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1、外研版英語必修一Module 1in other words換句話說In other words, you have to have both. Product and promotion.換句話說,你必須兩手都要抓,產(chǎn)品和促銷不可偏廢。look forward to 期待;盼望I look forward to your guidance.我期待獲得你們的指導(dǎo)。at the start of 在開始的時候We are at the start of the season.我們現(xiàn)在是在賽季開始的階段。at the end of 在結(jié)束的時候There is a shop at the end

2、of the street.這條街走到頭有一個商店。go to college 上大學(xué)What about deciding on where to go to college?對于該去哪里上大學(xué),該如何決定?be divided into 被(劃)分成He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups.他建議說我們的班應(yīng)該分成五個小組。take part in 參力口Take part in something you believe in.參與到你所信仰的事情當(dāng)中。I make sure they work well

3、.我確認(rèn)他們做得很好。so that(引起表示結(jié)果的從句)因此He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it.他寫下了我的地址,以便能夠記住它。make progress取得進(jìn)步Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind.虛心使人進(jìn)步,驕傲使人落后。as a result 結(jié)果As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one.結(jié)果壞事變成了好事。in fact 事實上n fact,

4、 I would advise them not to do that.實際上,我建議他們不要那么做。fall asleep 睡著I can not fall asleep after drinking coffee this late.現(xiàn)在這么晚了,喝咖啡之后我不能入睡。tell jokes講笑話;開玩笑He always tell jokes to me and wore a sunny smile.他總是告訴我的笑話和戴著一個陽光燦爛的笑容。Module 3get on 上(車、船等)Here comes the bus. Lets get on.公共汽車來了,咱們上去吧。get off

5、 下(車、船等)Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop.勞駕,我必須在下一站下車。get into 上(車);進(jìn)入How did you get into the field?你是如何進(jìn)入該領(lǐng)域的呢?get out of 下(車);動身In order to get out of the peak-hour traffic, we must start early.我們得早點兒動身以避開交通高峰期。take off (飛機(jī))起飛When the storm stopped , the plane could take off .當(dāng)風(fēng)暴停下來時

6、,飛機(jī)可以起飛了不得。be short for 是的縮寫/簡稱The name Christm will be short for Christs Mass.“圣誕節(jié)”這個名稱是“基督愷撒”的縮寫。not any more 不再At least, I was thinking so Not any more.至少以前是但現(xiàn)在不再如此了。out of date 過時The regulations were out of date and confusing.那些規(guī)定已經(jīng)過時,而且令人費(fèi)解。refer to 指的是;參考Writers often refer to a dictionary.作家時

7、常參考字典。Module 4 put up 修建;建立And I think I put up the postulates.我想我已經(jīng)建立過這種假設(shè)了。so far 到目前為止So far, they appear to be up to the task.到目前為止,他們表現(xiàn)出承擔(dān)了這一任務(wù)。up to now至1J目前為止I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前為止我沒有他的任何消息。till now至1J目前為止He was wiped out yesterday and doesnt wake up till now.他昨晚喝醉了,直到現(xiàn)

8、在還沒醒。get away from 擺脫It s so obvious once you get away from the traditional mindset.你一旦擺脫了傳統(tǒng)的思維方式,效果會如此明顯。a great many 許多; 大量One day them was a terrible flood which drowned a great many wolves.有一天,發(fā)生了一場可怕的洪水,許多狼被淹死。a number of 許多;大量A number of them departed for an outing.他們當(dāng)中許多人外出作短途旅游。go up 上升Price

9、s incline to go up.價格有上升趨勢Module 5add to 往力口入Do you have anything to add to the list?你還有什么想要添加到列表列面嗎?used to 過去(常常)We used to sashay after supper.過去我們總是在晚飯后去散步。in the area of 在領(lǐng)域Altogether, in the area of hospitals and medicine, our country still has a lot ofproblems.總而言之,在醫(yī)療藥物這一塊,我國依然存在著相當(dāng)多的問題。be p

