



1、1Unit 1 Our school subjectsI、Words 單詞school 學(xué)校 Art美術(shù)(課) Chinese語(yǔ)文(課) .English 英語(yǔ)(課) Maths 數(shù)學(xué)(課) Music音樂(lè)(課)PE體育(課) Science科學(xué)(課) subject課程、科目make a cake 做一個(gè)蛋糕 all like English都喜歡英語(yǔ)III 、 Sentences 句型1. Welcome back to school, class.2. Nice to see you.3. This is our new timetable.4. What subjects do you

2、 like我喜歡語(yǔ)文課和數(shù)學(xué)課。 我也是。它很有趣。該是上體育課的時(shí)間讓我們?nèi)ゲ賵?chǎng)吧。今天上午我們有什么課 我們有音樂(lè)課和數(shù)學(xué)課。今天是星期一。但是我不喜歡那個(gè)。不要滑冰。過(guò)來(lái)制作一個(gè)蛋糕。見到你很高興。但用法上Nice to meetNice tosee you.2. subject 和 lesson 的區(qū)別subject 是指學(xué)科,課程。而lesson 指的是具體的一節(jié)課。它們 的區(qū)別還在于 lesson 可接在具體科目名稱后面,如 aMaths lesson 一節(jié) 數(shù)學(xué)課 an English lesson 一節(jié)英語(yǔ)課。而 subject 一般不與科目名稱一 起出現(xiàn)。3. 學(xué)科類的單詞第

3、一個(gè)字母要大寫,如 English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE,Music, Science 等。還有一些其他的用法如: Hes an English boy. 他是一個(gè)英國(guó)男孩。 Were Chinese. 我們是中國(guó)人。 I like listening to知識(shí)點(diǎn)歸納playground 操場(chǎng)afternoon下午 timetable課程表 , 時(shí)間this afternoon今天下午at school在學(xué)校歡迎回到學(xué)校, 同學(xué)們。很高興見到你。這是我們的新課程表。你喜歡什么課程5. I like Chinese and Maths.6. Me too.7. It

4、s fu n.8. It s time for PE. 了。9. Let s go to the playground.10. What lessons do we have this morning11. We have Music and Maths.12. It s Monday.13. But I don t like that.14. Dont skate.15. Come and make a cake.IV、Gramma 語(yǔ)法1. Nice to see you. 和 Nice to meet you.有區(qū)別。Nice to meet you.用于初次見面時(shí)打招呼,應(yīng)答也是you

5、. 而 Nice to see you. 用于兩個(gè)認(rèn)識(shí)的人見面打招呼,應(yīng)答也是表have Music and Maths 有音樂(lè)課和數(shù)學(xué)課 this morning 今天早上 have PEand Science 有體育課和科學(xué)課 like PE喜歡體育課music.我喜歡聽音樂(lè)。4.It s time for到干什么的時(shí)間了。后面跟名詞。It s time for sth. = It s time to do sth.意思者 E 是干什么的時(shí)間了,但是用法上有區(qū)別。It s time for +名詞=It s time to+ 動(dòng)詞如:It stime for PE = It s time

6、to have a PE less on. It s time for class.=lt s time tohave class.3Unit 2 After school1、 Words 單詞Sun day星期日 Mo ndayWedn esday 星期三 ThursdaySaturday today every星期六 go 今天 match每個(gè) dayII、Phrases 詞組 go andplay table tennis afootball match have afootball match play tabletennis a swimmi ng lesson have a ska

7、t ing lessonno less ons=not any lessons at的星期III1. 吧。2.3.4.賽。5.6.7.知識(shí)點(diǎn)歸納星期一 Tuesday星期四去比賽天Fridaycomewhe n星期二星期五來(lái)什么時(shí)候3.What a pity!真遺憾!We don t have any lessons on Saturday.星期六我們沒(méi)有課。Get up!起床!13. When do you get up every day你每天什么時(shí)候起床我五點(diǎn)起床!我的帽子在哪里get up at five.s my capIV、Gramma 語(yǔ)法1.表示一周七天的單

