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1、Unit 1Meeting peoplePart AExercise 11w:very well, thank you .And you ?2m:Hello,Nice to meet too.3w:How do you do ?It 's good to see you4w:Just fine ,thanks.5w;Not too bad, thanks.6m:Great ! What about youPart BConversation 1Exercise 11 B2 CExercise 24:remember1:Somewhere, 2:a friend of Emi , my

2、best friend , 3: Emi 's house , Conversation 2Exercise 11 D2 CExercise 21;Santa Barbara , California2;London work for a few months3:Rosefield High / the same higt snhool 1989Part CPair work1 Hi, I'm 2 Hi, my name is 3 Hi, Tom4 Hello, Tony.5 It's T-o-n-y6 I ' m from7 I'm a student

3、8 Nice to meet you too9 Neither am I / Me , neither '10 You, too.2A1 Monica and Bradley are the two speakers in the conversation2 It took place in a fast-food restaurant3 Bradley took Monica 's table because there were no other tables free.4 No, she was unhappy at fist5 Yes ,she finally agre

4、ed to let bradley share her table because she found him nice and polite .6 She realized that she had met Bradley before at Emi 's house7 She was Monica 's best friend and also a friend of Bradley 's B1 Yes he is2 He is from Santa barabara , California3 He went to Rosefield Higt4 He gradu

5、ated in 19895 He is an arstist6 He is in london now . He has just an exhibition of some of his paintings in a small gallery in the city.7 She is a math teacher at Rosefield HigtPart DExercise1 A2 D3 BUnit 2Exercise 11: M1 let me introduce you2: WI 'd like you to meet3: W introduce you to4: W1 Le

6、t me introduce myself . My name isW2 I 'm5: M comeand meet this isthis isPart BConversation1Exercise11 c2a3aExercise2Publishing companythree book projetsfree time for herself busy fivehave lunchConversation2v1 c2 dPartCA1 She is an assistant editor in a publishing company2 She is working on thre

7、e book projects3 she feels great4 She used to like a lot of free time for herself and to be with her friends5 She enjoys being busy6 She is in a shap7 It 's lunch time8 She is looking around in the shop9 No , she isn 't .She doesn't like to spend a lot of money on clothes10 She is going

8、to have lunch with her friend Laura ,whom she has met in the shopB1 He is Engish2 He takes picture /is a photographer / works for a travel magazine in Italy3 He is going to Portugal4 No , he isn 't5 He is going to take some photographs7 No, he isn 't.He is taking the trip by sea8 She is goin

9、g home to Germany9 Yes , she is .She studies medicine10 They are going to have coffee togetherPartDhigt school three years the same universityhappy the street have lunch nearest restaurantthe windowstories about their liveskeep in touchunit 3PartBExercise11 b2 d3 aExercise2Conversation11 enjoy some

10、music2 catch every word3 the key wordsthe main idea4 are repeated several times in the dialogue5 colsedConversation2Exercise11 c2 b3 dExercise21 F2 T3 F4 F5 TPartC1 Yes I'm studing in the Department of Economics/ No I 'm not . I 'm visting a friend here2 I 'm majoying in / It 't

11、Bioche mistry / World History / Internationl Trade ,etc3 I speak two languages besides Chinese ./ I can speak English and German4 Pretty well. But I have trouble with spelling5 Yes ? / Yes , what is it ? Sure .Go ahead6 It 's due next week7 It 's due next week8 Good luck9 Take it easy2A1 Joa

12、na and Paul are the two speakers in the conversation2 It took place at a listening comprehension class3 She was nervous4 Every time she put on the headphones she would be so nervous that she wouldn 't be ableto catch a single word when the conversation began5 He suggested that Joana on the key w

13、ord only6 Those are the words that tell the main idea or are repeated several times in a conversation7 No she wasn't because she had difficulty with finding the main idea of conversation8 No the teacher started the lesson before Paul could give Joana an other suggestions and she was nervous agai

14、nB1 She speaks four languages.They are English ,French ,German and a little Japanese2 She is quite good at French3 She sometimes has trouble with spelling4 He can also speak four languages.They are French.Greek , Arabic and English5 He learns Arabic because he has to use it quite often .His company