10、roud of 為感到驕傲/自豪You are the pride of us , you will be proud of us in the future.你現(xiàn)在是我們的驕傲,我們將來才能是你的自豪。be supposed to應(yīng)當(dāng);理應(yīng)It tells us to be supposed to maintain the innocent childlike innocence, selfless dauntless, daresto tell the truth.它告訴我們應(yīng)該保持天真爛漫的童心、無私無畏,敢于說真話。Module 6consists of 由組成A file consi

11、sts of one or more messages.一個文件由一個或多個消息構(gòu)成。as well 也She can play tennis as well as basketball.她也會打籃球,也會打網(wǎng)球。become known as 作為而出名;被稱為With many traditions,the game has become known as a game played by gentlemen.受傳統(tǒng)觀念及習(xí)俗的影響,高爾夫已漸漸成為一項紳士運(yùn)動。go down 下降;下去Shall I go down the stairway?我應(yīng)該走樓梯下去嗎?come up with

12、提出Have you ever noticed how easy it is to come up with a reason to do nothing?你有沒有感覺在不想做什么的時候,很容易就會想出一個理由去逃避?from that moment on從那時起They both loved each other from that moment on.從那一刻開始,他們倆就互相喜歡上對方了。concentrate on聚精會神;集中思想If you concentrate on either one too much then you can run into problems later

13、 on.如果你過分集中于其中的任何一個,那么稍后你就會遇到問題。take exercise鍛煉We take exercise every morning.我們每天早晨做運(yùn)動。be crazy about迷戀Young people all seems to be crazy about such things.年輕人看起來對這些東西都非常感興趣。have a temperature發(fā)燒Does he have a temperature, doctor?他還發(fā)燒嗎,醫(yī)生?lie down躺下I lie down, relax, and if I get ideas, I get ideas.

14、我躺下來,放松,如果我有了個想法,我就有靈感了。begin with以開始Let it begin with you!就讓這些從你開始吧。put into 將投入It can be held in the hand, moved, and put into or onto something.可以拿在手中,可以移動,可以放在某些東西上面或者里面。become ill 生病Make sure to offer to take their kids if they ever become ill!當(dāng)他們生病的時候,你也要幫忙照看他們的孩子。Module 2related to 有關(guān)系的;有關(guān)聯(lián)的E

15、ach of these are expenses related to your job.這些開支都是和你的工作相關(guān)的。break into破門而入;強(qiáng)行闖入They break into an office so that Jack can use the phone.他們闖入了一間辦公室,因為杰克需要使用電話。belong to 屬于We do not belong to it.我們不屬于那一派。become addicted to 對上癮; 沉迷于Humans have become addicted to flesh.人類已對吃肉上癮。take ones advice聽某人的意見Yo

16、u should take my advice about your job.關(guān)于你的工作你應(yīng)該聽取我的意見。in order to 為了He polished off his work in order to see his girlfriend.為了去見女朋友,他匆忙地做完手頭的工作。so as to 為了They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind.他們使帆成為逆風(fēng)向以便在暴風(fēng)中保持既定航道。give up 戒除;放棄I would not give up for anything.我絕不會為任何事

17、情放棄。Module 3Your interviewer will be impressed with your mind.你的想法會給面試官留下深刻印象。split up 分裂;分割Who told you we have split up?誰告訴你我們已經(jīng)離婚了? make a note of 記錄Make a note of the folder s location!記住這個文件夾的位置!Module 4be / get tired of 對厭煩I don t think I ll ever get tired of going.我認(rèn)為我此行不會感到厭煩。be fond of 喜歡;喜

18、愛Its human nature for parents to be fond of their children.父母愛孩子是人類的天性。tell by 從可以看出You can tell by the way they talk with her.你可以從他們與她談話的方式中就可以看出來。put off 推遲;延期So he put off dealing with it, week after week.于是他一周又一周地推遲處理這件事情。take turns 輪流The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical

