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1、1Unit Two Basic Writing StylesnextCollege of Fundamental Education Prepared by: Sun Bo2Chapter Six Four Basic Writing StylesPart 1 Part 3Part 2 Part 43Part 1 PrewritingCommonly Used Sentence TemplatesI.議論文寫作開頭常用句式議論文寫作開頭常用句式II.議論文寫作結(jié)尾常用句式議論文寫作結(jié)尾常用句式III.列舉事例常用句式列舉事例常用句式IV.引用或評(píng)論數(shù)據(jù)時(shí)常用句式引用或評(píng)論數(shù)據(jù)時(shí)常用句式V.比較

2、對(duì)照常用句式比較對(duì)照常用句式VI.因果推理常用句式因果推理常用句式VII.運(yùn)用辯證方法進(jìn)行論證的常用句式運(yùn)用辯證方法進(jìn)行論證的常用句式back4With the growing popularity of (computers/ private cars/ classical music /tennis) in ChinaWith the rapid growth of (market economy/ population/ private enterprises/ electronic industries), (supermarkets/ bicycles/ computers) hav

3、e become more and more popular. The reasons for the popularity areWith the development of (science and technology/ high education/ women liberation movement), a great number of people come to realize thatCurrently, there is a widespread concern over (illegal publication/ drug abuse/ drunk driving/ h

4、igh school dropouts)I.議論文寫作開頭常用句式議論文寫作開頭常用句式55. currently, there is a serious concern that (many state-owned companies are in deficit/ quite a few Chinese cities face the problems of water shortage and industrial pollution.)6. The government is/ We are greatly concerned with (over-population/ high u

5、nemployment rate).7. In the last two decades/ In the past ten years, millions of fast food (restaurants/ supermarkets/ beauty salons) have mushroomed all over China。8. In recent years, many Chinese families have owned (cars/ computers/ telephones).9. Nowadays, a heated debate/ discussion aboutis und

6、er way in China. Some people believe that, whereas others argue that610. There are some reasons for owning (private cars, personal computers). To begin with,Next,Last,There are, on the other hand, many reasons against it. First, Second, Finally,11. There are many advantages and disadvantages in (own

7、ing a private car)We can overcome its disadvantages and fully use/develop its advantages12. Now an increasing number of people have come to realize that13. There is no doubt that14. There are some basic differences between (the large and small enterprises). (In a small enterprise you)15. Someone has

8、 put forward a suggestion that, which seems a fascinating idea.716. There are various/ at least three (ways/ methods/ possible techniques/ problems, etc.) to do sth.17. (Smoking/ Alcoholic beverages) should be banned from college campuses for two reasons. The first reason is thatThe second reason is

9、 that(On the one hand,On the other hand,)18. The possible solution of (the energy crisis/ water pollution, etc.) depends on three major factors.19. Two major reasons responsible for the rapid economic growth/ the fantastic spurt of technology are20. Different people have different attitudes towardsS

10、ome are in favor ofwhile others are againstback8It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/ pay more attention toIn conclusion, we can see that (the best way/ the possible solution) isIn short, (shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution) are the major problems

11、to be solved to (increase grain production).In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we should make great efforts toIn a word, there are three suggestions we must follow. Only in this way can we do the experiment successfully.II. 議論文寫作結(jié)尾常用句式議論文寫作結(jié)尾常用句式96. It is time for us to take

12、 an active part in7. Let us work hand in hand to (solve these social problems).8. It goes without saying that9. I want to be a teacher/ to do something not only because , but also because(partly because, and partly because)10. Who is to say that (you will not be the victim of fake product again and

13、again/ our scientists may not work out a better theory)?back10There are many (quite a few) examples to showThere is enough (sufficient, much, convincing) evidence showing (supporting, indicating, to show, to support, to indicate, in favor of the opinion) thatIt wont be difficult (is easy) to show (t

