



1、C. wcwkx wellC. A ?|Miig.C. 5469233C. He lo.t hi Miil.C. Phone Mr. Turner.C. A nuit anut ihe woman?Her watA. is ioiUB. doeMit worl well12. What is the man?A. A watrhnuiker.B. A walrh rvpaimun.13. W hat the ue call.14. U hat I be man phone number?A. 5499233B. 5694233聽(tīng)第9段材料,回答第15至第17小題。15. Uhat did th

2、r num do in Mr. Turners 4wp ki.t mk?A. Hr unlervd a :uil.B. He iMMighl a Mil.16. U hal will tbr man do in the aftrnMn?A. Go to the 4)up.B Attend a mrrting.17. What did the man give the wooum?A. A f4iit anp monnv. R. Th* rnwi|得 anl nr 新第10段材料,回答第18至第20小題。18. Huw many Mudentx ha%e MP3 |4ayevs?A. Morta

3、 than half “ them. B. Thrw fifth of lh*m.19. U hat nuy hap|rn if & Mmlenl often l the mhiikI fnm an MP3 |dayer?A. The ear get tlamagrd.B. Their Mixiy rT. impneii.C. KrlatiiM)4)ip iHvunw closer.20. U hal the wiker ah i%r I hr udint、U l?A. Thnw awa) MP3 |dayers.B. Turn ciuwn the “Jun*.C. liMen l 1mm1

4、tnui.第二部分筆試(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分55分)II單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題;每小題1分,潮分15分)從A.B.C.D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在試卷的答理卷上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。21. king amiuwi.A. I *m lkiiig furwanl k il.B. (low art- you feeling IcMiay?C. PI! write you a check ri助I now.D. Take your time . then.22. Over thr )rars many foodnll clulzbmin,Io make a pn(it.A. have NartrdB.

5、h&、。Iwvn UuledC.IumI Iwvn 7wr1edD. will Nart23. . ami ,hort “ brvath. Atwh an)werrthe fiist tu reach the top of thr nMMintain.A. To be tirelB.TiredC.TiringD. B-i啤 tired24. (rrat change have taken pher in thsl It is n kmgrr it ua 2() yearsitA. what: whenB.thaU whichC.what: whichD. which; that2) . How

6、 did you find the film MHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallou? I ran*t think loo highly iJ it.A. It make no B. It awfulC. hvs tvally amazing D. Ils up to ymi26. U e have a taff “ 28 but ihrrt-fumilurv in the office.A. Iavenvt manyB. aren,t manyC. iMi*t enoughD. hasn*l much27. Tl air 卜1妙“湍.hrd all thr

7、|aM*ngrr to renuina* the plane 3*/ nuiking a landing.A. to be MatingB. sealedC. ylingD.28. Il waIwuke tnr gU.A. Milan tlutfB. fruni Hilary C. fnicn Hilary “hum D. from Hilary duit29. rule nht* placed in the- Glm! No Motxlerw ku ucn an (Xwar.A. How internsaing aB. How an inlimaingC. U hal inlrrvsitin

8、gD. U hal intimaing a30. I Mill “mwnlkr the JI Lxh Ih4|mm1 mr yeam ago.A. whoB. whichC. whenD. wht-re31. The teacher /!tkcl hi3 ;tmknln Io kaie a km* in tlieir sxerri什 Ixk*,.A. ewen- a lew line B. each a (ew linen C. ever) frw linesD. *arh few linn32. PRC llw People、Repuldic 3kMit lu !rive cru” tin*

9、 “rvH llw n*d light lumed m in Tang DynaTy. while hr ua Immii in 1920?1.A. a; anB. /; theaC. the: theD. a: the35. The hotel wan*t jM-ffen-th gNMt but I in nutny hotek.A. wa stayingB. stayedC. wuqine(l by him they rt-nw-ndier MHnethii tin*) Iramrd - -hilra-tirf|Mtunity to go swimming for yean* ran 36

10、 ?wim 務(wù) well ever when he 甘匕 l*a、k m tlw* waler. He can got not 38 thf ur %ear -an tea-h her la呼hter thr prgin - Twinkle, twinkle, little Mar or rerili the ry d (unkrelh or Snow White. One exphnation in the hw of %er learning, which can I” talrlhming:39 we liave learned MnHhing. a(ilitiina) learning

11、 inereaM the length of time we uill mmymlwr it. In rhildkxxL we u?ualh ccmtinue to praetk-e 3h 40 冬 Auimming. bk-ycle riling long after ue have iearnnl them. U p ten to anil 41 oursehr enz Mich m Twinkle, twinkle, little Mar and childhood Ulr MMwh Cimlrrvlla or Snm U hite. U e no mlv Iram I mt 42 .