19、 team.醫(yī)生們輪流參加巡回醫(yī)療隊。a series of系歹U的Film divides motion up into a series of static images.電影將動作分解為一系列靜態(tài)畫面。Module 5 in total 總共;合計;完全You re in total isolation.你完全是孤立無援的。now that既然Now that the problem is solved, nothing remains to be said.問題已經(jīng)解決了,沒什么說頭兒了。believe in相信He does not believe in fate.他不相信命運(yùn)。be

20、 similar to和相似Youll notice that two use cases appear to be similar to each other, though there areminor differences in workflow.你會注意到工作中的兩個用例相互之間很相似,盡管它們之間還有一些小差異。fall in love with 愛上;喜歡(表動作)If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him.當(dāng)一個人誰都不愛的時候,他就可以愛上身邊的任何一個人。be in love with

21、愛上;喜歡(表狀態(tài))Be in love with your life.熱愛你的生活。play a part扮演角色Talent, skill and luck play a part, but there is more.天分,技能和運(yùn)氣起一部分作用,但還有更多。to ones surprise令某人吃驚的是To our surprise, they said okay!讓我們吃驚的是,他們說可以。in surprise 吃驚地Our brows went up in surprise.我們驚奇地豎起了眉毛。care about 關(guān)心;顧慮;在乎Share this with anyone

22、you care about.和任何你關(guān)心的人分享這些.every now and then有時; 偶爾Every now and then you need a taste of your favorite childhood dish.人不時回憶起您喜愛的那種童年的味道。at the age of 在歲時What did you do at the age of six?你六歲的時候能做些什么呢?外研版英語必修三Module 1Look at 看The boy stole a look at his father with grimace.那男孩扮著鬼臉偷看了他父親一眼。more than

23、多于He is little more than a boy in worldly experience.他涉世不深,簡直還是一個孩子。be famous for 因而著名The town miller was famous for his excellent flour.鎮(zhèn)上的面粉場主以優(yōu)質(zhì)面粉著稱。work on 從事,進(jìn)行We need to put in our time and work on our skills.我們需要投入自己的時間和技藝在我們的工作上。from until.從至UHe worked from dawn until(til) dark.他沒日沒夜地工作。beca

24、use of 因為; 由于His business went under because of competition from the large corporations.由于大公司的競爭,他的生意陷入了困境。last for 延續(xù);持續(xù)The blockade is likely to last for some time.封鎖可能要持續(xù)一段時間。all the time 總是;一直She must be nervous,she fusses about all the time.她想必很緊張,她一直忙碌得團(tuán)團(tuán)轉(zhuǎn)。be known as以聞名Work in this new vein h

25、as come to be known as experimental philosophy.這種形式的研究被稱為實驗哲學(xué)。ever since 自此;從那時起I have distrusted her ever since she cheated me.自從她騙我以后,我就不信任她了。next to靠近;緊挨著The two shops are next to each other.那兩家鋪子緊挨著。refer to 指;參考;適用于Writers often refer to a dictionary.作家時常參考字典。in terms of 談到;從方面;依據(jù)It can not be

26、measured in terms of money.這是不能用金錢衡量的。compare with 與一 比較How do they compare with our alternatives?它們和我們的選擇如何比較?have control over 對一力口以控制You have control over nothing except your own mind.除了自己的思想你什么也沒有控制到。little by little 逐漸的Little by little he usurped his bosss authority.他逐漸地篡奪老板的權(quán)力。Module 2up to直到;

27、由決定Its up to him to resolve this problem.這個問題應(yīng)由他來解決。agree to do sth.同意桌某事Would the people agree to this?人們會同意這么做嗎?at the top of再頂端This one should be at the top of your list.這一項應(yīng)該在列表的頂端。be to do sth.將要做某事Another approach might be to do them for 10 minutes at the end of each hour.另一個方法是在每工作一個小時后,用 10分