14、o prove, to demonstrate) thatTo take as an example,.can be shown (indicated, suggested, supported) by the following examples (instances, evidence)the above story illustratesAn analysis of the above-mentioned cases may be useful in explainingIII.列舉事例常用句式back11The table (chart, graph, bar, figure) sho

15、ws (presents, summarizes) date (results, statistics) aboutThe data (statistics) presented in the table (obtained from recent studies) are (seem) rather convincing (very important, quite interesting, fairly clear, fascinating).All these statistics (data) clearly show (strongly prove, point to the fac

16、e, seem to suggest) thatThe results (findings, data) can be (could be) interpreted as follows (viewed in terms of, approached from a different angle).IV.引用或評(píng)論數(shù)據(jù)時(shí)常用句式引用或評(píng)論數(shù)據(jù)時(shí)常用句式125. The above findings (statistics, data) can be (could be) interpreted as follows (viewed in terms of, approached from a

17、different angle).6. From the above data (on the basis of these findings), we can conclude (say, see) that7. A brief review of the data (statistics, results) helps us to(enables us to, leads us to)8. If the results of are compared with those of, it will be observed thatback13There are some (a few, ma

18、ny) striking similarities (obvious differences) betweenLet us make a comparison (contrast) betweenWe can easily comparewith , and see the similarities and differences between them.differs from (is different from)has something (nothing, little, much, many features) in common withhave certain (some, m

19、any) advantages over (compared with)One of (Another, A third) advantage oflies in(is, seems to be) thatV. 比較對(duì)照常用句式比較對(duì)照常用句式back141.The reasons forare as follows.2. The reason (cause) why can be traced to3. There are several reasons for(why)4. therefore, we can state (say, conclude, draw the conclusio

20、n) with certainty that5. The conclusion (result, consequence) is that6. Thus (Therefore), we can reach (draw, make, arrive at) the following conclusionVI.因果推理常用句式因果推理常用句式back15There are some (a few, many) advantages (disadvantages) inSome of the advantages (disadvantages) of are as follows.It is cle

21、ar that there are both advantages and disadvantages in (concerning)We can comment (view, look at, consider, analyze) the above-mentioned problem from another angle (approach).Having considered (analyzed, reviewed) the issue (matter, problem, method, suggestion) from both sides, we can now draw the c

22、onclusion thatWeighing the arguments on both sides, we are inclined to conclude thatWith the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing arguments (being) apparent, we can therefore reach (arrive at) a balanced conclusion like thisVII.運(yùn)用辯證方法進(jìn)行論證的常用句式運(yùn)用辯證方法進(jìn)行論證的常用句式back16 Basic Writing Styles I. Narrati

23、on II. Description III. Exposition IV. ArgumentationPart 2 Basic Writing Skillsback17 記敘文又稱記事文或敘述文。即將自己所看到的或所聽到的,甚至想象的事生動(dòng)形象地講出來。記敘的主要任務(wù)是記人和敘事,因此寫人時(shí),人應(yīng)為主要敘述對(duì)象,可通過某件事來寫,也可通過人物行為,活動(dòng)的幾個(gè)片段或側(cè)面描寫。而記事時(shí),應(yīng)以事作為主要記敘對(duì)象,著眼于事件的過程,而不是人物的行為或活動(dòng)。I. Narration(記敘文)(記敘文)18記敘文寫作中的幾點(diǎn)注意事項(xiàng):明確中心思想和寫作目的:記敘文的選材多選典型事例,力求生動(dòng)簡潔,盡可能


