



1、“dig i nd try opens u new w . of e ntrepeneua s ugge to buld a tee provics of region. cental cli esi the Ccmmust x cunis Ie six pen-sen members andcmldes: toda y I cmmssined by t he County pay C.mm-e SandingC.mm.ee,reportsto Ie Ge neral Assembl y C.ne.n of a members aId.e naes a nd comraes ate nd ng

2、 Id A and li s, ya of work re this yea -" I mui cipalof right ld Xa, Ccuty sliduty led County people, toscencve I pme ntviews for gui de, t good a s for maili ne a _rdig t o "a cly four modernlaionsthremore"of-ve I pme cncentrdpoyfor, wk hard, ".一、ad ecnomc a nd _lue, ad sca a nd

3、 pay of C on ae ma de hasnew progress bounty re ndei ng out w Ind fresh ae, ad cae e prosei y ad soca sete d, and pe opl e mid it of good si u.on. A) . Ie constuclonofthepro-t Firmly esa"h Ie "scacpr ojec i s ecnomc gaping devebpmet pr.jec is t o hod" phlsphy t o extadinay effortsngIe

4、constuclonofprojeCsPlot108pro”sforthe ya. wt I a ta ivesmen'of293biinyan,bn|at,Joshs,ne cmet wase hha powe geertinad 13| roe cs compl d worsi of 12 milin tons of pelesHuaYu sofgradpaentcikenfaming,-pro|csundecnst ucion, compl etd iv me nt of 315 bil on yua n, anua pa n of 69*. The is hal of IeCo

5、untysgrossdomescproductis-ppce d to rrace d II blin.a n, ad tal r nue of 949 milonYua.(Bsu,ra a dusment ache rrmaIereuls Aciey tansormig thepatenofecnomcdlpmet,inu-lIcolgyand.ri .,ra m oder nizin ad id ",n of sevce s Hg h xCcuy &# Tiirncicularecnomy monstainara, and ur he exa nd e conomc de

6、velpmet zne I ng Dan re cce e cnomy eclgy i ndusty Pak Pak 一 1 nomy and ra pd e cnomc deveopment. Focus moe ontedaecialrmionsh<be n opme nt ad envbnmelal pr oect on, e negy svig a nd emssin rrdut j2s plly an m porat roe. V gorousy d l oping .、3-* e clggca l aggiul ue ” cuke , mode n aggiu,ra clai

7、g al ong IeRive Prmeaie begnstaleshapeKytuprtcs isgig l, WAPaa ce aea s named "open mos i nketal cut ua elcs in bei pr ovine ansca" op new sevce s an d ieni ces wt new develpmes. C) u ban uali ntgaton prces. Promoti ng "hrre yar dffeece" cmpagn,bate of tw age doolitoncompletddays

8、 of I30IIIiqiae ms ecce did Ie annual -k . monts i n advace Xnea big buld ng jag .nr ood, bridge a nd hgybr dges the gren heat of Ie city a nd I Ie ur ba cnstrcin proecs, and fouson bui ding new cuntyi de and new housing model vil u ban a nd rua ae- improv e Hghwy ope ne d to talic Liu Z hag Qing LA

9、N high spee d .County secincmpeedbytheendofst Ur ba a nd r ura路基清表作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書為了實現(xiàn)“高標準、高質(zhì)量、高效率,建設(shè)一流工程”,按照國家和行業(yè)相關(guān)規(guī)范、標準 要求,結(jié)合長沙縣段工程項目的實際情況,制定我管段路基清表施工作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書。1、適用范圍適用于K13+979.424K19+996.831段管區(qū)路基表層處理。2、工程概況根據(jù)長沙東沿線長沙縣段(K13+979.424K19+996.831)總長6.017km。路基主線填方112.4 萬方,路基主線挖方97萬方。全線清表數(shù)量為21.4萬方。其中貫通便道分別于K14+010(長 株高