28、鐘的時間來處理那些事務(wù)。make sure 確保;弄清楚Make sure that you capture the answers to these questions from them.確保一定要從他們那里找到這些問題的答案。encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事I encourage them to read or go outside .我鼓勵他們閱讀或者去戶外活動。close to靠近的,接近的;親密的His house is close to the park.他的家挨著公園。practice doing sth.練習(xí)做某事Then she would p

29、ractice writing.然后,她會練習(xí)寫作。as a result 結(jié)果;因此As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one.結(jié)果壞事變成了好事。Module 3 pick up 拿起,拾起Where(When) do I pick up the ticket?我在什么地方(時候)拿機(jī)票?take off 去掉Can you take off my helmet and put it on?你可以脫下我的頭盔并自己戴上嗎?on average 平均起來It says that on average, you shou

30、ld be around 20.它表示的是平均值,應(yīng)該在 20左右。end up 以結(jié)束The chairman finally ended up his speech.主席終于結(jié)束了演說。warn sb. of 警告某人He had decided to warn her of the mistake she was making.他決定告誡她,她正在犯錯誤。set fire to 放火They set fire to the city.他們放火燒了這座城市。put out 撲滅;關(guān)掉Please put the light out when you leave the room.離開房間時

31、請把燈關(guān)掉。be active in 積極Join, and be active in an association.參加一個協(xié)會并在里面積極的表現(xiàn)。in all總共I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all.我有一個哥哥,兩個妹妹,所以她總共有四個孩子。take place 發(fā)生When does the wedding take place?什么時候舉行婚禮? come into 生效The will comes into effect.這份遺囑開始生效。be of no effect 無效If

32、policyholder cheats toobtain premium,due to the malice, the insurance contract signedwill be of no effect.凡是投保人出于惡意。以騙取保險金為目的訂立的保險合同無效。mean to do sth. 打算做某事What do you mean to do with it?你打算怎樣處理它 ?mean doing sth. 意思是,意味著Balance does not mean doing everything.平衡并不意味著努力追求每件事情。manage to do sth. 設(shè)法做某事We

33、 should manage to house and feed the poor.我們得設(shè)法解決貧民的食宿問題。succeed in doing sth.做成某事All of us want to succeed in life.在人生的舞臺上我們都想取得成功。Module 4 take in 吸收Our club plan to take in 20 new members.我們俱樂部計劃吸收20名新會員。give out 放出;發(fā)出Give out candies or cards.分發(fā)你的糖果和賀卡。protect from/against . 保護(hù)不受 .的侵害The numerou

34、s holes in the front protect from the summer heat.在前擋板上大量的洞孔保護(hù)車手不用忍受夏日的炎熱。one after another 一個接一個Sometimes we would play games one after another.有時,我們會一個接一個地玩游戲。have a bad effect on對一有壞的影響Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.含酒精的飲料會對你的身體有很壞的影響。in a nutshell 簡言之;概括的說In a nutshell, heres

35、 how the survey works.這里簡單說一下這項調(diào)查的運(yùn)作。look through 瀏覽He looked through his notes before the final examination.他期末考試前溫習(xí)了自己的筆記。cut down 砍樹We do not have to cut down one single tree.我們不需要再砍倒哪怕一棵樹。dig up 挖掘出You dig up the past, all you get is dirty.你把過去一股腦兒都挖了出來,那可都是見不得人的be caught in 突然遭遇(風(fēng)暴等)He is wet a

36、ll over and looks as if he had been caught in a rain.他全身濕透好像淋了雨似的prevent (from)doing 阻止做一Nothing can prevent her (from) doing so.什么也不能阻止她這樣做。Module 5 be at war with 與交戰(zhàn)Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. -Benjamin Franklin.“與惡習(xí)作戰(zhàn),與鄰里

37、友好相處,在新的一年變得更加優(yōu)秀。”一一本杰明富蘭克林。in conclusion 總之;最后In conclusion, I wish this meeting every success.最后,預(yù)祝本屆年會取得圓滿成功!believe in 信仰;信任Not believe in what you should do.不要相信什么是你該做的。bring up養(yǎng)育;撫養(yǎng)They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children.關(guān)于如何培養(yǎng)孩子,他們有非常明確的想法.become interested in 對一感興趣How did y

