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1、初二英語短文改錯its®求改正所洽短義中的時標有題號的福一行作出刈就:燦無悟誤在該行右邊摘快上而一個勻(v): tofttaw (可行只白一個«1«).那么搜以下情況&正:該行多個鳳把多余的洞用斜稅() WM.在該行右邊橫我上與出該詞.井也用金技劃N個同 在缺訶蛇加個N字符號(AJ.在詼行右邊»稅上寫出詼加的訶;該行倚一個訶:在倚的誠下劃橫貌.在該邊橫投I、汕改正后(»同注爭Rtfttfirtt的不要改.每行多只能加、減.改功一個可«s?»-個訶.第舶元(一)Thi% i» Xiao Hui's b

2、edroom.Il i,fwl very bi& and it's 、E Might Xiao Hua ckan her room cvwy day.10.There anr any beautiful (Iqwctn and 1 glass of waler e (able you can fiml n bt£ pKiurc in the wall. It k a pxiurr for vomc boy* or girts. Over (he pxlurv . then:S a round cloc*. and its nice and new, Xuo Hiu l

3、ike her nxim very much(二)10.on Friday loday. h*s fine . Jim and her three friends arc joinf io «c hi« uncle . There arc lex of ppk trec< un hi% farm. So be is loo buiy co 網(wǎng)以 lhe appk on them. So Jim wem to help him every year. The farm m no far from here. Tlw children are all jgoh建 iIkt

4、c on bike . They say food for their hculth. We arc going to meet at the gate of the school al seven o'clock. (三I'm Mr Black I come from English . Tm «n linglish tcicber. l*m yuzh English in a mxJdk %dx»d in Chinu.John ts my son. He k miikllc «hool ludcm Were in same school. He

5、's good ni his kxson. He likes mathx. and English but hix Chinese is no< He often help% hr* classnuics for their English. And his help with hi% Chines. John like% fmxhall and basketball very much.K»hn (htnks Chinew people ate veryfriendly. He k»vc to live in China ix»w.(W)lt Su

6、nday morning There ire u»nw childrvns in lhe park. They art having good lime .So<nc mc playing gaig m a bijj I rec Some are siiijinf, and dancing. Some boys and other girl* are flyinj Ibe kilcs <hi (he hilL Other arc sw immg in ihc lake. Where $ Li Lei? He's sitting by lake what's

7、 he doing? Sbe's reading a book. Wbenr is Meiinei ? She behind sume Hciwen. Shc£ rwsin nfir a black cat(K)!O.lod*y is KtiicZ birthday and is 15 yam old Hi$ taxher's nnnK k Mr Smith. He wort.* in hospital in thi% city. Paiple think he t* a gucxl »k»cior. Kale m<Khcf h a (cmI

8、kt. She k u very much jo<xi teacher. Kuic hive , brother and a »«tcr. Now her bwlhcr Mudie* u in China. He spotk Chines *oy joed And has nwny good (nerxis in China. Her i«tcr « a uudent al(o.(A)This is our hcbool libraf). Il opens 8:00 o'clock in Ibe morning ind k closed a

9、l 5:30 in the aflenxKxi. Therv arc much kinds of books in the libcury . We orkn ccwnc (here(o borrow und return the hook* after the elm* * can bom» the book、far only lux> *wks. And there's a rv»d iconi in (he libniry. We cun we ihc bod,(he條出)10.10.and siwnc ngxpapm there every day.

10、m> can't take any of them out the room.第二單元(一)The boy svr (here ii our cla鍬nials .His tumc's is Li La H峪 uncle isour tocher Me war虹 very hardly. We 眉 like him. He likc» us loo. Ik didn't at school yettenhy. Hu mhi ii ill in txd. He had tortay al (he home. Hi» wm h our clamia

11、tc. So we arc going io w them ufter *hool. Ve orc going io buy *o<ne chncoUteM 巧克力)to him. Ik imwt like il bwt. Oh! Loten! 1h*Cs lhe M. Let's go co the cl«snx(ni(二)Mm Green i* u gixxl nKHber . In every morning£cib very early She drc>ws her daughter und then £»c* co sort

12、 on bu>. She works in a shoe's factor-. It's not from Ikhiic . B頃 rtinwlinx Mt Given lake Uk children co xhool in her car nnd (hen he go« to wexii. In the jfumoon Mr» Green comet to home al live o'clock . Then she codu Hipfxr. She always docs all kind o( lieu乂wort. she pocs

