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1、2013年全年 TOEFL 口語背誦段落(本人水平有限,純手工打造,其中有錯誤請原諒)TOEFL個人討論群259724181Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai1. 現(xiàn)在的學生比以前更加的努力I definitely agree with the above statement, because todays student must to face greater pressure than before. Nowadays students in school bear great pressures, when they graduate, t

2、hey must face the fierce competition when they seek for an optional occupation. As the China becomes more and more international, students not only master the basic academic abilities, but also should learn the second language. In addition, they take more exams than the past. So, todays students stu

3、dy harder than students in the past.2. 說說你在餐館和咖啡廳的有趣經(jīng)歷I was taking a part-time job in a western restaurant during the summer vacation. Once a time, a foreign customer came in, and he said to me he wanted to a Chinese spring roll. As a western restaurant, we dont sell Chinese food, so I politely said

4、 to him that we sold western food only, if you want some Chinese food, you could go some other restaurants. Moreover, I told him where he could find the nearest Chinese restaurant, finally, he left satisfactorily. 3. 在運動方面,要靠天賦還是只靠努力就行Personally speaking, doing sports is not very related to the gift

5、s. Many famous athletes are not have much gift when they were born. One of the most famous ping pang players in china called Dengyaping, she was short and not very strong, and not move fast, through shes hard working and the great perseverance, she won many rewards and was respected by all of the Ch

6、inese people. Therefore, the gift is not the essential factor to become a successful athlete. 4. 如果別人去你國家,你推薦什么食物給他I would be very pleasant if a foreign friend is going to visit my home for meal. As a host, I will carefully prepare both Chinese dishes and courses from his or her hometown. First of a

7、ll, in order to introduce our long traditional diet culture and display Chinese hospitality, I would spare no efforts in cooking our native food such as noodles and dumpling which our friend may never taste before. In addition, his or her homeland's courses are also essential elements for the me

8、al because their absence may arouse his or her sense of loneliness. That's what I prefer not to see.5. Describe on positive experience and the resultOn sunny days, I prefer to go to the basketball court to play outdoor sports. First of all, since I was a child, I have heard many stories about va

9、rious talented basketball players such as Michael Jordon, Shaquille Oneal. They have always been heroes of mine. Therefore I enjoy playing basketball very much. In addition, in the court I can meet people with different backgrounds and expand my personal relationship which may make an enormous contr

10、ibution to success in my future life. /Besides, the environment there is really graceful because of clean air and grasses .This makes it a perfect place for relaxation especially after several days of hard work. 6. Do you think learning events take place in the past or present is more importantPerso

11、nally speaking, I agree with the above statement as the following reasons. First, events take place in the past or at the present has many things is worth studying. We need to learn the experience from our deficiencies through the past, so we could have more clear targets to move on. Besides, there

12、are also many good things in the past that need us to conclude. Only in this way, the improvement of our society will progress faster. 7. Where do you prefer to go shopping?I prefer to go shopping in the supermarket. The reasons are as follows. First, the price of commodities in the supermarket is c

13、heaper than the other places, and the quality is good. So, doing shopping in the supermarket is my first choice. Besides, the supermarket is located near my home, so it is convenient for me to buy stuff. In the market, not only the good stuff attracted me, but the various of restaurants in the marke

14、t also attracted me. Therefore, the supermarket is my ideal place for shopping. 8. Is that important to learn from ancestry?Personally speaking, I agree with the above statement as the following reasons. First, events take place in the past or at the present has many things is worth studying. We nee

15、d to learn the experience from our deficiencies through the past, so we could have more clear targets to move on. We would obtain inspirations and enlightenments to solve the problems of present and future which are similar with those happened before in many aspects. Besides, there are also many goo

16、d things in the past that need us to conclude. Only in this way, the improvement of our society will progress faster. 9. 哪項進步是你們國家在過去20年里最重要的In the past 20 years, almost every citizen possesses a computer, which is the most achievement in our China. Take myself as an example, when I was in primary s

17、chool, we exchanged greeting card during the festivals. As the great change has taken place in China, we now use email, Fetion or QQ to communicate, which is much convenient and environmental than the past. Therefore, I reckon that the prevalent of computer is the most improvement in China in the pa

18、st 20 years.10. Your friend wants to drive away the fear then speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?I reckon the best way to conquer the stage fright is through your carefully preparation. When I was in junior school, at first, one of my classmates was an introverted

19、 boy. Whenever a girl talked to him, he was so ashamed that I couldn't even say one word. One day I came to tell him that I wanted him to represent our class and take part in the school lecture contest. In the beginning , he was worried and refused my invitation. But I insisted on my decision an

