



1、 年級 六年級 任課老師 王老師 課時 2 教學(xué)目標(biāo)復(fù)習(xí)并掌握一般過去時的用法。重點難點一般過去時的構(gòu)成和練習(xí)。一般過去時 表示在過去發(fā)生的事情時,用一般過去時。 表示在過去一段時間內(nèi),經(jīng)常發(fā)生或習(xí)慣發(fā)生的動作,用一般過去時。 一般過去時的構(gòu)成: 當(dāng)句中動詞是實義動詞(be以外的動詞)時,動詞使用過去式形態(tài)。 當(dāng)句子中動詞為be時,用be的過去式形態(tài)(was,were)標(biāo)識詞、特征詞:yesterday , yesterday+時間 , last+時間 , ago ,before等一 構(gòu)成:人/物+動詞的過去式例子: I did my homework last night. She stud

2、ied hard yesterday. My friends visited here two days ago.二 動詞構(gòu)成:動詞末尾+“ed”或“d”1 一般情況在詞尾+ed cookcooked watchwatched2 以不發(fā)音的“e”結(jié)尾的單詞,在詞尾+“d” loveloved3 以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的詞,雙寫最后一個字母再在詞尾+ed stopstopped planplanned4 以輔音字母+“y”結(jié)尾的單詞,把“y”改為“i”再+“ed” studystudied carrycarried5 不規(guī)則動詞須逐個記憶.一實戰(zhàn)訓(xùn)練(一) 用動詞的正確形式填空。1 My mother

3、_(is) born in 1960.2 The lion _(bite) the net two days ago.3 He _(make) a big hole last week.4 The cat _(catch) a mouse yesterday.5 What did he do? He _(try) to change China.6 He _(become) a doctor in 1995.7 She_(sit) under a big tree and_(read) books yesterday morning.8 Did you_(learn) English at s

4、chool?9 They didnt_(go) go the zoo an hour ago. They_(go) to the park.10 He_(play) football on the playground and _(drink) a lot of water yesterday afternoon.11 _ you _ (drive) a car to get there yesterday morning? No. I_(drive) a bus.12 I thought he _(forget) everything.13 She _(fall) over before s

5、he got the baton.14 I _(feed) the dog an hour ago.15 I_ _ (not feel) well this morning.16 The bird _(fly) high two days ago.17 Yesterday_(is) my birthday. My parents _(give) me a doll.18 Last year, the plants _(grow) well.19 We _(have) a music lesson yesterday morning.20 When I _(is) a baby, I _(hav

6、e) no hair. But now I_ (have) long hair.21. They _(put) the young trees into the holes and _(fill) the holes with earth after they dug the holes.22. Last year, a car _(crash) into the tree. It _(is) broken. I_(am) sad when I_(see) that.23. I_(clean) the house yesterday.24. She _(not go) to school ye

7、sterday because she _(is) ill.25. _ Tom _ (water) the trees yesterday?26. We _(plant) many trees this Sunday.27. He _(is) a teacher two years ago. But now he _(is) a doctor.28. There _(be) many houses here four years ago.29. The bedroom_(be) messy before.30. _ the cat _(catch) a bird yesterday?31. _

8、 you _(move) the plants last week?Yes, we _(move) them to the garden.32. Who _(put) the seeds into the pot yesterday?My grandpa _(put) them into the pot.When _he_(put) them into the pot?He_(put) them into the pot yesterday afternoon. (二) 按照實際情況回答問題。 1When were you born?_2Where were you born?_ 3When

9、did you begin to study English?_4Who was the first president of the PRC?_5Who was the first premier of the PRC?_6Who was the father of modern China?_7What did you do yesterday?_8Did you do well in class last week?_9What day was yesterday?_10What was the date yesterday?_11Did your father go to Beijin

10、g last year?_13How did you go to school last year?_ 14. Did you get much luck money during 2010 Spring Festival? _二選擇正確的選項。( ) 1. I_ to Disney Park last week. I _ excited. A. went, was B. go, was C. go, is( ) 2. I_ in China in 1997. A. is B. am C. was( ) 3. Do you know where he_ from? A. is B. are C

11、. was( ) 4. He said that he_ tired. A. is B. feels C. was( ) 5. What did you do? I_ football. A. play B. plays C. played( ) 6. I want to know how to_ trees? A. plants B. plant C. planted( ) 7. They_ here at seven last night. A. leaved B. leave C. left( ) 8. Did you help them_ an experiment? A. do B.

12、 does C. did( ) 9. Where did you_ books? A. bought B. buyed C. buy( ) 10. I thought this_ not good news. A. was B. is C. are三根據(jù)括號中的要求改寫句子。1Mike didnt go to work last week.(特殊疑問句)_2Did you do your homework last night?(否定回答)_3She went to the cinema yesterday. (特殊疑問句)_4I got up later this morning. (特殊疑問句)_5They caught birds in the garden. (否定句)_6The man has a lot of money. (一般疑問句)_7Tom read many new story books. (一般疑問句)_8My brother was sick yesterday. (否定句)_四.翻


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