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1、ConsonantsConsonants of the English Language&Chinese EFL Learners Difficulties in the Learning ProcessConsonantsvWhat are consonants?Consonants are made by stopping the airflow in your mouth, either partially or completely.Common Mistakes in Pronunciationv輔音和漢語拼音聲母p, d, g, k 讀成“潑 (po)”,“得(de)”,“

2、哥(ge)”,“科(ke)”,v尾輔音加一個元音,cap/, lap/,map/u/, top/u/;v輔音連綴之間加元音ground念成g/round;England念成Eng /land。v詞尾的發(fā)音,遺漏了輔音。如:soup不能念成sou, jump不能念成jum等等。v 注意漢語普通話中沒有的音或者不好發(fā)的音。v如/v/音,有人用/f/代替/v/,或用/w/代替/v/。very well以強化/v/音和/w/音的區(qū)別。v/音一定要緊湊,摩擦一定要充分。usually, treasure, decision, unusual。v把though說成/z/ough、甚至把this說成/dis

3、/,/這個音也比較陌生,有時會用/s/代替。“Sank you! Sank you!”; I sink。v而發(fā)/,/音時不要和“吃”,“幾”音混淆,如:bridge不是bri“幾”;college不是colle“幾”。v還有一些輔音學生也容易和漢語拼音的發(fā)音混淆,如:/h/, /r/, /m/, /n/, / /, /l/, /w/, /j/。v發(fā)/h/音時氣流自由逸出口腔,只在通過聲門時發(fā)出輕微的摩擦??谛尾欢?,隨后面的元音而變化,聲帶不振動,是個清輔音。用普通話的h(喝)代替英語的/h/,發(fā)音時太重太強,摩擦太多。糾正的辦法是:控制好舌后部,使其在發(fā)音時平放于口腔,以防因舌后部抬起太高和軟

4、腭相接觸而產(chǎn)生過多的摩擦。 v 發(fā)/r/音時舌頭卷上去再使勁往下拉。舌尖卷起,靠近(而不是貼?。┥淆X齦后部。舌的兩側(cè)稍收攏,貼住上齒齦的兩側(cè),雙唇略張開并收圓。/r/是個濁輔音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動,氣流通過舌尖及齒齦所形成的通道時有輕微的摩擦。不可用漢語普通話的r(日)來代替英語的摩擦音/r/。前者摩擦較大,舌位更后,后者摩擦甚微,舌位較前。字母r出現(xiàn)在元音后面時,英式發(fā)音中r不發(fā)音,而在美式發(fā)音中r須念出來,類似普通話中的“兒化”動作,即卷舌動作。注意r后面沒有元音相隨,則不發(fā)音。 v 注意發(fā)/m/ /n/ / /音時避免吞音。很多學生把sometimes中的/m/吞掉了,讀成s/ /tis。把

5、my name讀成my na 同時還應注意不要在/m/后隨便加入/r/音,如把money讀成:m/ r/ney。發(fā)/音的時候要注意這個音后面不能再加/g/,不能把long念成l/ g/。同時要注意/音節(jié)的組合。English consonants & consonant classificationThe English consonants can be classified according toplace of articulationmanner of articulationvoicing, i.e. voiced or voicelessStops: / / /t/ /

6、/ /vWhat are stop consonants?The stop consonants are made by completely stopping the airflow in the mouth, and then releasing the airflow into the sounds./ /t/ / /vC (+a/o/u/+輔音) camp, cost, culturevC 在詞尾 economic, picnic, symbolic,vCk lock, mock, pick, pocketvQu clique, question, quick, quiet, quit

7、evG (+U) argue, guess, guilt, gulf, vagueAllophonic variations of /p/ & /b/vUnreleased in word final position: top tea, rob themvUnaspirated release in clusters, after /s/: spotvLengthening: Stop Pete. Rob Bob.vNasal releasing: Stop him.vNasal resonance: Rob himAllophonic variations of /t/ &

8、 /d/vUnreleased in word final position: coat hanger, lead glassvUnaspirated release after /s/: stopvDentalized before th: eighth, the first thingvBilateral release with /l/: padlockvNasal release: button, breadn buttervFlapped, intervocalically: letter, laddervLengthening: let Tim, sad DaveAllophoni