13、u» bed very hte. 3h*f 8 a good nwihcr she is!(H>Miw Jonw a lecher. Her houc was far from her uhool. She always* walked ui there in the morning. All pupils in the <chuol *ccv very yciun. Mi捋 Jone* wulkcd to urhool in a very cold und wind morninf in Nmwbcr und (he coW wind wetrt into her ey

14、e acxl her wmd. began running out of ihent She rvuched al (he sdxwl. evened the door ami going into (he cbwoonk Il was nice and warm (here Mki Mim Jones very happy. Her uudcncs mrv looking at her in smile.(W>Dick has a friend. His friend name it George. He *urks ixi bi$ 血ip enry day. The Uiip goe

15、s from England(o China, for Gcorje k otlcn » Ok *hip for m;my months hi one nmc. And very often .he can't only see the q. But George w al bmne in (his nwmin .And i( nine o'clock in the morning .He wak” up and look, of the wimlivu'. Wlui does he <ce«? There are %ome trees not

16、 fir a*uy him. So be jump* ixit of (he M and ctM 人聲叫):“The ship h” hil (he land*(五)An <>W wutiian has* cm. A catw ik»w much oM. she obi ii*m run fawcr and beid >2). One day (he old woman sew a inouxe. she jumps und catchc% the mouse and xhc can't bite it so the mouw gas out of (he

17、CM und nin a*uy.After the old woman gets very anjrj' and beiiu i< angr> .The cal say* (oihe wimn: "IhxH so rude(粗伶的 with the oki. When lhey are jviunj. they can do good job%/(A)A dog had the piece of meat in 版 mouth. A% hr was *ulkin on a brid. he kxAcd upland saw himself. He ihixihi

18、ii was <xhcr do” Thm dog h*d a piece of meat in hit. mouth- either. Ik Miid k» himsdl*:,runted to cM move mcM. 1 must get m> meal. Then 1 cun have three pkvev." He opened hi% mixjth and bark (叫).Hw meal (ell down into die river. He hid MMiiething local.第二簞元(一)ll*8 on Sunday fomomw We

19、 arc 州” to watch a football inMeh. h's between a Japanese team with a Chinese team. I'm sure our Chinese team * in lhe inikhes. Ixcuum: uur leum ha$ all (he Mroojest pkiycmThe foothill match if gqinj lo be at the tour o'clock in the mucning . We arc go«ng to there by bike. Our iCKbe

20、r. Mf Li and Mr w*ng arc going u> 即E the fooihdl m*ch u nh 11$. 1 think they mu“ like the football game% at many we do. We cm go b*ck M six tn Ibe evening.10.10.10.(-)Aunt l.iu i% twenty thivc. She live* on the eighteen floor af this building. She live、with her lather, her iitothct and her broihc

21、r.Every mSng <hc gas Jown by the lift und kag her home ui eight and get* tuck io borne m about hulf pjsst five.She linked very hanl in a bookshop . The bookshop i> about bundtvds iiwicts twin (he building. a Uie joe、(here on fool.8.IO._She gxk al die cuunler (柜 fi)and (here have many bwks g th

22、e bookshelf She knous nwny imcrcstcd stories and she Kan muny book*, in her n»m. too. She often speakv ut Murick, so Children in this building an: all like her.(三)Lhi Ying is alwayf very buvy. She wnts to do a lot things but Hie ever much liine k> ik» all «f iheni. Like iMhen. she

23、沖nxh (itne g lhe (clcphonc. lalliitj: io her friend. She likes baskcihull and 少叩 pong、E' much. Anti of course the h&s u lol of bomeuxirk to do. This term she k much busy than befexr. She k on the school kiskcltxill teain no*. The PE leacbcf asks us(0 pby txiskefball after school cvc«y d

24、wy She t«x» hkc ping-pong very much, So she oten goe% to school to pUy with her friends on Sundi>-*,It s Jiinuaxy. this term will over soon. Her parents want her (0 do much more exercises (han basketball So she doc (W)Tudiy I visited (he Sinilh . Il zs my firU lime lo vwii an AnKricun f

25、umil>. Ihey lived in a sivull town h *us very kind for (hem »o mod me M tbe bus sunion and they dnwe me to their hixnc. The Smiths did his best k» imkc me fed at borne. We drunk coffee and other drinks (ogeiher. We a #wd lime all (lie ifay. '槍 were talking and laughing Iwppy They(o