20、d finally he received the challenge. After careful preparation for about two weeks, he won the first prize. 11. Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?Personally speaking, I prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant such as Mcdonalds and KFC. I am a student, so I alwa

21、ys catch bus to go to school, but I have little time to have my breakfast, at that time, such these fast-food restaurant will be my best choice. Since, I have not plenty of time sitting in a restaurant to order courses, and in the fast-food restaurant only take me few minutes to get food. Besides, t

22、he price of fast food is also reasonable. Therefore, I prefer eating fast food in the fast-food restaurant.12. Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting.I have saw an interesting news on the TV last week, it talks about one man who b

23、reaks Guinness world records that he could put a coke can into his mouth, what a large size of mouth he has, I cannot even imaging putting an egg into my mouth. It reminds me a funny story that a man tired to put a light bulb into his mouth, however, it was easy put in but difficult to take out. Fut

24、hermore, the image of this unbelievable ability showed on TV let me connect it to crocodile, which is a ferocious animal with a terrible mouth, what an interesting news it is!13. Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to tak

25、e a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer? I think I prefer test with essay questions. For in an essay questions, we can use our owe thinking, rather than following the other's logic, to determine what can be deduced from our own knowledge. Though it might alwa

26、ys be wrong as somebody think, what I learn is not only the standard answers but the way to thinking and the way to express my idea in a logical way, So far as I find my fault, I can know it better and make my answer flawless. Moreover, this can usually make new creations over mind and lead to new d

27、iscoveries.14. 我們社會面臨很嚴重的環(huán)境問題,選取一個你認為有用的方法來拯救我們的星球。I reckon the most problem in our country is environmental pollution. And I reckon the best way to save our earth is to popularize bicycles. First of all, riding bicycle is a perfect way to lose weight and keep fit. Every semester on campus, I commut

28、e from the teaching building to the dormitory by bike which can control my weight. In addition, bike is fairly green. In contrary to automobile and train, bikes don't discharge any harmful emissions and never change the climate. And this can maintain the remaining environment.15. Are you willing

29、 to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?Personally speaking, I prefer to choose the gift as I like, my reasons are as follows. First, the gift means my best wishes, so I would choose the gift carefully, because I want my gift feel special. On the other hand,

30、 I also enjoy the process of selecting gifts. Besides, I want to see my friends surprising feeling when I give him my gift. However, If I choose the gift as he want, there would be no surprise in his eyes, and the process of gift giving looks meaningless. And that is what I dont want to see. 16. Why

31、 do you think it is hard for university student to manage timeDescribe why organizing time is challenging for university students and why it is importantPersonally speaking, there are many reasons to contribute this phenomenon. First, students in the university are relatively free than they are in h

32、igh school, and most of them lived with students not parents any more. Thus, without parents constrains, they have low ability to manage their time. One instance, many freshman are likely killing their spare time in computer games rather than reading books, and so the vicious circle begins. Therefor

33、e, it is important for college students to manage time properly. 17. Some people think in the future students will have classes on the internet instead of in building, but some think students will still have class in building. What do you think?As far as I am concerned, I prefer to take traditional

34、courses rather than on the internet. First of all, in the classroom, whenever we have trouble in understanding the teacher's lecture content, we can stand up immediately and question our teacher. This is what Internet can never provide us. In addition, quietness is the basic requirement in the c

35、lass. Only in quiet places, can we study more efficiently. While we take online course in private places, for many reasons such as noise, we cannot concentrate on our study and master the knowledge more lucidly. Besides, we may be playing games on the Internet while we are taking online courses. 18.

36、 Describe your favorite movie star or singer.My favorite movie star is Jason Statham, one of the most celebrated action movie star in the United States. I fascinated with him since I saw his famous movie Transporter, in this movie, not only the plot fascinated me, but the scene of exciting fight als

37、o attracted me. From then on, I want to be a man like Statham who is strong and full of wisdom. Besides, I also like his cool appearance and his personality of talk less, because he always impressed me in the movie with his real action instead of the line.19. Describe a toy or a game special in chil

38、dhood.One of the most meaningful toy in my childhood is a flight toy which my father gave it to me on my six-year-old birthday party. It represented my parents love to me, and from then on, I always play with my flight toy when my parents were go to work. Thus, this flight toy gave me infinite happi

39、ness in my childhood, On the other hand, I want to be a pilot since I played with my toy, because I love the feeling if I can drive the plan in the blue sky, and until now, I spare no effort to realize my dream.20. Would you like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teac

40、h.Personally speaking, I prefer the teacher who have more experiences, my reasons are as follows. First, learning with an experienced teacher will give me more knowledge and help me to progress in the shortest way. Besides, new teacher may lack experience, so they may not give me the proper guide, w

