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1、1、 詞匯拓展(1)turn翻;轉動;轉向 turning n.轉彎處(2)cross.橫過;穿過 across prep.橫過;在對面crossing n.十字路口(3)enjoy v.享受;喜愛enjoyment n.樂趣;愉快的事enjoyable adj.快樂的;令人愉快的(4)noise n.噪音;嘈雜聲noisy adj.嘈雜的;吵鬧的noisily adv.吵鬧地;嘈雜地(5)climb v.爬climber n.攀登者;登山者(6)free adj.自由的;閑著的;免費的freedom n自由(7)easy adj.容易的;簡單的easily adv.容易地;輕而易舉地(8)q

2、uick adj.快的;迅速的quickly adv.快地;迅速地2、 短語(1)post office 郵局 (2)pay phone 付費電話(3)police station 警察局;派出斷 (4) clothes store 服裝店(5)free time空閑時間 (6) fresh air 新鮮空氣(7)tum left/right向左/右轉 (8)tum left/right at.在(地方)(9)go along 沿著走 (10) go down 順著.往下走(11)go across 橫過;穿過 (12) go shopping 去購物(13)get to 到達同reach 或

3、arrive at/in.(14)spend time/weekends 度過時光/周末 (15)enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事(16)watch sh/sth,doing sth.觀看某人/某物在做某事(17)watch sb./sth.do sth.觀看某人/物做某事(18)play Chinese chess 下中國象棋 (19)walk out 走出去;步行外出 (20)cross the street橫過街道=go across the street(21)be good at在方面好,擅長于=do well in(22)be far from 離(地方)遠 (23 ac

4、ross from 在對面(24)next to在旁邊;靠近同beside (25)between A and B在A及B之間(26)in front of 在.前面 (27)on one's/ the left/right在(某人的)左邊/右邊(28)on school days在學校上課 (29) at the crossing在十字路口(30)near here 在附近 (31) in life在一生中;在生活中(32)in the neighborhood 在附近,同near here (33)No problem 沒問題;沒什么;不用謝(34)on the street/ro

5、ad在街/路上 (35) Excuse me 打擾一下(36)on weekends在周末三、知識點(1) spend 動詞,表示“花(時間、金錢)”spend on sth.(名詞) “在某事或某物上花費金錢或時間”spend (in) doing sth. “花費金錢或時間做某事 ”E.g. I usually spend one hour on my homework.E.g. I usually spend one hour (in) doing my homework. (2) pay 動詞,表示“付錢;付費;付款”(過去式為paid)pay for +物 “付錢買某物” E.g.

6、He paid for the books.pay +錢+for +物 “付多少錢買某物”E.g. He paid 200 yuan for the books.pay sb. some money for sth. E.g. He paid her 20 dollars for the shoes.(3) cost“花費”通常以物作主語,某物花費某人多少時間或金錢。(4) take;It takes sb.+時間/金錢 to do sth.It takes me three hours to finish my homework every day.四、知識點 enjoy v.表示“享受;喜

7、愛” enjoyable adj. 表示“高興的”enjoy sth./sb. “喜歡某物/某人” E.g. Do you enjoy this book? enjoy doing sth. “喜歡做某事” E.g. He enjoys listening to music. enjoy oneself =have fun =have a good time 表示“玩得高興”E.g. Do you enjoy yourself today?have fun (in) doing sth. “做某事很有樂趣”E.g. We have fun (in) learning and speaking

8、English.五、知識點 cross 動詞 表示“橫過;越過”=go acrossE.g. He has to cross the river to school. across 介詞 表示“橫過;穿過”E.g. He has to walk across the river to school. Through 介詞,表示“(從中間)穿過”E.g. go through the forest/park注:across表示從一定范圍的一邊另一邊, 動作在物體表面進行。E.g. go/walk across the road/bridge/street六、知識點see/watch/hear s

9、b. do sth.表示“看見/觀看/聽見某人做某事”的全過程see/watch/hear sb. doing sth. 表示“看見/觀看/聽見某人正在做某事”E.g. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. I often hear some girls sing in the classroom.七、知識點(1) turn“轉變,轉身”turn left/right向左/右轉含有turn的短語:Turn on/off打開/ 關閉 turn up/down調高/調低(2) Turn“變,變成”用作系動詞,后接形容詞作表語。The trees

