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1、Previously on Smallville.超人前傳前情提要What else are you hiding, Tess?你還有什么事瞞著我 泰絲It's a Kryptonian relic.是氪星的遺物Is this time travel?我時空旅行了嗎It's like a parallel reality.像是平行世界You could conquer the universe.你能征服整個世界The man of tomorrow - Clark Luthor!你是未來之星 克拉克·盧瑟Who are you?你是誰I can't live

2、in a world where you don't love me.沒你愛我的世界 我活不下去So while I'm stranded here, he's.我現(xiàn)在被困于此 那么他.Stuck in your life there.被困在屬于你的生活里了Your scar.你的疤呢There's no take-backs when it comes to gold-k.木已成舟 無法再挽回了Get up!起來I'm not going back to lionel's world.我絕不回去朗尼的世界Lionel's here.朗尼

3、也在這He followed you, clark, from his parallel world,他在平行世界里跟蹤你而來I'm not the lionel you knew.我可不是你所認(rèn)識的郎尼If we find a detail that he overlooked,如果能察覺一些他所忽略的細(xì)節(jié)We could prove that he's a fake,我們就能證明他是個假的And his entire house of cards will come crashing down.他可就全盤皆輸了Wouldn't want to miss how it

4、 all turns out.不要錯過了真♥相♥大白的時刻How was your day?這天過得如何It depends. What day is it?那得看今天星期幾了I don't know if I should be going for this promotion.我在猶豫 要不要接受升職Lois, your heart is in journalism.露易絲 新聞報道是你的命根子And you have a future in it.有一天 你會飛黃騰達(dá)的I know. I've seen it.我親眼見過I ha

5、ven't seen you since breakfast yesterday.昨天早上到現(xiàn)在 我都沒見到你Well, I'm planning to see you for a few moments at the altar.紅地毯那天 你應(yīng)該會有空來看我一眼Oh, come on. It's not that bad. I still live at the farm.沒那么夸張 我還是住在農(nóng)場的I have a toothbrush to prove it.有牙刷為證You haven't been home five nights this week

6、.你這周有五個晚上沒回來了And someone wants to forget某人好像忘了that the two nights that I was home,我回家的那兩晚He was off cavorting around in Bangkok.他卻跑去曼谷忙活了They had floods.那里鬧水災(zāi)Something interesting?有什么好消息嗎Yeah. It's from my mom.有 我媽寫來的She says that Conner is doing great in Washington, D.C.,她說康納在華府表現(xiàn)不錯And she'

7、s sending us an early wedding gift.另外 她提前送了我們一份結(jié)婚禮物It's the deed to the farm.農(nóng)場的地契Oh, for our wedding.結(jié)婚禮物Well, that's so.真是太.so.太.thoughtful.有心了Thoughtful?有心Yeah, um, she must want us to.是啊 她一定是想讓我們.Yeah, start our new married life there.在那兒開始新婚生活Maybe.也許吧Or, with all the commuting to Metro

8、polis and Bangkok.但介于往來大都會和曼谷的交通狀況Maybe she thinks we should sell it.也許她是想讓我們賣♥♥了它Home sweet home.溫暖的家Smallville S10E17超人前傳第十季第十七集Kent Farm肯特農(nóng)場Coming.來了Good morning.早上好Oh, just as quaint on the inside!里邊也是古色古香的A turn-key, I hope.可立即入住吧Uh, who, what, when, and why?搞什么東東Oh, Manne

9、rs. Marge Manners.失禮了 我叫瑪治·曼娜斯Smallville real estate -史摩維爾房♥屋中介We may be small, but we sell big.公♥司♥雖小 生意很大Now, you live here with.和你同住的是.Soontobe. Is he here?他還沒搬進(jìn)來 他在家嗎No, he had an emergency in.不 他有急事去.the fields this morning - big, something important.地里干活了

10、很重要的活兒A fireplace - how charming.壁爐 真美Is it original to the house?是原配的嗎Oh, if you mean old as hell, yes,可以保證 是舊的要死And it has the soot buildup to prove it.里邊還積了厚厚的煤灰I mean, this thing smokes like the Dickens.那氣味 跟狄更斯的小說有得一拼I see.了解Well, if you don't mind,你若不介意的話I'd like to take a look at the

11、rest of the house on my own.我想一個人看看♥房♥♥子的其它地方Oh, just be careful of the last step.小心最后一節(jié)臺階It's a suicide ride.很要命的I mean, we can't get it to nail into place to save our lives -總是固定不住 害了我們無數(shù)次了Literally!真的Clark Kent, if I wasn't late,克拉克·肯特 我若不是趕時間I wo