26、kiww everythiiij about China 項 aked me loisof quctlHMi About it became they art: goin$ lo vixil China anunime next)var. I said to them. *Wdcome lo China the next year. I Uull xhoi* >v»u arouixl my Mhool and the ciiy wd bring you (o the Great Wall fora 、心.I think yixi hiive a good rime in Chi

27、nn.- (H)IXif Peter.Thanks you fiw jxiur letter and some »x»n<fcfYul stimg. I like themI.、vry much. I al*o like cvllccl MampM U1 fl«). I'm sending juoic Monkey King 2. Mam<» (o you. I (hmk you'll like ebentNow Cm goinj 10 omwer some of your question You askcxi me3.ab

28、out the weather in Beijing m winter lt qurtc cold and it 9»ekiom mow* 4. _ in winter, .fkr MMr*ing the gnxind it *hiUr. And I c«n Uutc cm Che really 5. »«. It's vay imcEmg(0 skate on (he real ice. I like wmicr better.6.You neked me, "When is the bc«t time co go 10 C

29、liina ?* I think7.the bcil time ccinc to China is in spring or in autumn. 1t*i very warm8.berv in ipnng and sulumn Bui its often loo ho( in sumtner and i“ loo 9.coM in wimcr I have 2 Gnish >v»ur Icwcr. Wekomc 10 China.10.(六)kihn liked(0 mgit hi, hair very king . Seine of hisI.friemli ihmijhl

30、 (hal be looked like a girl, and lhe>2.never mode jvkc又玩笑)about hi hairs. Bcotuv he was «3.big, strong young man. John always went out to the barber、(理頭廟 >4.twice u incmlh Io have hit hair cut and washed. Andone day (he barber says io him: *Now Let me cut mosi5. of your hair off *nd make

31、yiMir head tidy. F.x'crybotiy6.would rcconizct 認出)me if I did thu.! am sure. *7.kihn said inRhing a feu1 and (hen be8.$*»d: * Maybe you arc wrong . But l,m sure that nobody9.wviuld rccogniye you too if you did lhai ti> my hair."10.第四*元Li Lin and Huu "Ring arc good friends. Now

32、Li Lin ix in Hua I'onj's htxnc. Look at the clock on (he wall. Wh",lime? It's nine o'clock. What arc they doii ? Arc they 如inj ibeir homework? No, they aren't. They are wicching TV because there ix a world's biskctbull nialcli on TV._10.BRskcthnll is ihcir favountcihi 克立

33、的)jwincs . Ibey hxh like Kiskcibull very 5 much. They often pUy it together. And the>- arc all the school basketball tcjm. YerterdAy their tram play aguinU the No. 11 Middle School basUiboll (win. pity, (hey *vn the rnaich. Il sag 43 to 50. Today thc> HI fd( hiippy at H;hool. Bui (heir teacher

34、 Mid “Don'i wony. I'm sure z will win in next time, if we play lurd/Alice is a good friend of me . She whs Ixim in anull umn near Landon oa the November 3rd I9K0. Iler father wa< a weaker and her moth er (ocher in Englund. When *v uw in Gtade Fh乂 , Iwr family mo%E io Slunfhai Ikf father f

35、ind u«o<k thereNow her father 修wks in a big facuiry. Her mother w Mill tcuchcr in China. She doesn't lives in Shanghai. Everydung in Shanghai ts very dear. Her Iwnie lives very 加 frv»m (he whool. So Uw> have io gel up very early in the mooung day imd £0 K» whool by bus

36、Bcomw sihe is new here, she has a few friendt here. MLifc k not xo happy here/ she often lelh lu me. 1 think I SnikJ help Alice.A man ww wMing out to visit one of hi% fnevxl early in the mominj. 1.He brought some cake with him for (he lunch. When he ws walking 2.on the ro>d. Ik (houfht. "My

37、fhetKi i$ sure co give inc a nice kcak&i"3.He threw uwuy hit cuke% on the rood for he wanted u» sulk fast .He4.went on and al last he camr into a river. T<> hi» xurprixe. the river5.bevainc very wide mx! Ik could cwa M. He had id wait for a boat 6.When lhe sun,/* beginning k

