



1、滬教版六年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ)閱讀理解重點(diǎn)知識(shí)練習(xí)題班級(jí):_ 姓名:_1. 閱讀短文,回答下面問(wèn)題。 Im Li Ming. Im 10 years old. Im a Chinese boy. Now I am in Canada. I live with Jennys family. They are very good to me. 

2、0; On Christmas, I had Christmas dinner with the family. Her parents gave me a camera. Now I can take pictures with it. I gave them a Chinese lantern as a&

3、#160;Christmas gift. They like it very much.1How old is Li Ming?  He is _ years old.2Where is Li Ming now? He is in _.3Who does Li Ming live with in&#

4、160;Canada?   He lives with _ _.4What gift did Jennys parents give Li Ming?   They gave Li Ming a _.5What did Li Ming give the family as a Christ

5、mas present?  He gave a _ to them.2. 閱讀理解。Shari was excited about her birthday. She thought about new presents, but her mum said she had to donate some old toys because they had no place for new toys.Shari was not happy. She loved all her toys. On that day, he

6、r mum helped Shari put the old toys into three piles a 'keep' pile, a 'donate' pile and a 'maybe' pile. Mum cleaned the 'maybe' and 'donate' toys, and put them in bags. Then they went to visit some poor kids and gave them toys. Many kids said they were the onl

7、y toys they had. Seeing the kids'' smile made Shari so happy. She went back to the car. Then she got the 'maybe' bag out.( )(1)What made Shari unhappy before her birthday?A. Too many new presents.B. Giving up the old toys.C. Keeping the old toys.( )(2)What''s in the 'keep

8、' pile?A. Old toys that Shari didn''t want.B. Old toys that Shari didn''t want to donate.C. New toys that Shari just got.( )(3)How did Shari feel at the end of tile visit?A. Very happy. B. Not very excited. C. Very surprised.( )(4)Why did Shari get tile 'maybe' bag out of

9、 the car?A. Because she wanted to sell it.B. Because she wanted to clean it.C. Because she wanted to give it to the kids.( )(5)What will be the best title for this passage?A. New Toys. B. Shari''s Birthday Party. C. Giving.3. 閱讀短文。Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century. San

10、dwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money. He often played for 24 hours, and didn''t even stop to have his meals. He asked his servants to bring him some meat and bread. He put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cards with h

11、is right hand. People liked Sandwich''s way. From then, people ate bread and meat as Sandwich did. From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food sandwich today.(1)Sandwich was the _.A. name of a farmer B. name of a rich man C. name of an American(2)Sandwich _ .A. was so in

12、terested in playing cardsB. often brought some bread with himC. never ate anything when he played cards(3)Sandwich asked his _ to bring some meat and bread for him.A. families B. waiters C. servants(4)People liked Sandwich''s way because _.A. bread, together with meat was cheapB. he always w

13、on much moneyC. when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with the other(5)Today, sandwich is _.A. also a name of a rich manB. a kind of foodC. not liked by most of the people4. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問(wèn)題。I''m Mr Web B. I'' m a teacher in Guangming School. The school is ve

14、ry different now.Ten years ago, the school was small with a few students. There were about 10 classrooms in the school. There was no playground. Students had no places to play. They had to play on farms. We had no library. There was only a reading corner in every classroom.But now, the school is ver

15、y big. We have a big garden now. In the garden there are many big tall trees and flowers. It''s very comfortable to sit under the trees. The new playground is big and beautiful. The classrooms are very big and bright. There are fifty classrooms in the school. There is a big library. The libr

16、ary has many books.(1)What is Mr Webb''s job?(2)What was the school like ten years ago?(3)Were there any gardens in the school ten years ago?(4)Is there a big playground in the school now?(5)How many classrooms are there in the school now?5. 閱讀短文,補(bǔ)全信息,每空限填一詞。Hello. I''m Lena. Mr and

17、Mrs White are my neighbours. They are nice people. They are both doctors. They have busy lives. They don''t have children, but they have a cute dog called Teddy. Sometimes they take Teddy for a walk. They are kind to me. They often give some advice about health to me. Sometimes we get togeth

18、er to cook or play cards. I like living next door to them.(1)Mr and Mrs White are both    .(2)Mr and Mrs White have    lives.(3)Mr and Mrs White have a    . Its name is Teddy.(4)Sometimes Lena, Mr and Mrs White get together to  &#

19、160;  or play cards.6. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷句子對(duì)錯(cuò),對(duì)的寫(xiě)T, 錯(cuò)誤的寫(xiě)F。An old lady has a cat. The cat is very old. She can''t run fast, and she cant bite. When the old cat sees a mouse, she jumps to it and catches it, but the mouse still gets out of her mouth and runs away. Then the old lady is ver