8、詞完整形式和縮寫形式。去打乒乓 一場(chǎng)足球比賽有一場(chǎng)足球比賽 all right打乒乓球 get up節(jié)游泳課every day有一節(jié)滑板課what day沒(méi)課after schoolon Saturdayfive =at five oclock 在五點(diǎn)、Sentences 句型Let s go and play table tennis.What day is it todayIt s Wednesday.I have a football match today.Come and play table tennis.I have a swim ming less on.What about

9、Su Ya ng8. What about Saturday9. She has a swimmi ng less on too.make a weekdays of the week放學(xué)后在星期六好的起床每天星期幾組成一周一周讓我們?nèi)ゴ蚱古医裉煨瞧趲资切瞧谌?。今天我有一?chǎng)足球比來(lái)打乒乓球。我有一節(jié)游泳課 蘇陽(yáng)怎么樣星期六怎么樣她也有一節(jié)游泳課。Su n day Mon dayTue sdayWednes dayThur sdayFr idaySatu rdaySuMonTueWed.ThurFrSat.n.i.西方國(guó)家把 Sunday 定位一周的第一天,而不是 Monday對(duì)星期幾進(jìn)行提問(wèn),

10、用“ What day is it today ”回答:“It s” 或是直接回答星期幾。2.表示時(shí)間的介詞的用法:(1) on 表示“在具體某一天或某天的上、下午”表示在星期幾,如:on Sun day. on Mo nday.表示在某天的上、下午或晚上,如:on Sun day morining表示節(jié)日,如:on New Year s Day, on Children s Day 表示日期,如:on May 27th, on the 12thof March(2) at 表示“在某一時(shí)刻,某一時(shí)點(diǎn)1在幾點(diǎn)鐘介詞用 at ,如 at five o2at noon 在中午;at night 在

11、夜間;(3) in 表示“在某世紀(jì)、年、季度、月、clockat Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)期間;周”以及泛指的上下午、晚1在某世紀(jì),如:in the 20th century2在某年,如:in 2016 在 2016 年;在 20 世紀(jì);33 在某月,女口: in September 在九月;4 在某個(gè)季節(jié),女口: in winter 在冬季5 在早晨,中午,晚上 ,女口 in the morning, in the afternoon, in theevening.3. have 和 has 的用法(1) have, has 意為“有”,強(qiáng)調(diào)所屬關(guān)系第一、二人稱和復(fù)數(shù)用 have (I,

12、 You, We, They, The boys) 第三人稱單數(shù)用 has (He, She, It, Mike, my father) 例女口 :I have a football match.She has a swimming less on.(2)陳述句:以句號(hào)結(jié)尾,句中沒(méi)有 not。例女口: I have Chinese. He has English.否定句:以句號(hào)結(jié)尾,句中有 not 或 no。例女口: I don t have Chinese. He doesn t have English. 一般疑問(wèn)句:以問(wèn)號(hào)結(jié)尾,do 或 does 在句首。例女口 : Do you hav

13、e Chinese Does he have English肯定回答:Yes, I do.Yes, he does.否定回答:No, I don t.No, he doesn t.特殊疑問(wèn)句:以問(wèn)號(hào)結(jié)尾,句首為疑問(wèn)詞。例女口 : What lessons do you have What lessons does he have 回答:I have Chinese.He has English.(3) 句型轉(zhuǎn)換肯定句變否定句:肯定句:I have some lessons on Saturday.否定句:I don t have any lessons on Saturday.肯定句: She

14、 has some lessons on Saturday.否定句: She doesn t have any lessons on Saturday.肯定句變一般疑問(wèn)句:肯定句:I have some lessons on Saturday.一般疑問(wèn)句: Do you have some lessons on Saturday 肯定句: She hassome lessons on Saturday.一般疑問(wèn)句: Does she have any lessons on Saturday 肯定句變特殊疑問(wèn)句:肯定句:I have some lessons on Saturday.特殊疑問(wèn)句:

15、 What lessons do you have on Saturday 肯定句: She hassome lessons on Saturday.特殊疑問(wèn)句: What lessons does she have on Saturday5Unit 3 My day 知識(shí)點(diǎn)I、Words 單詞usually 通常lunch午飯home家homework家庭作業(yè)dinner 晚飯evening晚上night 深夜watch看、手表 breakfast早飯hungry 饑餓oclockII 、Phrases 詞組1. at night在夜里 2. in the morning在上午3. in t