12、The law of over Irammg explains whv crammi 陰(突擊學(xué)習(xí))for an ekanundtiMk 43 it nuy result in a pacing grade, h not a 44 wav In learn a course. By ( ramming, a udenlniv kfcam the subject well rnuugh to get by n the- examination. I mt he in likely mmmi to forget、lnxZ eventhing he leamel. A little over lea

13、rning: 45 , i. UMially a giNxi invMnwnt tuwanl the futuiv.363738394()4 142A. mhB. hanllv A. hm*。B. driveA. thought alMHitB. carwi forA. BUurvA. HR A. ivmindA. iwite43. A. thugh44. A. n%rinrnt45. A. al dmjMB. OnceB. IehaviurB. infurmB. overirdmB. MB. cieniajuliiigB. by the wayC. tillU. evenC. travelD

14、. rideC. showed upU. bmught upC. UntilD. UnleM%C. Mty leD. skilkC. u armU. recallC. reM-an-hD. improveC.ifD. afterC. pkaMinlU. nwiftC. un thr other handU. in thr endM閱讀理解(共15小題;每小屜2分,滿(mǎn)分30分)閱讀下面四篇短文然后從所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳答案,并在答題箕上將該選項(xiàng)涂黑。AFor 211mgi two numtlK l)xnini York a 23-year-ukl hairdnMr. nandervd uIm

15、miI lnpiuk all tti曲I. Hearing: a while kwU ami prvtt-mUn|; he am a ductor.ht* pruudl, clain)e! in tuurt that ilehi rumpletr Lu4 ofexperience or qualifk-ation. h* lunl 7vei people? livz He ludeven Izn alloued Io 值mUz a !urgx*n during an emergency operatHm on a patwmt who ua alxml to die on Mxnething

16、.he had ?uallowed.1 watclrl mm- / Hmm TN drama, alwiut aan1 %ukirnh I ft-h like phyitt one jthe mle?*mytetf. So I put on a white jacket and a 71tbMcope(聽(tīng) 診翳)and walkel around one f the bigeM hospital in LhmIoil At firsl 1 ju7 atelwxl. Once* you leant hm Lm-加rs talk tonutse? anl oliiets loir uf thehe

17、 treated luiura KeniuuL She tuki Iznknurked un by a rar ami (ainlrtl. W hrnw can* Io in honpitaL York g Mandii甲 over her.He luokedHe toki nw hi* nanw ”也 Doctor Simon. The gluT who hr wa. She dialnt think theiv wa ainthing wrong. I would never have rraliirtl hr 惴觸 a fakr if a policewoman hstdnl ,hord

18、 nw hi,phhgra|ih a week hler. When the |Mli ewxnan toki me who he really I could lianily Iw-lieve my ear*. Judge RavnMNxI Acland tokl York llml he 3M -、尿”4ami IxirriGtxl ihal ht- gut as券 with hi, r m Ax甲.And then vnlwuwd him tu riglileenin a “irrial for crimitia) withmental di9unkz 1 rail only ht”*

19、tlud ihk *ill not lead to fuither pniblenu. After all. you will hate l* up|Mwhychialhst after you are wet I 41ali make ure that you are given a much Linger ntt-nce. Jud利 AcLun warned Yorl.46. York wa |bhmmI / the fm-t that .A. a Mirgyf Irt him watch an |BeratMn B. he couldMinw lulie M a,kx”rC. he ha

20、d cheated dcjrlors (or m 14mgD. |efle dwUf:ht he ukl a tval lura Kennan in hospital? She had.A. .dieted vxnHhii嗯 anti alrnoM iied B. to hae atwl rnrrgetMw cifieratkinC. Im injufvi in a hkmI at*iienlI). Imt piwi more overfly puniUm! if 1”.A. prHeixIwi tu be a peiyi-hiaUiMB. tried to get away fitmC. %