9、c variations of /k/ & /g/vUnreleased in word final position: take mine,vUnaspirated in clusters with /s/: skyvLengthening: take Kim, big grapesvNasal release: beacon, pig and goatvBilateral release with /l/: clock, gladvAssimilated to the front sound: keen, geesevRounded, before a rounded sound:

10、 quarter, goose失去爆破和不完全爆破的基本類型失去爆破和不完全爆破的基本類型v爆破音+爆破音:爆破音/p, b/、/ t, d/、/k, /中的任何兩個連接在一起時,前面的爆破音失去爆破,只需做好發(fā)該音的口型和舌位并稍作停頓,就接后面的爆破音。 單詞和短語vcaptain heartbroken subdividevgroundbreaking September obtainvbookcase background attractive 2. 爆破音+摩擦音:爆破音/p, b/、/ t, d/、/k, /中的任何一個和摩擦音/f, v /、/, /、/, /、/s, z/、/h

11、/、/r/中的任何一個相連時,該爆破音不完全爆破,在做好口型和舌位并稍作停頓以后,只需發(fā)出極為輕微的爆破聲。 單詞和短語vhopeful success friendshipvupstairs breakfast advicevabsent bagful breadth3. 爆破音+破擦音:爆破音/p, b/、/ t, d/、/k, /中的任何一個和破擦音/, / 、/tr, dr/中的任何一個相連時,該爆破音亦為不完全爆破,發(fā)音方法與上同。單詞和短語v actuallyobjectadjustv picturesubjectlecture224. 爆破音+鼻輔音:爆破音/t, d/和鼻音/m

12、/、/n/相連時,同樣也不完全爆破,而且因受鼻音的影響,不在口腔而在鼻腔里爆破。要注意不要在爆破音和鼻音之間加上一個/。單詞和短語 v certain woodenfootnotev midnightpostmanadmire5. 爆破音+舌側(cè)音:爆破音/t, d/和舌側(cè)音/相連時,也只發(fā)生不完全爆破。單詞和短語vbattle gentleLittlevsettlecattleidlevhardlymiddleloudly vWhat are fricatives?Fricatives are made by partially blocking the airflow, thus causi

13、ng the friction-like noise characteristic of these sounds.Fricatives: / / / / /s/ / / / /vF deaf, face, far, father, leftvPh paragraph, philosophy, photo, phrasevV convert, involve, save, valley, vast, wave, vivid, vital, veryvThe girl in white invited me to watch a video.vTh theory, thesis, thick,

14、thin, throughvTh clothe, that, these, they, this, thusvThese three brothers threw their things.vS sake, sentence, similar, slow, sob, startvCe ice, lice, mice, nice, ricevC (+e/i/y) cycle, decent, policy, recentvS books, desks, keeps, kicksvS begs, calls, knives, pens, eyes, saysvSh dish, publish, s

15、houlder,vSsion admission, aggression, discussionvC (+ial/ian/ion) facial, musician, official, politician, social, suspicion, technicianvTion information, liberation, preparationvSion decision, division, invasion, revision, televisionvTch catch, fetch, hitch, pitch, witchvCh cheap, church, reachvTion

16、 question, suggestionvG (+ e/i/y) apology, digest, energy, gem, v gesture, gist, gym, large, page,v regionNasals, Approximants & Lateral(s)Like the stops, the nasals are all made by closing the vocal tract at some point in the mouth. Unlike the stops or any other sounds in the language, there is

17、 an opening into the nasal cavity in the pronunciation so that the sound can be resonated through the nose. The nasal consonants are /m/, /n/, and /. /w/, /r/, and /j/ are called approximants because it is an articulation in which the articulators approach each other but do not get sufficiently clos

18、e to each other to produce a complete consonant such as a stop, nasal or fricative. /l/ is called a lateral because during its pronunciation, the passage of air through the mouth does not go in the usual way along the centre of the tongue. vM famevMb bomb, climb, comb, tomb, crumbvKn kneel, knife, knit, knock, knowvN need, niecevNg, n (+k) bank, bring, drink,


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