25、或經(jīng)歷的六個(gè)要素,文中必須要將六要素交待清楚,以讓讀者清楚地了解一件事情的起因、經(jīng)過和結(jié)局。back19 描寫文就是用生動(dòng)的語言文字描繪各種事物、環(huán)境、景物或人物的狀態(tài)、表現(xiàn)等的一種文體,由于可以注入作者的感情,呈現(xiàn)在讀者面前的描寫文是用文字描繪的一幅精彩、生動(dòng)的圖畫,與記敘文不同的是,描寫文主要通過形象、逼真的語言去摹寫人物的音容笑貌,心理活動(dòng)和姿態(tài)動(dòng)作,以激發(fā)讀者對(duì)人物或事物的情感。II. Description (描寫文)(描寫文)20描寫文寫作注意事項(xiàng):描寫文寫作注意事項(xiàng): 描寫的角度和順序:描寫的角度指描寫所用的人稱和描寫時(shí)的身份;順序是指時(shí)間、空間、邏輯等的安排。一般要求按時(shí)間、空

26、間順序描寫。如要向讀者介紹你的學(xué)校,則以學(xué)生身份開始描寫,首先介紹你學(xué)校的位置,然后從校園外觀到教學(xué)樓,再從教學(xué)樓到教室。 描寫要突出重點(diǎn):對(duì)于細(xì)節(jié)或情節(jié)的描寫應(yīng)有所選擇。所選的描寫對(duì)象應(yīng)為主題服務(wù),不應(yīng)對(duì)所有事物逐一描寫,不加選擇,應(yīng)突出重點(diǎn)。即主要部分要重點(diǎn)描寫,以加深讀者印象,次要部分可輕描淡寫或略去,不要面面俱到。 211) 對(duì)人物的描寫:描寫人物時(shí),應(yīng)抓住其主要特征,通過對(duì)性格、面貌、服飾、語言、行為舉止、心理活動(dòng)及生活細(xì)節(jié)的描寫,塑造栩栩如生的形象,從而使人能透視其內(nèi)心世界。人物描寫通??蓮耐獗淼叫睦磉M(jìn)行描寫。 2) 對(duì)景物的描寫:描寫景物時(shí),應(yīng)通過對(duì)事物的外表特征形狀、顏色等的描

27、寫,把自己對(duì)事物的印象、態(tài)度、情感傳達(dá)給讀者。有時(shí)還應(yīng)注意清楚地說明所寫之物的方位。3)對(duì)空間位置的描寫:在對(duì)事物所處的空間位置進(jìn)行描寫時(shí),首先要找好立足點(diǎn),然后從這個(gè)著眼點(diǎn),對(duì)事物所處的空間位置進(jìn)行描寫。描寫的順序可由遠(yuǎn)及近,由左及右,由高及低或反之。back22 說明文就是說明事物的情況或道理的文章,即對(duì)事情的發(fā)生、發(fā)展結(jié)果或事物的性質(zhì)、特征、性能、結(jié)構(gòu)、用途等進(jìn)行解釋說明的一種文體。它除了用于說明客觀事物的特點(diǎn)和特征外,還可介紹某種操作的程序,或解釋某些抽象概念,或闡明某種科學(xué)原理、自然現(xiàn)象等,所以說明文就事論事,不宣泄個(gè)人感情及主觀好惡,客觀地闡述和解釋。說明文的形式包括:短文、論文、

28、廣告、說明書、教材、實(shí)驗(yàn)報(bào)告、詞典等。III. Exposition (說明文)(說明文)23(1)一篇文章集中講一個(gè)主題;)一篇文章集中講一個(gè)主題;(2)例證要充分而具體,使讀者能易于理解那些抽象的內(nèi)容;)例證要充分而具體,使讀者能易于理解那些抽象的內(nèi)容;(3)敘述次序要清楚,應(yīng)按邏輯意義或時(shí)間順序來安排;)敘述次序要清楚,應(yīng)按邏輯意義或時(shí)間順序來安排;(4)用詞直接明了,盡量避免使用華麗浮夸的詞藻或含義模糊的詞句)用詞直接明了,盡量避免使用華麗浮夸的詞藻或含義模糊的詞句(5)描述生動(dòng)有趣,說明文也可以寫得既富于說明又生動(dòng)活潑。)描述生動(dòng)有趣,說明文也可以寫得既富于說明又生動(dòng)活潑。 說明文應(yīng)