16、he afternoon在下午 4. in the evening在晚上5. have lunch吃中飯 6. have dinner吃晚飯7. go/ come home回家 8. play football踢足球9. watch TV看電視 10. get up起床11. go to school去上學(xué) 12. go to bed去睡覺(jué)13. at seven在七點(diǎn) 14. four forty四點(diǎn)四十分15. do my/ your/ his/ her/our homework 做(我的 /你的/他的/ 她的/ 我們的)回家作業(yè)16. what time什么時(shí)候 17. twelve o

17、 clock 十二點(diǎn)整III 、 Sentences 句型1. I usually go to school at seven forty.2. I do my homework at five thirty.3. I go to bed at nine every day.4. When do you get up in the morningI get up at seven.5. What time is it now現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘It s seven/ seven o clock.七點(diǎn)整。6. I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch T

18、V at seven.通常 6: 1 0 吃晚飯(然后)七點(diǎn)看電視。7. What a big cake!多么大的(一個(gè))蛋糕??!IV、Gramma 語(yǔ)法1. 表示時(shí)間的方式(1) 整點(diǎn): “點(diǎn)數(shù)+ oclock ”, 可以和 oclock 一起用得最大數(shù)字 是 12.例如: 1 :00 one o clock, 12:00twelve oclock(2) 用“小時(shí) +分鐘”:例如: 6:1 0 six ten 10:32 ten thirty-two7:58 seven fifty-eight 9:20 nine twenty(3) 表示時(shí)間在半小時(shí)內(nèi),用“分鐘+past+小時(shí)” 例如:4:

19、20 twentypast four12: 25 twenty five past twelve(4) 表示時(shí)間恰好為半小時(shí),用“ half+past+ 小時(shí)”例如: 4: 30 half past four, thirty past four(5) 表示時(shí)間在半小時(shí)外,用“(相差的)分鐘 +to+( 下一)小時(shí)” 例如:5:50 ten to six 9:49 eleven to ten詢問(wèn)幾點(diǎn)鐘的方式有兩種 What time is it = Whats the time(6) 表示“零幾分”:可以說(shuō)零用字母O 表示,如:4:08 four o eight2. at 表示“在某一時(shí)刻,某一

20、時(shí)點(diǎn)”在幾點(diǎn)鐘介詞用 at , 如在 5:00 at five o clock 或 at five18. over there在那邊 19. like cakes 喜歡蛋糕20. have breakfast吃早飯 21. meet at three在三點(diǎn)與見面我通常7:40去上學(xué)。我5:30做回家作業(yè)。我每天九點(diǎn)睡覺(jué)。你早上幾點(diǎn)起床6在 7: 35 at seven thirty-fiveat noon 在中午;at night 在夜間;at Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)期間;3. like 意為“喜歡”(1) 直接加名詞復(fù)數(shù) 例如:I like pan das.(2) 喜歡做(某事)lik

21、e doing (sth.)例如:I like watching TV.我喜歡看電視。She likes readi ng.她喜歡閱讀。4. watch 常見的詞義有兩種:一是“手表”,I have a new watch.我有塊新手表。二是“觀看”,如我們文中的 watch TV 就是看電視,還可以用在 watch afootball match觀看一場(chǎng)足球賽等詞句中。5、 表示時(shí)間的句式我六點(diǎn)起床。(2)1 go to bed at nine on Friday.中如果有兩個(gè)時(shí)間,小時(shí)間放在大時(shí)間之前IV、Pronunciation語(yǔ)音/ i: / e me she he we eveni

22、ng _ee green sleep_three week see meet_ea sea meat tea pea_(1) Iget upat six.末。)(英語(yǔ)句子中,時(shí)間表達(dá)放在句我星期五九點(diǎn)睡覺(jué)。(一句話)bee7Unit 4 Drawing in the park知識(shí)點(diǎn)花I、Words 單詞boat 小船 flower花tree樹hill小山lake 湖river河、江 park公園try試idea 主同、 draw Mldrawi ng1111again 再一次、又一次them他們、 他們、它們easy 容易的、簡(jiǎn)單的 difficult難的、困難的II、Phrases 詞組15

