Devious Maids《蛇蝎女傭(2014)》第一季第八集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第1頁
Devious Maids《蛇蝎女傭(2014)》第一季第八集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第2頁
Devious Maids《蛇蝎女傭(2014)》第一季第八集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第3頁
Devious Maids《蛇蝎女傭(2014)》第一季第八集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第4頁
Devious Maids《蛇蝎女傭(2014)》第一季第八集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第5頁
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1、Previously on "Devious maids".蛇蝎女傭前情提要Professor Suarez? Professor?蘇亞雷斯教授 教授You lied to our faces.你當(dāng)著我們的面撒謊I am telling everyone who you really are!我要告訴大家你的真實(shí)身份Then I guess I'm going to have to tell Peri Westmore那我就只得告訴佩里·韋斯特莫that you're sleeping with her husband.你和她老公上&hea

2、rts;床♥了I didn't know you and Mr. Powell had a son.我不知道你和鮑威爾先生還有兒子We don't anymore. He was killed.現(xiàn)在沒有了 他被殺害了You want to help me?你想幫我嗎Dust. Why are you being so mean?除塵去吧 你干嘛這么刻薄I am doing my job, and I need you to do yours.我只是做好本職工作 你也要這樣I am so sorry. You don't have to apolog

3、ize.真的很抱歉 你沒必要道歉But it's good I know the truth because now I can help you.但幸好我知道了真♥相♥ 因?yàn)檫@樣我就能幫你了Hello. I heard you were looking for a new maid?您好 我聽說您要找個(gè)新女傭Olivia Rice- the first Mrs. Stappord,奧利維亞·賴斯 第一任斯塔普德太太 and a world-class psycho.也是個(gè)世界一流的神經(jīng)病Let me talk to Olivia.

4、讓我跟奧利維亞談?wù)処 think Michael is still in love with you. Really?我覺得邁克爾還愛著你 真的嗎Oh, my god. What's happening?天啊 發(fā)生什么事了Your business manager has disappeared你的理財(cái)經(jīng)理and taken all of your money with him.攜款潛逃了You now don't have a cent to your name.現(xiàn)在你名下已經(jīng)沒有一分錢了The question is how can I make some money?問題

5、是 我要怎么賺錢What are you gonna do? What I've always done.你要怎么做 繼續(xù)革命道路啊It's time to find husband number seven.再找下一任老公唄The car's pulling up.車到了Tan pronto? Help me.這么快 來幫我Aren't you excited?難道你不激動(dòng)嗎We've never met a billionaire before.我們以前從沒見過億萬富翁I'm thrilled. Put these over there.我激

6、動(dòng)死了 把花瓶拿過去So. Mrs. Delatour is really dating this guy?德拉圖太太真的在和這人約會(huì)嗎That's what she said on the phone.她在電♥話♥里是這么說的It was only a 2-week cruise. She moves fast.就兩周的巡游 她動(dòng)作真快The guy's 76 years old.那男人已經(jīng)76歲了She doesn't have time to play hard to get.她可沒時(shí)間玩欲擒故縱So. we'r

7、e not going to say anything about Remi?我們不提雷米的事嗎No. Not a word.一字不提Welcome home, Mrs. Delatour. How was the cruise?歡迎回家 德拉圖太太 巡游怎么樣We can do small talk later, dear.我們稍后再寒暄 親愛的I need to ask you both a favor在你們見到我的新情郎之前before you meet my new beau.我得拜托你們幫個(gè)忙What kind of favor?什么忙First, you should know I

8、 adore Alfred.首先你們要明白 我超喜歡阿爾弗雷德He has everything I look for in a man-他滿足了我對(duì)男人的一切幻想Charm, wit, sophistication.迷人 聰慧 溫文爾雅And a billion dollars.還是億萬富翁You forgot to mention a billion dollars.你忘了提億萬富翁Don't be crass.別這么粗俗Despite my affection for Alfred,雖然我很喜歡阿爾弗雷德I haven't been completely honest w

9、ith him.但我并沒有對(duì)他坦誠相告So you two need to promise所以你們得保證not to expose my little white lie.不拆穿我善意的小謊言What did you tell him?你怎么和他說的I told him I was 39.我告訴他我39Pounds?磅嗎Years old.是39歲啦That's not a little white lie.這可不算是善意的小謊言That's an alternate universe.這簡直是翻天覆地的瞎扯It's not that far-fetched.沒那么夸張