29、該寫得條理分明,層次清楚,語言簡潔而有邏輯性。在寫作時(shí),應(yīng)該注意:24說明文常用的幾種寫作方法 定義法(Definition) 列舉法(Enumeration) 舉例法(Illustration) 比較法/對(duì)比法(Comparison/Contrast) 分類法(Classification) 解釋法(Explanation) 比喻法(Metaphor/simile)back25 定義法(Definition):指像詞典那樣直接給字或詞下定義,也包括進(jìn)一步通過舉例、對(duì)比、比喻、邏輯推理等寫作方法解釋事物,使讀者對(duì)事物的特點(diǎn)有更全面的了解。 如:Physics is a science. It

30、deals with those phenomena of matter involving no change of chemical composition. Under this definition, physics includes the science of matter and motion, mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity and the branches of science devoted to radiation and atomic structure.back262.列舉法(Enumeration):用列舉法發(fā)展

31、段落,作者首先點(diǎn)明論點(diǎn),然后列舉一系列的論據(jù)對(duì)其進(jìn)行陳述和解釋。列舉的內(nèi)容可能是一連串的事物、事件、理由及同一個(gè)問題的不同方面等。列舉的順序可以根據(jù)各點(diǎn)內(nèi)容的相對(duì)重要性、時(shí)間的先后或地理位置的遠(yuǎn)近燈關(guān)系來進(jìn)行。如:Basketball is popular in many countries. One reason for this is that it is inexpensive. A ball and a hoop are all you need. Moreover, it is exciting. There is always lots of action. Additionall

32、y, it is a healthful sport that both men and women can play. Furthermore, it is both an indoor and an outdoor game. In warm countries the game is played outdoors all year. In cold countries, it is a winter game. In such countries basketball is usually played indoor.back273. 舉例法(Illustration):即在文章中舉例

33、。例子舉得是否恰當(dāng),安排次序及引證關(guān)系是否合適,有時(shí)會(huì)直接影響文章的質(zhì)量和效果。一篇說明性文章如果缺乏必要的例子,就不能使讀者信服。 如:Americans value manual labor. They have great respect for craftsmanship. Many Americans prefer craft hobbies. For example, some build small boats in their leisure time. Others make new furniture or refinish antique furniture. Other

34、s enjoy gardening or painting. Many low income American families have beautiful furniture or paintings or potteries or boats. They make these things and they are proud of their manual skill. In fact some people are really very handy.back284.比較法/對(duì)比法(Comparison/Contrast):比較或?qū)Ρ仍谟⒄Z寫作中應(yīng)用非常廣泛。一般說來,比較是指對(duì)人或

35、事物之間的相同點(diǎn)進(jìn)行分析而言;對(duì)比是對(duì)人或事物之間的不同點(diǎn)進(jìn)行比較而言。不過在很多情況下,這兩種方法不能截然分開。對(duì)照中含有比較成分;而比較中具有對(duì)照的因素。如果內(nèi)容簡單,可將比較或?qū)φ盏氖挛锓珠_描述,先寫甲方后寫乙方。如果內(nèi)容較多,則逐點(diǎn)進(jìn)行為好。29 如:It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are neve

36、r lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers cannot show their disappointment publicly. They cannot cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebra

37、te and no one to share their sadness. (對(duì)比) 30 Impeaching a president is like major surgery. It is an act that should not be done hastily nor emotionally, and only when it is necessary to restore the well-being of the patient, in this case the government of the nation. The purpose of surgery is not t

38、o punish the diseased organ, neither is the purpose of impeachment to punish a president. In both situations the only purpose is to remove a source of serious trouble and re-establish a healthy condition. (類比)back315.分類法(Classification):把事物分作若干類型并說明或描述各事物的特點(diǎn)和差異。 如:There are different kinds of secret

39、s. The most important one is the national secret, for exampleCommercial secrets are also very important for business people in the fierce competition At last, we have our personal secretsback326.解釋法(Explanation):解釋說明把事物說得通俗易懂。如:Literature is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty; it is