15、does a lot of business in the middle East6 He can read and write in all those languages7 He sometimes makes mistakes in his spellingPartD1 c2 bUnit 4PartBConversation1Exercise11b2c3aExercise21 African Music Intermediate Piano English Composition basic Chinese2 English LiteraturePolitical Science Mat

16、h Computer ProgrammingConversation2Exercise11 d2 cAExercise2Classes all morning has a swimming class has a faculty meeting picks up daughter from the day-care centerPartC2 pair workA1 Yes , she registere for the new semester yesterday2 No she is not taking any businness classes3 She is takeing an Af

17、rican music course and Intermediate Piano4 The African music couse meets three times a week and the piano couse once a week5 It meets on Mondy6 She is going to taking two basic requirement couses .They are English Composition once a week7 It meets on Monday8 She is expexting a busy semesterB1 Candy

18、and Dr Brown are the two speaks in the conversation2 Cindy is a student and Dr Brown about her project3 It was a Wednesday4 She wanted to take to Dr Brown about her project5 No ,he wasn 't.He had to teach the whole morning6 He would be free between 12 and 17 No she wasn 't .She had a swimmin

19、g class then8 She would be free after about 39 No ,he had a faculty meeting from 3 till about 510 No it wasn 't.He had to go to the day-care center to pick up his daughter at 5:3011 No ,Cindy wouldn 'tbe able to take to Dr Brown about her project that day but they would probably be able to m

20、eet the next dayPartDExercise1 a2 c3 dPartAExercise11 It 'sno trouble at all2 That 's OK3 That 's all right4 It 's nothing5 Forget it6 No problem7 Please don't worry8 Never mind .I quite understand9 Well ,It 's happened to me ,too10 Don 't think any more about thatExercis

21、e21d2a3c4b5dPartBConversation1Exercise11 b2 d3 dExercise21 T2 F3 F4 T5 TConversation2Exercise11 B2 D3 AExercise21 He said he would have the zipper of the dress repaird right away2 He said he would exchange the dress for a new one3 She wanted her money back4 a The zipper of the dress was damagedb She

22、 didn 't like the color of the dress and the dress didn 't look good on herPartCPair workA1 The woman was a customer and the man . the manager of the store2 She was making a complaint .She complained that the store had sent her an incorrect bill3 No ,he found it very strange.4 The fact othat

23、 the woman received incorrect bills five or six times in the past three months5 Yes he did6 It was the new computer7 He promised that it wouldn 't happen againB1 She bought a dress in the store2 The zipper of the dress broke 3 She was at a party4 She felt very embarrassed5 She wanted her money b

24、ack6 No ,he didn 't7 He offered to repair the dress for her or exchange it for a new one8 She didn 't like the color of the dress and she didn 't look good in it9 He told her to see the manager.PartDExercise1 She will have to work overtime this weekend (Or :this coming Saturday afternoon

25、 and Sunday )2 She will be out of town on business for two weeks after thisweekend .Unit 6PartAExercise1'11 at the part2 Remember mary 's e-mail address exactly3 late for class4 hand in his homework on work5 come round to Monica 's houseExercise2Mail hear from youyou don 't like it v

26、ery much probablyyou have morefriends Spend the summer vacation I can 't make it she needs me go awayyou can join me and my familyPartBConversation1Exercise11D2C3CExercise21 threeher fault2 Tuesday wait for her turn3 yesterday taix4 Thursday foran hour in the rainfullConversation2Exercise11 d2 c

27、3 bExercise21 F2 F3 F4 TPartCA1 Miss Smith and Mr Sharp are two speakers in the conversation2 She was making an opology to Mr Sharp because she was late for work3 He was unhappy because Miss Smith had been late several times in the week4 No ,she didn 't think it ws her fault5 She had to stand in

28、 the rain for an hour for the bus when it finally came it was full6 She had to wait for her turn at the docor 's office for about two hours7 No ,he didn 't.He thought she was just making excusesB1 She promised to e-mail him the latest information2 Yes ,she did3 No ,her e-mails kept returing

29、to her4 No ,she didn 't5 He found out that Sue had used his old e-mail address6 Yes ,he had given her his new address on his last e-mail7 She forgot that Pike had changed his e-mail address and failed to update her address book8 He ashed Sue to use his new address and try again9 She promised she

