牛津譯林版八年級英語上冊Unit 8 Welcome to the unit學(xué)案(無答案)_第1頁
牛津譯林版八年級英語上冊Unit 8 Welcome to the unit學(xué)案(無答案)_第2頁
牛津譯林版八年級英語上冊Unit 8 Welcome to the unit學(xué)案(無答案)_第3頁




1、.8A Unit 6主備人總5-1課時上課時間課 題8A unit8 National disasterscomic stripe & welcome to the unit學(xué)習(xí)目的知識目的單詞:natural, accident ,wash ,lightning , thunder, earthquake詞組:lost the final, a car accident, kill thousands of people,wash the village away , crash into 句型:I was sleeping when it started to rain.才能目的理

2、解有關(guān)自然災(zāi)害的詞匯情感目的理解一些自然災(zāi)害并學(xué)會在災(zāi)難面前保護(hù)自己。學(xué)習(xí)重點學(xué)習(xí)天氣和自然災(zāi)害的詞和詞組。學(xué)習(xí)難點可以掌握自然災(zāi)害的英文名稱。課 前 自 學(xué)一翻譯以下重點單詞并借助于單詞表的音標(biāo)會讀以下單詞。1自然的,大自然的 2.事故 3.閃電 4.沖掉 5.地震 6.暴雨 7.雷,雷聲 二預(yù)習(xí)課文并翻譯以下重點詞組1 自然災(zāi)害 2. 一場車禍 3.一次地震4.輸?shù)魶Q賽 5.雷鳴和閃電 6.沖垮村莊7.mop the floor 8.crash into the tree9.kill thousands of people 三.句型理解1. The floor is all wet . W

3、hos going to _把它拖洗干凈if you dont Come with me.2. The school football team _輸?shù)袅藳Q賽.3._一場車禍 killed three men.4. A coach _猛撞了 a tree last night .5. A flood _沖走了村莊.6. Lightning _引起了一場大火 in a house.7.A young boy _從樹上摔下來 and hurt his legs. 四.熟讀漫畫Eddie and Hobo 的對話,并答復(fù)以下問題。1. Whats the weather like today?2.

4、Whats happened to Hobo?3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?4. How does he feel at Eddies home?5. What happened to Hobos house?6. Why doesnt he want to go home alone?五大自然中存在很多自然災(zāi)害,我們?nèi)缃駥W(xué)習(xí)這些新詞匯吧!預(yù)習(xí)P93頁B部分并完成填寫部分。六惡劣的天氣可導(dǎo)致哪些自然災(zāi)害.請通過討論或上網(wǎng)查資料后完成以下表格。并完成P93頁B部分。Weather conditionNatural disasterH

5、eavy rainHeavy snowStrong windThunder and lightsDry weather七討論自然災(zāi)害和事故的區(qū)別。并完成P93的A部分。課 堂 交 流 展 示展示一: 在組內(nèi)和班內(nèi)展示課前預(yù)習(xí)題一,二,三并大聲朗讀。展示二:有感情的朗讀comic stip 部分,展示習(xí)題四展示三:Do you know other bad weather conditions?請討論壞天氣的新詞,核對93頁B部分答案后朗讀。展示四:惡劣的天氣會導(dǎo)致哪些自然災(zāi)害呢?請小組展示,其它小組可補(bǔ)充每種壞天氣所引起的自然災(zāi)害種類不限展示五:完成93頁的A部分,組內(nèi)核對答案。課 堂 達(dá) 標(biāo)

6、 檢 測一根據(jù)所給中文及名意完成單詞。1- Im afraid of the _電閃雷鳴. What about you? - Me ,too.2The flood _沖掉many houses away last year.3Do you enjoy the _大自然的sights in your hometown.4There was an _意外的事故just now, some people died.5There was _一次地震in Japan last year.6The school team_輸了 the game last week.7.He _猛撞 his car in

7、to the wall last night.二根據(jù)英文描繪,寫出表示天氣現(xiàn)象的單詞。1People cant go back to their homes .Everything is shaking .Many things fall down. 2. The weather is terrible. The wind is very strong .Sometimes it rains. 3. It rains heavily with a strong wind. People can hear thunder and see lightning , they have to walk

8、 in water in the street. 4. It snows heavily with a strong wind. People cant go out. Everything looks white. 5. The wind is very , very strong. It usually comes from the sea. Sometimes it rains. 三用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1. Many people lost their _life in the accident.2. There are many _nature disasters in t

9、he world.3. The earthquake in TaiWan killed _thousand of people.4. There are lots of _people on the playground.5. I was _sleep when it started to rain.1. 2019年的特大洪水沖垮了許多房屋和大樹。 The big flood in 2019_2. 在四川大地震中,成千上萬人遇難。 The Si Chuan earthquake _3. 昨天一個年輕人從樹上摔下來,竟然安然無恙。 Yesterday a young man_, but he doesnt hurt badly.4. 上個星期五兩個小學(xué)生在教室里玩火,將整幢大樓燒了起


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