶閘管),編號:按下列順序:Forthe case ofa

5、two-phase diode or thyristorbridge, and forany other bridgeconfiguration, the order of commutation is the following:兩相二極管或晶閘管橋的情況下,和任何其他的橋配置,換向順序如下:GTO-Diode bridge:GTO-二極管電橋IGBT-Diode bridge:MOSFET-Diode and Ideal Switch bridges:Dialog Box and ParametersNumber of bridge armsSet to 1 or 2 to get a s

6、ingle-phase converter (two or four switching devices). Set to 3 to get a three-phase converter connected in Graetz bridge configuration (six switchingdevices).設置為 1 或 2,得到一個單相轉(zhuǎn)換器(兩個或四個開關器件) 。設置為 3,得到一個連接在格雷茨電橋中的三相轉(zhuǎn)換器(六開關設備) 。Snubber resistance RsThe snubber resistance, in ohms ( ). Set the Snubber r

7、esistance Rs parameter to inf toeliminate the snubbers from the model.緩沖電阻,歐姆( )。設置緩沖電阻的參數(shù)為inf來消除來自模型的緩沖。Snubber capacitance CsThe snubber capacitance, in farads (F). Set the Snubber capacitance Cs parameter to 0 to eliminate the snubbers, or to inf to get a resistive snubber.緩沖電容,法拉( F)。設置緩沖電容 Cs 參

8、數(shù)為 0 消除緩沖電路,或 INF 得到電阻緩沖。In order to avoid numerical oscillations when your system is discretized, you need to specify Rs and Cs snubber values for diode and thyristor bridges. For forced-commutated devices (GTO, IGBT, or MOSFET), the bridge operates satisfactorily with purely resistive snubbers as

9、long as firing pulses are sent to switching devices.當系統(tǒng)是離散的,為了避免數(shù)值振蕩,你需要為二極管和可控硅整流橋指定 Rs CS 緩沖值。對于強制整流器件( GTO、IGBT 、或 MOSFET),帶純電阻緩沖器的電橋達到理想工作狀態(tài)只要觸發(fā)脈沖送到開關裝置。If firing pulses to forced-commutated devices are blocked, only antiparallel diodes operate, and the bridge operates as a diode rectifier. In t

10、his condition appropriate values of Rs and Cs must also be used.如果觸發(fā)脈沖強迫整流設備關閉, 只有反平行二極管工作, 并作為一個二極管整流橋。在這種情況下, Rs 和 Cs 必須設置適當?shù)闹?。When the system is discretized, use the following formulas to compute approximate values of Rs and Cs:當系統(tǒng)是離散的,使用以下公式來計算Rs 和 Cs 的近似值:wherePn = nominal power of single or t

11、hree phase converter (VA)Pn 代表單或三相轉(zhuǎn)換器的標稱功率Vn = nominal line-to-line AC voltage (Vrms)代表標稱線間交流電壓f = fundamental frequency (Hz)基本頻率Ts = sample time (s)抽樣時間These Rs and Cs values are derived from the following two criteria:Rs 和 Cs 的值來自以下兩個標準The snubber leakage current at fundamental frequency is less t

12、han 0.1% of nominalcurrent when power electronic devices are not conducting.當電力電子器件是不導電時,基波頻率下的緩沖泄漏電流小于額定電流的 0.1% The RC time constant of snubbers is higher than two times the sample time Ts. These Rs and Cs values that guarantee numerical stability of the discretized bridge can be different from ac

13、tual values used in a physical circuit.緩沖電路的 RC 時間常數(shù)大于兩倍的采樣時間的。Rs 和 Cs 的值,保證離散化的橋電橋的數(shù)值穩(wěn)定性可以不同的與物理電路中使用的實際值。Power electronic deviceSelect the type of power electronic device to use in the bridge.選擇在電橋中使用的電力電子裝置的類型。When you select Switching-function based VSC, a switching-function voltage source conve

14、rter type equivalent model is used, where switches are replaced by two voltage sources on the AC side and a current source on the DC side. This model uses the same firing pulses as for other power electronic devices and it correctly represents harmonics normally generated by the bridge.當你選擇切換功能的 VSC

15、(變壓設備),開關功能的電壓源整流器型等效模型,其中開關是由兩個交流側電壓源和直流源的電流代替的。 該模型使用與其他電力電子設備相同的發(fā)射脈沖,它正確地反映正常產(chǎn)生的電橋諧波。When you select Average-model based VSC, an average-model type of voltage source converter is used to represent the power-electronic switches. Unlike the other power electronic devices, this model uses the refere

16、nce signals (uref) representing the average voltages generated at the ABC terminals of the bridge. This model does not represent harmonics. It can be used with larger sample times while preserving the average voltage dynamics.當你選擇基于VSC 的平均模型、電壓源變換器的平均模型類型是用來表示電力電子開關。不像其他的電力電子設備,這個模型使用的參考信號( Uref)代表在

17、橋的 ABC 終端產(chǎn)生的平均電壓。這個模型不代表諧波。它可以使用更大的樣本時間,而公關 eserving 平均電壓動態(tài)。See the power_sfavg demo for an example comparing these two models to an Universal Bridge block using IGBT/Diode device.對兩個模型的一種通用橋塊采用IGBT / 二極管器件。RonInternal resistance of the selected device, in ohms ( ).LonInternal inductance, in henries