23、 in this big box在這個(gè)大盒子里 16 have a look 看一看17 try again 再試試 1819 on the lake 在湖上III、Sentences 句型1. A: What can you see over thereB: I can see a tree and some flowers.2. A: Can you draw them你能畫出它們嗎B: Sure. It s easy.當(dāng)然。那很簡(jiǎn)單。3. Can you see the boat on the river你能看見河面上的小船嗎4. Good idea.好主意。5. Well done.干

24、得好。1、draw some pictures2 draw in the park在公園畫畫3、good idea 好主意5、some flowers 一些花7、draw them 畫他們4、over there 在那里6、it s easy 它很容易8、well done 干得好9、on the river 在河上 10a boat on the river 河上的小船11 see the boat看見那條船 12 It s difficult它很難13、make a cake 做蛋糕14 make a salad 做色拉、great fun 巨大的樂(lè)趣20 ten to ten 9:50你

25、能看到那邊有什么我能看見一棵樹和一些花。86. Let s draw some pictures here.讓我們?cè)谶@兒畫一些畫吧。7. This is the tree a nd these are the flowers.這是樹,這些是8. It s difficult, but I can try.9. Is this a boat這是一條船嗎10. What s in this big box在這個(gè)大箱子里的是什么11. It s great fun.它非常有趣。12. What can you see in it在里面你能看到什么13. I can see a boat on the

26、 lake.我看見湖面上有一條小船。14. Ken, it s tentoten. Go to bed before ten.肯,九點(diǎn)五十十點(diǎn)之前去睡覺(jué)。IV Grammar法1、 “看”的表達(dá)方式(1) see 看見,看到,強(qiáng)調(diào)看的結(jié)果Can you see a cake over there你能看見那里的蛋糕嗎look通常用來(lái)引起對(duì)方的注意,強(qiáng)調(diào)看的動(dòng)作。Look! That s my father! 看!那是我父親。如果表示看人或物時(shí),則用 look atLook at the boy.瞧那男孩。Look at the blackboard, please.請(qǐng)看黑板。(4) watch

27、強(qiáng)調(diào)專注地看,意思是觀看、注視,通常用來(lái)指看電 視球賽或戲劇等移動(dòng)著的畫面或物體。I usually watch TV at seven.我通常七點(diǎn)看電視。Let s go and watch the football match after school. 放學(xué)后我們?nèi)タ醋闱蛸惏伞?、 in the river 在河里(水里)指魚、人等在河里eg. I can swim in the river.我會(huì)在河里游泳。那很難,但是我會(huì)試試。on the river在河面上,在河上,指船只、鴨子等在水面上eg. I can see a boat on the river.我看到一只在河上的船3、 i

28、n the tree 指鳥、猴子、貓、人等在樹上8on the tree指水果、樹葉等長(zhǎng)在樹上4、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 can(1) 、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,表示“能夠、可能”,后面必須加動(dòng)詞原型 eg: Ican swim very well.、1/ You/ He/ She/ It / We/ You/ They所有人稱都用 can,不分單復(fù)數(shù)、陳述句:以句號(hào)結(jié)尾,句中沒(méi)有 not。例如:I can see a tree.否定句:以句號(hào)結(jié)尾,句中有 not 或 no。例如:I can not see a tree. I cannot see a tree.一般疑問(wèn)句:以問(wèn)號(hào)結(jié)尾,can 在句首。例如: Can y

29、ou see a tree.肯定回答:Yes,I can.否定回答:No, I can t.特殊疑問(wèn)句:以問(wèn)號(hào)結(jié)尾,句首為疑問(wèn)詞。例如: What can you see 回答:I can see a tree.IV、Pronunciation 語(yǔ)音e / e / bed pen_ desk_ red very ten egg .every get _ pencil every letwhen lesso n hello Helen Ken9Unit5 Seaso ns 知識(shí)點(diǎn)歸納I、Words 單詞wi nter 冬天 whose hot 熱的 cold 冷的autu mn 秋天II、Phr

30、ases 詞組 in spri ng 在春天seas on 每個(gè)季節(jié)fly kites 放風(fēng)箏 晴天go boati ng 去戈修占 cold 非常寒冷eat ice creams 吃冰激凌 go swimming去游泳 的一天have pic nics 野餐天go climbi ng 去爬山 炎熱的夏天make sno wmer 堆 雪人go skating 去溜冰cream 吃一個(gè)冰淇淋like autu mn 喜歡秋天 的一天cold win ter 寒冷的冬天III、 Sentences 句型1. In spri ng, it is warm. We flykites. We go b

