Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護(hù)者(2015)》第一季第二十三集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護(hù)者(2015)》第一季第二十三集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護(hù)者(2015)》第一季第二十三集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護(hù)者(2015)》第一季第二十三集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護(hù)者(2015)》第一季第二十三集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、Star-Lord super awesome adventure log update.星爵超級無敵贊冒險(xiǎn)日記更新Our search for the Cosmic Seed為了尋找宇宙之種has led us to the one place I didnt want to go.我們到了我不愿到的那個(gè)地方Earth.地球But it was just another dead end.但是我們一無所獲Were leaving now, having stocked up on essential supplies.我們的主要補(bǔ)給儲存夠了 所以我們要走了Quill, your people

2、 may be weak and primitive,奎爾 你們地球人雖然軟弱而原始but their culinary skills are most impressive.但是他們的烹飪技術(shù)太厲害了Though as far as I can tell,不過在我看來this corn dog contains neither corn nor dog.這個(gè)玉米熱狗里既沒有玉米也沒有狗Forget the food, Drax.別管食物了 德拉克斯In fact, forget the Cosmic Seed.別管什么宇宙之種了I got something even better!我有更贊

3、的東西This duct tape stuff is gonna make me rich!這種強(qiáng)力膠帶會(huì)讓我暴富的I am Groot.我是格魯特Too bad the Cosmic Seed wasnt on Earth.很不幸 宇宙之種不在地球上But on the plus side, maybe that means its lost forever.但往好的方面想 可能這意味著種子永遠(yuǎn)遺失了I dont know.我也不知道Maybe youre right, Gamora.或許你是對的 卡魔拉Its just that, I cant shake this feeling tha

4、t.不過 我有種揮之不去的感覺.Guys, I just had another vision.伙計(jì)們 我又出現(xiàn)幻象了The Cosmic Seed is down there somewhere. I know it.宇宙之種就在下面 我確定Enough with the magical visions already.夠了 不要再拿你神奇的幻象說事了Havent we followed your hallucinations long enough?難道我們還沒跟夠你的幻覺嗎I am Groot!我是格魯特Hear me out.聽我說完We know the Cosmic Seed le

5、ft traces of energy everywhere it went.我們知道宇宙之種所到之處都留下了能量痕跡Well, one of those places was Attilan,其中一處是阿提蘭城home to the Inhumans.異人的故鄉(xiāng)And Attilan used to be where?而阿提蘭城以前在哪里On Earth.在地球上So, perhaps the Cosmic Seed is where Attilan was.所以說宇宙之種可能就在阿提蘭所在處I hate to say it,雖然我不想這么說but that actually makes s

6、ome kind of sense.但這話好像有一定道理Which is why,所以while you guys were busy mocking my visions,在你們嘲笑我的幻象時(shí)I put in a call to the Inhumans.我撥通了異人的通信Hey, Gorgon. Whats shaking?戈?duì)柟?你好啊I have considered your theory, Peter Quill,我考慮過你的理論了 彼得奎爾and I must say I find it extremely far-fetched.我必須說 我覺得你的理論非常牽強(qiáng)But sinc

7、e we Inhumans have no plans to ever return to Earth,但鑒于我們異人不打算再回地球了I suppose theres no harm in revealing Attilans former location.所以告訴你阿提蘭之前的位置無傷大雅Transmitting coordinates now.現(xiàn)在傳送坐標(biāo)We have the coordinates, Lord Ronan.拿到坐標(biāo)了 羅南大人I will claim the Cosmic Seed for myself.我會(huì)親自拿到宇宙之種The Star-Lords next da

8、nce-off星爵的下一次行動(dòng)will be his last.將是他的最后一次This is your last chance, Quill.這是你最后的機(jī)會(huì)了 奎爾If the Seed aint there, were done.如果種子不在那里 我們就完了We might be done anyway, Rocket.無論如何我們可能都完了 火箭The coordinates are in the middle of that storm.坐標(biāo)在那個(gè)風(fēng)暴的中心Hang on.大家坐穩(wěn)I am Groot!我是格魯特Crosswinds are too intense.側(cè)風(fēng)太大Im lo