10、I think this face speaks for itself.我的臉就能說明我有多年輕Yeah, and it's saying, "Stop pulling me so tight."您的臉還說 別這么用力拉皮Genevieve?!吉納維芙We don't have time for your vicious attacks.沒時(shí)間聽你們惡毒攻擊了I need you both to promise you won't say anything.我要你們保證不許告密Okay, we promise.好 我們保證But just how s

11、tupid is this guy?但這人到底有多蠢啊Alfred is not stupid.阿爾弗雷德可不蠢He must be! How else would someone believe他肯定很蠢 不然他怎么會(huì)相信that you are 39 years old?你才39歲Where's my pretty young thing?我年輕的美人呢I'm right here, sugar.我在這呢 親愛的Zoila, valentina.佐拉 瓦倫蒂娜I want you to meet Alfred Pettigrove-這是阿爾弗雷德·柏蒂格羅夫The

12、 man I'm going to marry.我的未婚夫So the Powell's secret room is at the end of the hallway.鮑威爾的密室在走廊的盡頭And there's a button in the niche.壁龕里有個(gè)按鈕You press the button, and the door swings inward.你按下去 然后門就會(huì)往里面旋轉(zhuǎn)And this is where the DVDs are? Yes.光盤在那里嗎 對(duì)Go through all of the ones marked "F

13、lora".查看所有標(biāo)記"芙羅拉"的And she was using this DVD for blackmail?她就用光盤來敲詐嗎That's why she was killed.所以她才被殺了Chicas!姑娘們Oh, hey! What are you two doing here?你們?cè)谶@里干什么呢Zoila called. She had time for a quick bite.佐拉打來電♥話♥ 她有時(shí)間吃頓快餐You want to join us?和我們一起嗎I'd love to

14、, but I don't want to be late for work.我很愿意 但我不想工作遲到Y(jié)ou told me Spence was still in the hospital.你告訴我斯賓思還在醫(yī)院Yeah, and you told me你還告訴我Peri was shooting a movie in New York.佩里在紐約拍戲Who exactly are you working for?你在為誰工作啊I'm so swamped with work at the Stappord house我在斯塔普德家忙得不可開交that Rosie agre

15、ed to help me out.所以羅西答應(yīng)幫我Isn't that nice?她真是好人I am so thoughtful.我太體貼了Well, then, I guess we'll see you later.那我們回頭見吧Bye. Bye. Have a good lunch.再見 再見 用餐愉快I'm so sorry. I didn't know what to say. It's okay.很抱歉 我不知道說什么 沒事的But you- you made up that stuff about the Stappords so qui

16、ckly.但你 你這么快就胡謅了斯塔普德家的事You're a good liar.你真會(huì)撒謊Yeah, well. I didn't used to be.我以前也不是這樣的Hello?有人在嗎Oh, my God!天哪Marisol! We thought you were at the store.瑪莉索 你不是去店里買♥♥東西了嗎II left my wallet. Son of a bitch!我忘帶錢包了 狗♥娘♥養(yǎng)♥的Are you okay?你沒事吧I

17、landed on her shoe.我摔在她的鞋上了We didn't think you'd be back for a while.我們還以為你要過陣子才會(huì)回來Yeah. Yeah, I can see that.看出來了Just. grab my. Maybe come back in an hour.就拿一下我的.可能一小時(shí)后回家You can make us dinner. Sure.你可以給我們做晚餐 好的Just gonna wipe off the counter first if that's okay.如果可以的話 我得先擦擦料理臺(tái)Marisol!

18、瑪莉索We're so sorry.真的很抱歉No worries. And from now on沒關(guān)系 以后我去商店if I'm at the store and I forgot my wallet,又忘記帶錢包的話I'll just. shoplift.我就直接 偷東西好了Mrs. Evelyn!伊芙琳太太I(xiàn)'m in here, Rosie.我在這里 羅西Where is "here"?"這里"是哪里Go to the door next to the Picasso.畢加索畫作邊上那扇門And if you&#

19、39;re not familiar with analytic cubism.你要是不熟悉立體派畫風(fēng)的話follow the sound of my voice.跟著我的聲音走就是了Hello there.你好啊What in God's name is that?這是什么This is Tucker.這是塔科Say hello to Mrs. Evelyn.跟伊芙琳太太問好I thought your son was still in Mexico.你兒子不是還在墨西哥嗎Oh, no. This is the Westmores' son.不 這是韋斯特莫家的兒子I was