31、oat ing. We like spri ng.在春天,天氣暖和。我們?nèi)シ棚L(fēng)箏和劃船。我們喜愛春天。2. In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. Welike summer.在夏天,天氣炎熱。我們游泳、吃冰淇淋。我們喜歡夏天。3. In autumn, it is cool. Wehave pinics. Wego climbing. Welikeautum n.在秋天,天氣涼爽。我們?nèi)ヒ安汀⑴郎?。我們喜歡秋天。4. In winter, it is cold. Wemakesnowmen. Wego skating.

32、 Welikewi nter.在冬天,天氣寒冷。我們滑冰、堆雪人。我們喜歡冬天。5. It s a fine day today.今天是晴朗的一天。6. It s very cold. 今天非常冷。7. Here s your jacket.這是你的夾克衫。8. Is this your bag No, it isn t.這是你的包嗎不,不是的。9. Whose bag is it It s my bag.這是誰(shuí)的包是我的包。10. She has my bag.她拿著我的包。11. Tom, Mary and Mike all like the kite.湯姆,瑪麗和邁克都喜歡這個(gè)風(fēng)箏。IV

33、、Gramme 語(yǔ)法1. 如何表達(dá)天氣:(1) 表示氣溫不同,用:It s cold / cool / warm / hot.天氣寒冷/涼爽/暖和/炎熱。(2) 表示天氣好,可以說(shuō):It s a fine / nice / lovely / beautiful day.(3) 表示各類天氣,用:It s sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy / foggy today.今天晴朗/多云;陰/有風(fēng)/ 有雨/ 有雪 /有霧。2. 區(qū)分 whose 和 whoswhose:“誰(shuí)的”,是疑問(wèn)詞,用來(lái)詢問(wèn) 某人的東西。女口: Whose bag is thiswho

34、 s:是 who is 的縮寫形式,用來(lái)詢問(wèn)某人是誰(shuí),表示“誰(shuí)是;是 誰(shuí)”。fly 放 kite 風(fēng)箏 picnic野餐 fine 晴朗的 hey 嘿,喂誰(shuí)的 spri ngseas on 季節(jié)春天 warm 溫暖的summer 夏涼爽的a fine dayevery一個(gè)verywhose bag誰(shuí)的包a sunny day晴朗warm spring 溫暖的春hot summer涼爽的秋天eat an ice在晴朗cool autumnon a sunny day10如:Who s he3. go+ (動(dòng)名 +ing )動(dòng)詞+ing 的變化規(guī)則(1)一般情況下,直接加 ing,如:draw-d

35、rawing , climb-climbing(2)以不發(fā)音的 e 結(jié)尾,去 e 加 ing,如:skate- skating(3)如單詞末尾是一個(gè)元音字母和一個(gè)輔音字母,雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再力卩 ing,如:run-running, swim-swimmingIV、Pronunciation 語(yǔ)音i / ai / Chin ese_ kite like_ time white bike n ice 一個(gè)元音字母+個(gè)輔音字母+個(gè)不發(fā)音的 e, 前面一個(gè)元音字母讀它字母本身的音。11Unit 6 Whose dress is this知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)I 、Words 單詞dress 連衣裙 too

36、太,過(guò)于 trousers 褲子 party 聚會(huì),派對(duì) jeans 牛仔褲shorts 短褲 move 移動(dòng) wrong 錯(cuò)的,錯(cuò)誤的 shirt (男式)襯衫 sweater 毛衣;絨衣 coat 外衣,外套 glove 手套 so 如此,這么 hand 手 hurt 感到疼痛II 、 Phrases 詞組7. Th ey re so big.8. Whose gloves are these9. Th ey re my father s.10. It s so beautiful.11. Look! It can move.12. What s the matter My hand hu