21、 priHMi / uluil hr IumI neD. Mudietl the behaiiur uf the p)rhialrurvign land it will help lii future jefJr then* think ai! the 21-ye3r-uki who k in hi,filial year of utxlerfmluale*11m4* lu meet frimk fnnnrt from the L S-laM-d institute* uf Inleriialional iucatijn 3id (Ihina. fur lht find time. Iufc

22、Ix-fumr tht- top ruuntn d origin fur itiienialicinal MucienU in United SUHesuFor Yang Fan. a j(Hinuilu*in “l(fā)udenL !aie to limiled education rt*Murrr?. only alKMit 60 |M*nent ,high M、h,xil graf-ievel onm. 3A Girrign !epre will irfinite*l)help uhrn I a 小小 in China. ang Mid.Roth Yang * aiui 1auo, |*arv

23、nU are !rti%e of them 7udying abnal. Ne-ither,dwm is thinking / 田tiling kmn in the I nilecl Staten afterIt k not ivaliMir to lu -to. An a jouiiuliMn MixlenLthere mll be nu atkaiiUge fur nw to work in the Liiitfd Staler. aiig 3d.Hut in (Ihiiut. with a LS (it*grtv and gd English. I may Mand out agaiii

24、M other udents who hme only Tudied in China.China Mill nwtfci to impm%e iu emironmenl for MMentiiOn and high -level talent、aid Xiao MingzhtM. director of the Onter for Human ReMHirre Development and Managwnrnl KeM*arch of Peking I nivernity. ackling that, in 11aHicular. the countr) need, to impm、。ib

25、 xicir relating to reean*h efninHunrnH. In June, ihe Chine*xibli.hed a |Jan runreming talent nei)t l(r thrim%! 10 yearn. In iL it ha?* im(nvN! |Mli ie ami increased luip-U to attract ulenleark lkne.50. Xhy duem Imo (xuMji waiUn to Much in a foreign Laixl according to hi。uixtk? BwauM*A tlwurn nwarM i

26、ntl)igpntl tlut in China51. U hat lo I no Gaoqi and hang Fan hae in common?A. Their nuijor i. jumalign.B. They want Io return to China after graduation.C. Their parvnU aiv againM thrir ilecKion.I). They Mtuh in a (U ami higlwk% el ulenln -I a Iwtter rn%inumwnt in CliiruB. (he Mudents abroad are unwi

27、lling lo go back lu ChinaC. China dueMi , t fed thtz prupk* to runr liark lu our ufMn at all1) . wr all need to gu alrjuul lu Mudy aiwl then “rvi mu own countryCLondon. ReutersU hat rnild annov 廿妙ns華n rrumgh to nukt* them 7p hanging out with friend, aiul &” hKit frtim their m(th- anl a threat to lak

28、e away their *H|小or pMkrt money. h high-frequency noiw. The I K police lecently agreed Io u* a dewice (裝置)called the Sonic Twfuigrr l)HrffvnL It sendn uul a nmhmI lluit make、leftugem lietMne mo im|Kdient and ann that the% lune to co%er their ear tightly and walk auay.The wound in at eiln-nw high-pit

29、ch that ran be heani by thuM- under 20. The ImmK * i natural abilily to detect Mmr wave Imnik decreaM almuM entirely after 20. no few atkilu can hear the maiimK Hie Mark-box llw ualk rf hop? 而.and hornet II sun(L to youngster* like a crazy r a badly played violin. Hut it vauae no |ih)sical damage. A

30、 niunlerjMlice Grtvm and n to um- ll* system ami uaat to inMall (安裝)it al tnulJeSuflonkhire Pointe IiHperkM* Anuiuh Ihnii、whu ha:* the-Io Mkkkis in tleMojrUixk arvx naidj ll b cueitmllcl b, iht* JiojikrM-ts-if the% (aii see ihnxigh their wimltm dial diere in t jtcubLiu. they turn the ha. run away.M