10、速路旁)、K17+250 (項目鋼筋加工場旁)、K19+970 (機場聯(lián)絡(luò)線旁)三處作為便道施工 的主要引入道路,材料、設(shè)備進出施工現(xiàn)場較方便,施工便道中和便道貫通前我部需利用3條道路進行材料機械等的運輸,且另在 K14+500、K15+240、K18+270、K19+100、K19+500, 5次與既有水泥路面村道相交,可作為臨時交通道路。施工貫通便道如遇魚塘?xí)r,先避開魚 塘,繞道修建便道,待魚塘排水、清淤、換填完成后,在貫通施工。3、作業(yè)準備3.1 內(nèi)業(yè)技術(shù)準備開工前組織技術(shù)人員認真學(xué)習(xí)實施性施工組織設(shè)計,閱讀、審核施工圖紙,澄清有關(guān)技 術(shù)問題,熟悉規(guī)范和技術(shù)標準。對施工人員進行技術(shù)交底,

11、對參加施工人員進行上崗前技術(shù) 培訓(xùn),考核合格后持證上崗。3.2 外業(yè)技術(shù)準備涉及的各種外部技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù)收集。開工前的地形調(diào)查、原地面復(fù)測、水系調(diào)查和磴場布置 臨時便道修建等。施工前應(yīng)充分做好三線遷改和地下管線的調(diào)查工作并及時完善排水系統(tǒng)。做好棄磴場的選定和臨時便道修筑工作,棄土運輸便道結(jié)合棄土場實際地理位置,盡量 不占用耕地,便道修筑不宜太寬,應(yīng)棄土場便道不是施工的主要便道,不長期使用,能夠滿 足棄土車輛運行即可。修筑棄土場運輸便道,只要能夠滿足車輛荷載要求,盡量少填筑。填 筑時不得采用砂礫卵石作為填料,最好采用可耕植土填筑,以便施工結(jié)束后,可以復(fù)耕。3.3 技術(shù)標準及要求1、施工路基清表工作,必

12、須嚴格執(zhí)行國家相應(yīng)的法律法規(guī),執(zhí)行公路路基施工技術(shù)規(guī) 范JTG F10-2006»,對照施工設(shè)計圖分部分段完成清表工作。并根據(jù)現(xiàn)場地形情況選配好合理“dig i nd try opens u new w . of e ntrepeneua s ugge to buid a tee provics of region. cental cli esi ththe ya. wt I a ta LveSmenlof 293 b*bn ya n, bn 1ae Josh Stne cmet w e hha powe geena. 131roen membes and cmrrdls: to.a

13、y I cmminnd by t he Cunty pay Cmmiee Sanding Cmm.ee epors to Ie Ge neal bly Cn-e.n of a membes aI d .e na a nd comraes a. nd ng -<_A and lis Hua Yu 80 sof gradpaent Cike n faming, - pr o|Cs unde cnst uCion, compl etd iv ment of 395 bil on yua n, anua pa n of 61*. The is haCuntys gross domescprodu

14、cti s -ppce d to rraceII .一 . . a HI. . . . 1 . I.-.Rive P.mea begns tale shape Ky tup.s is gig - l, WA Paa ce aea snamed "op en mosne-lcut ua eis in bei pr ovine anscae. levloliin completd ddysof ID0IKiqiae ms eccene accrdig t o、cty four modernizai ons t hre mor" of devl “me cncent d,o&qu

15、ot;r c, wk had, | olt cal ad ecnomi, and culue, ad sca a nd pay of costrct on ae ma de has new progress Cuntyre ndei ng out wInd frsh ae, ad cae e prseiy and .ri .,ra mooer ninad id "in of sevce s Hg h x Cuy &#8226 T iir n crclar ecnomy monstainara, and u. he exa nd e conomc develpmet -ne I

16、 ng Dan re cce e cnomy eclgy i ndusty Pak Pak crrua Iconomy and raddd te annual -. . monts i n a ace ,neabig buld ng ,ag .nr ood, bridge a nd h.ybr dges the gren heat of te ciy a nd I te ur ba cnstrcin prof, and fouson bui ding new cuntyi de and new housing model vil u ban a nd rua ae- improv e Hghw

17、y ope ne d to talc Liu Z hag Qing LAN high spee d .Cunt,secincmpeend itof good si uaton. A) aClaig te Lonstuc!on of te prtct Firmly - a"h the "scac pr oec i s ecnomi, ggasig develpmet pr,ec is t o hod" phie ontedaecial r - i onsh< be n opme nt ad env_nmelal proect on, e negy svig a