10、turn green. (3) 用作名詞“順序,輪流”Its ones turn to do sth. 表示“輪到某人做某事” E.g. It is our turn to clean the classroom.take turns to do sth. 表示“輪流去做某事”Please take turns to tell stories.7、 知識點On the way to +地點  表示“去的路”  E.g. Can you tell me the way to&#

11、160;the post office?  注意:home , here , there是地點副詞,表示到這幾個地方去的時候,前面的介詞要省略。8、 知識點 There be 句型 1. There be 句型  (1)結構:There be+sb./sth. +地點  表示“在某地有某人或某物”E.g. There is a bank in the neighborhood.  (2)There

12、 be 句型的謂語動詞be在人稱和數(shù)上應以后面的第一個名詞保持一致。如果后面的名詞是可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞,謂語動詞用is.  E.g. There is some salad on the table .  如果后面的名詞是可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),謂語 動詞用are.    E.g. There are some students in the classroom.  如果There

13、 be 句型中有多個名詞,be 動詞通常及第一個名詞保持人稱和數(shù)的一致。  E. g. There is a boy and two girls in the room. There are two girls and a boy in the room.  (3)There be 句型的一般疑問句:將be 動詞提到句首。 Are there any students in&#

14、160;the classroom?肯定回答:Yes, there is /are.     否定回答:No, there isnt/arent.  (4)There be 句型的否定句:在be 后加notE.g.There is a post office near hear. There isnt a post office near hear.

15、0;(5)There be 句型的特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞(組)+be +there +其他E.g. There are three pens in my schoolbag.(請對劃線部分進行提問).  How many pens are there in your schoolbag?【拓展】there be和have 都表示“有.”,但有所區(qū)別:含義不同。there be 結構表示的是“某地有某物/人”,強調“存在關系”;have則表示“某人/某物所有”,強調“所屬關系”。E.g. There is a bus in our factory

16、. Our factory has a bus.句型不同。there be 結構的句型為“There be +某物/某人+某地”,否定句是把not放在be 之后,疑問句是把be提到句首;have句型為“某人/某物+ have/ has +某物/某人”,否定句通常是在have前加dont ( has前加doesnt ),疑問句是在句首加do(第三人稱單數(shù)加does)。E.g. There isnt a cat under the chair. She doesnt have two brothers. 用there is或there are還是用have或has均取決于句子的主語。但there

17、be 句型里有兩個或多個并列主語時,be習慣上和最靠近的那個在數(shù)上保持一致。F. g. There is a bike under the tree. There are some bikes under the tree.There is an apple and two oranges on the table.You have a new book./ You have some new books.He has a new book./ He have some new books.當表示某物的構成和組成部分時,用there be 和have均可。E.g. Our school has

18、 twenty classes. (= There are twenty classes in our school.)十、知識點 表示地點方位的主要介詞運用(1) under“在.下面”(2) Behind“在.后面”(3) Near“在.附近”near here=in the neighborhood(4) next to  表示“在.旁邊;靠近;緊挨著”,后接表地點的名詞或代詞。  The pay phone is next to the library. 【辨析】near也表示“在.旁邊”,但及next to有所區(qū)別:從空間上講,near只表示“在.旁邊;

19、在.附近”而next to有“緊挨著”之意;也就是說next to比near靠的更近。(5) across from 意為“在的對面”,后面接表示地點的名詞或代詞。 We live across from the street. (6) 【辨析】between和amongbetween 表示“在.中間”,常及and連接,構成短語between.and.,指在兩者之間 E.g. I sit between Lucy and Lily. among 也表示“在.中間”,指在三者或三者以上的中間。 My brother is among those boys. (7) 【辨析】in front of

20、/ in the front of 都表示“在.前面”in front of指在物體外部的前面There is a bank in front of the hospital.in the front of指在物體內部的前面The teachers desk is in the front of the classroom.一、用所給詞的適當形式填空。1.Her brothers enjoy _playing_(play) soccer after class.2Kate spends much time _speaking_(speak) English every morning.3Ros

21、e can find the hotel _easily_(easy) with the help of the girl.4You should turn right at the second _crossing_(cross)5The children love to watch monkeys _climbing_(climb) trees.6.My uncle often works late because he has a lot of work to do (do)7.After school he often goes (go)shopping in the supermar

