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1、-1-2016 高考英語(yǔ)人教新課標(biāo)選修 6U5 學(xué)生選練(3)及答案Unit 5 The Power of nature高考復(fù)習(xí)Period 3 Grammar & Writing 課時(shí)精練 (人教版選修 6,課標(biāo)通用)時(shí)間: 45 分鐘I.用所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1_(water) the flowers, he began to cut the grass.2 Westill remember once _(take) round the famous tower when wewere young.3_(not do) his homework,he stayed at home.4 H

2、e earns a living by _ (drive) 5 Precisely _ (speak), they will arrive at 9: 20 p m.6_(flood) for several weeks, the city needed food.7_(fall) ill worried my parents.8_ (hear)the news ,they all jumped with joy.9 Our town has dozens of factories, several saw mills _ (include) 10The suggestionthat7.My

3、falling 8.Hearing 9.included 10.be, I cant write to her.由于不知道她的地址,我沒(méi)法給她寫(xiě)信。聽(tīng)見(jiàn)下面腳步聲,他站起身來(lái)走到樓梯口去。4_ _ to many places, he knows a lot.由于到過(guò)很多地方旅游,他知道很多。5_ _ , I stayed at home.我因病呆在家中。答案 1.Not knowing her address 2.Having eaten his dinner 4.Havingtravelled 5.Being sick川.單項(xiàng)填空1_around the fire, the tourist

4、s danced with the local people.A GatherB To gatherC GatheringD To be gathering答案 C 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。 句意:圍著篝火,游客們和當(dāng)?shù)厝颂鹆宋琛?分析句型可知 gather around thefire 作伴隨狀語(yǔ), 而且與邏輯主語(yǔ) the tourists 之間的關(guān)系是主動(dòng)的, 要用 doing 。 A 項(xiàng)動(dòng)詞原形不能作狀語(yǔ);B、D 兩項(xiàng)為不定式作狀語(yǔ),表示動(dòng)作發(fā)生在將來(lái),表目的或意外的結(jié)果。故選 C。 2_her e-mail , I wrote her another one, tellingher what

5、 I wanted her to do.A Having not received_ (consider)答 案 1.Having watered 2.having 5.speaking6.Having been floodedconsidered/consideringn.用現(xiàn)在分詞形式完成下列句子1_ _ _ _2_ _ _那男孩吃完了飯就跑出去了。, the boy rushed out.3_ below, he rose and went to the top of the stairs.3.Hearing the footstep-2-B Not having received-3-

6、CNotreceivingDReceivingnot答案B 考查現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式作狀語(yǔ),表示在謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作之前發(fā)生的動(dòng)作,其否定形式是在其前面加 not 。 3._theclassroom,theteacherfoundallparentsalready_ there.(2013福州高二檢測(cè) )A. Entered; seatedB .Entering; seatingC. Entered; seatingDEntering; seated答案 D 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞作狀語(yǔ)和賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)。句意:走進(jìn)教室時(shí),老師發(fā)現(xiàn)所有學(xué)生家 長(zhǎng)已經(jīng)坐在教室里了。 enter 與 the teacher 之間為主動(dòng)關(guān)系,

7、應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在分詞,故排除A、 C兩項(xiàng); seated 為及物動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞表狀態(tài),故選 D 項(xiàng)。若選 B 項(xiàng),應(yīng)在 seating 后加 themselves 。 4 He had a wonderful childhood,_ with his mother to all corners of the world.A traveB to travelC traveledD traveling答案 D 句意:他有一個(gè)美好的童年,他和媽媽一起游遍了世界各地。had 是句子的謂語(yǔ),所以逗號(hào)后面不能用 travel 的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞形式, 應(yīng)用非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞形式作伴隨狀語(yǔ), travel 和邏 輯主語(yǔ) he之間是

8、主動(dòng)關(guān)系,所以要用現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語(yǔ)。故選D 項(xiàng)。lying 。 6. _ good, cookies made by the Smiths sell well in the market.(2013長(zhǎng)沙高二檢測(cè) )Being smelled答案 A 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞作狀語(yǔ)。句意:史密斯一家做的小甜餅味道很好,所以在市場(chǎng)上 很好賣。 smell為感官動(dòng)詞,無(wú)被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài),故排除B、C 兩項(xiàng);不定式一般作目的狀語(yǔ),與語(yǔ)8._ , the children went to the park.A. It was a fine dayB. Being a fine dayC. It being a fine

9、 dayD. Because the fine weather5 Hearing the bad news, he hurried home,_the book_ open on the table.A left; lainBleaving; lieC left ; lieDleaving ; lying答案 D leaving作伴隨狀語(yǔ),第二空作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ),lie 和 book 是主謂關(guān)系,故用A. SmellingC. SmelledD. To smell境不符,可排除 D 項(xiàng)。故選 A 項(xiàng)。7. It rained heavily in Hainan Province andtowns.