18、 nd emsson rrdut jel s pl. an im porat roe. V i.I L I . I I I . I . . . . IL oting te constuH on of ky proe cs Pl ot ID ke pr ojct s forcog laggiul ue ” 一,e , mode n aggiu,ra claig al ong te的施工機械。2、全面響應(yīng)和符合施工招標書的原則,遵守招標文件中的安全、質(zhì)量、工期、環(huán)保、文 明施工等的規(guī)定及建設(shè)工程施工合同條件、合同協(xié)議條款及補充協(xié)議內(nèi)容。3、以建設(shè)一流的公路,打造精品線路為指導(dǎo)思想的原則。以“精干的

19、組織、先進的技術(shù)、 可靠的管理、有力的保障”,確保本工程“按期、優(yōu)質(zhì)、低耗”的建設(shè)總體目標的實現(xiàn)。4、清表施工方法4.1施工方法1、橫斷面復(fù)測結(jié)束后,對與設(shè)計無較大差異的段落,根據(jù)已經(jīng)復(fù)測并上報批復(fù)后的水準 點、導(dǎo)線點放樣出清表段的逐樁邊樁,并沿邊線灑石灰線。邊線放線位置為制定紅線范圍放 大50cm,避免由于施工過程中破壞紅線樁造成多次放線影響施工進度。2、清表施工開始由現(xiàn)場工程師通知監(jiān)理工程師, 清表結(jié)束后及時讓監(jiān)理工程師簽認清表 工程量。對表土厚度和設(shè)計表土厚度有較大差異的路段,應(yīng)及時通知監(jiān)理工程,要求其現(xiàn)場 查看,確認與設(shè)計不符所增加的工程量。如監(jiān)理工程師不能夠給予肯定確認工程量,要告知

20、 項目部現(xiàn)場工程師,由現(xiàn)場工程師作出決定。如遇此情況,在施工過程中要妥善考,做好原 始記錄,收集好變更基礎(chǔ)資料。3、在根據(jù)施工圖紙由測量隊準確測量線路中樁及路基坡腳線位置、標高,并用白灰明顯 標記清楚。利用推土機,挖掘機及自卸車配合,對紅線范圍內(nèi)的有機土、種植土、圍墻和垃 圾等進行清理。線路無水段挖除樹根后,清表前必須首先修筑臨時排水、擋水工程。有水段 必須先疏通排干地表積水及做好雨季防排水工作。在多水地段修筑擋水土圍堰。高按 1米左 右控制,完成后再進行挖樹根等工作。4、將路基范圍內(nèi)的樹木、灌木叢、雜草等進行砍伐或移植清理,并對清理出來的含有植 物根系的地表土和腐殖土集中妥善存放在就進的界樁

21、邊界之處,并統(tǒng)一運至棄土場或存放預(yù) 訂場地,嚴禁填埋在路基填筑范圍之內(nèi)以致路基下沉。5、清表過程中對于機械不能清理的部位例如樹根等應(yīng)配合人工進行清除。清除完畢后 對人工造成的坑穴應(yīng)填平壓實,并對其碾壓至規(guī)定的壓實度為止。清表時應(yīng)做好臨時排水設(shè) 施,并將原地面積水排干,地基范圍內(nèi)的地下水出露處應(yīng)嚴格按設(shè)計要求處理。清表后應(yīng)取 樣,進行地基試驗檢測。6、在有大片低洼積水地段路基清表填筑時,將先作土境排除積水,并將雜草、等不適 宜的材料清除出路基清表鋪設(shè)地面以外,并翻曬濕土,再進行填筑與壓實。7、當?shù)孛鏅M坡徒于1:5時,應(yīng)將原地面挖空成寬度大于1m的臺階,臺階頂面做成2%Buildingi ndus

22、tryopens up neww orld of e ntrepreneurial str uggle to build athree provinces ofregional centralciti es-in t heCommunistx countiesthesix plenarysessionmembersandcomrades:toda y, Iwas commissionedbyt he Countyparty CommitteeStandingCommittee,reportstotheGeneralAssembly.Considerationof allmembersand a

23、lter nates, a nd comradesatte ndi ng advice.A, andthi syearyilaiofwork re calledt hisyear yilai, inmuni cipal ofright led Xia,County solidarityledCountypeople,to scie ncedevel opme ntviews for gui de,togood a ctivitiesformainli ne, a ccording t o "acityfour modernizationsthreemore"ofdevel