20、y angry. She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, “Dont beat me. Please be kind to me. When I was young, I gave you a lot of help.”( ) 1. An old man has an old cat.( ) 2. The cat cant run fast.( ) 3. The old lady beats the cat because it cant bite the fish.( ) 4. The cat asks the lady to be

21、kind to her.( ) 5. The cat cant jump onto the mouse.7. 閱讀短文,選擇最佳答案。Today is Sunday. Its sunny. Peters family are on the bus. They are going to the park. They are going to go for a picnic. Look! Peter is playing computer games. His mother is reading a book. His cousin, Mike, is running on the bus. Mi

22、kes mother is very angry with Mike. Peters father is talking with Peters uncle. Peters sister is singing. Shes happy. Peters brother is listening to music.1Today is   .( )A. Monday   B. Thursday   C. Sunday2Peters family are   .( )A.&#

23、160;on the bus   B. in the park   C. in the library3Peter is   ( ).A. playing computer games   B. reading a book   C. singing4Peters father is talking with   .( )A. Mike   B. Peters mot

24、her   C. Peters uncle5Peters sister is   .( )A. angry   B. happy   C. ill8. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子正誤。Our school had a sports meeting yesterday. It was sunny and cool.We all stayed around the playground. My friends Lucy and Peter took part in the

25、sports meeting. Lucy is good at the long jump. And she jumped far. She was the first. Peter is good at the long race. He often runs very fast. He won a medal in the race. We were very happy because we won the long jump and the long race.( )(1)Our school had a sports meeting last week.( )(2)Lucy won

26、the high jump.( )(3)Peter is good at the long race. He won a medal in the race.( )(4)We were very happy because we won the long jump and the long race.( )(5)Lucy and Peter are not my friends.9. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子正誤。Thanksgiving is a festival. On that day, people always say 'thank you' for their foo

27、d, family and friends. On Thanksgiving Day,they always have a big family dinner. They often eat turkey. After dinner they watch a big football game on TV. I think Thanksgiving is wonderful.( )(1)On Thanksgiving Day people say 'thank you' for their turkey and football.( )(2)People always have

28、 a big family dinner on Thanksgiving Day.( )(3)On Thanksgiving Day people often eat moon cakes.( )(4)Thanksgiving is a wonderful festival.10. 根據(jù)以上短文內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的正誤。Today is Sunday. I feel sick. So I go to the hospital. I see the doctor. The doctor tell me to take some medicine, because I have a cold. On

29、 my way home I meet my friend. his name is Mike. He goes home on foot. His home is next to my home. So we go home together. He is very happy.( )(1)Today is Satursday.( )(2)I go to the restaurant.( )(3)I go to see the doctor.( )(4)I have a headache.( )(5)Mike''s home is next to my home.11. 閱讀

30、理解。Christmas comes in winter. It is always on the same day each year.It''s on 25th December. We always get up early at Christmas. When we get up, we find presents at the end of our beds. We open our presents in the morning. At noon, we have a big lunch at home. In the afternoon, we play game

31、s and have a good time. In the evening, we are usually very tired, and we go to bed at about 10 o''clock.( )(1)Christmas comes in      .A. spring B. autumn C. winter( )(2)We always get up      at Christmas.A. early B. late C. at ten

32、 o''clock( )(3)We find      at the end of our beds.A. food B. presents C. milk( )(4)      , we have a big lunch at home.A. At night B. In the evening C. At noon( )(5)On that day we are usually very tired and go to bed at  

33、    .A. nine o''clock B. ten o''clock C. eight o''clock12. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答問(wèn)題。The Crow (烏鴉)and the Fox     A crow is sitting in a big tree. She has a big piec

34、e of meat in her mouth. 'My babies will have a nice breakfast,' she thinks.An old fox is looking for (尋找)his breakfast. He sees the crow and the meat. 'How can I get that pi

35、ece of meat?' he thinks.     'Good morning, Mrs Crow,' says the fox very sweetly. 'How are you?',      But the crow doesnt say a word.  

36、;   'You are very nice babies, Mrs Crow,' says the fox very sweetly. 'How are they? May I see them?'     Still(仍然), the crow doesnt sa

37、y a word.     'You are very beautiful, Mrs Crow. And you have a beautiful voice(聲音)too, ' says the fox very, very sweetly. 'Will you sing a song for me?'     Mrs

38、60;Crow thinks, 'How nice Mr Fox is! I must sing him a song.' So she opens her mouth, 'Caw! Caw! (烏鴉的叫聲)' Down drops (掉下)the meat into the foxs 

39、mouth.   Questions:   1. What does the crow have in her mouth?   2. What is the old fox looking for?   3. The fox says 'Good morning'

40、; to the crow. Does the crow say anything?   4. Why does the crow open her mouth?   5. Who gets the meat at last(最后)?13. 閱讀理解。Everybody wants to be healthy. We know