12、uld kick your bulletproof ass right now.一定踢爆你的金剛屁♥股♥Mom, I really appreciate your gift.媽媽 很感謝你的禮物You really didn't have to.你大可不必No - yeah.不是 好吧Okay, well, tell Conner I said hello,替我問候康納And I'll try to come out and visit soon.我會盡快去看你們Okay.好的Bye.再見Talk about nature versu

13、s nurture.環(huán)境造人啊I'm assuming you destroyed yours?我猜你毀了你的盒子That explains why we didn't switch places.難怪我們沒有互換位置Seems that makes this a one-way trip.看來這是趟單程旅行了Like they say, you can't go home again.別想再回家了And we gather here today我們相聚于此to say goodbye to our husband and friend on this earth,悼念

14、這位丈夫與朋友Oliver Queen.奧利弗·奎因And to offer our continued support to Mrs. Queen.同時向奎因夫人提供一如既往的幫助He got what he deserved! Rich brat!他死有余辜 這個富二代He s-stole all of our land!他偷走了所有人的地He - he ruined a perfectly good town他把好好的鎮(zhèn)子給毀了filled with - with honest working men and honest working women.鎮(zhèn)子里這么多誠實安分工作的

15、人He took it right out from underneath us!他卻把我們腳下的土地給搶走了No, let go of me! I'm gonna show you,放開我 我證明給你看You son of a bitch!你個混♥蛋♥Let - let go of me!放開我You have some nerve showing up here after you put him in that grave.你殺了他 居然還敢來這里It's not me.不是我Clark Luthor - he did this

16、.克拉克·盧瑟 是他干的How does it feel knowing that you're the most wanted man on earth,作為世界第一通緝犯的感受如何to know that everyone who sees you wants you dead?所有人都想要你死Lois, put the rock away.露易絲 把石頭拿開I wish that killing you with this rock could even begin用這石頭殺了你 也抵不過to cause you as much pain as you've c

17、aused me.你給我?guī)淼膫ut I guess that's the price of having a heart -不過這就是有一顆心的代價It can get broken.心會受傷I'm not him. He sent me from my world.我不是他 我被他從我的世界傳送過來了Please, Lois, you have to believe me.露易絲 你一定要相信我I was the one on the roof,我是屋頂上的那人and I'm the only one who knows也只有我知道that I told you

18、 I couldn't live in a world.我告訴過你 沒你愛我的世界Where I didn't love you.你活不下去It's me.是我You have to get out of here.你得趕快離開Everyone knows who you are.所有人都知道你He took the mirror box with him, Lois.他把鏡盒拿走了 露易絲It's not here.不在這個世界I have to get back and stop him.我必須回去阻止他Everyone in the city is car

19、rying meteor rock with them.城里每個人都隨身帶著隕石That's why Ultraman killed Oliver.超能人之所以殺他He told them that those rocks would protect them from you -就是因為他告訴大家 隕石能阻止你Him.他The whole city?整個城的人You can't get 10 feet without it hitting you from every side.簡直就是十步一崗 五步一哨I just have to check on something fi

20、rst.我還有事要處理You need to go - now.你得趕快走 快走I'll try to throw them off your trail.我?guī)湍阋_他們Thank you.謝謝You're putting a lot of trust in me -你對我很信任You know that.你知道嗎Something tells me that I can, I guess.我有直覺 能信得過你Meet me at 2318 Main,#207, Lois露易絲 主街2318號♥ 207室見Thanks for coming.太好了 你來了

21、After I left three messages,我給你留了三條留言I got the feeling you might be mad.我覺得你可能生我的氣了I'm guessing it has to do with the fact我猜想that the realtor you sent over to the house你叫的那個中介told you I was a psycho.跟你說我是個瘋子吧She said I totally freaked out, didn't she?她一定說我是個怪胎吧Blur saves school kids俠影拯救學(xué)生Tha

22、t bad?真的那么說了Okay, look, I was mad that you made the decision你沒跟我商量就做這個決定 我是有點瘋了to sell without me, but it is your house, really.那可是你的房♥子呀And, anyway, when I saw the realtor,而且看到中介的時候I realized that I was about to lose something我意識到就要失去一些that was really important to me.對自己很重要的東西I never had

23、 a permanent home growing up,我成長的過程顛沛流離and I remember living there with your folks,還記得和你們大家生活在一起even though I thought you were a total dork at the time.盡管那時認(rèn)為你是個呆子Want to help me out here?你大老遠(yuǎn)過來是想幫我嗎You're kind of cute when you squirm.你的囧樣很可愛Okay.好吧Bonus.算你說對了Anyway.不管怎么說.The point is,重點就是the fa