38、ou become interested in this subject?你是怎么開始對這個話題感興趣的?spend - doing 花費(fèi)做 The time they need to spend doing their work這些資源在執(zhí)行工作時需要花費(fèi)的時間be different from與不 同Now it is different from the past.現(xiàn)在和過去不同了。for the first time 首次;第一次Naturally, you were keyed up when you went on the platform for the first time.你

39、第一次登上講臺感到緊張是很自然的。Module 6 date from 起源于This custom dates from the nineteenth century.這風(fēng)俗始于19世紀(jì)。hold back 阻止He couldnt hold back his anger.他再也控制不住他的怒火。come true (夢想等)變成現(xiàn)實Im afraid his hope wont come true easily.他的希望怕很難實現(xiàn)。make sense 有意義;有道理It all started to make sense.這一切都開始變得有意義。bring an end to 結(jié)束;終止

40、Both Apple and Google will hope that this latest decision will bring an end to the inquiry by the FTC.蘋果公司和谷歌公司都希望這個最新的決定能結(jié)束美國聯(lián)邦貿(mào)易委員會的調(diào)查。work out 算出;解決Work out how much all these things will cost.算計算計買這么多東西要多少錢。dream of 夢想He had long nourished the dream of being an actor.很久以來他一直夢想著成為一名演員。be full of

41、充滿His head is full of nonsense.他滿腦子荒唐念頭。take away 移去;拿走;消除Take away the glasses and the tray.把這些玻璃杯和托盤拿走。be on a visit 在參觀He is on a visit to English.他正在訪問英國。live a happy life過著幸福的生活We live a happy life together.我們一家在一起過著幸福的生活。外研版英語必修四Module 1 in the future 將來What do you think should be expected in

42、the future?你認(rèn)為什么會是在將來可以期待的?plenty of 大量的You have plenty of time to read.你有大量的時間讀書。think about 考慮Think about what we should do tomorrow.想想我們明天該做些什么。instead of 代替Instead of abating, the wind is blowing even harder.風(fēng)不但沒停,反而越刮越大了。be able to 能夠As a politician, he is able to withstand public criticism.作為一

43、名政治家,他經(jīng)得住公眾批評。attach to連接到;附屬于A tag was attached to each article.每件物品上都系上了標(biāo)簽。have an accident 發(fā)生意外;出事故Did you have an accident?你出事故了嗎?for a start 開始For a start, you may find it impossible to do so.首先你會發(fā)現(xiàn),這么做是不可能的。on the way out 在路上ony stops them on the way out.托尼在他們離開的路上叫住了他們a few of 一些Let me briefl

44、y highlight a few of the achievements of the past year.讓我簡要地回顧一下在過去一年中取得的一些成就。be made of 由制成My,it must be made of copper.哇,這只蘋果準(zhǔn)是銅做的吧。throw away 扔掉;丟棄He threw away the old sofa.他把舊沙發(fā)扔掉了。for sure 確定All of those advantages, for sure.所有的那些優(yōu)勢,的確。Module 2 in no time 立即;馬上I shut him up in no time.只不過我很快就讓

45、他閉嘴了Cget around隨便走走;傳播;繞開You can, however, get around this.但是您可以避開這種操作。be limited to 有限Each speaker was limited to five minutes.每位發(fā)言者的時限為 5分鐘。have a good view of 有個好的視角Standing at the top of the mountain you can have a good view of the beautiful county.站在山頂上,你可以清楚看到整個鄉(xiāng)村的景色。get a seat 得到座位We ll go ea