20、 gonna say he's awfully white.我說皮膚怎么這么白呢Well, since she's working and he's in the hospital,韋斯特莫太太在工作 韋斯特莫先生住院了I have to watch him.我得照看他Honestly.說真的Rosie, don't you think you should have mentioned this羅西 你不覺得應(yīng)該在面試的時(shí)候in the interview?跟我說一聲嗎Why would you worry about such a sweet boy?何必?fù)?dān)

21、心這么一個(gè)可愛的孩子呢This rug is worth over $100,000.這塊地毯價(jià)值超過十萬美元If you ruin it, I will personally see to it要是讓你毀了 我保證that you end up in the public school system.會(huì)讓你去念公立學(xué)校Listen up, people.聽好了 兩位What is wrong with this picture?我身上有什么問題I'm talking about my sweater.我是說我的毛衣Do I really wear clothes this tight

22、?我穿的衣服有這么緊嗎Well, yeah. But it's usually your pants.有啊 不過通常是你的褲子Someone put this in the dryer.有人把這件衣服放進(jìn)烘干機(jī)了I want to know who's in charge of laundry.我要知道洗衣是誰負(fù)責(zé)的Well, let me think.讓我想想This should have gone to the cleaners.這衣服應(yīng)該送去干洗店的Not in the washing machine.而不是扔洗衣機(jī)里You see, here's the th

23、ing.是這樣的I don't think I put it in there.不是我放進(jìn)烘干機(jī)的Well, you must have, because.肯定是你 因?yàn)镮 can see my belly button.我都能看到自己的肚臍了I'm sure it won't happen again.我保證不會(huì)有下次了It better not.最好是Do you want me to throw it away?要我把這衣服扔了嗎Nah.不必With the right leather pants, this could work.配條合適的皮褲應(yīng)該還能穿What

24、 are you staring at?看什么看We both know I didn't put the sweater in the dryer.我們心知肚明 不是我把毛衣放進(jìn)烘干機(jī)的Do we? Yes.是嗎 是And if you don't tell Alejandro the truth,如果你不把真♥相♥告訴亞歷翰卓I'm gonna go Puerto Rican on your ass.我一定不會(huì)放過你Since when do you threaten me?你還威脅起我來了Oh, my God. Odes

25、sa.天哪 奧黛莎Have you been drinking? Don't be stupid.你喝酒了嗎 別傻了Well, I used to be a bartender.我以前做過酒保I know Scotch when I smell it.一聞到這味兒就知道是蘇格蘭威士忌Well, if you want to be a bartender again,你要想做回酒保的話keep making accusations.就繼續(xù)污蔑我吧What have we here?有些什么菜Smells delicious. Mami made lamb chops.聞著好香 媽媽做了羊

26、排And do I smell asparagus?有沒有蘆筍That's amazing.你好厲害When you're blind, the other four senses眼睛看不見了 其他四種感覺become more heightened.就變得更加敏銳After all these years,這么多年來I've learned to see with my hands.我已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì)用手去感知That's how I could tell how beautiful Genevieve was.我就是這樣知道吉納維芙有多美的She let me ca

27、ress her smooth, perfect face.她讓我撫摸她那光滑完美的臉Did she let you feel her neck?她讓你摸她的脖子了嗎Is- is there a draft in here?有風(fēng)嗎I'm sure that Zoila left the window open.肯定是佐拉沒關(guān)窗You should go shut it. tight.你應(yīng)該去緊緊關(guān)上閉嘴It's lovely to finally meet you, Zoila.很高興終于跟你見面了 佐拉Genevieve says that you're the mo

28、st brilliant housekeeper吉納維芙說你是比佛利山莊in all of Beverly Hills.最棒的管家Well, you shouldn't believe everything she says.她說的話你可不能盡信Alfred? We should start planning our wedding.阿爾弗雷德 我們?cè)撻_始計(jì)劃婚禮了Oh, I leave all that in your capable hands, my dear.都交給你操辦吧 親愛的'Cause I don't know the first thing about