31、53. The ckvice can be u“d to .A. tlutaten Iretuient in publickB. drive away truuble-makrrs undu 20C. helpmnUul the-ir tetuur thihirrn D. Mlp the police control儼nu that .A. young |jruple often uflrr from 即心 in caisB. hkee|M4m an* troubled ly nuy iizx心C. high-Grquwwy noX M the liMrnit abilily of |“k o

32、ver 20I. . the ptlicr inventa nrw device to iral with unagrrs55. The purpiXL of the writer to write thei,to .A. ad%ertiM* a new hi-th ie、ikk*N D. inform the jHiMir to the Rx,keMun the pUi” 56. S ho will welcome the device moat?A. Shopkeepers.B. The pulice. C. Youtig prople.D. The producer.DRearcheo

33、have found more evidence that 71即小 a rLnion,hip Iwtween rare (腫族)and rain (率)ng nmok0m. A nru tudy Uums that black people and Native Hawaiian are nxrr likt-ly to(k%el| lun m,nx)kina It ! ”mj皿rl their rk to whiles. Ja|anr-Arnrruann aiul Kearrhent at tlk I mvenuty U Soulhem (lifomia ami the I niefMty

34、of Hawaii ImI the ne Mutly. TIw Xeu Ettgland Journal Medicine publhed ihr Gixlitig. Tile right-yeaf n-jan h 7u,lirl nurr thati 180.000 jieuph*. Hw, iiM,liMle1p uh ne%er MiMktad. AlnxiM 2000 in ihr Mixhlung cancer.ReFMt hrrs zy griMlic; (迨傳學(xué))might help r&plain the nrial and ,“hnir (鐘族的)difffivnrc. Hw

35、*re could be difleivnre* in how people, bodien react to Mivike. But envirtirnnenlal influences im,lidii thr way |ele Mnoki. iukl nutke a dif(Mrvnce. African - Ameni-an?% ind lahn4 in the “udy an* reportril Miioking thr- ffct rigaivlten per hy. 4 hiln aiv the heavieM *keis. But the srientiMj* |Nint o

36、u! dkit bhrtel to lirradie igarvttr nxAe imr deeply than white lOiMiker. Thir ukl fill their 1山甲” ilh niotv of ll* clieiuk-aln iti 加Imu(vo that caiw c&ixwr.ScietilKh kmm tint Mnwt different gnUfK diflrrfnlly. And MMue drug cun)|Nin,haw卜區(qū)un Io drvrkp mrialh largfhti (針 財(cái))LaM June*, the Ihilrd Fouci a

37、nd Drug Administration sppnved a drug tieninrd to treat brail failure in bhirk palirnl、The iume 認(rèn) BilhL Thr afncy called it a Mep hiwanl the prumZ” pnlally (irtrnniiw- lla kriJi lun canpUB. liqiiy、tyk or habit uf the bLicknC. dr|di f cijuifKtr Mnoke into lht*ir lung?*D. |h sdval 7rvnQh to rvact to c

38、 iurtte Mnuke58. People in the new hIimIv aw iumU* up /A. hevy smokers in AmericaB. zn(心rs and non-znok0mC. the Atiuim and HawaiiannI), the black and white people59. The (BOMluction of Bi Dil rvferrvd to in ihr Um |aramph X toA. explain lifferrnt raf reacl to Mmeiliflerentiy11. till the reailern tfi

39、at ra ial tiifipiviMrs exi?t in .1,kC.me a lug Mrp people ukrn in the tm-ilicine an-aD. “qym Uw i&a that it k raty G* IiLmIls lu lune mrem60. U lu*h of dw fulLmiiii* -Uiteii*心 in TRI E arcunlii Io llw autliur?A. The way f Mnoking may incrfOM- the rink k f having a hmg cancer.C. The rviarch a。Marled

40、by the New England Journal M Medicine*.1) . The ri4c “ lung cancer lie* in how murh a person,mokr.VI: And it costs more in May? Hg much is it then?a : 480 dollars.聽(tīng)第8段材料,回答第11至笫14小題。W : How long will it take tn repair my watch?l: U ell. il*s hard to Miy. Sunelimes it take* only a few minuter if I ran find the pnihlem at onrp. Heme ver. sometimes it take, an hour or Iwo.W: Shall 1 wait here or come back later?M: Il*s up to you. lut you*(I letter comr bark later.W: You can finkh rrpi


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