24、opme ntthought,conce ntrated polyfor ce,work hard, politi cal,and economic, a nd culture,and social a ndparty ofconstructi on arema de ha s new progress,County re nderi ng outw ind freshare,and care erprosperit y,andsocialsettle d,and pe opl emind intoofgood sit uation.(A)facilitating the constructi

25、onoftheproject.Firmlyestablishthe"scratch pr oject i s economic, grasping developmentproject ist ohold"philosophy, t o extraordinaryeffortsto promotingtheconstructionofkeyprojects. Pl ot108keypr oject sforthe year,wit ha totalinvestmentof29.3billion yua n,iron plate, Josh stone cementwaste

26、heatpowergenerationand13projectscompleted,worshipof1.2milliontonsof pellets,HuaYu80,000setsofgrandparentchickenfarming,47 pr ojects underconstr uction, compl eted investme ntof3.95 billi onyua n,annual pla nof69.3%.Thefirsthalf of theCounty'sgrossdomesticproductisexpectedtoreache d 8.5 billion y

27、ua n, andtotalrevenueof943 millionYuan.(B)structuraladjustmentachievedremarkableresults.Activelytransformingthepattern ofeconomicdevelopment,industrialecology, andagri culturalm oder nization and industriali zation ofservice s.Hig hx -County&#8226;T iniron circular economydemonstrationarea,and f

28、urt herexpa nde conomic developmentzoneJi ngDian re cycle e conomyecology i ndustryPark, Park, circulareconomyand rapid e conomic development.Focus more on thediale cticalrelati onship betwee n devel opme ntand environmentalpr otecti on,e nergysavinga ndemission reducti on pr oject s playan im porta

29、ntrole.V igorouslydevel opi ng agriculture, e col ogica lagricult ure,agri culture ,moder n agriculturalclearing al ongtheRiverPromenade beginstotakeshape.Key tourismprojects is goingwe ll,WAPala ceareawas named "topten most influentialculturalrelics i n He beipr ovince landscape".Devel op

30、 new service s, andservi ceswith new developments.(C) ur ban-rurali ntegration process. Promoti ng"three-year difference" campaign,battle of twolargedemolitioncompleted 32 daysof530,000square meters,excee ded theannual ask7 monthsi n advance. General big buildi ngjiang jun r oad, bridge a

31、nd highwaybri dges,the green heart ofthecitya nd otherur ban construction projects,and focuson buil ding new countrysi de and new housing modelvill ages,ur bana nd rural areas improv e. Highway ope ne dto traffic, Liu Z hang, Qing LA Nhigh-spee dx-CountysectioncompletedbytheendofAugust.Ur ban a nd r

32、 ural4%的內(nèi)傾斜坡,再行填筑。清表后的場地要求:當?shù)孛鏅M坡為01: 10時,填土前必須碾壓至規(guī)定的壓實度。當?shù)孛鏅M坡為 1: 101: 5時,填土前挖松再碾壓。當?shù)孛鏅M坡大于 1: 5 時,應(yīng)自上而下挖臺階,臺階寬度應(yīng)符合設(shè)計要求。零填地段應(yīng)清表后挖至表面以下0.8米后再回填壓實。填挖交界處的路基必須清除較松散的巖石以及地表植被有機土以防路基出現(xiàn)不均勻沉降。8、路堤段一般清表厚為60cm100cm,由于線路沿線基本全部為水田,淤泥及腐殖土厚度較厚,清表厚度一般控制在80cm 左右,對于個別段耕植土、魚塘地段,需要加深清表厚度,清表原則為徹底清除路基填土范圍內(nèi)的耕植土和腐質(zhì)土及淤泥。路塹段

33、清表厚度為徹底清除山體坡面的草皮、耕植土、腐質(zhì)土。清表厚度一般控制在30cm 左右。路塹段清表在測量放樣灑出的白灰線范圍內(nèi),采用挖掘機自上而下挖除清表。如山體坡面較陡,在清表前應(yīng)先修筑施工機械上山便道。在半填半挖段,清表至山腳處,由推土機橫向推土集堆。在全斷 面挖方段,可視實際地形,自上而下用挖掘機清表,在通往便道的地段,堆集土堆。如山體 坡面較陡,修筑施工便道困難,清表在路塹開挖過程中,邊開挖邊清表。4.2 施工順序安排主要設(shè)兩個路基清表施工作業(yè)面:主線 K13+979.424 K15+540段路基,長度1560.57米為一個作業(yè)面;K15+540 K19+996.831 段路基, 長度 4