9、sing control.我要失控了Wings are freezing up.機(jī)翼要凍住了Why isnt the de-icing system working?為什么除冰系統(tǒng)不管用Yeah, about that.這個(gè)啊I mightve hocked some of the gear to buy more duct tape.我好像為了買♥♥強(qiáng)力膠帶把一些設(shè)備當(dāng)了What? That stuff can do anything!怎么了 那玩意簡直萬能好嗎Can it melt the ice off our wings?能融化掉我們機(jī)翼上的冰嗎Uh, no

10、.這個(gè)不行I got something that can. Groot, with me.有能融掉的東西 格魯特 來Hang on to me, pal.抓緊我 伙計(jì)Its working.起作用了Brace for landing.放起落架 準(zhǔn)備降落Pull up, pull up, pull up!上拉 上拉 上拉I am Groot.我是格魯特Snow. I still hate this krutackin stuff!雪 我還是討厭這該死的東西At least you have a fur coat. Look at Drax.至少你還自帶毛大衣 你看德拉克斯Oh, quite c

11、omfortable.我很舒服Even if the Cosmic Seed is here,即使宇宙之種在這里how are we supposed to find it in all this?我們怎么在這冰天雪地里找到它I think were here.應(yīng)該就是這里I saw a valley.我看到了一個(gè)山谷Let me guess. Another vision?我猜猜 你又看到幻象了嗎That is an excellent guess, Rocket.猜得漂亮 火箭Although the more likely theory不過更可能的是is that Quill suffe

12、rs from delusions.奎爾是被凍得出現(xiàn)幻覺了I am Groot.我是格魯特You gotta trust me. Were on the right track.你們得相信我 我們方向?qū)α薟ed better be, for your.最好是 為了你sake.好Temporal scan survey says, Attilan.瞬時(shí)掃描顯示 這是阿提蘭See? I told you it was here.看到了吧 我就說在這里This is it. The Seed is down there.就是這里 種子就在下面I am Groot.我是格魯特Yeah, right.

13、How many times we heard that one, Groot?是啊 這句話我們聽了多少次了 格魯特Groot?格魯特I am Groot. I am Groot!我是格魯特 我是格魯特Look, Groot agrees with me.看 格魯特同意我的觀點(diǎn)A family of moon-rats once nested in his brain.一窩刺毛鼩猬在他腦袋里筑巢住過Its not exactly a ringing endorsement.所以得到他的同意不是什么好事How many times I told you to lay off the fertil

14、izer?我告訴過你多少回了 少用點(diǎn)肥料Weve see this before, remember?以前也這樣過 記得嗎When Groot gets close to Cosmic Seed energy, he grows bigger.格魯特靠近宇宙之種時(shí) 他會(huì)變大Then maybe we are on the right track.那我們可能方向真對了So what do we do if. When.所以如果我們 等我們When we find the Cosmic Seed?等我們找到宇宙之中時(shí) 怎么辦We have to put it somewhere safe from

15、 Thanos, Ronan,我們必須把種子放在安全的地方 遠(yuǎn)離滅霸or anyone else who would abuse its power.羅南等任何會(huì)濫用它的力量的人We should return it to Asgard, where it belongs.我們該把種子交還仙宮 它屬于那里Thor is an honorable warrior, and would safeguard it well.索爾是名可敬的戰(zhàn)士 他會(huì)確保種子的安全But Thors brother, Loki, cant be trusted.但是索爾的弟弟洛基不可信And the Seeds bee

16、n stolen from Asgard before.而且種子之前被人從仙宮偷走過I am Groot?我是格魯特No, Im fine, buddy.我沒事 伙計(jì)So.Quill,奎爾you think the Cosmic Seed might be able to.你覺得宇宙之種能不能.怎么說呢 I dont know, re-evolve my family?讓我們浣熊家族再進(jìn)化Hypothetically speaking, of course.當(dāng)然 我是假設(shè)Why do you ask?為什么這么問No reason.不為什么This cavern doesnt look nat