41、food is very important. There are many healthy foods. We can have more bananas apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruit and vegetables are good for us. But we don''t eat too much choco1ate and candy. We don''t eat too much ice-cream, too. They are not god healthy food. So

42、they aren''t good for our health. Healthy food can make us grow and make us strong and happy. There is a saying 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 'Sports can also keep us healthy. We should get up early and do some sports every day. Don''t be lazy! We will be healthy and

43、 happy.(1)Which is right?( )A. Everybody is healthy. B. We want to be healthy. C. We are important.(2)What are healthy foods?( )A. Fruit and vegetables.B. Bananas, apples and chocolate.C. Fruits and chocolate.(3)Why are healthy foods god for us?( )A. They make us grow. B. They make us strong and hap

44、py. C. A andb.(4)'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' means _.( )A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.(5)To be healthy, we should _ .( )A. eat fruit and vegetables often. B. ex

45、ercise often. C. A andb.14. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)。China is in the east of Asia. It has a lot of beautiful mountains and rivers. Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two longest rivers in China.China has the largest population in the world. There

46、 are more than 3 billion people in China. Most people in China are Han Chinese, but there are 55 other ethnic groups.Beijing is the capital of China. It is in the north of China. Beijing is famous for its culture and its food. Peking Opera is world -famous. There are many kinds of local food in Beij

47、ing. Beijing duck is the most famous one.( )(1)China is in East Asia.( )(2)The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two longest rivers in China.( )(3)China has the smallest population in the world.( )(4)Sichuan is the capital of China.( )(5)There are many kinds of local food in Beijing.15. 閱讀理

48、解。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷下列句子正誤。I''m Peter. I''m from the UK. I have a brother. His name is Jim. He is taller than me, but I am older than him. We are helpful. We often clean the room and wash the clothes on the weekend. He likes playing computer games. I like playing computer games, too. But he pl

49、ays better than me. He also likes reading. He often goes the bookstore and the library. After dinner, we usually read books. Sometimes we go for a walk. We always have a good time together. Do you have a brother or sister? Can you tell me about him/her?( )(1)Peter is from the UK.( )(2)Jim is taller

50、than Peter, but Peter is older than Jim.( )(3)They often clean the room and wash the clothes on the weekend.( )(4)Jim doesn''t like reading.( )(5)Peter and Jim usually read books after dinner.16. 閱讀理解。Something about ThailandBangkok is the capital of Thailand, it is very different from Guang

51、zhou. There are many temples in Bangkok. It is hot all year round, so there are a lot of fruits, the most famous fruit is durian. There are many rivers in the city, so the market on the water is very famous, you can buy flowers, vegetables, fruits and other things on the boats.The best time to visit

52、 Thailand is at the end of March or the beginning of April, because it is the biggest festival in Thailand WaterFestival. It is the beginning of their New Year. Before the festival, people clean their house and cook nice food. During the festival, people sing, dance and throw water on each other. Th

53、ey think that water can clean away bad things and bring good luck. How interesting it is!T or F:1Bangkok is the capital of England. (_)2It is very cold in winter in Thailand. (_)3We can visit many temples and the famous market on the water in Bangkok. (_)4Water Festival is the most po

54、pular festival in Thailand. (_)5During Water Festival the people throw water on each other. (_)17. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷正誤。Tom is my new friend. He lives in a big house in Canada. Tom likes his study because he likes reading and playing computer games. His brother Tim likes his bedroom best because he

55、 likes sleeping.His father works in Window School. He is a teacher. He likes riding. He goes to work by bike every day. His mother is a TV reporter. She likes reading newspapers. She goes to work by bus. She can read on the bus. October in Beijing is beautiful. It''s cool. Tom''s fam

56、ily is coming to China. I hope to see them soon.( )(1)Tom likes reading and playing computer games.( )(2)Tim likes sleeping.( )(3)Tom''s father goes to work by bike.( )(4)Tom''s mother goes to work by car.( )(5)Tom''s family is coming to Canada.18. 閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。 Chen Jie

57、 and Chen Lin are sisters. Chen Jie is 14. She''s 2 years younger than Chen Lin. But she''s taller than Chen Lin. Chen Jie is 46 kilograms. She''s l kilogram heavier than Chen Lin Chen Jie likes sports. She plays sports every day. So she''s stronger than Chen Lin. Che

58、n Jie has shorthair, but Chen Lin has long hair. They often wear the same size shoes. They wear size 36. They love each other.1Chen Jie has _sister. ( )A. a younger   B. an elder2Chen Lin is_ kilograms. ( )A. 47   B. 453Chen Lin is_ than Chen Jie. ( )A. taller   B. shorter4Chen Lin''s hair_ longer than Chen Jie''s. ( )A. is   B. is


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