40、 the written record of mans spirit, of his thoughts, emotions, aspirations; it is the history, and the only history of the human soul. It is characterized by its artistic, its suggestive, its permanent qualities.back337.比喻法(Metaphor/simile):比喻說明可以把事物說得生動(dòng)。如:Fighting a teenager, like fighting a tide,

41、is bound to fail. When caught in a crosscurrent experienced swimmers float and let the tide carry them instead of struggling, until they find a firm footing. Likewise, parents of teenagers must flow with life, adapting to them.back34 議論文是通過擺事實(shí)、講道理來闡明自己的觀點(diǎn)、看法和主張的文體。該文體要依靠推理和論證來解釋某個(gè)事實(shí)或思想,說服讀者接受某種觀點(diǎn)和勸說

42、。 議論文由論點(diǎn)作者的某一觀點(diǎn);論據(jù)事實(shí)、數(shù)據(jù)或道理;論證擺事實(shí),講道理的過程三大要素組成。IV. Argumentation(議論文)(議論文)35立論立論駁論駁論論證方式論證方式36 立論:作者可首先提出自己的觀點(diǎn),也可在段尾或結(jié)尾段得出,但必須對(duì)所論述的問題,從正面擺出事實(shí),闡明自己觀點(diǎn)的正確性;立論要求有充足的事實(shí)和理論依據(jù),有理有據(jù),才能使人信服。back37 駁論:作者通過反駁對(duì)立的、錯(cuò)誤的見解和主張,從而證明自己的見解、主張的正確性。駁論需要有正確的理論和確鑿的事實(shí)作依據(jù),準(zhǔn)確地找出對(duì)立的錯(cuò)誤所在。38題目明確。論點(diǎn)或文章中心思想應(yīng)以肯定句式在引言部分明確提出。論證充分。論證可從

43、以下幾方面搜集資料:(1)實(shí)際現(xiàn)象;(2)個(gè)人經(jīng)歷;(3)統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù);(4)來自權(quán)威方面的信息邏輯性強(qiáng)。層次分明??砂匆圆糠贮c(diǎn)明論點(diǎn),正文部分論證主題,結(jié)尾部分重申論點(diǎn)的原則安排。態(tài)度謙虛。指文章要以理服人,不強(qiáng)詞奪理。議論文寫作中應(yīng)注意以下幾點(diǎn)議論文寫作中應(yīng)注意以下幾點(diǎn)39 議論文寫作方法,基本與說明文相同,除了說明文部分提到的幾種外,最常用的還有歸納法、演繹法和邏輯法三種。 歸納法 演繹法 邏輯法議論文寫作方法議論文寫作方法back40歸納法(Induction):即從若干個(gè)別事例和現(xiàn)象中歸納出一般道理或看法,從具體到一般的論證方法叫歸納法。這種段落往往先給出具體細(xì)節(jié),或以理由和實(shí)例開頭,

44、通過對(duì)各種具體的事實(shí)、現(xiàn)象的分析和判斷,從而得出一般性的結(jié)論。 Many Chinese men smoke. Out of excitement or anger, they smoke hard. For most females, the smell of smoking is terrible. Whats more, smoking contributes to air pollution harmful to smokers as well as nonsmokers. Cigarettes with nicotine in them can cause bronchitis, p

45、neumonia and even cancer. Smoking being equivalent to committing suicide, people should give it up in order to live longer. But I am sorry to say many people who know its danger quite well can not rid themselves of it.back41演繹法(Deduction):即從一般論斷演繹到不同事例加以論述,最后再回到結(jié)論,從一般到具體的論證方法叫演繹法。它與歸納法正好相反,是根據(jù)已知的一般原

