



1、銷售合同Sales Con tract合同號(hào) /Contract No :日期/Date :地點(diǎn) /Location : /地址 /Address :電話 /Telephone :傳真/Fax:賣方 /Seller :地址 /Address :電話 /Telephone :傳真/Fax :本合同由買方和賣方商訂。在合同項(xiàng)下,雙方同意按下述條款買賣下述商品:The Con tract is n egotiated and executed by and betwee n the Buyer and the Seller. Both partieshereto agree to purchase

2、and sell the follow ing goods as per articles contained hereafter:1、品名、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、單位及價(jià)格Product n ame, con struct ion, qua ntity, un it and priceNo.NameSpecificationQua ntityUn it Price( USDTotal Price( USD12Total: (FOB Qin gdao) Say US DollarUSDQuan tity: more or less2、交付條款 TERMS OF DELIVERY: FOB( Qin gd

3、ao)術(shù)語“離岸價(jià)格(FOB ”應(yīng)按照國際商會(huì)(ICC)出版的國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則(即INCOTERMS,2O1O版)進(jìn)行解釋,除非本合同中另有規(guī)定。The terms “ FOB shall be subject to the“ International Rules for the Interpretation ofTrade Terms ” (INCO TERMS, 2010) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise stipulated here in.如若是付款條款是 TT或者D/P,付

4、款則按照到港后最晚十五(15)個(gè)工作日之內(nèi)付款。如若是付款條款是即期信用證,付款則按照到港后最晚十五(15)個(gè)工作日之內(nèi)付款。如若是付款條款是遠(yuǎn)期信用證,付款則按照開船If the TT or D/P payment terms, the fullpayment is due within fifteen( 15)working days afterarrival.If the L/C payme nt terms, the payme nt should aga inst the L/C terms agreed.3、 原產(chǎn)國別及制造廠商:陜西秦塬紡織有限公司,中國Original coun

5、try & manufacturer: SHAANXI QINYUAN TEXTILE CO.,LTD.,CHINA4、裝運(yùn)港 Shipment port5、目的港 Destination port6、 裝運(yùn)期Shipment period :具體裝運(yùn)期由雙方協(xié)商確定。The exact date of shipme nt shall be agreed upon betwee n both parties.7、出貨保函 Letterof guara ntee如用買方指定貨代,則在訂艙后兩(2)個(gè)工作日內(nèi),需由買方公司責(zé)令訂艙貨代出具給陜西秦塬紡織有限公司的承諾不放貨保函,如未按時(shí)出具

6、此保函,賣方有權(quán)延遲出貨。e a letterof guara nteewhat the deliveryINYUAN TEXTILE CO.,LTD.'Sin struct ion afteron tract i n two(2) worki ngthe forwarderofr ofguara ntee in time,Thesellerhastheg date.If use buyer ' s appo in ted forwarder ,buyerof goods must comply withSHAANXI Qshipp ingspaceisreleasedfort

7、hiscthiscon tractcannot issuethisletteresp on sibilityofdelay ingtheshipp inshould require the forwarder to issu8、托運(yùn)人Shipper如若指定貨代不能出具以我司為SHIPPER的提單,需由買方出具此種操作是買方要求的證明。If buyer ' s appointed forwarder can't issue the shipper as SHAANXI QINYUAN TEXTILE CO.,LTD on the bill of ladi ng, buyer n

8、eed provide a certificate to prove it's buyer's requireme nt.9、數(shù)量、質(zhì)量異議期 Terms of objection for quantity & quality:買方自貨物到港之后起十五(15)個(gè)工作日內(nèi)提出數(shù)量和質(zhì)量異議,經(jīng)賣方確認(rèn)對(duì)貨物的質(zhì)量負(fù)有責(zé)任時(shí),由買賣雙方協(xié)商處理此問題。逾期未提出的視為產(chǎn)品數(shù)量、質(zhì)量符合本合同要求。The Buyer may, in case of any objecti on in respect of qua ntity and quality, put forward