41、hich will not master the knowledge more lucidly. On the other hand, an experienced teacher can also answer my question better than the new teacher, because after many years of teaching, they might already solved these sort of problems like I asked. 21. 出國讀大學的好處I definitely prefer to study aboard, my

42、 reasons are as follows. The most reason for us to study aboard is to find a good job, and there are much more job opportunities in the developed countries such as United States. If I study aboard, I can do part time job while studying and seize the opportunity to work there after I graduate from un

43、iversity. In addition, studying abroad also provide us a plenty of advanced knowledge which will make an enormous contributions to my success. Moreover, jobs in the developed country can offer more decent salary. So, thats why I love to study aboard.22. Describe a time you are trying to do something

44、 that you have never do.When I was in junior school, at first, I was an introverted boy. At that time, I really wanted to make a speech on the stage, but since my weakness, I hadnt tried before. Luckily, the teacher observed my problem and decided to help me. One day he came to tell that he asked me

45、 to represent our class and take part in the school lecture contest. In the beginning, I was worried and refused him. But he insisted on his decision and finally I received the challenge. After careful preparation for about two weeks, I won the first prize. Since then, I become a confident and outgo

46、ing person. I am really grateful for his assisting me to overcome my shyness. 23. 一段時間內(nèi)喜歡專攻一件事還是同時做好幾個工作I prefer doing only one thing during a period of time. My reasons are as follows. First, I can concentrate my mind when I am doing only one thing, and master knowledge more lucidly. One instance,

47、I was writing a paper, it was convenient for me to collect the materials in the library, because I could find the related materials in only few regions, which could save my time and increased study efficiency. On the other hand, I may feel tired if I do many things in one time, and I cannot promise

48、everything I can done well.24. 描述你的一個朋友,你們怎么認識并結交成朋友的One of my best friends, I know him when I played basketball with him in the court. On sunny days, I prefer to go outside to play basketball with my friends. Since I was a child, I always fascinated with the talented basketball players such as Mich

49、ael Jordon and Shaquille Oneal. They have always been heroes of mine. Then, I found he loves them too, and his skill in playing basketball was really good. So, I think I could learn a lot from him, since then, he became a friend of mine. 25. 你是否認為一個人的性格會隨著年齡的增長而改變Personally speaking, I reckon one pe

50、rsons personality cannot change with age. My reasons are as follows. First, ones personality is developed in his or her young age, and once he formed a personality, it will difficult to change. One instance, some of the students are very laze and cannot proper manage their in high school, since they

51、 are constrained by parents and teachers, they can enter in a university. However, they become lazy and indulgence, just because they live with students not parents, and without constrains. Therefore, the personality of one person cannot easily changed. 26. Children should be required to help with h

52、ousehold tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so.Personally speaking, I totally agree with the above statement. My reasons are as follows. First, I bet no one could deny the fact that the main responsibility for parents is to help their child develop various abilities not only academic abiliti

53、es. In other words, doing household task should be viewed as basic task. Besides, it is very important to do household tasks, because it can develop their ability to raise a family and help them realize that this is their responsibility. Such these abilities are essential to the childrens future. 27

54、. The experience of doing what you dont want to doWhen I was in junior school, at first, I was an introverted boy. Whenever a girl talked to me, I was so ashamed that I couldn't even say one word. Luckily, the teacher observed my problem and decided to help me. One day he came to tell that he as

55、ked me to represent our class and take part in the school lecture contest. In the beginning, I was worried and refused him. But he insisted on his decision and finally I agreed. After careful preparation for about two weeks, I won the first prize. Though I won the first prize, but I was not happy, b

56、ecause making a speech in front of people is the thing that I dont like to do.28. 是準備好了再做一件事還是立即做一件事Personally speaking, I prefer doing something after careful preparation. One instance, When I was in junior school, at first, in order to develop my ability of speech, and conquer the stage fright, I

57、represented our class to attend a speech competition in our university. After careful preparation for about two weeks, I won the first prize. However, one of my classmates also attend the competition, but he was busy preparing for a lot of other things, so he couldnt get a good grade in the final co

58、mpetition. Therefore, It is better doing one thing after careful preparation. 29. What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?Personally speaking, I reckon the good leaders is the most important quality of a working enviro

59、nment. A good leader can make more profit, since he has a lot of experience, so his staff will know how to achieve their goal in the shortest way. Without proper guide, people will have low working efficiency and cannot manage their time properly. Therefore, they would not likely to earn more money. On the other hand, employees can learn a lot from a good leader, such as his ability, his creative thinking and so on.


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