30、 would update her address book and send him the lastest information rightaway PartD Exercise1Unit 7PartAExercise11 On the chair by the bookshelf2 Behind the door3 Under the small table4 In his study5 Under her pillowExercise2Mon the sixth floorMright over thereMnextWin frond of the stairsPartBConver

31、sation1Exercise11 d2 a3 cConversation2Exercise11 d2 c3 aPartCPair work1 Yes2 It 's quite a way .You'd better take a bus/ the subway3 It's only a couple of blocks away / I 'm afraid you 're going in the wrong direction4 Yes ,it 's about a ten-minute walk from here5 Yes it does

32、 /No .The bus going to the zoo is on the other side of street .6 It 's five stops from here7 You are welcome ./ No problem8 You too2A1 They are strangers2 She is asking the man the way to the Grand Theater3 It 's located on market street4 She should go straigh down the road to the traffic li

33、ghts and then turn right to market street5 She should walk along the street for about three blocks6 She will see a big fountain7 It 's behind the fountain8 She wants to make sure that she's got the directions right .9 She thanks the man for his helpB1 She wants to go the Media Megastore2 It

34、's on the corner of Fifth and Fairview3 She's on first Street4 No , it 's just one block away5 She should turn left6 She should walk four block along Fairview to go Fifith7 It 's on the right connerUnit 8PartAExercise1They turned left along the road 23rd Streetthe first turning on th

35、e righton the cornerExercise2No.3 at the cornerturn leftzoo straight aheadthe schoolThe market turn left storePartBConversation1Exercise11 c2 a3 cExercise21 blues club alittle way form here2 walk it 's a lot quicker by subway3 City LineGrand Streettwo stops4 fifteen minutins or soConversation2Ex

36、ercise11 a2 a3 dPartCPair WorkA1 He is loking for the snake bar2 No ,It 's a little way from where he is3 Yes he can4 The quicker way to get there is to take the subway and it will take about fifteen minutes5 He should take the city line and it 's two stops6 At Grand street7 It s just across

37、 from the exitB1 John called linda2 He wanted to invite Linda for dinner that evening3 He suggested that they go to the Korean restaurant in Green Street4 No , she didn 't5 No,but told her how to get there6 She should turn right and go along North Street7 She should turn left to Winter Street8 S

38、he should take the second turning on the right to Green Street9 It was on the corner ,next to the Blue Hotel10 She was expected to meet him there at 6:30PartD1 traveling 2 driving 3 looking for a small hotel 4 I want to go the Sun Hotel .Do you know it .5 drove for about twelve miles 6 this isn '

39、;ta hotel 7 this is my house 8 Turn around 9 go back nine miles 10 the Sun Hotel on the leftUnit 9PartAExercise11 Q 7:152 Q 8o 'clock3 From 9:40 to 104 Q 11:455 No later than 11:30Exercise26:30 7 35 8:30 a.m7 p.m10 10:203:30 3:50PartBConversation1Exercise11 b2 a3 bConversation2Exercise11 c2 b3 d

40、Exercise21 in the cold wind2 form the other side of the street3 in such cold weather4 by bus5 on footPartCPair Work1 I usually get up at 7 o 'clock2 On foot ./By bicycle / By bus3 It usually takes me half an hour to get to school4 I live on compus ./ I like at home with my parents./I share an ap

41、artment / flat with myfriends5 Yes .We have four classes every moring ./ No we have lectures only on Wednesday mornings6 I always eat at the school cafeteria7 I don 'tdo my sports ./I do sports several times a week8 Yes .I tutor two junior high school students once a week9 I do a lot of reading

42、./Sometimes I go to the movies / watch DVDS / read novels /paly basketball /play computer games10 I guess I'll just stay at home and relax1 She is a student2 She is studing at london university3 She is sharing a flat in the city4 No ,she doesn't5 She goes to the university every morning beca

43、use she likes to work in the library6 She usually gets in at about 10 O 'clock7 Yes, she does. She often woeks until 9 or 10 at night8 She goes there by bicycle to keep herself fitB1 It was late in the afternoon2 It was cold an windy3 He ran into Mary at a bus sotp4 She was waiting for a bus5 Sh