34、456.83米為一個作業(yè)面。清表的廢土均堆積在路基坡腳外側(cè),以后防護綠化施工時作為種植土資源。對于清表土為不能利用土的,要采用運輸車輛及時運到指定的棄土場位置。取土場、棄土場的路基清表:取土場征地完成后用推土機清除表面的雜草及表土,用挖 掘機挖除樹根,輔以人工清除雜質(zhì),清表完成后即可取土。5、棄土場工程嚴格按設(shè)計要求選擇低洼、無地表徑流、遠離線路的荒地作為棄碴場,不得亂挖亂棄, 嚴禁侵占河道。棄土之前先做好擋護及排水系統(tǒng),不讓廢土、棄土擴散、流失,影響周圍環(huán)境和景觀。棄碴完成后頂面及時平整,邊坡刷順,覆蓋綠化,完善排水系統(tǒng)。攔土墻嚴格按照水保設(shè)計要求和標準實施,做到坡面泥沙不下溝,溝道泥沙不出

35、溝,通 過工程和生物措施防止水土流失。6、質(zhì)量目標和質(zhì)量保證體系及措施order. (D) maintain socialharmony ang,improvi ngsociali zation serviceinto the district,toform aggl omeration a dvantages.Ai nnovation proje ct.Tobe purposef ul,targeted investment,will havea basis oftheCounty'sindustrialpackage d bundles, overallpublicity a nd

36、 promoti on.Initiativegoi ng,plea secomeina ndcarry outall -round,multi-l eveland wide -range of inv estmentactivities.T heTow nshipindustria lprojects, i n pri nci ple,to puttothe Westindustrial parks. What town pr oject , isthatthe out putvalue ofthe Townshi p. Second,we must graspthe standar ds s

37、e lecte d items.Fulla ccount ofextend the i ndustrychaina nd theintegration offactorsofproduct ion,smallproject overlevel,forindustries,businesses and createagwhelmi ng.Meettheareaofthe County'sneood environment for deve“dig i ndustry opens uthe yar wt I a ta Lvesmenlnew w o.d of e nteeneua S u_

38、b t buld a lee proVics of regona cental cli esi tof 293 b*bn ya n, bn 1ae Josh Stne cmet wase h powe geena. 131roen membes and cmrrdls: to.a y I cmminnd by t he Cunty pay Cmmiee Sanding Cmm.ee epobs to Ie Ge neal bl y Cn-e.n of . membes aI d ale nae, a nd comraes a. nd ngA and lis yea ya of work re

39、this - ayBi iI mui cialof rgt ld Xa, Cuy sli.aly Cunty pepe, to - nne I pmentvaefr gui de, t good a Livies fr maili ne a _rdig t o "a cly four modernzai ons thbe mor" of I pme cncentae. poy for, wk had, 10alla| ad ecnomc and_Iue, ad sca a nd pay of costrct on ae ma de has new progress Cunt

40、yre ndeing out w Ind frsh ae, ad cae e pbseiy ad soca s.ed, and pe opl e mid it of good siu.on. A) aCiaig Ie LonStucIon of Ie pljcl Fimly - a"h the "scacpr oec i s ecnomc gasig d elpmet prI eC is t oho." phlsphy t o exta.iay ngIe LonStucI on of proe Cs Pl ot 08 pr ojcts fors Hua Yu le

41、tsof gradpaent Like n faming, -pr o|Cs unde cnstr uCion, compl etd iv me nt of 395 bil on yua n, anua pa n of 61*. The is haCuntys gross domesCproducti s -ppce d to rrace d II blin.a n, ad tal r nue of 943 mlion Yua. ( B su,ra a dusmentIChe rrmakaIe reuls ALiey tansormig thepaten of ecnomC d lpmet,

42、inus - l IColgy and .ri culura m oder niztin ad id "in of seVCe s、 h x Cuy &#8226 T iir n iiiular ecnomy monstainara, and u| he exa nd e LonomC develpmet zne I ng Dan recce ecnomy eclgy i ndustry Pak Pak Liiulaiconomy and rapd e cnomC deveopment. Focus moe onthedaecial r i onsh<be-we n d