9、the samewith in fiftee n(15) worki ng buyer con firmed they are resp on sible for the problem. Otherwise, it shall be deemed that both the product qua ntity and quality conform to Con tract requireme nt.10、包裝Package :所供貨物由賣方:打卷包裝打包包裝打板包裝 散裝 其他方式包裝Goods provided shall be packed by the Seller in the f

10、orm of: roll pack ing bale pack ing folded packi ng loosepack ing pack ingin otherforms,11、裝運(yùn)方式 Mode of load: 整柜 拼箱 Full container load less tha n container load12、 加工指示單In structio ns:在簽訂合同當(dāng)天內(nèi),由買方提供給賣方準(zhǔn)確的加工指示單Buyer should provided seller the accurate process ing in struct ions in the con tract day

11、13、付款條款 Terms of payment賣方與買方在簽訂合同之日,買方按照規(guī)定提供訂單的詳細(xì)信息之后,賣方按照買方要求,根據(jù)實(shí)際情況安排生產(chǎn)。如出現(xiàn)突發(fā)情況需要取消訂單,買方必須在3個(gè)工作日之內(nèi),通知賣方,確保雙方利益不受損失。After the seller and buyer signed the contract,the buyer needs to offer the detailedinformationof the order and the seller needs to arrange the order according to the therequireme nt

12、s of the buyer must to inform seller withinthree(3) worki ng days in adva nee ifthebuyer n eeds to cancel the order emerge ncy to en sure the ben efits of the buyer and seller will not be loss.買方應(yīng)預(yù)付10%定金安排生產(chǎn),該貨款應(yīng)在合同簽訂十(10)日之內(nèi)以TT (電匯)方式匯入賣方指定的銀行賬戶。如若延期付款,造成的訂單延期的話,責(zé)任由買方承擔(dān),且賣方有權(quán)終止本合同。等最終訂單 生產(chǎn)完畢之后,由賣方通

13、知買方支付尾款,且買方應(yīng)按照合同中的交付條款,以T/T(電匯)方式將剩余全部貨款支付給賣方指定賬戶。The buyer pay 10%deposit for producing the goods,it should be remitted to the buyer ' s bank acco unt by TT with in ten (10) days once sig ned the con tract. If the payme nt delayed, it will bethe buyer' s responsibilitiesfor the possibility

14、of delaying the order and the seller has rightto term in ate the the final product ion fini shed, the seller should inform the buyer to pay the final payment, and the buyer remitted the final payment to the seller' s bank account by TT.合同簽署后十(日內(nèi),買方應(yīng)以賣方為受益人開具可接受的全額的不可撤消信用證。若上述信用證延遲發(fā)出超過二十一(21)日,則賣

15、方將有權(quán)終止本合同。賣方在收到買方開出的不可撤消信用證之后,根據(jù)實(shí)際情況安排訂單生產(chǎn),買方在生產(chǎn)前不得撤銷訂單,否則賣方有權(quán)保留索賠權(quán)。The Buyer shall issue an acceptable and irrevocable L/C at sight in favor of the Seller ofthe total amount of Con tract with in ten (10) days after the sig ning of Con tract. Should the L/C delay more tha n twenty-one (21) days, the

16、 Seller has the right to term in ate this Con tract.開船后,開證行必須在開船后21天內(nèi)開出承兌給議付行,如果延遲,買方必須給賣方每日支付發(fā)票金額的費(fèi)用。Issu ing bank must send authorizedaccepta nee to n egotiati on bank with in 21 days after shipp ingdatef the accepta nee delayed .The buyer should pay the seller in USD at a rate of % each day of th

17、e cost of in voice value.開證行必須遵守承兌日期付款,如有延遲,超過承兌日期7天,買家需要向賣家每日支付發(fā)票金額 %的費(fèi)用。Issu ing bank must release payme nt with in 7 days after mature date ,if delayed more ,the buyer should pay the seller in USD at a rate of % each day of the cost of in voice value.賣方銀行信息 Bank in formatio n:此處根據(jù)情況選填公司賬戶信息備注:賣方的