46、理推斷出具體事物和現(xiàn)象的結(jié)論。寫作時(shí),往往需要以主題句開頭,開門見山,點(diǎn)明主題,然后再給出具體細(xì)節(jié),或是用理由和實(shí)例來論證主題。 My ambition is to go to college, but my environment does not allow me to do so. My father has been in some difficulty in supporting me even in the middle school, so it is certainly a greater difficulty for him to pay my expenses in col

47、lege. And I have five brothers in schools. If I go to college, the burden will be too heavy for my father. Moreover, I am poor in science, and perhaps this will prevent me from successfully passing the entrance examination of a college.back42 邏輯法(Logic Analysis):即按邏輯意義講文章分成幾個(gè)部分,各個(gè)部分既因自己的特點(diǎn)而獨(dú)立成段,又在內(nèi)容

48、上互相關(guān)聯(lián),這種邏輯關(guān)系可通過一定的標(biāo)記來表示,如:first, second, third, 或1、2、3、4等,也可通過使用轉(zhuǎn)折語等方法來表示。back43Part 3 Case AnalysisCase One Getting to Know the World outside the CampusCase Two Harmfulness of Fake CommoditiesCase Three A Lesson in MannerCase Four The Place I Love Most Case Five Unemployment upon GraduationCase Six

49、 A Rainy Day in the Countrysideback44 With the development of our society, the campus is no longer a “ivory tower” and students cant merely confine themselves to the campus. Its time for them to go out of the campus and know the world outside the “ivory tower”. For one thing, it can help students ha

50、ve a better understanding of themselves so that they can modify their way in students. For another, it will lay a solid foundation for their future career. Finally, they can enhance their abilities in management, organization and so on. Case One Getting to Know the World outside the Campus45 There a

51、re many ways for students to get to know the outside world. First, they can know the world from mass media, such as newspapers, TV, radio, magazines and advertisements which provide information about political events, social news, the latest development in science and technology and so forth. Second

52、, they can know the world from social services, such as job-hunting and tutorship, which grant students wide opportunities to know the society. Third, students can also make some investigations in factories and villages, talking with the workers or farmers to learn their experiences.46 As a student,

53、 I think the first thing I should do is to study hard to lay a good foundation for my future job. The other thing I can do is to take some part-time jobs to gain personal experience about the world outside the campus.back47 Nowadays there are countless fake commodities in the market. There are many

54、reasons for this social phenomenon. But in general, they come down to three major ones. For one thing, producers can profit a lot by making fake commodities because the cost of producing fake commodities is much lower. For another, businessmen can also profit a lot by selling fake commodities. Perha

55、ps the primary reason is that our legal system is not sound and the punishment of illegal producers and businessmen is not severe. Case Two Harmfulness of Fake Commodities48 Fake commodities do great harm to society. In general, the harms can be listed as follows. First, fake commodities damage the

56、consumers interests they deserve. If something goes wrong with the fake commodities after consumers buy them, the consumers will not have easy access to various free services provided by the producers. Besides, they also harm the credit of business because consumers will distrust the shops which sel

57、l genuine commodities. Worst of all, they will bring about potential dangers because using fake commodities of inferior quality will cause accidents and endanger consumers lives.Anyway, it is high time that fake commodities were banned.back49 Early one morning, an old woman was walking from her vill

58、age to the town market, carrying a big sack of potatoes on her shoulder. She was walking on a narrow road. There were ditches on both sides. She was walking cautiously at the roadside when she suddenly heard a loud bell, and a bicycle came round the corner, passing her so fast that she had to jump a

59、side hurriedly and her potatoes fell into the ditch. She looked up, and saw a young girl riding on the bike without looking back to see if the old woman was all right. The old woman shouted, “Come back, lady, You dropped something.” Hearing this, the girl stopped so suddenly that she almost fell off

60、. She came back and asked, “What did I drop?” “Little lady,” the old woman answered, “you dropped your manners.”Case Three A Lesson in Mannerback50 One of the most attractive places I have ever lived is my hometown xian, the provincial capital of Shanxi. I love this land because it is a center of Ch


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