



1、Unit 1 Great idea! 背誦卷P12-131. unknown 'n'nun adj. 未知的,不出名的2. canal k'næl n.運河,水道3. diesel 'di:zl 柴油機4. engine 'endin 引擎,發(fā)動機5. trap træp n. 陷阱,圈套6. remote ri'mut adj.遙遠的,偏遠的 n.遠程7. chew tu: vt.咀嚼,嚼碎 n.嚼碎8. rubber 'rb n.橡膠 adj.由橡膠制成的9. Mexican 'meksikn adj. 墨

2、西哥的;墨西哥人的 n. 墨西哥人;墨西哥語10. sapodilla sæp'dl n. 赤鐵科常青樹或其果實(等于sapotilla)11. experiment ik'speriment vi. 進行實驗 n. 實驗,試驗;嘗試12. impatient im'peint adj. 焦躁的;不耐心的13. tyre 'tai n. 輪胎14. frozen 'fruzn adj. 凍結(jié)的;冷酷的15. Dutchman 'dtmn n. 荷蘭人16. Illinois ,ili'ni(z) 伊利斯諾州17. chewing

3、 gum 口香糖18. remote control 遙控器19. roller skates 溜冰鞋20. diesel engine 柴油機引擎21. mouse trap 捕鼠器22. dishwasher 洗碗機23. windscreen wipers 雨刷24. produce out of 從制造出.25. rain boots 雨靴26. bicycle tyres 自行車輪胎27. a piece of the rubber 一塊橡膠/ 橡皮28. put in/ on / under 把放在29. a mountain of plates 堆積如山的盤子30. nobody

4、 else 沒有其他人31. by oneself 獨自,單獨32. in the early years of the eighteenth century 在18世紀前期33. the frozen canals 冰凍的運河34. get a little impatient 有點沒耐心35. wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事36. at a certain time 在某個特定的時間37. in the past / in the future 在過去/ 在未來38. do a handstand 做手倒立39. write a text message 編

5、寫短信40. work as a architect 擔任建筑師41. wear school uniforms 穿校服42. the supply of potatoes 土豆儲備P14-151. a science fiction 科幻2. sit at the desk 坐在桌子旁3. a faraway planet 在遙遠的星球4. get near the Earth 接近地球5.catch fire (著火,表動作) / be on fire (著火,表狀態(tài))6. get a shock 感到震驚7. once again 再一次8. with the help of 在幫助之下

6、9. hypnotise'hipntaiz vt. 使進入催眠狀態(tài)(等于hypnotize)10. a powerful brain machine 一臺強大的電子計算機 / 電腦11. turn round 轉(zhuǎn)身12. hold sth. in the hand 手握某物13. laugh out loud 大聲笑14. press a button 按了一個按鈕15. volcano vl'ken n. 火山16. every now and then 不時地,常常17. look / sound like +n. (看 / 聽起來像)18. fall to the gro

7、und 跌倒在地19. find out 找出,查明20. read through 通讀21. read 繼續(xù)讀下去22. completely new 全新23. exist'zst vi. 存在;生存;生活;繼續(xù)存在24. factor 'fækt n. 因素,要素25. unique ju:'ni:k adj. 獨特地,獨一無二的26. kindergarten n 幼兒園,幼稚園27. inspiration n. 靈感28. trapeze artist 蕩秋千演員29. jn a circus 在馬戲團30. fall into the safe

8、ty net 落進了安全網(wǎng)31. bounce back up again 反彈起來32. invent the trampoline 發(fā)明了蹦床33. go blind 失明 34. Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧35. a flying machine 一個飛行機36. innovation 創(chuàng)新,革新37.be born with 天生具有38.have a talent for music / languages / drawing 有音樂/ 語言/ 畫畫的天賦39. practice for hours 練習數(shù)個小時40. get the idea for (

9、 doing )sth. 產(chǎn)生/ 得到(做)想法P16-171. cylinder 圓筒,汽缸2. wireless 無線電(的)3. vinyl 乙烯基4. disk 磁盤,唱片5. diamond 鉆石6. specialist 專家7. jockey 操作員8. walkman 隨身聽9. gramophone 留聲機, 唱機10. phonograph 留聲機11. more often 經(jīng)常12. a MP3 player mp3 播放機13. again and again / over and over / over and over again一次又一次14. all over

10、 the world 全世界15. in the late nineteenth 在19世紀晚期 / 末16. in the early twentieth centuries 在20世紀早期/ 初17. player piano 自動演奏的鋼琴18. in the mid 1920s 在20世紀中期19. as early as 1877 早在1877年 20. by the 1910s 到了1910年代21. aluminium foil 鋁箔22. vinyl disk 塑料盤,膠盤唱片23. cassette recorder 盒式錄音機24. cassette player 卡式錄音