18、銀行信息以上述約定為準(zhǔn),如有變更,賣方將會(huì)在新的銀行信息上加蓋公章,并以書面 傳真或以快遞寄送的通知為準(zhǔn),接到通知后買方應(yīng)及時(shí)予以電話確認(rèn)并書面回復(fù)給賣方,此時(shí),買方才可 付款,否則,一切付款風(fēng)險(xiǎn)均由買方自行承擔(dān)。Remark: The bank information of the seller must pivot to the above agreement. If there isany change, the seller will send the new bank information with signed and stamped by fax or notice sent

19、by express delivery should be prevailed.What' s more, the buyer shall call back to confirmthe information promptly and response to the seller in written form at the same time after receiv ing the no tice. And all after that the buyer could do the payme nt, otherwise all payme nt risks are borne

20、by the buyer.14、超期庫存規(guī)定 Regulati ons for overdue inventory :買賣雙方經(jīng)充分協(xié)商對(duì)超期庫存管理約定如下:超期庫存的概念:自賣方通知買方貨物準(zhǔn)備完畢且入庫之日起超過十五(15)天未發(fā)的貨物正常庫存時(shí)間:自賣方通知入庫之日起不超過十五(15)天超正常庫存時(shí)間的,每超一天,買方自愿承擔(dān)合同總金額的2%乍為違約金,違約金從買方支付的訂金中直接扣除,超正常庫存時(shí)間二十五(25)天的,買方構(gòu)成違約,賣方可單方面解除合同,自賣方解除合同的通知到達(dá)買方時(shí)本合同終止,買方貨款不予返還。The two parties have reached the fol

21、low ing agreeme nt regard ing overdue inven tory man ageme ntupon sufficie nt con sultati on:Concept of the overdue inventory management: cargoes not shipped over fifteen(15)_days since the day the Seller no tifies the Buyer that the cargoes have bee n prepared and warehoused.Normal inventorytime: n

22、ot exceed fifteen(15) days since the Seller ' s notific ationofwarehous ing.The Buyer shall volun tarily un dertake liquidated damages of 2% of the total Con tract valuefor each overdue day over the no rmal inven tory time, which shall be deducted from the payme nt made by the Buyer. If the over

23、due time exceeds twenty-five(25) days, it shall be deemed as the breach of Con tract by the Buyer, and the Seller thereby can un laterally resci nd the Con tract. The Con tract shall termi nate whe n the Seller ' s no tificati on for resci nd is received by the Buyer whose payme nt shall not be

24、retur ned.15、裝運(yùn)條款 Terms of shipment買方應(yīng)在賣方指定的時(shí)間內(nèi)提供其貨代聯(lián)系方式,若因買方提供的貨代信息延遲,則對(duì)因此所導(dǎo)致的 任何發(fā)運(yùn)延遲情形貨產(chǎn)生任何費(fèi)用,賣方概不負(fù)責(zé)。The Buyer should provide the means of con tact of its forwarder with in the Seller ' s desig nated time or any charge. The Seller shall not take any responsibilityfor the delay of shipment resu

25、ltedfrom the Buyer ' s delayed provision of the forwarder' s information.賣方應(yīng)當(dāng)于貨物裝運(yùn)完成后五(5)日內(nèi),并通知買方貨物已經(jīng)發(fā)運(yùn)。發(fā)運(yùn)通知中應(yīng)載明合同編號(hào)、貨物名稱、數(shù)量及發(fā)票金額。The Seller shall inform the buyer with in five (5) days upon the completi on of the loadi ngof the goods, give a shipp ing advice to the Buyer by shipp ing advice

26、 in cludes the Con tract nu mber, n ame of goods, qua ntity, and in voiced value.轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn) /Transshipment: allowed分運(yùn) /Partial shipment: allowed16、不可抗力 Force Majeure在履行本合同過程中,若其中一方發(fā)生了無法預(yù)見、無法避免并不能克服的客觀情況(以下稱“不 可抗力事件”)。而導(dǎo)致不能履行或延遲履行本合同,則依據(jù)不可抗力的影響,可部份或全部免除責(zé)任, 但法律另有規(guī)定除外。如果一方由于導(dǎo)致不能履行或延遲履行本合同,其應(yīng)在“不可抗力事件”發(fā)生后立即通知對(duì)方,