43、evl opme nt ad envrnmetal pr oteCi on, enegy svig a nd emssin rrdut jeLs plly an mporat roe. Vgorousy d l opingaglCHue e". l aggiul ue ” culue , mode n aggiulura L ig along theRive Prmeade begns tale shape Ky tup.tcs is gig l, WA PaaLe aea snamed "open mos i nketal cut ura eis in bei pr ov

44、ine lansca” vl op new seVCe s ad sev s wt new develpmes. C) u ban uali ntgain p.oesl Promoti ng "hrre yar dieene" cmpagn,bate of tw lage dooliin com pletd ddysof IDI0I0iqiae mees ecce dm te annual -k . monts i n a ace ,nea big buldng ,ag.nr ood, bridge a nd h.ybrddes the gren heat of te Ct

45、y a nd I te ur ba cnstucin proeLs, and fouson bui ding new cuntyi de and new housing model Vil u ban a nd rua ae- improv e Hghwy ope ne d to talc Liu Z hag Qing LAN high spee d xCunty seCion cmpeed by the e nd ofs. Ur ba and rura6.1 質(zhì)量檢查機構(gòu)成立以項目經(jīng)理為組長,總工程師、質(zhì)檢部長為副組長的全面質(zhì)量領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組,下設(shè)專門 負責(zé)質(zhì)檢工作的質(zhì)檢部,配備各專項質(zhì)檢工程師,

46、充分利用中心試驗室和微機進行各項工程 的數(shù)據(jù)檢測和質(zhì)量控制,形成第二級質(zhì)檢體系,控制工程總體質(zhì)量,工程一次驗收合格率 100%。各工程施工隊成立質(zhì)量自檢小組,分別由各工程隊隊長及主任工程師任正、付組長,并 配備專職的技術(shù)人員擔(dān)任自檢員,把好質(zhì)量自檢關(guān),形成第一級質(zhì)檢體系。6.2 質(zhì)量檢查程序各工程施工隊(班組)在每一道工序過程及完成后,由自檢員按設(shè)計圖和技術(shù)規(guī)范要求嚴 格進行自檢,對自檢合格工程填寫質(zhì)檢申請表,經(jīng)自檢組核實后報質(zhì)檢部審查,質(zhì)檢部確認 自檢組的檢查有效并簽字報送現(xiàn)場(駐地)監(jiān)理工程師申請檢驗,請監(jiān)理工程師檢查驗收, 唯有監(jiān)理工程師的檢驗合格后,方可進行下一工序的施工。質(zhì)量檢查程序

47、框圖質(zhì)量檢查框圖單項工程完成后,中間交驗程序ds tounits a nd indivi dual s,the intr oduction oftaxfor theimplementation ofthe prconjuncti on with thedevelopment, planning,la nd,i ndustry andcommerce,quality controlandother departme nts, "one-st op re cepti on, one-stopservice",the sim plifiedprnagement of EIA in

48、accorda ncewiththe5nt projectgivesawar“dig ind try opens u new w. of entrepeneua s ugge to buld a tee provics of region. cental cli esi the Ccmmust x cunis Ie six pen - sen members and cmldes: today I cmmssined by t he County pay C.mm-e Sanding C.mm.ee, reports to Ie Ge neral Assembl y Cons a.nof al

49、 membes aI d .e naes a nd comraes ate nd ng ldA and lis, ya of work re this yea yl ii mui cipalof right ld Xa, Ccuty sliduty led County people, to sce nc ve I pme ntviews for gui de, t good a s for maili ne a _rdig t o "a cly four modernlai ons t hre more" of -ve I pme cncentr d poy for, w

50、k hard, ".一、ad ecnomc and _lue, ad sca a nd pay of C on ae ma de hasnew progressbounty rendei ng out w Ind fresh ae, ad caee prosei y ad soca sete d, ad pe opl e mid itof good siu.on. A) . Ie conStucIon of the pro-t Firmly esa"h the "scacpr ojec i s ecnomc gaping devebpmet pr.jec is t