29、 weddings.我對(duì)婚禮一無所知Haven't you been married before?你以前沒有結(jié)過婚嗎Oh, no. Sadly, I haven't.悲哀的是 我還真沒有結(jié)過婚Oh, a handsome man like you? Come on.像你這么英俊的男人怎么可能沒結(jié)過婚 拜托When I was younger, I was obsessed with making money.我年輕的時(shí)候 一心只想著賺錢But somewhere along the way, I forgot to acquire但在這個(gè)過程中 我卻忘記了the only i

30、mportant treasure there is.唯一重要的財(cái)富What's that? A family.是什么 家庭You know, our food is getting cold.菜都快涼了To me, it's an absolute miracle.對(duì)我來說 這就是一個(gè)奇跡Not only has this darling girl agreed to be my bride.這位親愛的姑娘不僅答應(yīng)做我的新娘she's also agreed她還答應(yīng)to give birth to my child.為我生個(gè)孩子Yeah, that's a m

31、iracle, all right.那還真是個(gè)奇跡Ay, Flora.芙羅拉Santos cielos.天哪You told Alfred you could have his baby.你跟阿爾弗雷德說你會(huì)給他生孩子What could you be thinking?你到底在想什么呢A few weeks after the wedding, after we're legally joined,婚禮后幾周 當(dāng)我們合法結(jié)合后I will go for my annual checkup.我會(huì)去做健康年檢Then I will come home, and I will inform

32、 Alfred當(dāng)我回來的時(shí)候 我會(huì)告訴阿爾弗雷德that I am, sadly, unable to conceive.很不幸 我無法生育He will then know the truth.那時(shí)候他就會(huì)知道真♥相♥了Except for my age, which is none of his business.除了我的年齡 不過這也和他沒關(guān)系But you're still depriving him of the one thing he wants most.但你還是會(huì)剝奪他最想要的You mean a baby?你說孩子嗎No.

33、 I've got that all figured out.不會(huì)的 我已經(jīng)想好了We'll adopt.我們會(huì)領(lǐng)養(yǎng)一個(gè)孩子Adopt?領(lǐng)養(yǎng)Yes. That way, everybody wins.對(duì) 這樣一來就皆大歡喜了Alfred gets a family.阿爾弗雷德得到了家庭I get to stay rich.我也能繼續(xù)過有錢人的日子And some spindly little orphan gets a fabulous life.而某個(gè)可憐瘦小的孤兒也能過上好日子So now you're bringing a kid into this web of

34、 lies?所以你還要把一個(gè)孩子扯進(jìn)這一連串的謊言中來嗎Oh, but he'll be loved.但我們會(huì)愛他的Alfred will be a doting father.阿爾弗雷德會(huì)是個(gè)溺愛的父親And you know what a great mother I was.你也知道我是多好的母親Speaking of.說到這個(gè)where's your son?你兒子在哪兒呢Remi? I don't know.雷米 我不知道I just assumed.我以為.Where is he?他在哪兒Let me be the first to tell you.就由我

35、第一個(gè)告訴你吧Remi is in Aspen.雷米在阿斯彭He went skiing with some friends.他和朋友們?nèi)セ┝薟ell, I'm so glad he's having fun.很高興他這么享受I know how stressful school is.我知道學(xué)校壓力有多大Mrs. Delatour, Mr. Pettigrove needs you.德拉圖太太 柏蒂格羅夫先生在找你Oh. Excuse me.失陪一下What were you thinking?你在想什么啊There's too much lying in this

36、 house.這屋子里已經(jīng)有太多謊言了Remi can tell her the truth when he's back.雷米回來的時(shí)候可以親自告訴她真♥相♥So who's gonna tell Alfred the truth?那誰能告訴阿爾弗雷德真♥相♥呢He's blind, not stupid.他是瞎了 不是傻了He'll figure all this out when he wants to.要是他愿意 自然能想清楚Rosie?羅西Rosie! The ba

37、by is crying.羅西 孩子在哭Why are you all alone?怎么就你一個(gè)人Where is Rosie?羅西在哪兒Can you be more specific?你能說詳細(xì)點(diǎn)嗎Please stop.別哭了I just took a valium, and you are ruining it.我剛吃了片安定 你又讓我頭疼起來了I'm not going to hold you.我才不會(huì)抱你呢I'm wearing silk, and you are moist.我穿的是絲綢 你又哭得梨花帶雨Mrs. Evelyn? Shh. He's alm