18、 (H), for the diode or the thyristor device. When the bridge is discretized, the Lon parameter must be set to zero.內(nèi)部電感,用( H),該二極管或晶閘管裝置。當橋梁離散, LON 參數(shù)必須設置為零。Forward voltage VfThis parameter is available only when the selected Power electronic device is Diodes or Thyristors.此參數(shù)僅當選定的電力電子器件是二極管或晶閘管可用。F

19、orward voltage, in volts (V), across the device when it is conducting.正向電壓,在伏( V ),穿過設備時,它正在進行。Forward voltages Device Vf, Diode VfdThis parameter is available when the selected Power electronic device is GTO/Diodes or IGBT/Diodes.該參數(shù)可選擇的電力電子裝置是當GTO 或 IGBT / 二極管 /二極管。Forward voltages, in volts (V),

20、of the forced-commutated devices (GTO, MOSFET, or IGBT) and of the antiparallel diodes.Tf (s) Tt (s)Fall time Tf and tail time Tt, in seconds (s), for the GTO or the IGBT devices.下降時間 tf 和尾時間 TT,秒( s),對 GTO 或 IGBT 器件來說MeasurementsSelect Device voltages to measure the voltages across the six power el

21、ectronic device terminals.選擇設備電壓測量的六個電力電子設備終端的電壓。Select Device currents to measure the currents flowing through the six power electronic devices. If antiparallel diodes are used, the measured current is the total current in the forced-commutated device (GTO, MOSFET, or IGBT) and in the antiparallel

22、diode. A positive current therefore indicates a current flowing in the forced-commutated device and a negative current indicates a current flowing in the diode. If snubber devices are defined, the measured currents are the ones flowing through the power electronic devices only.選擇設備電流來測量流經(jīng)六個電力電子設備的電流

23、。 如果用反并聯(lián)二極管, 測量電流在強迫換相開發(fā)的總電流冰( GTO,MOSFET,或 IGBT )在反平行二極管。正電流因此顯示當前在強制換向裝置和負電流表示電流二極管。 如果定義了緩沖裝置,測量電流的流經(jīng)電力電子器件只。Select UAB UBC UCA UDC voltages to measure the terminal voltages (AC and DC) of the Universal Bridge block.選擇 UAB UBC UCA UDC 電壓測量端電壓( AC DC )的通用橋塊。Select All voltages and currents to meas

24、ure all voltages and currents defined for the Universal Bridge block.選擇所有的電壓和電流來測量所有的電壓和電流定義為通用橋塊。Place a Multimeter block in your model to display the selected measurements during the simulation. In the Available Measurements menu of the Multimeter block, the measurement is identified by a label fo

25、llowed by the block name.將萬用表的塊中的模型顯示在選定的測量仿真。在萬用表的塊可用的測量菜單,測量的標簽標識其次是塊名。MeasurementLabelDevice voltagesUsw1:, Usw2:,Usw3:,Usw4:,Usw5:,Usw6:Branch currentIsw1:, Isw2:, Isw3:, Isw4:, Isw5:, Isw6:Terminal voltages Uab:, Ubc:, Uca:, Udc:Inputs and OutputsThe gate input for the controlled switch devices

26、. The pulse ordering in the vector ofthe gate signals corresponds to the switch number indicated in the six circuits shown in the Description section. For the diode and thyristor bridges, the pulse ordering corresponds to the natural order of commutation. For all other forced-commutated switches, pu

27、lses are sent to upper and lower switches of phases A, B, and C.用于控制開關器件的柵極輸入。 在柵極信號的矢量中的脈沖順序?qū)谠诿枋霾糠种酗@示的六個電路中表示的開關數(shù)。 對于二極管和晶閘管橋, 脈沖順序?qū)趽Q向的自然順序。對于所有其他強制換向開關,脈沖發(fā)送到上下開關相A、B 和CTopologyPulse Vector of Input gone armQ1,Q2two armsQ1,Q2,Q3,Q4three arms Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6ExampleThe power_bridgesdemo illustr

28、ates the use of two Universal Bridge blocks in anac/dc/ac converter consisting of a rectifier feeding an IGBT inverter through a DClink. The inverter is pulse-width modulated (PWM) to produce a three-phase 50 Hzsinusoidal voltage to the load. In this example the inverter chopping frequency is 2000Hz

29、.power_bridges案例 - 在交流 /直流 /交流轉(zhuǎn)換器包括一個整流器供給IGBT 逆變器通過直流環(huán)節(jié)兩通用橋式塊的使用。該逆變器是脈沖寬度國防部調(diào)節(jié)(PWM )產(chǎn)生三相 50 赫茲的正弦電壓的負載。在這個例子中,逆變器的斬波頻率為2000赫茲。The IGBT inverter is controlled with a PI regulator in order to maintain a 1 pu voltage (380 Vrms, 50 Hz) at the load terminals.IGBT 逆變器是一個以 PI 調(diào)節(jié)器保持 1 的 PU 電壓控制( 380 Vrms,

30、50 Hz)的終端負載。A Multimeter block is used to observe commutation of currents between diodes 1 and 3 in the diode bridge and between IGBT/Diodes switches 1 and 2 in the IGBT bridge.萬用表塊是用來觀察二極管1 和 2 在 IGBT 橋之間。1 和 3之間的電流換向二極管橋和IGBT / 二極管開關Start simulation. After a transient period of approximately 40 ms, the system reaches a steady state. Observe voltage waveforms at DC bus, inverter output, and load on Scope1. The harmonics generated by the inverter around multiples of 2 kHz are filtered by the LC filter. As expected


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