46、rly , otherwise we may not get a seat.我們得早點去,要不然就沒有座位了。under construction在修建中The reservoir is under construction.水庫正在施工。rush hour 高峰期Yet he found the stress from the rush hour commute lingered.然而,他發(fā)現(xiàn),那從上下班高峰時間的交通壓力。traffic jam交通堵塞Maybe he in the traffic jam.他可能遇上交通阻塞了。get stuck 被困住If we get stuck in

47、 one stage or the other,the process of grieving is not complete,and cannotbecomplete.如果我們僅僅陷入了某個階段或其他階段而不能自撥,那么悲痛的過程是不完整的,不能完成。seem to 看起來像Some people seem to be always lucky.有些人似乎從來都是幸運(yùn)的。switch off 關(guān)掉Dont forget to switch off the gas.別忘了關(guān)煤氣。turn on 打開Please turn on the radio.請把收音機(jī)打開。be famous for 因

48、而出名I like Japanese food because it is famous for being fresh.我喜歡日本食物,因為它為是著名的新鮮的。a list of 一列;一份I made a list of things to take with me.我列出了一個我要帶走的物品的清單。what s more 更重要的是Whats more, looking out the window, all appeared normal.更重要的是,看看窗外一切都是那么正常。be connected to 和有聯(lián)系I salute you all today and I am clo

49、sely connected to you from my heart.今天我向你們致敬,我從心中和你們緊密的連接在一起。Module 3 shake hands 握手And they do not expect just to shake hands with him.這些領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人期望的不僅僅是和他握握手。in the distance 在遠(yuǎn)處In the distance what do you hear?聽到遠(yuǎn)方有什么聲音傳來body language肢體語言The moment that you would see their body language change.你可以看到他們的身

50、體語言立刻改變了。on guard 警戒;提防The world is alert and on guard as never before.世界從沒有像現(xiàn)在這樣保持警惕和戒備。make a deal達(dá)成交易Together we decide what is fair and we make a deal.大家共同決定怎么做才公平并達(dá)成交易。hold up 舉起She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.她抬起手擦去了眼角的淚。give away 泄露; 失去Please dont give my secret away!請不要說出我的秘密!sha

51、ke one s head 搖頭But his shake ones head suggestion of already outward bound, This is a false news .但他的搖頭已經(jīng)向外界暗示,“這是一條假新聞”。take a sip 小喝一口It is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptying the glass whentoasting with his or her Chinese host.當(dāng)然,外國賓客與中國東道主敬酒時,小啜一口也未嘗不可。Module

52、4 bring up 教育,培養(yǎng)My parents brought me up to respect others.我父母教育我要尊重他人。from an early age 從很早的時候開始We learn from an early age how to forgive.我們從很小的時候就開始學(xué)習(xí)如何原諒。as a result of 由于,原因是As a result of all this, their incomes are up and land values have risen.這一切的結(jié)果是,他們的收入增加了,土地的價值也上升了。come to power 掌權(quán)When d

53、id that wise man come to power?那個英明的人何時執(zhí)政的?be attached to 被系/捆在.上The digest is attached to the message being sent.附加在要發(fā)送的消息上。at present 目前He is at present in Shanghai.目前他正在上海。Module 5at the edge of 在.邊緣At the edge of life everything is an occasion for death.在生命的邊緣,一切都是導(dǎo)致死亡的原因。at least 至少I resolved t

54、o visit my grandmother at least once a year.我決定每年至少要去看望祖母一次。be heavy with 充滿;有大量的Now my heart is heavy with the burden of sense of responsibility.現(xiàn)在,我心里的責(zé)任感比任何時候都沉重。get a kick out of 感到愉快I bet hed get a kick out of that.我想他聽了一定很高興。go through 通過;完成The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水淋透了我的外衣。know about 了 解What do they know about your topic?關(guān)于你的主題他們了解多少?go on a trip 去訪問;旅行 I might at least go on a trip to start. 可能我會先旅行一下吧。Module #close to (在時間或空間上)接近Do you live in Heaven or even close to it?你是生活在天堂中或者僅僅在接近它呢?be likely to 很可能The blockade is likely to last for some time.封鎖可


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