10、(2013 大慶高二檢測(cè) ) A. causedC. causingrecently ,seriousflooding in 16 cities答案 C 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞作結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)。 非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的邏輯主語(yǔ)為前面一句話,與 不可能發(fā)生在 rained heavily 之前,故 符合句意。故選 C 項(xiàng)。 . having caused. to cause句意:最近海南省的大雨造成了cause 之間為主動(dòng)關(guān)系,排除B 項(xiàng)也被排除; D 項(xiàng)為不定式,1 6 個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)嚴(yán)重洪災(zāi)。A 項(xiàng); cause 這一動(dòng)作常表目的,在此處不-4-答案 C 句意:由于天氣很好,孩子們?nèi)チ斯珗@。后一部分為完整的句子,前后兩部分

11、無(wú)9.While riding in the street,.(2012 渭南高二檢測(cè))A someone called me from behindB.my bike broke downC.I heard my name calledD.an old man knocked down答案 C 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的邏輯主語(yǔ)。句意:在街上騎車時(shí),我聽(tīng)到有人喊我的名字。當(dāng) 分詞短語(yǔ)作狀語(yǔ)時(shí),其邏輯主語(yǔ)應(yīng)與句子的主語(yǔ)保持一致,不難看出,A、B 兩項(xiàng)明顯錯(cuò)誤; D項(xiàng)不是完整句子,也應(yīng)排除。故選C 項(xiàng)。10.The retired man donated most of his savings to th

12、e school damaged by theearthquake_ the students to return to their classrooms.A.enablingB. having enabledC. to enableD. to have enabled答案 A 句意:這位退休的老人把自己的大多數(shù)積蓄捐獻(xiàn)給了在地震中損壞的那所學(xué)校, 從而使得學(xué)生們重新回到了教室。 11._ at my classmates faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.A. Looking B . Look C . To look D. Loo

13、ked答案 A 句意:看著同學(xué)們的臉,我從他們眼中讀出了同樣的喜悅。由句意可知非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng) 詞在這里作狀語(yǔ),look 和句子的主語(yǔ) I 之間是主謂關(guān)系,因此要用現(xiàn)在分詞。 B 項(xiàng)為謂語(yǔ)動(dòng) 詞形式,不合句意。若選 C 項(xiàng)是動(dòng)詞不定式作目的狀語(yǔ),也不合句意。 looked 過(guò)去分詞表被 動(dòng)和完成,也可排除。故選 A 項(xiàng)。 12._ into many languages, Harry Potter is popular with children and adultsall over the world.(2012冀州高二檢測(cè))A. Being translatedB. Having translat

14、edC. To be translatedD. Having been translated答案 D 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞作狀語(yǔ)。句意:被翻譯成許多種語(yǔ)言之后,哈利,波特受到了全世界兒童和成年人的喜歡。 translate 與 Harry Potter 之間構(gòu)成邏輯上的動(dòng)賓關(guān)系,故 B 項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤;由語(yǔ)境可知 translate 發(fā)生在主句謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作之前,應(yīng)用分詞的完成式,由此排除A、C 兩項(xiàng)。故選 D 項(xiàng)。 13.Finding her car stolen,_ .A.a policeman was asked to helpB.the area was searched thoroughlyC.it

15、is looked for everywhereD.she hurried to a policeman for help答案 D 考查分詞的邏輯主語(yǔ)必須與句子的主語(yǔ)保持一致。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中只有D 項(xiàng)的主語(yǔ)能作 finding 的邏輯主語(yǔ)。 14.The lady walked around the shops,_an eye out for bargains.A. keep B . kept C . keeping D. to keep答案 C 考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞作伴隨狀語(yǔ)。句意:這位女士在商店中到處逛,留心打折商品。根據(jù)句子的結(jié)構(gòu)可知,逗號(hào)后所填部分為非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,在句中作狀語(yǔ),排除A、B 兩項(xiàng),且