27、以 減輕可能給對(duì)方造成的損失,并應(yīng)當(dāng)在“不可抗力事件”停止五(5)日起,向另一方提供由相關(guān)主管機(jī)構(gòu)出具的關(guān)于“不可抗力事件”及其影響的相關(guān)證明。case of a party cannot perform thiscon tractor delays in performa neebecause ofun foreseeable, un avoidable and in surm oun table circumsta nces(here in after shall be referred to as force majeure), uni ess otherwise stipulated

28、by law, its liability shall be exempted in part or in whole depe nding on the effect of force majeure.a party is un able to perform this con tract or performs it in delay because of force majeure, it shall promptly no tify the other party so as to mitigate losses that might be in flicted on that oth

29、er party and provide the other party the releva nt certificates with respect to the existe nee of force majeure and its effect issued by compete nt authorities with in five(5) days upon term in ati on of force majeure.17、仲裁 Arbitration凡由于執(zhí)行本合同而發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí),應(yīng)通過友好協(xié)商解決。如不能解決,則可訴諸仲裁。仲裁應(yīng)提 交中國北京中國國際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(huì),按

30、照其程序仲裁。仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)的裁決具有最終效力,雙方必須遵 照?qǐng)?zhí)行。仲裁費(fèi)用由敗訴一方承擔(dān)。仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)另有裁定的除外。仲裁期間,合同中除仲裁部分外,其他條 款仍應(yīng)繼續(xù)履行。本合同的澄清、解釋、簽署及爭議處理都將適用中華人民共和國法律。Any and all disputes aris ing from the performa nee of the Con tract shall be subject to frien dly negotiationfor resolution. Either party hereto may appeal to arbitration in case no reso

31、lutionwould be reached through negotiation.Appeal, if any, shall be submitted to China InternationalEcono mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissi on (CIETAC) for arbitrati on subject to rules thereof. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties, which shall be followed and execute

32、d by both parties. The arbitrati on fee shall be borne by the los ing party, uni ess otherwiseruled by th e arbitration institution. During the course of the arbitration, the Contract shall be performed except for the part under of The People ' s Republic of China is adopted and used for the cla

33、rification, interpretation, execution and dispute resolvement of this Contract.18、違約責(zé)任 Liability for breach of Contract 買賣雙方應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按照合同約定履行,一方違約給對(duì)方造成損失的,違約方應(yīng)承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的違約責(zé)任,違 約責(zé)任范圍包括但不限于違約金、倉儲(chǔ)費(fèi)、維護(hù)管理費(fèi)、二次銷售的差價(jià)、實(shí)際損失、實(shí)現(xiàn)債權(quán)的費(fèi)用 (仲 裁費(fèi)、律師費(fèi)、差旅費(fèi))及相關(guān)費(fèi)用。如出現(xiàn)買賣雙方之間出現(xiàn)不可協(xié)調(diào)爭議之后,由賣方當(dāng)?shù)胤ㄔ哼M(jìn)行 裁決。The Seller and the Buyer shall perfo

34、rm the Contract strictly by complying with provisions hereof. In the event that one party breaches the Contract and causes loss to the other, the default party shall bear corresponding liability, which shall include but not limited to the payment of liquidated damages, warehousing fee, maintenance and management fee, resale price difference, actual loss, expense for exercising of creditor' s rights (arbitration fee, attorney fee andtravel allowance) and related expenses.貨物到達(dá)目的港后,買方應(yīng)及時(shí)提取貨物。因買方拒絕提貨、遲延提貨等引起承運(yùn)人或其他第三方索 賠、扣押、留置、沒收貨物及各項(xiàng)罰款等一切損失均由買方承擔(dān);同時(shí),賣方也有權(quán)指示承運(yùn)人將貨物直 接回運(yùn)或以其他方式處置,而不需事先征得


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