22、ket8.Does your sister like reading (read)in her spare time(業(yè)余時間)?9.They have fun _walking_ (walk) in the park.10. Thanks (thank)for helping me二、單項選擇(B)1.You must ride your bike _ the right side of the road.Aat Bon Cin Dfor(A)2.There are a lot of people and cars on New Street.It's a_ street.Abusy

23、 Bsmall Cbig Ddirty(D)3.Peter,are these pictures yours?Yes.I spend two hours _ every day.Adraw Bto drawing Cdrew Ddrawing(C)4.I don't have much _ time on school days.Aclean Beasy Cfree Dcute(A)5.Walk _ this street,and turn _You can see the supermarket.Thank you.Aalong;left Balong;the left Cto;le

24、ft Dto;the left(D)6.How much do you _ the book?A pay Btake Cspend Dpay for(B)7.Who is _ man with a monkey over there?Oh,he is my uncle.He is _ acrobat(雜技演員)Athe;a Bthe;an Ca;an Da;a(B)8.Do you enjoy _ computer games on weekends?Yes,I do.Aplay Bplaying Cto play Dplays(B)9.There _ some milk in the box

25、.Ahas Bis Care Dhave(A)10.Paul,is there a post office near our school?_It's just next to the supermarket.AYes,there is BYes,it isCNo,there isn't DYes,they are(A)11.What's in the box?_AThere are some apples in it BThey are applesCIt is an apple DThis is an apple(C)12.Is there a pay phone

26、in the neighborhood?Yes,it's _ Center Street _ the right.Afrom;on Bon;at Con;on Don;in(C)13.Do you know the student _ David and Jack?Yeah.It's Jim.Aamong Bin Cbetween Daround(A)14._ the job in 10 days,we have to work day ang night.ATo finish BFinish CFinishing DIs finishing(C)15.Where is the

27、 bank?_A It's black BIt's interesting CIt's next to the park DIt's great(C)16.Is there a _ near here?I want to eat rice and chicken.Apolice station BPark Crestaurant Dzoo(A)17.Is the juice _?Yes,you don't need to pay for it.Afree Bhealthy Cdelicious Dcold(B)18.The work is not dif

28、ficult.I can finish it _.Alate Beasily Cback Dhard(A)19.Jim always _ too much time on computer games.That's too bad.Aspends Bmakes Cturns Dkeeps(B)20.I enjoy _ in the river near my house in summer.Aswim BSwimming Cto swimming Dto swim(B)21.I like to watch my sister _.Ato draw Bdrawing Cto drawin

29、g Ddraws(B)22._ to school on time,Jackie _ up early every morning.AGetting;gets BTo get;gets CGetting;get DTo get;get(D)24.Sign _ tells us that we have to turn left.(B)25.Are there any books on the desk?_.But there are some CDs.AYes,there are BNo,there aren'tCYes,they are DNo,there isn't(B)2

30、6._ is the post office?It's next to the hospital.AHow BWhere CWhat DWhen(A)27.There _ a small post office and some bookstores in the school.Ais Bare Cam Dbe(C)28._?Well,I'm new here.Is there a park around here?AWho are you BHow are youCHow can I help you DWhere are you from(C)29.Thank you so

31、 much._.A That's right BGood luck CNo problem DSounds grea(B)30.Just _ straight and turn right. A. going B. go C. to go D.goes 三、完形填空。從題中所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。My name is David.I _16_ in a big city with my parents.My home is on the sixth _17_ of a tall building(建筑物)It's a beautiful bui

32、lding.It _18_ 14 floors.It's on a _19_ street.There are a lot of cars and people there.And the street is very _20_,so I don't like it.But there are a lot of _21_to have fun.We can _22_ games in the park.And we can take a _23_ in the garden(花園)Sometimes I read books in the _24_It's really

33、 quiet.I enjoy reading there.Do you like our neighborhood?If you like,_25_ to my home.It's on Green Street.(B)16.A.take Blive Chave Dgo(C)17.A.street Bpark Cfloor Dhouse(D)18.A.is Bhave Care Dhas(A)19.A.busy Bnew Cold Dquiet(B)20.A.clean Bdirty Cbig Dgood(C)21.A.gardens Bparks Cplaces Drestaurants(D)22.A.make Btake Cdo Dplay(A)23.A.walk Bcar Cbus Dbike(C)24.A.bank Bre


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