已閱讀5頁,還剩3頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、日常生活中商店譯名爆竹鞭炮店電器商店油漆店化工油漆染料店建材商店照相館(攝室舊貨店寄賣商店典當(dāng)fireworks shopelectrical appliance shop paint shopchemicals,paint and dyestuffs shop building materials storephotographic studio (photographer s second-hand goods store commission shop mortgage兒童用品商店婦女用品商店鐘表店文具店炊事用具商店家用器具商店家具店眼鏡店禮品店children s goods shop

2、 women s goods shop watch and clock shopstationer s (stationery shopcooking utensils shop household utensils shop furniture shop eyeglasses store gifts storegeneral repair shop (servicearts and crafts shop flower shopantiques and jewelry shop cigarette shop (stallnewspaper and magazine stand tea hou

3、sebarber s (shop(hairdresser sbath house grain store綜合修理店工藝美術(shù)服務(wù)社花店古玩珠寶店香煙店(攤售報(bào)亭茶館理發(fā)店洗澡堂糧店食品點(diǎn)煤店食品雜貨店醬園肉店水產(chǎn)店家禽店豆腐店烤肉店鹵味店food store coal store grocerysauce and pickles shop meat (butcher sshop aquatic products shop fowl shopbeancurd shop roast meat shop sauced meat shop小吃店冷飲店蔬菜店/水果店鞋帽店服裝店成衣店藥店(美:雜貨店eat

4、ing house(snack barcold drinks shopgreen grocery(green grocersshoes and hats storeclothing storeready-made clothes shopdrug store(pharmacyThe endadditional words related to telephone and language points of the dialogue 1. long-distance call (AmEtrunk call (BrEreverse-charge call (BrE受話人付款的電話toll-fre

5、e call免費(fèi)電話IP phone(Internet Protocol網(wǎng)絡(luò)電話Proverb: As the call, so the echo.諺發(fā)什么聲音, 有什么回聲(善有善報(bào), 惡有惡報(bào)與電話有關(guān)的還有telephone box美電話亭telephone booth英公用電話間telephone subscriber電話用戶telephone directory/ telephone bookWhat if :What would occur if; Suppose that假設(shè);如果將會怎么樣Notice :It can be used either in real conditi

6、on orin unreal condition. e.g.What if the phone were cut off?run out of sth. (the subject is a person,run out: (the subject is sth.1 我們的汽油怕已用完了。Im afraid weve run out of petrol.2 Jane快沒有耐心了。Jane is running out of patience.run out: (the subject is sth.3 我們的糧食很快就吃完了。Our food soon ran out.4 你快做完了嗎?時(shí)間快到

7、了。Have you nearly finished? Time is running out.it feels good toe.g. T o take part in sports really makes youexhausted, and youre a ll dirtied up. But it feels good to have a shower afterwards.Thats the end of Dialogue 1 itself. (next pagedeposit: n (C, U1 matter that has been lying in rock by a nat

8、ural processsedimental deposit 【地質(zhì)】沉積礦床;成層沉積radioactive deposit 放射性淀質(zhì)mineral deposit 礦床There are rich deposits of gold in those hills.那些丘陵里埋藏著豐富的金礦。2an act of placing money in a bank or safe.Id like to make a deposit please. 我想存款,請給我辦一下。term deposit 定期存款deposit account 定期存款帳戶current /demand deposit活

9、期存款 2. appeal to: 1 to please, attract, interest 出國工作的主意對你有吸引力嗎? 出國工作的主意對你有吸引力嗎? a. Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? b. have appeal 有吸引力 引人入勝 有吸引力, 2 appeal to sb. for help/support/mercy 向某人呼吁請求 為.向某人呼吁 請求 向某人呼吁 請求 a. He is appealing to the public for help. b. The police are appealing

10、to the public for any information about the murder victim. 警方呼吁公眾提供有關(guān)被殺害者的情況。 警方呼吁公眾提供有關(guān)被殺害者的情況。 c. 他們呼吁為建造新學(xué)?;I集資金。 他們呼吁為建造新學(xué)?;I集資金。 They are appealing for funds to build a new school. d. 政府呼吁人人節(jié)約用水。 政府呼吁人人節(jié)約用水。 The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 3 appeal to/against to formally as

11、k a higher law court to change the decision of a lower court (提出)上訴 提出) Smith 對這個(gè)判決提出上訴。 對這個(gè)判決提出上訴。 Smith intends to appeal against this sentence / verdict. 3. priority: n(C, U the state or right of coming before others in position or time; preference, greater importance/ precedence 優(yōu)先權(quán), 優(yōu)先權(quán), 優(yōu)先考慮 1 have/take priority over sth. /sb. 比有優(yōu)先權(quán) 有優(yōu)先權(quán) 重傷員較之輕傷員優(yōu)先治療。 重傷員較之輕傷員優(yōu)先治療。 The badly wounded take/have priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt. 2 The students with good academic records have/take priority over


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