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1、賓語從句1. 我想知道下學(xué)期誰教我們英語。I want to know who will teach us English next term .2. 我不知道他明天是否會(huì)來。I dont know whether / if he will come tomorrow . I dont know whether/ if he is coming tomorrow .3. 他問我是否跟他一起去旅行。 He asks me whether / if I will travel with him . He asked me whether / if I would travel with him .

2、4. 湯姆問我郵局在哪里。Tom asks me where the Post Office is .Tom asked me where the Post Office was .5. 我想知道你爸爸是做什么工作的。 I want to know what your fathers job is . I want to know what your father does .6. 他告訴我下個(gè)月他要去美國(guó)。 He tells me that he will go America next month . He tells me that he is going to America next

3、 month . He told me that he would go to America next month . He told me that he was going to America next month .7. 我想知道怎樣才能學(xué)好英語。 I want to know how I can learn English well .8. 我認(rèn)為你是個(gè)好人。 I think that you are a good person . 9. 我不知道明天誰會(huì)來。 I dont know who will come tomorrow . I dont know who is comin

4、g tomorrow . 10. 我對(duì)你所說的話很生氣。Im very angry at what you said .Im very angry at what you have said .11. 我認(rèn)為你是不對(duì)的。I dont think that you are right . 12. 他說他需要你的幫助。He says that he needs your help . He said that he needed your help . 13. 我想知道你能否幫我。I want to know whether / if you can help me .I wanted to kn

5、ow whether / if you could help me . 14. 司機(jī)問我想上哪去。The driver asks me where I want to go .The driver asked me where I wanted to go .15. 我想知道怎樣才能學(xué)好英語。I want to know how I can learn English well .16. 我聽說湯姆要去澳大利亞。I hear that Tom will go to Australia .I heard that Tom would go to Australia .17. 我問他星期天是不是能

6、去游泳。 I ask her whether / if she can go swimming on Sunday .I asked her whether / if she could go swimming on Sunday .18. 老師告訴我們下星期天她要帶我們?nèi)?dòng)物園。The teacher tells us that she will take us to the zoo next Sunday .The teacher told us that she would take us to the zoo next Sunday .19. 爸爸希望我將來能出國(guó)學(xué)習(xí)。Father h

7、opes that I can go abroad to study in the future . Father hoped that I could go abroad to study in the future .20. 我確信你會(huì)喜歡他。 Im sure you will like him .21. 請(qǐng)你告訴我怎樣才能減肥。 Please tell me how I can lose my weight .22. 昨天老師告訴我太陽從東邊升起。 Yesterday the teacher told me that the sun rises in the east .23. 他想知道

8、你是什么時(shí)候出生的。 He wants to know when you were born .24. 我想你很快會(huì)好的。 I think that youll be all right soon .25. 他告訴我他會(huì)再來。 He tells me that he will come again . He told me that he would come again .26. 我想知道你打算在中國(guó)住多久。 I want to know how long you are going to live in China . 27. 你要來看我我很高興。 Im very glad that yo

9、u are coming to see me . Im very glad that you will come to see me .28. 他告訴我他很想你。 He tells me that he misses you very much . He told me that he missed you very much . 29. 湯姆說他想當(dāng)一名醫(yī)生。 Tom says that he wants to be a doctor . Tom said that he wanted to be a doctor .30. 請(qǐng)告訴我你什么時(shí)候有空。 Please tell me when

10、youll be free . 31. 我想知道你為什么不努力學(xué)習(xí)? I want to know why you dont study hard . I wanted to know why you didnt study hard .32. 我想知道你打算怎么過春節(jié)? I want to know how youll spend the Spring Festival . I want to know how you are going to spend the Spring Festival .33. 你能告訴我你是否喜歡這個(gè)城市嗎? Can you tell me whether /

11、if you like this city ? Could you tell me whether / if you like this city ?34. 我聽說湯姆下個(gè)月要結(jié)婚了。 I hear that Tom will get married next month . I heard that Tom would get married next month .35. 對(duì)不起,我明天不能和你一起游泳了。 Im sorry that I cant go swimming with you tomorrow .36. 告訴我你喜歡什么樣的工作?Tell me what kind of jo