37、rts.怎么了我的手好痛。13. I th ink so. Let s play.我也認(rèn)為如此。讓我們一起玩。my fathers我父親的by the lake在湖邊so beautiful/so nice 如此漂亮 so big 如此大;這么大your trousers 你的褲子 at theparty 在派對(duì)上 listen to someEnglish 聽 by the lake 在湖邊這是誰(shuí)的連衣裙 是我的表妹的。s too short. 看我的連衣裙。它太短了。試試這件,蘇海。4. Your trousers are too long. Try these. 你的褲子太長(zhǎng)了。試試這條

38、。5. Now let s go to the party.6. Lo ok at Su Yang s gloves.IV、Gramme 語(yǔ)法1. whose 的用法(1) whose 誰(shuí)的,whosewho s = who is 誰(shuí)是 whose(2) 當(dāng)詢問(wèn)的物品是可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞時(shí),可以用 Whoseis this回答時(shí)用“ It s-Whose dress is this- It s Su Hai s.(3) 當(dāng)詢問(wèn)的物品是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)是,可以用 Whoseare these,回答時(shí)用“ They re”-Whose gloves are these還可以問(wèn)-Whose are

39、 these gloves- They re Liu Tao s.2. 名詞所有格 s 的用法 名詞所有格,它用于有生命的名詞后,表示所屬關(guān)系,它有三種構(gòu)成 方法。(1) 多數(shù)情況下,直接在名詞后加slook at my dress 看我的裙子too long太長(zhǎng)too short 太短 trythis 試試這個(gè)my hand hurtstry these我的手受傷了試試這些(條)Su Yangs gloveshis/her/our cousin蘇陽(yáng)的手套 my fathers 我爸爸的s他/她/我們表姐的 it can move 它會(huì)動(dòng)14. Before eating fish, let

40、吃魚之前,我們聽聽英語(yǔ)。15. Let s eat the cake by16W h at s the matter s listen to some English.the lake. 讓我們?cè)诤叧运案?你怎么了它們這么大。 這些是誰(shuí)的手套 是我爸爸的 它這么漂亮???!它能動(dòng)。whose dress誰(shuí)的連衣裙go to the party去(參加)派對(duì)些英語(yǔ) before eating fish 吃魚之前III 、Sentences 句型1. Whose dress is thisIt s my cousin s.2. Look a t my dress. It3. Try this,

41、Su Hai.現(xiàn)在讓我們?nèi)ヅ蓪?duì)吧看看蘇陽(yáng)的手套。是 who 的所有格形式與 who s 同音還可以問(wèn)-Whose is this dress12女口: Su Hai s gloves 蘇海的手套(2)以“s”結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)名詞后加如如: the boys game 男孩兒們的游戲(3)如果可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不是以-s 結(jié)尾的,貝U加s.如口: Children s Day 兒童節(jié)當(dāng)我們要表達(dá)的物品分別所屬某些人時(shí),我們要在人名后面分別加上s如口: Su Ya ng s and Su Hai s bags (每個(gè)人一個(gè)包)(5)當(dāng)我們要表達(dá)的物品是屬于某些共同所有時(shí),只需要在最后一個(gè)人 名后面加上s

42、。Su Ya ng and Su Hai s bedroom (兩人共有一間臥室)3.常以復(fù)數(shù)出現(xiàn)的單詞trousers(褲子)gloves(手套)shorts (短褲)jeans (牛仔褲)shoes (鞋子)socks (襪子) glasses( 眼睛)這些單詞常用復(fù)數(shù),作主語(yǔ)時(shí),其謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞也要用復(fù)數(shù)。如口: My shoes are too big.-Whose gloves are these - They re Yang Ling s.4.對(duì)錯(cuò)的表達(dá)方式正確的yesri ghtTure(T )happy錯(cuò)誤的nowrongFalse(F )sa dIV、Pronunciation語(yǔ)音

43、i / i /English _、fish him music pig listen tennis dinnereve ning/ai/ Chi nese kite like time white _ bike nice hi _Unit 7 What s the matter知識(shí)點(diǎn)整理I、Words 單詞happy 高興的 hungry 餓的 ill 生病的 sad 傷心的、 難過(guò)的 thirsty 渴的 tired 累的 water 水 dear 親愛的; Mrs 夫人 speak 說(shuō)話、 講話 want 想二 would like mouse老鼠 fox 狐貍 show 展示 pill

44、藥片II、Phrases 詞組come and have a pie 來(lái)吃餡餅good night 晚安here s some water 這里有些水 have a cake 吃蛋糕 have some water 喝些水 all right好的want to go to bed想要睡覺(jué)Good night.晚安。take this pill吃這片藥my baby 我的寶貝III、 Sentences 句型1. What s the matter 怎么了2. I m not hungry, I m thirsty.我不餓,我渴。3. Can I have some water我可以喝些水嗎4.