38、» wl lherv were no any boo”, w he had (o come He walked and wuiked and he tch more and mere hunuo'. Suddenly be found the cake* by the road. Ik picked them up and cal them w ith gnrM difTkulty.)1 Jure happy family. My father and mother xrc okl svriE. They wmk un u fac1<»cy. They wwk

39、 very hurd. lhc> mukc a lol ditYcrcm nwchines for the farmer*. Thec inuhmc cun help the farmer io do lots of farm «v>rk. I luve a brolher and a iwtcr. My brexher live% in . Ik Hiudies in a middle school ihae.He (CMhc English. My swter und I are all mxJcnu. Bu< we arc in the diOmnt grad

40、es. She »in Grade 3 and Lm m Grade 2. I'm very good 3t English. My sirtcr oftw hdjK me wiih i(. The) lurd for (he f<oplc.(五)I am 4 Chinese boy. My name u Li L«i l*m fuurty .1 hive two m$ict My elder siswrKllHumc is Li Ling She lmL teen My ytxmgcr dMer、name is l.i Mei. She is nine. V

41、e arc both Mudents. We study in the different schools. We don't hive no clawc* ort Sunday. We all like our 'Khool.My tachcr wodu» in a factory He" driver My mother did houywcvl家務')1 lai bnuy 5he conk% nw5對做tQ)for u、 XW all k>ve her. Before wh«x)l. we do honw*urt. then h

42、elp mother do hou*cw<xk Loci! My younger msict hdph峨 fMhet dean lhe car. So I think my fumily is > hap(n* one.(六)My lumc is Jim. My family is No.24 Jtefanx Sue. In the mnming my fMher goe« io wewk My younger lister and me go to school. M)folhcr Uikc$ us to ibe school. My mcMhcr slay、M hom

43、e. She doo the houscuKMk. In the uAcfnoon she uuully * her friend* .They <Wtcn cat 心 lojaher In the evening we come home early than my father. Al nine usually do our bomeuxirk then go Id bed. My father mually rods newspap:”. but my inoiher wanchcs 1、On wxxkcndi my ixucnis take us go to tlic park

44、And « all have a good time there. On Sundays we dotft go la the whooL Sometime* 1 go Io vixil my ciaiMnatCk.薄五相元(-)When you look al the tky at night, the mewn looks biscr dun <hc Mar>. In fact the mwa is moresmaller (han (he cCher $Uf> and (he wn. Il h much smaller than (he earth. And

45、the moon « much closer co us dun tome any star. That n -why it look、*o big. Ifhold a coin clo$e)vmr eyes, it kwkx big. If)ou look ac il acro (he rkkhi. it kxA* small.The n«K)n moves round the canh. Il doe,one trip in about four weeks. The moan look% flat( 的 > for m. but il m a round bul

46、l, as (he earth.10.People once (houghi (he moon hid "re,on i(. 1>»ey ihnughi (he fire* make bcijhi. No* we Kn<>u the rncMMi ii like a minor. It getx its light from the win.(-)10.John GnMhcd hit. middle school half a year before and then he worked 齡 a pcianun in hi% small town. A&#

47、187; be ix afraid of dog. he often had a kn of (rouble. One aftenuMm he tried ukc port card to a big home by bike. When he reached lhe houte and gul off from hn bike al the guk. al once a hfj*c dy c«mc run M him * nh hmkI) noi$c. John quickly threw the coni thmugh the gmc. 1<> hife much M

48、irpei". the dag didn't make any nmte. Il ran GiM to (he c«d. (Hcicd i( up with iis imiuih. carried il toward% the houc. John (houfhi tor,while nod Mini co hint. *Tbe dng k a better poMinw than I Am.”曰 Every owning Jotm joe* to wixk by cramk We always buy% a newspaper, it help to nuke t

49、he lime piM moce quiekly.One ThurMiay momg be (umed on the sports10.He wanted to see the rep<« ib(MM an imponani fuottxill nutdi the niht before. The report mm *uch tniacamg (hul he ldfjo< io jet aft al hU Malxm. He didn't know i( when he miw the g. He ga off ut the next Motion, and h

50、ad to waic long lime for a tnun la go bad. Of cuunc. he arrived very late al lhe office. Hh bo憑 were very angry uf»cn Ibin uild him why he uis lute."Wort ix very more imp<xtint than f<xxtxill!aMike lived in a wnall ti>wn. Today he's very happ)X快樂' h fint diy of a ne* «