12、b you like .37. 我想知道你是否記得我們第一次見面的時(shí)間。 I want to know whether / if you remember the time when we first met .I wanted to know whether / if you remembered the time when we first met .38. 母親喜歡說她有一個(gè)好女兒。 The mother likes saying that she has a good daughter . The mother likes to say that she has a good daug

13、hter .39. 我確信他會(huì)喜歡這本書的。Im sure that you will like the book . 40. 校長(zhǎng)說成績(jī)單已經(jīng)發(fā)出去了。The headmaster said that the school reports had been sent off .41. 我們老師建議我們自己應(yīng)該試著做一些電動(dòng)玩具。Our teacher suggested that you should try to make some electric toys ourselves .42. 我想知道你能否修電腦。I want to know whether / if you can rep

14、air the computer .I wonder whether / if you can repair the computer .43. 他問這條街上是不是有很多商店。He asks whether / if there are a lot of drug stores in this street . He asked whether / if there were a lot of drug stores in this street .He asks whether / if there are a lot of chemists shops in this street . H

15、e asked whether / if there were a lot of chemists shops in this street .44. 請(qǐng)告訴我電視機(jī)是誰發(fā)明的。Please tell me who was the first to invent the TV set .45. 你知道大金字塔在什么地方嗎?Do you know where the Great Pyramid is ? 46. 我不知道他們的年齡。I dont know their ages . I dont know how old they are .47. 你能否告訴我你是哪兒人?Can / Could

16、you tell me where you are from ?Can / Could you tell me where you come from ? 48. 告訴我你要什么。Tell me what you want . Tell me what you need .49. 我想知道這封信是不是超重。I want to know whether / if this letter is overweight .I wanted to know whether / if this letter was overweight .50. 我們將給予你們需要的任何幫助。We will give y

17、ou whatever help you need . We will give you all the help that you need . 51. 信上說他們10號(hào)動(dòng)身。The letter says that they are leaving on the 13th . The letter said that they were leaving on the 13th . 52. 我相信他們還沒完成他們的作業(yè)。I dont believe that they have finished their work yet .I didnt believe that they had fi

18、nished their work yet .53. 我擔(dān)心我犯了一個(gè)嚴(yán)重的錯(cuò)誤。Im afraid that I have made a serious mistake .54. 我不敢肯定他是否贊成這個(gè)想法。Im not sure whether / if hed like the idea .55. 我想不出為什么他會(huì)離開他的妻子。I cant think out why he left his wife .56. 我不知道他什么時(shí)候會(huì)還錢給我。I dont know when he will pay me back . I wonder when he will pay me back

19、 .57. 我忘記了這是誰告訴我的。I forget who told me this .58. 那個(gè)外國(guó)人說他非常喜歡中國(guó)。The foreigner says that he likes China very much . The foreigner said that he liked China very much .59. 導(dǎo)游告訴我們每年這座城市接待很多游客。The tour guide tells us that every year the city receives a lot of tourists .60. 我認(rèn)為現(xiàn)在計(jì)算機(jī)正在世界范圍內(nèi)越來越廣泛地應(yīng)用。I think

20、that computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today .61. 我聽說這些畫將被送去博物館。I hear that these pictures will be sent to the museum .I heard that these pictures would be sent to the museum .62. 我確信你會(huì)得到老師的幫助。Im sure that you will be helped by the teacher .Im sure that you will get the

21、 help from the teacher .63. 我希望我將來能周游世界。I hope that I could travel all over the world in the future .I wish that I could travel all over the world in the future .64. 他認(rèn)為這份工作對(duì)他來說很重要。He thinks that this job is very important to him .He thought that this job was very important to him .65. 老師問是誰打破了窗戶。Th

22、e teacher asks who broke the window . The teacher asks who has broken the window . The teacher asked who had broken the window .66. 他告訴我這樣的廣告到處可見。He tells me that this kind of advertisement is seen everywhere .He told me that this kind of advertisement was seen everywhere . 67. 他說旅行能使人心胸開闊。He says t