45、 Here you are. 給你。5. Come a nd have a pie, Taotao.過(guò)來(lái)吃個(gè)派,濤濤。6. I want to go to bed. 我想要睡覺(jué)。7. Good night, dear. 晚安,親愛的。8. Are you ill 你病了嗎 No, but I m tired. 不,但我累了。9. Here is some water for you.這兒有些水給你。10. Are you cold 你冷嗎 No, I mnot. / Yes, I am.11. This is Mrs Fox speaking.我是狐貍夫人。(打電話用語(yǔ))12. Are you

46、 all right, Bobby波比,你還好嗎13. Have some water, Wang Bing. 王兵,喝一些水。14. Here s a hot dog.這兒有個(gè)熱狗。15. Here are some hot dogs.這兒有些熱狗。3IV Gramme 語(yǔ)法1.用“What s the matter ”句型關(guān)心別人(1)“What s the matter” 或者 “What s the matter with you” 是用來(lái)詢問(wèn)某人健康狀況。回答可以說(shuō)“I m”后面接表示感覺(jué)的形容o-Whaf s the matter-r m thirsty.(2) 這個(gè)句子還可以用于

47、詢問(wèn)第三個(gè)人。 這時(shí), 可以用它的完整表達(dá) 形式,即“ Whaf s the matter with” with 的后面可以接人名,也可以 接代詞的賓格形式,回答時(shí)注意人稱要相應(yīng)地作出變化:1) - Whaf s the matter with Nancy-She is ill.2) - Whaf s the matter with him-He s tired.(3) 還可以用來(lái)詢問(wèn)別人遇上什么麻煩- Whaf s the matter with you-My hand hurts.2. 用“Areyou”句型關(guān)心別人(1)“Are you”是一般疑問(wèn)句,后面接表示感覺(jué)的形容詞,可用于 詢問(wèn)

48、對(duì)方的感受??隙ɑ卮稹?Yes, I am ”,否定回答“ No, I mnot”-Are you hungry-Yes, I am.(2) 這個(gè)句型還可以詢問(wèn)第三個(gè)人,其結(jié)構(gòu)與上面相同,即“ Be 動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ)+感覺(jué)類形容詞”,回答時(shí)主語(yǔ)和Be 動(dòng)詞隨著人稱的變化而變化。1) -ls he sad-Yes, he is.2) -ls Helen thirsty3-No, she isn t.3. want表示“想要”,和 would like 用法一致??梢杂靡韵氯N用法(1)表示“想要某物”,后面直接接名詞。14I want some water.(2)表示“想要做某事”,后面接“ to +

49、動(dòng)詞原形”I want to drink some water.(3)表示“想讓某人做某事“,后接”某人+to+動(dòng)詞原形“I want to you to eat an apple.4 “Can I have some”意為”我能吃/喝些.嗎”是征求別人同意或?qū)λ擞兴?qǐng)求時(shí)的一種委婉的表達(dá)法,在表示請(qǐng) 求的疑問(wèn)句中的 some 不能改為 any。其答語(yǔ)為“ Sure/Yes. Here you are. 如:-Ca n I have some water-Sure. Here you are.5. MrsMr先生(對(duì)男士的尊稱)Mrs 太太、夫人(是對(duì)已婚婦女的稱呼)Miss 小姐(是對(duì)未婚婦女的稱呼)Ms 女士(是對(duì)婚姻狀況不明的女子)sir 先生 madam 女士IV、Pronunciation 語(yǔ)音O ? ? close home no nose openUnit8 How are you知識(shí)點(diǎn)整理1 Words 單詞may 可以 cold 感冒 fever 發(fā)燒 hear 聽到、聽見 cough 咳嗽headache 頭疼、頭痛 tomorrow 明天 there醫(yī)生2、 Phrases 詞組speak to 和通話/說(shuō)話 come to Schoo


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