24、rm is the closest to a home that I've ever known.農(nóng)場是我最親近的家了And when marge showed up today, I felt.可是今天看到了瑪治 卻感覺到.Afraid that if we lost that, if I lost that home,我好怕我們會失去那個家then I would never find another one.將來再也找不回那種感覺了That'll never happen. That's why we're together.不會這樣的 我們在一起的意義就

25、是如此That's why I found the rental pages.所以我就租下了這里嘛If you want to sell the farm, we'll make a new start.如果你想賣♥♥了農(nóng)場 我們就重新開始It's really hard to imagine a new life together真難想象 有一個巨大的威脅存在著with such a threat still out there.我們該怎么好好生活Which threat?什么威脅Lionel Luthor.朗尼·

26、盧瑟And if he's truly walking around on this earth.如果他還在這片土地上游蕩.I understand what this is about.我能想到會發(fā)生什么If you stop showing up for dinner,如果你沒來吃晚飯I will know where you are.我會知道你在哪里的You're hooked on our Lionel cam, aren't you?你就盯著郎尼了 是吧That's right.沒錯And, you know, searching for Lionel

27、 alone要知道 獨自追蹤郎尼doesn't sound like much fun.可不是那么有趣的So why don't you come with me,不如跟我一起吧and we can go over there right now?我們一起努力Oh, Clark Kent - frisky. I like it.克拉克·肯特也活潑好動了呀 我喜歡But if you want to get your hands on Lionel's GPS system,如果你想用追蹤郎尼的定位系統(tǒng)You're gonna have to ask T

28、ess.最好還是去問下泰絲吧She's the one with all her claws in daddy dearest.她可是全身心投入進(jìn)去了I called her. She didn't answer.我打過電♥話♥給她了 沒接呢She's taking bids at the mansion, or what's left of it.她在豪♥宅♥里談事情呢 或許在忙吧Well, I should go - be a hero and everything.我該

29、走了 做我的大英雄去Yeah, but - but, before you go,在你走之前just have a look at the place.看一眼這里吧I know the view's not that nice,盡管風(fēng)景不那么好but I thought we could bring a little bit但是我想還是能夠找回of Smallville with us wherever we go.在史摩維爾的那些感覺的So?怎么樣呢I think I'm gonna like it here.我想我會喜歡這兒的First, we need to get ri

30、d of this stargazer's junk.不過 先把這看天象的垃圾扔了吧Clark?克拉克Aren't you gonna go?你該走了The sirens - someone could need you.有警笛聲 可能有誰需要你幫助了Yeah.沒錯I'll see you later.一會兒見Oh, my god.我的天哪Come on, Tess. Damn it.快接電♥話♥ 泰絲 糟了Answer your phone.快接電♥話♥I don't wa

31、nt development proposals.我不想聽進(jìn)一步的項目規(guī)劃I want an estimate on how much it will cost我只想知道夷平這塊兒地to tear this place down.大概要多少錢My team's doing some exploratory work to gauge the structure,我們大家伙正在做一些測量工作呢But.但是.Let us take another look.再讓我們好好看看吧Don't worry.別擔(dān)心The weeds will grow up and take the pla

32、ce over.等把這里夷平了 春風(fēng)吹又生的They are Luthor weeds, after all.還是盧瑟家的種呢There was a life here -曾經(jīng)有一段生活在這兒A family.家庭也在這They lived here, but this was never a home.他們是生活在這兒 但卻不完整So, do you want to have some fun, hmm,你想過來娛樂下嗎and raze the place for me?幫我把這兒毀了吧You could save me some money.還能節(jié)約不少錢呢Tearing this pla

33、ce down把這里夷平了won't change the fact that you're a Luthor.也沒法改變你是盧瑟家的人Ouch.傷到我心了I'm sorry.抱歉I just meant.我的意思是.Listen, Tess, I know better than anyone泰絲 我比任何人都清楚what it's like to walk around with a - with a mark on you.戴著一頂高帽子做人是何感覺It's lonely.相當(dāng)孤單Being the world's greatest her

34、o做舉世矚目的英雄is just a little bit different than being Satan's child.和做魔鬼的孩子 還是有些許不同的吧Angel or devil is in the eye of he who beholds it.天使與魔鬼只在一念之間"He who beholds it"?"只在一念之間"What - have you been watching a little too much BBC lately?最近BBC看多了吧英國廣播公♥司♥Conside