16、根據(jù)句意可知此處是伴隨的一個(gè)動(dòng)作,故用分詞作狀語(yǔ)。故選C 項(xiàng)。15.He was busy writing a story, only_ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A. to stopB. stoppingC. to have stoppedD. having stopped-5-答案 B 句意:他在忙著寫(xiě)一個(gè)故事,只是偶爾停下來(lái)抽支煙。此處應(yīng)為現(xiàn)在分詞短語(yǔ)作伴隨狀語(yǔ),表示與 write 伴隨的動(dòng)作。 A 項(xiàng)通常作目的狀語(yǔ)和結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)。IV.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選 項(xiàng)。We are famil

17、iar with an old saying that “ Clothes make the man” , which means good-looking outfitsmay possibly make a person better respected and look more like a true gentleman._1_ Naturally,he may be well respected and gracefully treatedeven though he doesnt seem so respectable as others imagined.Instead, if

18、a man ispoorly or commonly dressed , he cant avoid being looked downupon and unfairly treated , _2_ As faras these people are concerned, what one wears is taken as an essentialsignal of status and an expression of characteristics.Consequently ,clothes do seem to help make a goodimpression on others,

19、 and gain more respect._3_ I think the good impression one leaves on others based on clothes doesnt last long.Only goodinternal quality and beauty will impress people forever and never fade._4_ On the contrary,when people who are fascinated by a persons clotheseventually find out that he is an undes

20、irable person , they would think he is pretentious and may eventreat him with contempt(蔑視 ) On top of this , people who attach toomuch importance to clothes would waste their time and moneyon it.Besides , it adversely affects theireffort on the things that really matter.In summary , _5_.Nothing can

21、count more than good internal quality in building up the man.Thereforeonly ones internal beauty and knowledge are more decisive of a persons value.A clothes do help in making an initial image, but do not make the man.B As a result , all the people spare no money to buy expensive fine clothes.C Cloth

22、es just make a man look better but will in no sense make a better person.D But I have a different view on this issue.E Thus, a man should be always dressed like a gentleman.F for many people judge others only by the way they dress.G If a man is well dressed, he will probably gain more confidence and

23、 dignity.答案1G 從下文的信息“ Instead , if a man is poorly or commonly dressed , he cant avoid being lookeddown upon and unfairly treated ”可看出,空中的句子與此句為意義相反的 兩個(gè)排比句,也應(yīng)該以 If 開(kāi)頭,因此選 G 項(xiàng)。 2.F 從前邊標(biāo)號(hào)是逗號(hào)可知,只可能在A 和 F 兩項(xiàng)中選擇,又因?yàn)榍斑呎劦氖谴┲缓脮?huì) 被看不起,遭到不公平對(duì)待,所以此空中應(yīng)該用 for 引導(dǎo)的并列分句說(shuō)明原因。 3.D 從后邊一句的意思來(lái)看,作者對(duì)穿著的看法與第一段提到的人們的普遍看法恰恰相

24、反, 所以此空中的句子應(yīng)該由轉(zhuǎn)折連詞 But 引導(dǎo),故選 D。 4. C 因?yàn)榍斑呎f(shuō)的是只有內(nèi)在的素質(zhì)和美會(huì)給人留下永久的印象,永不“褪色”,所以空 中的句子應(yīng)該說(shuō)的是衣服只是一種外在的美, 不會(huì)使一個(gè)人素質(zhì)更高, 這就與后邊的“ On the contrary ”相吻合。 5.A 此處是作者對(duì)前面論述的總結(jié),故A 項(xiàng)最佳。V.書(shū)面表達(dá) 假設(shè)你校將舉行一個(gè)成人儀式,你將作為代表在儀式上發(fā)言。請(qǐng)你按以下內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)準(zhǔn)備一篇英文發(fā)言稿。-6-1過(guò)去對(duì)成年的向往;2現(xiàn)在的感受和認(rèn)識(shí);3將來(lái)的目標(biāo)及措施。 參考詞匯:責(zé)任 responsibility1詞數(shù) 100 左右;2可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),使行文連貫;3

25、發(fā)言稿的開(kāi)頭與結(jié)束語(yǔ)已為你寫(xiě)好(不計(jì)入總詞數(shù) ) 。Good morning, everyone!The topic of my speech today is“ Thoughts on becoming a grown-upThats all.Thank you for listening.【參考范文】Good_morning,_everyone!The_topic_of_my_speech_today_is_ “ Thoughts_on_becoming_a_grown-up” .honor to stand here to make a speech on behalf of those

26、 students who are adults.When in childhood, I longed for the childhood to be over, for I thought I could get ridof being bound hand and foot by my parents disciplines.And now, Im already 18 years old and something of an adult. Im on fire I begin toput myself upon thinking about my life goal. At the same time I feel a strong sense ofresponsibility to myself and my parents.Actions speak louder than wo


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