11、機25. for the first time 首次, 第一次26. portable 手提的,輕便的27. go for a walk 散步28. audio CD 音響光碟,音頻光盤29. in the woods 在小樹林里30. get annoyed 變得惱怒 ,變得生氣31. get off 動身,從下來,脫下32. stick to 粘住, 堅持33. make out of 用制造出,用做成34. get home 到家35. get together 相聚在一起36. get a phone call 接到一個電話37. get sick / ill 生病38. get ho

12、t/ cold / warm 變熱 / 冷 /溫暖39. get hungry / thirsty 感到饑餓/ 口渴40. get a chance (to do sth.) 得到一個機會做某事41. get pleasure 獲得樂趣42. get somewhere / nowhere 使有所/無所進展43. pay money to do sth. 話費錢做某事44. wax cylinder 蠟桶45. a steel needle 鋼針46. music specialist 音樂專家47. a big step towards 朝向的一大步48. play music 播放音樂49

13、. be useful for 對有用50. start a factory 開辦工廠Sentences:P12-131. It was raining heavily and they had to open the windows of their car and put their heads out to see better.雨下得正大,他們不得不打開車窗把頭伸出車外查看車況。2. While he was thinking about this, he took a piece of the rubber he was working with and put it in his

14、mouth.正當他正在思考此事時,他拿起他正用來做實驗的橡膠,并把它放進嘴里。3. He noticed that mice had eaten some of the potatoes so he invented something that he called Little Nipperto stop them.他注意到老鼠已經(jīng)吃掉了一些土豆,因此他發(fā)明了一個叫小夾子的東西來阻止老鼠。4. If nobody else is going to invent a machine for this, Ill do it myself.如果沒有人為此事發(fā)明一臺機器的話,我要親自來做此事。5.

15、There was a mountain of dishes in front of Mrs Cochran and she got quite angry, thinking that she had to do this job every day. 在Mrs. Cochran 面前有一堆像山一樣高的碗,她一想到每天都要刷這么多的碗,她變得非常生氣。6. -Who were you having lunch with when I saw you yesterday? -With Jane. She is a friend of mine. We were talking about yo

16、u. -當我昨天看到你時,你在和誰在吃午飯? -和Jane, 她是我的一個朋友,我們正在討論你。7. Were you watching TV when I called last night? 當我昨天晚上給你打電話時,你正在看電視嗎?8. What do you think happened after the spaceship landed? 在宇宙飛船降落地面后,你認為后來發(fā)生什么事了?9. As they were getting near the Earth, four of the spaceships caught fire. 當他們正要接近地球時,宇宙飛船中的四架著火了。1

17、0. While Harry was running to school, he fell and hurt his leg. 當Harry跑向?qū)W校時,他摔倒了傷著他的腿了。11. There are a lot of factors that make innovation possible. 有很多使創(chuàng)新成功的因素。12. Take Mozart for example, he was born with a unique talent for musical composition. 拿Mozart舉例說明,他天生具有音樂創(chuàng)作的天賦。13. Thomas Edison said that

18、 being an inventor was 99% hard work and 1% inspiration! 愛迪生說一個發(fā)明家就是99%的努力加1%的靈感。14. Very successful creators dont give up when they get something wrong. 那些非常成功的創(chuàng)造者遇到困難時,他們都不放棄。15. As one inventor said, A failure is the right answer to the wrong question!正如一個發(fā)明家所說,一次失敗就是正確的答案回答了錯誤的問題。16. Dont believ

19、e that you cant invent something when you are young. 不要相信年輕人就不能發(fā)明東西的觀點。17. When he was 15, he invented a system of reading and writing for blind people that is still used in most countries today.當他15歲時,他為盲人發(fā)明了能讀和寫的一套系統(tǒng),直到今天,這套系統(tǒng)還在很多國家被使用著。18. He watched how they fell into the safety net and then bou

20、nced back up again. 他觀察他們是怎樣安全地落入安全網(wǎng),然后又彈跳回來。19. If you give up easily when you make a mistake, you wont be successful. 當你犯錯時,如果你很容易放棄,你將不會成功。20. Practice makes perfectis a famous saying. 孰能生巧 是一個著名的諺語。21. People all over the world love listening to music and most have their favorite songs which they listen to again and again. 全世界的人們都熱愛聽音樂,大部分的人都有他們反復聽的最喜歡的歌曲。22. A big step towards modern t


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