35、ring our undeniable chemistry,我們之間有無法否認(rèn)的關(guān)系I'd be a little hurt if you didn't recognize me, sis.你沒認(rèn)出我 真?zhèn)倚难?好妹妹What are you doing here? Where's Clark?你在這兒干什么 克拉克人呢The only thing that matters in this world is you.在這個世界 我只關(guān)心你.And dear old dad.還有那親愛的老爹Uh, Ms. Mercer?麥沙女士Don't worry.別擔(dān)心We

36、 have all the time in the world.我們有的是時間Dad?!老爸Jonathan?喬納森Mr. Kent, I know you're here! I saw you walk in!肯特先生 我看到你走進(jìn)來的Clark thought he destroyed that months ago.幾個月前 克拉克以為自己摧毀了這玩意兒He is not gonna like the fact他要知道你和泰絲暗地里you and Tess snagged this from behind his back.拼這個東西 一定會不高興Yeah, well, mayb

37、e he'll feel different when it saves his life.要是這東西能救他回來 可就不一樣了Okay.好吧Is it drafty in here?裂縫的地方好像有風(fēng)吹呢Cause I feel a little cold - clammy, really.感覺有些冷冷的 濕濕的Lois.露易絲We're gonna get him back.我們會救他回來的Still no sign of him. Have you two made any progress?還是沒他的蹤跡 你們兩個就沒進(jìn)展嗎We're just trying to

38、 get it juiced up again.我們還在做測試呢I'll head to watchtower next.我去瞭望塔了If I find Clark's darker side, I'll stall him,要是我看到邪惡的克拉克 會拖延住他的but you two need to hurry.但你倆可要抓緊了Lois, I have to call you back.露易絲 我得掛了 回頭說Yeah.好Ace of Clubs 8:00, tonight, CL今晚8點 艾斯俱樂部 克拉克·盧瑟I can't wait to see

39、 you in it.迫不及待要見你穿上這個了It's my perfect size.尺寸恰到好處That's because I know everything about you, Tess.泰絲 我了解你的一切Every move you make.你的每一步動作我都知道I'm not who you think I am.我不是你認(rèn)為的那個人Oh, I think I've got a pretty good idea of who you are.我想我知道你是誰You're the man who single-handedly destr

40、oyed你僅憑一人之力everything I ever cared about.就摧毀了我所在意的一切The day you got here was the worst.你來到這兒的那天.Day of my life.是我這輩子最糟的日子The meteor shower wrecked my farm,流星雨摧毀了我的農(nóng)場set all of my fields on fire.我的農(nóng)田成了一片火海I couldn't keep up with the work.我沒法再工作了I couldn't keep up with the bills.也還不起賬單了Then Qu

41、een comes in and buys it all right out from under me奎因就把我的農(nóng)場買♥♥了and won't give me a chance to get it back.都沒有機(jī)會拿回來了He goes around.他到處晃悠He's buying up every little bit of Smallville that he can他買♥♥下了史摩維爾的寸土寸地so he can get his hands on these stupid l

42、ittle.這樣就可以為所欲為去拿那些.Green rocks.一文不值的綠色隕石Listen. You have to let me go.聽我說 你得放我走You have no idea what's gonna happen if they -你不知道他們會做什么的.Have you been living here?你一直住這兒It's all I've got.我只有這些了It hasn't been yours for years.多年來你迷失了自我You've been out here, alone,一個人孤單寂寞hanging ont

43、o -堅持于.Hanging onto my land, hanging onto my birthright.對這片土地的堅持 對人♥權(quán)♥的堅持You see, nobody has any idea你看 除了我沒有人知道what fell out of that meteor shower but me -流星雨帶來了什么Gold.金子I found a chunk of it once.我倒是發(fā)現(xiàn)過不少Gold meteorite?金隕石That's right.說對了And I thought, maybe if I kept dig

44、ging,我就想 如果我一直挖I would find enough that I could finally buy my farm back.也許我能找到足夠的金子買♥♥回農(nóng)場But now I'm thinking maybe I already have something但如今 我已經(jīng)找到了that's more valuable -更有價值的You.那就是你You have to believe me.你要相信我The most wanted man in the entire world這世上頭號♥

45、要犯is hogtied right here in my living room.就在我臥室 寸步難行You're my ticket out of this.你可是我的救命稻草You see, with the reward money I get for you,用你換來賞金I can get the deed to my farm back,就能奪回我的農(nóng)場and I can finally start living my life again.終于能夠開始我的生活了Mom.媽媽呢What about mom?媽媽怎樣了Martha.瑪莎What does any of thi