38、ost asleep.伊芙琳太太 噓 他快睡著了Again, I am so sorry.我真的很抱歉Taylor, you do not have to keep apologizing.泰勒 你不用一直道歉This is your house.這是你家I don't want you think we're weird for.我不想讓你覺得我們是怪人doing it in the kitchen.居然在廚房♥做♥愛♥Now why would I think that's weird?我怎么會(huì)這么想

39、It's just, I've been trying to make我一直想為了邁克爾our sex life more exciting for Michael.讓我們的性生活更刺♥激♥一點(diǎn)Lucky husband.真是個(gè)幸運(yùn)的丈夫Well, actually, we're trying to get pregnant.事實(shí)上 我們想造人You are? That's terrific!是嗎 那太棒了Thanks. Oh, you guys are gonna make great parents.謝謝 你們會(huì)是

40、對(duì)好父母的I hope so.希望如此It's just, we've been trying for months now,但是 我們已經(jīng)試了好幾個(gè)月了and it's not working.一直都沒成功Oh, honey.親愛的The thing Michael wants most in the whole world is a baby.邁克爾最想要的就是個(gè)孩子And what if I can't give that to him?如果我沒辦法給他該怎么辦No, no, no, no. Don't go there.不會(huì)的 別這樣想Remem

41、ber, these things take time.記住 這些事得慢慢來But what if there's something wrong with me?但如果我身體有問題怎么辦Olivia wasn't able to give him a baby,奧利維亞沒能給他孩子and he left her.他就離她而去了He left Olivia because she's a loon and a half.他甩奧利維亞是因?yàn)樗莻€(gè)蠢貨Maybe she became a loon也許是因?yàn)樗惺艿絙ecause she could feel him bec

42、oming unhappy.邁克爾開始不開心之后才變成這樣的There's a fertility clinic in Santa Monica,圣塔莫尼卡有一個(gè)不孕不育診所and they are considered the best in the state.是全州最好的Maybe you could go there, get checked out.你可以去那檢查一下That's probably a good idea. 這個(gè)主意不錯(cuò)And remember, Michael really loves you.一定要記住 邁克爾真的很愛你I can't im

43、agine he would ever even think about leaving you.我無法想象他會(huì)想要離開你I'll feel more secure once I know I'm pregnant.我得知道自己懷孕了才更有安全感Odessa!奧黛莎It's 3 in the morning. What are you doing?凌晨三點(diǎn)你干什么呢I'm fine. Go back to bed.沒事 回去睡覺吧Oh, my- were you drinking Alejandro's Scotch?天. 你是在喝亞歷翰卓的蘇格蘭威士忌

44、嗎This is none of your business.不關(guān)你的事Well, if you let Alejandro think I did this,如果讓亞歷翰卓以為是我♥干♥的then it will be my business.那就關(guān)我的事了Odessa, your hand is bleeding.奧黛莎 你的手在流血Look at that.還真是Where do you keep the first aid kit?急救包你放哪了In my medicine cabinet.在我的藥柜里I'm gonna go get

45、 you a band-aid.我去給你拿創(chuàng)可貼No! I don't want you in my room.不要 我不想讓你進(jìn)我的房♥間Why?為什么You think I'm gonna steal your nesting dolls or something?你以為我會(huì)偷你的俄♥羅♥斯♥嵌套娃娃嗎Just sit there and try not to break anything else.你好好坐著 別再打壞東西了Carajo.聽到?jīng)]有What took you so lon

46、g?怎么才回來Let me see your hand.把你的手給我Okay.好That hurts.好疼I know. You don't want it to get infected.我知道 可要是感染了就糟了What the hell is going on in here?發(fā)生什么事了Sorry to wake you.抱歉把你吵醒了We just had a little accident, that's all.發(fā)生了點(diǎn)小意外 僅此而已Would someone like to explain why my good scotch那我的上好威士忌is lying

47、all over the floor?怎么會(huì)跑地上去的I knocked it over.是我打翻的And Odessa cut her hand helping me clean it up.奧黛莎幫我打掃時(shí)把手劃傷了You okay, Odessa?你沒事吧 奧黛莎I'm fine. Thank you.沒事 謝謝關(guān)心Why don't you two just go back to bed?你們都回去睡覺吧I'll take care of this.我來打掃就行That's a good idea. I got rehearsal in the morn