23、hat traveling can broaden the mind .He said that traveling could broaden the mind .68. 他告訴我紐約被叫做大蘋果城。He tells me that New York is called the Big Apple . He told me that New York was called the Big Apple .69. 我想知道誰是今年的最有價(jià)值球員。I want to know who is the Most Valuable Player this year .I wanted to know w

24、ho was the Most Valuable Player this year .70. 他希望能成為世界上最優(yōu)秀的運(yùn)動(dòng)員之一。He hopes that he can become one of the most outstanding players in the world .71. 他說他把我看作他最好的朋友。He says that he regards me as his best friend . He said that he regarded me as his best friend .72. 湯姆說他不習(xí)慣這兒的天氣。Tom says that he isnt use

25、d to the weather here .Tom said that he wasnt used to the weather here .73. 你能告訴我現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了嗎?Can / Could you tell me what the time is ? Can / Could you tell me what time it is ? 74. 告訴我你打算去哪里度假。Tell me where you are going to spend the holidays . 75. 史密斯老師說現(xiàn)在有越來越多的人喜歡英語了。Mr. Smith says that more and more

26、people like English now .Mr. Smith said that more and more people liked English now .76. 我想知道他們什么時(shí)候來幫助我們。I want to know when they will come to help us .I wanted to know when they would come to help us . I want to know when they are coming to help us .I wanted to know when they were coming to help us

27、 .77. 我認(rèn)為你最好先去那里。I think that youd better go there first .78. 他問我們是否能在十點(diǎn)之前把一切準(zhǔn)備好。He asks me whether / if we can get everything ready before 10 oclock .He asked me whether / if we could get everything ready before 10 oclock .79. 他說他喜歡你昨天送給他的那些書。He says that he likes the books which / that you gave hi

28、m yesterday .He said that he liked the books which / that you gave him yesterday .80. 老師說湯姆是他見過的最聰明的學(xué)生。The teacher says that Tom is the most clever student that he has seen .The teacher says that Tom is the cleverest student that he has seen .The teacher said that Tom is the most clever student that

29、 he had seen .The teacher said that Tom is the cleverest student that he has seen .81. 我想知道你能否告訴我電影開始的時(shí)間。I want to know whether / if you can tell me the time when the film will start . I wanted to know whether / if you could tell me the time when the film would start .82. 湯姆問正在唱歌的那個(gè)女孩是誰。Tom asks who

30、 is the girl that is singing . Tom asked who was the girl that was singing .83. 他說這是他最喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng)。He says that this is his favorite sport . He says that this is the sport which / that he likes best . He said that this was his favorite sport . He said that this was the sport which / that he liked best .84.

31、 我問他他把昨天買的字典放在哪兒了。I ask him where he has put the dictionary which / that I bought yesterday . I asked him where he had put the dictionary which / that I had bought the day before .85. 我很高興你喜歡我們上星期天看的那場(chǎng)電影。Im very glad that you like the film / movie which / that we saw last Sunday .86. 他告訴我他總是很忙。He te

32、lls me that he is always busy .He told me that he was always busy .87. 我想知道你業(yè)余時(shí)間都做什么。I want to know what you often do in your spare time . I wanted to know what you often did in your spare time .88. 孩子們說他們喜歡這個(gè)新老師。The children say that they like the new teacher . The children said that they liked the

33、 new teacher .89. 你不認(rèn)為我們會(huì)贏得比賽嗎?Dont you think that we will win the game ?90. 天氣預(yù)報(bào)員說明天會(huì)下大雨。The weatherman says that it is going to rain tomorrow .The weatherman said that it was going to rain the next day .91. 醫(yī)生建議他應(yīng)該戒煙戒酒。The doctor suggests that he should give up both smoking and drinking . The doctor suggested that he should give up both smoking and drinking .92. 他說游泳是一項(xiàng)很好的鍛煉。He says that swimming is a good exercise . He said that swimming was


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