46、s mean without her?沒有她這些有什么意義What the hell do you know about Martha?你到底對瑪莎了解多少She's supposed to be your wife.她本應(yīng)是你妻子She's the reason you fought so hard for all of this.她才是你做這些的動力之源Why the hell would I fight for somebody為什么我要為了一個who gave up on me the minute I needed her the most?在我最需要她的時候背棄我的

47、人做這些From what I'm seeing,在我看來it looks like you gave up on yourself first.是你先放棄自我的You always said that you're nothing without her.過去你常說 沒有她 你一無是處I look like somebody else, but I'm from a different place.我是很像他 但我來自一個不同的地方And in that place, things are different!在那里 一切都不一樣You and Martha were

48、 married.你和瑪莎結(jié)婚了And happy.生活美滿And I was lucky because,我很幸運(yùn)on the day of the meteor shower, Lionel Luthor didn't find me -因為流星雨那天 朗尼·盧瑟沒有找到我You did, and you raised me as your son.是你找到我 把我撫養(yǎng)長大Just untie me.放開我吧If you don't believe me,如果你不相信我then you'll have a great story to tell Bill

49、and Remy那你要告訴比爾和雷米and the other guys down at the feed shop.還有飼料店的人好多事Just let me show you one thing.讓我給你證明一件事Now, this fits you perfectly.這衣服穿在你身上真美I'm not sure what to say.可我不知道要說什么As I recall, talking was never your strong suit.據(jù)我所知 你從來就不善言辭Why did you out yourself to me?為什么自投羅網(wǎng)來找我You would ha

50、ve figured it out, and I would have known.只要你弄清楚 我也會知道You don't think I could have hidden that from you?你以為我不會瞞著你嗎No.不會You get flustered around me, Tess.你在我面前驚慌失措 泰絲You have feelings for Clark Kent.你對克拉克·肯特有好感If you were meeting him here, you wouldn't be so nervous,如果你在這兒見他 就不會如此緊張and y

51、ou'd be in control.反而會很淡定Funny. I don't feel out of control.真好笑 我沒覺得失控That's because you have a habit of lying to yourself.因為你習(xí)慣對自己說謊I'm not the Tess you knew in your world.我不是你所知世界的泰絲Not entirely,不完全是but I am looking forward to discovering the differences.但我期待發(fā)現(xiàn)不一樣的地方Y(jié)our country cr

52、ush -你迷戀的那個鄉(xiāng)巴佬He doesn't appreciate you as a partner, Tess,他并沒有當(dāng)你是搭檔 泰絲and certainly not as a woman.甚至沒當(dāng)你是女人What is it that you want?你到底想要什么You.要你And dad -還有我爸爸For different reasons, of course.當(dāng)然動機(jī)不同If you're here to take out Lionel,如果你來這是想除掉朗尼I'm afraid I won't be the one that can h

53、elp you.恐怕我?guī)筒涣四鉟es, you will.你會幫我的Not if you're talking about murder.除非你告訴我謀殺的事He has a hold over us.他把我們玩弄于股掌之間And you need someone to come in and save you.而你需要有人來拯救你That's what you want.這就是你想要的I'm guessing you stay awake at night,我猜 你整夜睡不著scared of nightmares - of being abandoned.懼怕被遺棄

54、的噩夢You picture the day when you defeat him.你幻想著有一天能打敗他I can give you that.我能讓你如愿And once Lionel's out of the picture,一旦除掉朗尼you can finally live the life你就能夠過上that you're too afraid to even dream about.從前你想都不敢想的生活With me.和我一起You've had a lot of second chances here, Tess,你有過很多次機(jī)會 泰絲And I&#

55、39;m only asking for the same.我只要求平等待遇People know about the meteor rock where I'm from,人們都知道我來自哪個星球and they all know how to kill me.知道怎樣殺死我The whole world knows how to kill me there.那個世界的人都知道怎樣殺死我But here I can have a fresh start.但在這里 我可以重新開始I can enjoy all the things that this world has to offe

56、r我能享受這個世界帶來的一切without the attention,從此不再受矚目because that was my mistake in the other world.因為在另一個世界 是我的錯But this isn't about us.但這與我們無關(guān)Unfortunately, the situation here is kill or be killed.不幸的是 目前的狀況不是殺人就是被殺Let me get this straight -我就直說了吧You're offering me a life with you,你要和我一起生活but if I don't help you, you'll kill me?但如果我不幫你 就要殺了我That's certainly not my preference.顯然 我不會這樣做I figure you got about five minutes警♥察♥來之前before those cops show up out here.你還有五分鐘時間Please still be


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