48、ing.行 我明早還有彩排呢Come on, Odessa.來 奧黛莎And you, be more careful.以后小心點(diǎn)You're starting to piss me off.我已經(jīng)開始不爽了Yes, sir.好的Mi amor.親愛的Come on, Marisol. Give me a break.拜托 瑪莉索 能讓我歇會(huì)兒嗎Rosie? I heard the baby fussing. Is he okay?羅西 我聽到寶寶鬧了 沒事吧He's cutting a tooth.他正長牙齒呢Poor little thing.小可憐Why don'

49、t I take him for a quick walk?要不我?guī)鋈ド⑸⒉絊ometimes the bouncing of the stroller有時(shí)嬰兒車移♥動(dòng)♥helps him fall asleep, and then I'll get back to work.可以幫他入睡 然后我再回來干活Why not let me?要不我來吧Let you what?來什么Let me take him.我來帶他散步For heaven's sake.別擔(dān)心I am perfectly capable of pushing a

50、 stroller.我推個(gè)嬰兒車還是不成問題的I'm just not sure Mrs. Peri would be comfortable我只是不知道你來照顧寶寶with you looking after her baby.佩里太太會(huì)不會(huì)不高興The woman appears topless in every film she does.那個(gè)女人拍電影總是袒胸露乳的I'm not sure she's in a position to judge me.還輪不到她來對(duì)我指手劃腳I don't know.我不好說Come on, Rosie.拜托 羅西Th

51、is way, you can have the house all to yourself.這樣家里就只剩下你一個(gè)人了Won't that make it easier to get your work done?你干活不就更方便了嗎Actually, it would.還真是But have him back in 30 minutes.OK?但你三十分鐘后就得把他帶回來Of course.沒問題Come on, you darling thing.來吧 小寶貝We are going to have so much fun.我們?cè)谝黄鹨欢〞?huì)很開心的What are you doi

52、ng?你在干什么Huh? I'm just polishing the silver.怎么了 只是擦拭銀器而已But that is my job.那是我的工作Yes. But I'm so good at it. The trick is to rub it我知道 但我很擅長 秘訣就是until you can see your reflection. You see?擦到可以當(dāng)鏡子用為止 看到?jīng)]There's my pretty face.映照著我美麗的臉龐I will ask you again. Why are you doing my job?我再問你一次 你

53、為什么搶著干我的活Well, you were resting. I didn't want to disturb you.剛才你在休息啊 我不想打擾你You know, don't you?你知道了對(duì)不對(duì)I saw the cytoxan in your medicine cabinet. Yes.我看到你藥柜里的環(huán)磷酰胺抗癌藥了That's what the doctors gave my mother.醫(yī)生給我母親開的也是那個(gè)She had cancer?她也有癌癥嗎In her pancreas.胰腺癌You?你呢Bone.骨癌That's why yo

54、u've been drinking?所以你才喝酒Because of the pain?是因?yàn)樘弁措y忍♥Have you told Alejandro? No.你跟亞歷翰卓說過嗎 沒有Nobody knows. Ay, bendito, Odessa.沒人知道 親愛的 奧黛莎You shouldn't be going through this alone.你不該一個(gè)人承受的What do you care?關(guān)你什么事I'm worried about you.我擔(dān)心你You know, we're friends.我們是朋友啊No, w

55、e're not.不 我們不是Why are you getting angry?你為什么要生氣You know nothing about me. Then tell me something.你根本不了解我 那你就告訴我We have worked together for months.我們已經(jīng)共事好幾個(gè)月了I'd like to know you.我很想了解你Why? Because you think I'm going to die?為什么 難道是因?yàn)槟阌X得我要死了嗎Odessa. I polish the silver.奧黛莎 我來擦銀器It is my

56、job!這是我的工作You will not take that away from me.你不能搶走I'm not dead yet.我還沒死呢So where did you hear about this place?你是怎么知道這個(gè)地方的A friend recommended it.一個(gè)朋友推薦的Even though it didn't work for me,雖然沒幫我懷上I love the doctors.但是我喜歡這里的醫(yī)生They seem to really know their stuff.他們好像真的非常專業(yè)Oh, I didn't know.我不知道It's okay. We just adopted.沒關(guān)系 我們領(lǐng)養(yǎng)了孩子But when we interviewed you,但是當(dāng)你來面試時(shí)you said you didn't have any family.你說你沒有家人Yes. Well, I got a divorce.是的 我離婚了But what about the child?那孩子呢I-I.我.我.had to give him back.把他又送回去了What?


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