17、ural,這個(gè)山洞不像是自然形成的or like it was carved by Inhuman tech.可能是用異人族技術(shù)開鑿出來的I wonder what made it.不知道是什么造的You just had to ask, didnt you, Gammy?你這個(gè)烏鴉嘴 卡卡Okay, that thing was mutated by the Cosmic Seed.那東西肯定是因?yàn)橛钪嬷N變異了Worms do not get that big.蟲子自己長不了那么大On Denekem-IV they are even larger.德納凱-4號♥上的蟲子更大

18、And on Oscalla. They do on Redeesa Prime.奧斯卡拉上的也是 立迪莎至尊上也是I am Groot. They dont get that big on Earth!我是格魯特 地球上的蟲子自己長不了這么大Okay, so it can do that.好吧 它還會(huì)這個(gè)Well, you know what they say, The bigger they are.俗話說得好 他們越大.The easier you are to swallow?吃掉你越容易嗎Leave it to me.交給我Drax the Destroyer does not fe

19、ar invertebrates.毀滅者德拉克斯不害怕無脊椎動(dòng)物This things pretty much invulnerable on the outside,這東西從外面幾乎堅(jiān)不可摧but maybe we can hurt it from the inside.但或許我們可以從內(nèi)部對付它Groot, think you can give it a case of indigestion?格魯特 能給它個(gè)東西讓它吃一吃嗎I am Groot.我是格魯特Bon appetit, boneless!有個(gè)好胃口 大蟲子I am Groot.我是格魯特I think we landed on

20、 some kind of safety net.我們好像落到了一種安全網(wǎng)絡(luò)上This isnt a net. Its a web!這不是網(wǎng)絡(luò) 就是一張網(wǎng)Yeah, for the record,說明一下Earth spiders dont get that big either.地球蜘蛛也長不了那么大One thing I know about spiders, they hate fire!據(jù)我所知 蜘蛛討厭火You appear to know very little about spiders.那看來你對蜘蛛不怎么了解I am Groot!我是格魯特I am Groot! I am G

21、root.我是格魯特 我是格魯特Guess spiders dont eat Groot.看來蜘蛛不吃格魯特Lucky its not a giant termite.還好這不是巨型白蟻Indeed. What is a termite?沒錯(cuò) 白蟻是什么Biology lessons can wait.現(xiàn)在不急著上生物課Drax! Let him go, leggy!德拉克斯 放開他 多足怪Get away from me, you eight-legged flarg!放開我 八腳怪Come, Nebula.走吧 星云The fools will lead us directly to th

22、e Cosmic Seed.這些蠢貨會(huì)帶我們找到宇宙之種Im alive.我還活著Not for long.活不久了That thing has us lined up for dinner.這些家伙把我們吊起來準(zhǔn)備當(dāng)午餐I cant move. Theres no way out.我動(dòng)不了 沒法掙脫This is not a warriors fate.戰(zhàn)士的命運(yùn)不該如此Guys, we cant give up.伙計(jì)們 我們不能放棄Not when were this close to the Seed.特別是我們離種子那么近了I saw my family.我看到了我的家人The Cos

23、mic Seed restored them.宇宙之種讓他們恢復(fù)了I have no memory of my family.我完全不記得我的家人了Thanos robbed me of it.是滅霸把我擄走的Perhaps the Cosmic Seed can restore your memories,也許宇宙之種能恢復(fù)你的記憶as it will my family.就像我的家人一樣Does it have such power?它有這種力量嗎I, I dont know. Maybe.我.我不知道 也許吧But lets keep our eyes on the bigger pic

24、ture.但是我們還是先把眼光放長遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)As long as were talking about visions,既然我們都在談?wù)摦a(chǎn)生的幻象I,I had one too.我也有The Seed re-evolved my family.種子讓我的家人再度進(jìn)化isnt that nice?很不錯(cuò)吧And you all made fun of me for having visions!你們之前還都取笑我有幻象In your face!現(xiàn)在臉疼嗎Gloat later. That thing looks hungry.等會(huì)再嘲笑我們 它看上去很餓I am Groot!我是格魯特I am Gro