44、e was going to take a walk in a park6 Because she always liked to go for a walk before supper7 No ,it was not8 She felt it boring to walk trought the street9 She would take a No.3 busPartDExercise11 goes to the library 2 chats 3 has more classes 4 two or three 5 gets together with some friends 6 coo

45、k a meal in someone 's flat 7 go out for a drink 8 just relaxUnit 10PartAExercise11takeseatbreakfast2It isnot3workbuttakesubway4askwalkworkfar awary5 suggested get a good book read onExercise2Frist it helps us fit It take secondly helps us in our find it easierthirdly itGives us get it enables w

46、ork without a proverb bed and early makes a and PartBConversation1Exercise11 A2 C3 CExercise21 8:152 12:00 1:003 6;304 5:355 6:206 5:40Conversation2Exercise11 c2 b3 cExercise21 washing dishes2 writing a term paper3 buiding a rocket for school4 washing her hair in the bathroom5 studing6 watching a ba

47、seball game on TVPartCPair workA1 She usualy leaves for work at a quarter past eight2 She usualy catches the 8:30 bus3 She starts work at 94 She usually has her coffee break around 10:455 She has lunch between 12:00 and 1:006 She finishs work at 5:307 Larry will pick her up after work8 They will dri

48、ve to the airport to meet her sister jane9 They 'll go and have dinner .10 They will have Chinese food this time .B1 It probally takes place in the evening after the family has had their dinner2 Five .They are Keith . John ,Lisa ,and the twins ,mary and Linda.3 He is washing dishs and his five c

49、hildren are all doing something on their own4 He is writing a term paper5 No , he can 't because someone is making a lot of noise6 John is .He is building a rocket for school .He is going to show it in his science class tomorrow7 The telephone rings8 He tries to get one of the three girls to ans

50、wer the phone but none of them listen to him9 Lisa is washing her hair ; Mary is studing ;and linda is watching abaseball game10 He is very much annoyed11 He firmly demands that someone answer the phonePartDExercise1 T2 T3 T4 F5 FUnit 11PartAExercise11 beer 2 beef 3 apple 4 ice cream 5 milk 6 potato

51、es 7 oranges 8 cake 9 cofee 10 tea 11chicken 12 cabbagesExercise21 S 2 D 3 S 4 D 5 S 6 7 S 8 D 9 D 10 SPartBConversation1Exercise11 B2 A3 DExercise21 F2 T3 F4 F5 TConversation2Exercise11 B2 B3 AExercise21 He had same pizza with peppers and mushrooms and a glass of wine2 She had a glass of water3 Nei

52、ther of them4 At about eight o 'clock5 They each paid for their own share of the mealPartCPair work1 Great ! Thank you2 What about the new restaurant around yhe corner3 I like Chinese food better / I perfer Italian food4 I 'm going to have shrimp ./I;m just going to grab a sandwich /I don &#

53、39;t kown .I can 't decide5 I 'd like a table by the window6 Yes ,we'd like a pizza with mushrooms,please /No .we 're not ready to order yet7 I 'd like it rare /medium-rare /medium/ well-done8 No ,thanks ./ I 'll have won-ton soup9 Yes .I 'd like a large sprite ,please10

54、Yes ,I'd like some ice-cream ./ No thank you11 Sure21 It takes pleas in a Chinese restaurant2 It 'shis first time in his restaurant3 Yes .it 'sher favorite restaurant4 She suggests at first that they order some spring rolls5 Brad doesn 't seem to care for spring roolls since he has n

55、ever heard of them before6 She suggests hot and sour soup and then stri-fried chicken.7 No ,he isn 't interested in tryng them8 He only wants to eat a hambuger and French fries9 No ,it doesn 't.It only sever Chinese food10 No ,she finally gives in and agrees to go to a burger place insteadB1

56、 It took place in a restaurant.2 Mike and Jackie were having a meal there3 The ordered a pizza with peppers and mushrooms4 Mike ordered a glass of red wine and Jackie,a glass of water5 It was ten to eight6 No,they didn 't .Mike asked jackie if she wanted some coffee but Jackie didn 'twant any .She throught it was rather late7 He asked for the check8 No , she wanted to pay her share of the meal9 He was glad and thanked JackiePartD1 A day off2 called in sike 3 the day 's special 4 meat with potatores an peas


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