51、;chuol Icon. Mike wunc« k> go back to Nchooi won. He to «c fricndi. He i$ lu meet hisik* lochen*. He wanb ki nwkc fhcnd *ilh (hem.Mike gets up 5y in the mixnmg Ik puu up his new clathcK. Look! lie i* having breakfatt with hk utter. Now he ix rvady (推 ifr)/)for whuol.He goes io school by

52、 hkc. He Im fricitds ouiskIc of (he schooljmc They arc talking nboui jonwthinx. Then ihc bdl ringMf *響 了). Everyanc runs to his 2nd her c或room. Every shxkm *ill (ry k> Xudy pxxl in lite new term.10.Man1 ix an American school's girl. Sbe it now in Beijing with her parvnb. Mwy doorn'l know

53、many Clunes. But ihc »trying 忒)2 Iwm and wy ii. She often【g 10 Gunev to her Chinese friend%. Sometimes they can undcrtundl I her bevauM sbe can't sprak Chinese v«ry well.ICs Suinlay morning. She goes 10 out She is walking m the «r«t. She is going co the zoo to see the etephun

54、u und monkeys, but she dxMt ktxiw how get there. She asks a (liincse school boy. The boy can't undenland her. Then Ac lake* u jxn and|Mpcn>. She dmwMflJUn clcplum co II, andfi )thc picture for the boy. The b<>y smile si then he sb(冷、 Mary the way tD the xdo.(六)Today ii fine. The sky is

55、blue. Now ix nine o'clock in the murning. There*s a »parU meeltng m the tbmt(淼林)on Uk big hill.|jx)k. a horse. 11 pcincU aixl 11 cm ure nininf . Over there a doc with two (igen. are jumping. Two monkeys arc climbing the inrs. Four binh are Hying aruand and *in.Thcrc'rc sonw anintib ther

56、e, too. The clcph«nis mc sanding. A monkey i« silting <wi 5 old ckphiM. A monkey Kis u (hg(IU)in hi* hand. Pblly i% silting in the tree. A tbx. a biby |xmJ* and souw nfiiull animals mc siltihj on (he ucc% They urc nil waMiinj. All aniimk in ihe forest arc very tuppy薄六做元(-Jl«y is a

57、nice school girl. She often help people after school. She is wry icxly «»do good thing?* foe iMher every day. She cleans home for Aunt Huang on Sunday. And he fetches <4<) the milk% for Aunt wind's bab)* on cvcty Salurda>*. Sbe Itelpi her daMimce wiih theirtwice a week.At the

58、school.血 often helps (he tocher clcuivi the bluckbcuni <11x1 hand in the exercise books. She's aljo good to her studies.(-)It i% an Sunday today. But Mi» Gao im*l M the home. She is now at s<t»ool with us m>dcn(. We all M wok in the classroom. Sixnc arc ckoning windows. O<h

59、m n cleaning (he deUw and churn. Li Ixi putting w<nc figs on ihc wachcrf <i«k Mi« Gao it uTiting 00 the bhekbeurd with English : Welcome to ourcbssnx>m. Xu Dung!" Xu Deng is coining 10 here isixwrow(三)Leis me Idl yixi an inlerolm slucy. A Her I left ihc snull、illaee in (he Fa

60、fmalund ot France. I dnwe on to the next village. By the way to it. u yvung man 心*cd him far a lift(噥踣拈0. Wbcti he got 10 the car. I wid good mewning 10 him in Ftuikc und he answered in the same l.angtu$c. I knew 2 few French words and we didn't si)- a!kr that. When we roched % ihM village, the

61、>v»ung man asked slowly MDo)v(u English?* I knew ui once he w« Enluh. coo.(四)My naine it l.i Ming. What did I do yesterday? At first 1 gol up about seven o'clock. I washed, had breakfast liMcmxl to MMne inuMC on rudio and utotc wmc k<(Cf Then I wcn( out M the hocnc m uboui cwclve

62、. I met one of my friends <xit6de of the Zhone4un Pm! m half paU l+dve. We lhen went a walk in lhe center of the city. We lallcd with hjxxis. musK «xl thinm as that. We bought hamburj>er% al j fau fexxi $hop. After a walk we all Ml quite (ired. then wv caitK bewne by bin. Then I wulched TV and (00k the 心£ for a Hk.(K)AlWf I linhhed (he sduxH (his year. I begun10.10.10.la kxik fu


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