25、ot.我是格魯特Nothing will stand between me沒有任何東西能阻擋我and the Cosmic Seed restoring my memories.拿到宇宙之種恢復(fù)記憶Not before it restores my family.那也得等我先恢復(fù)我的家人Get in line. Im restoring my family first.排好隊(duì) 我要先恢復(fù)我的家人Okay, like the enthusiasm. Need a strategy.我喜歡你們的激♥情♥ 我們需要策略How about. Look, me and Roc

26、ket keep that thing busy不如.我和火箭纏住這東西while the rest of you slash its web?你們其他人破壞它的網(wǎng)I am Groot.我是格魯特Now!動(dòng)手Now, that oughta hold it.這樣應(yīng)該能撐一會(huì)兒For about two seconds.兩秒鐘吧There.好了Now, lets go get what we came for.現(xiàn)在我們?nèi)フ椅覀兿胍臇|西吧I dont wanna jinx it,我不想胡說but I think the Cosmic Seed is in that box.但我覺得宇宙之種就在那

27、箱子里Hey, guys. Wait!伙計(jì)們 等等Youre all mine!你是我的了Im comin home, Ma.我要回家了 媽.I am Groot!我是格魯特I will see my wife and child once more.我要再看一眼我的妻子和孩子Mine! It is mine! I am Groot!我的 我的 我是格魯特Guys, knock it off! Thanos tempted me the same way,伙計(jì)們 住手 滅霸也是這樣誘惑我的but these things you want are gone forever.但是你們想要的東西已

28、經(jīng)消失了Trying to bring them back will only tear us apart.想喚起過去的事只會(huì)讓我們四分五裂Ironic, is it not?很諷刺吧Your desire for the Cosmic Seed你們對宇宙之種的渴望is the very thing that prevents you from possessing it.正是阻止你們拿到宇宙之種的原因But we do owe you a debt of thanks for leading us straight to it.但是我們的確要謝謝你們帶領(lǐng)我們找到了種子Ronan. No.羅南

29、 不The Cosmic Seed.宇宙之種is mine!是我的了With the Cosmic Seed,有了宇宙之種I shall cleanse the galaxy at last.我終于能凈化銀河系了Rid it of all its impurities,消滅所有的污穢and restore the Kree to our former glory.讓克里星重返榮耀I(xiàn) am now the most powerful being我現(xiàn)在是宇宙中in the universe.最強(qiáng)大的生物Cant let you take the Seed, Ronan.我們不會(huì)讓你拿走種子 羅南A

30、nd who is going to stop me?誰能阻止我Goodbye, Guardians of the Galaxy.再見 銀河護(hù)衛(wèi)隊(duì)I am Groot!我是格魯特We cant let Ronan get to his ship.我們不能讓羅南登上飛船Lets make like Jack with this beanstalk.我們要向杰克和魔藤里一樣As in, chop it down. Come on!就是說砍掉它Thats one tough weed.這雜草還真難砍Uh, no offense, buddy. I am Groot.無意冒犯 伙計(jì) 我是格魯特Its

31、the Cosmic Seed energy.是宇宙之種的能量We gotta climb.我們得爬上去Why you running away, Ronan?你為什么要跑 羅南Afraid Ill kick your booty in another dance-off?怕我又在斗舞中把你比下去嗎Why not dance with a new partner,不如找個(gè)新的舞伴吧Star-Lord?星爵Sister, whats happened to you?妹妹 你怎么了The Cosmic Seed has made me whole again.宇宙之種讓我重生了Stronger.更

32、強(qiáng)Faster than before!更快了You know, I have to say there, Nebby,我不得不說 小星I liked you better with the cyber-bling.我更喜歡瘦巴巴的你Gamora!卡魔拉Ah, you vile tree-beast!你這個(gè)可惡的樹怪No!不Yes! Groot-chute! Oh!厲害 格魯特滑翔Ronans too powerful.羅南太強(qiáng)大了We are beaten.我們被打敗了I am Groot.我是格魯特You said it, bud. Its hopeless.我說過了 哥們 沒希望了Its never hopeless.永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)沒希望Were stronger together than any family we lost.我們一起比我們失去的所有家人都要強(qiáng)大Were the Guardians of the krutackin Galaxy!我們是該死的銀河護(hù)衛(wèi)隊(duì)Lets kick some booty!去大干一場吧Fools! You cannot hope to defeat


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