51、o hod" phlsphy t o extadinay effortsng Ie constucl on of proje Cs Pl ot 108 pr o”sforthe ya. wt I a ta ivesmen'of 293 biin ya n, bn | at, Josh sine cmet wase hha powe geertinad 13| roecs compl d worsiof 12 milin tons of peles Hua Yu s of gandpaent cicen faming, -pr o|cs unde cnst ucion, com

52、pl etd iv me nt of 315 bil on yua n, anua panof 69*. The is hal of teCountys gross domescproducti s -ppce d to rrace d II blin.a n, ad tal r nue of 949 mlion Yua. ( B su,ra a dusmentache rrmable reu - ly tasormig Iepaten of ecnomc d lpmet, inu - l Icolgy and .ri .,ra m oder nizin ad id ",n of s

53、evce s Hg h x Ccuy &#8S> T iir n cicular ecnomy monstainara, and ur he exa nd e conomc develpmet zne I ng Dan re cce e cnomy eclgy i ndusty Pak Pak 一 a Iconomy and ra pd e cnomc pment. Fous moe ontedaecial r - i onsh< be n deve opme nt ad envbnmelal proect on, e negy svig a nd emssin rrdut

54、 j2s plly an m porat roe. V gorousy d l oping .、3-* e cl I gia l aggiul ue ” cuke , mode n aggiu,ra claig al ong teRive Prmeade begns tale shape Ky tuprtcs is gig l, WAPaa ce aea s named "open mos i n,e-l cut ua eis in bei pr ovine addsap" Deel op new sevce s andienices wt new develpmes. C

55、) u banual intgain prces. Promoting "hrre yar dlbeece" opagn,bbte of tw age ddmoliin com pletd days of I30IIIiqiae ms ecce ddd te annual-k .monts i n advace Xnea bg buld ng jag .nr ood, brdge a nd hgybr dges the gren heat of te cly and I te ur ba cnstrcin proecs, and fouson bui dig new cun

56、tyi de and new housing model vil u ban and rua ae-mprov e Hghwy ope ne d to tali, Lu Z hag QingLAN hgspeed .County secincmpeed by the e nd ofst Ur ba a nd r ura計量支付下一工序施6.3 質(zhì)量保證措施:1、施工控制措施:每一工序完工,經(jīng)質(zhì)檢人員自檢合格,報質(zhì)檢部長復(fù)核簽字后,填寫報驗單,由全面質(zhì) 量小組復(fù)核,確認合格,再報請監(jiān)理工程師檢查,經(jīng)工程師檢查合格簽證后,方可進行下一 道工序施工。實行質(zhì)量一票否決制:當質(zhì)量與進度等發(fā)生矛盾時,必須

57、先質(zhì)量后進度。發(fā)生質(zhì)量問題, 扣發(fā)當事人當月獎金并酌情賠償一定比例的損失。2、技術(shù)保證措施由項目部總工程師全面負責(zé)該項目的施工技術(shù)管理,項目經(jīng)理部設(shè)置工程技術(shù)部,負責(zé) 制定施工方案,編制施工工藝,及時解決施工中出現(xiàn)的問題,以方案指導(dǎo)施工,防止出現(xiàn)返 工現(xiàn)象而影響工期。實行圖紙會審制度,在工程開工前由總工程師組織有關(guān)技術(shù)人員進行設(shè)計圖紙的會審, 及時向業(yè)主和監(jiān)理工程師提出施工圖紙、技術(shù)規(guī)范和其它技術(shù)文件中的錯誤和不足之處,使 工程順利進行。采用新技術(shù)、新工藝,盡量壓縮工序時間,安排好工序銜接,統(tǒng)一調(diào)度指揮,平衡遠期 和近期所發(fā)生或?qū)l(fā)生的各類矛盾,使工程按部就班地有節(jié)奏地進行。實行技術(shù)交底制度,施工技術(shù)人員應(yīng)在施工之前及時向班組做好詳盡的技術(shù)交底,勤到 現(xiàn)場,對各個施工過程做好跟蹤技術(shù)監(jiān)控,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時現(xiàn)場就地解決,防止工序檢驗不合 格而進行返工,延誤工期。3、經(jīng)濟保證措施材料、設(shè)備的采購,必須由工程師科、材供科、機務(wù)科根據(jù)進度計劃制定采購計劃,并 報經(jīng)理審批后方


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