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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上人教版高中英語必修二重點詞組歸納Unit1 Cultural relics1) in search of = in the search for 尋找2) search for sb/ sth 尋找某人/物3) search for sb/ sth 搜查以尋找某人/物4) decorate sth with 用裝飾5) decorate sth in/afterstyle按照風格裝飾6) decorate for 為裝飾7) belong to 屬于8) in return for 作為回報,作為報答(原因)9) no doubt 無疑地,很可能10) without

2、 (a) doubt 無疑地11) beyond doubt 毫無疑問(常作插入語)12) in doubt 感到懷疑的13) be worth doing sth 值得做某事14) take apart 拆開15) come/ fall apart 崩潰,瓦解16) apart from 除了以外都,除去17) in evidence 明顯的,顯而易見的18) at the entrance to 去的入口19) think highly/much/a lot of 高度贊揚/評價20) think little/poorly of 忽視,不重視21) in the fancy style

3、流行式樣22) at war 處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)23) more/ less than 多/少于24) such an amazing history如此神奇的一段歷史=so amazing a history25) cultural relics 文化遺產(chǎn)26) develop an interest in 培養(yǎng)對的興趣27) remain a mystery 仍然是一個謎28) a troop of his best soldiers他最好的一隊士兵29) celebrate the 300th birthday慶祝第300個生日30) agree with this opinion 贊同這個觀

4、點 31) see sth by the light of the moon借著光看見某物32) the entrance to the mine 礦洞的入口處33) be used to do sth 被用來做某事34) in fact =as matter of fact 事實上35) add more details to 添加更多細節(jié)到36) care about 關(guān)心37) agree with sb 同意某人的觀點38) rather than 而不是39) at midnight 在午夜40) to ones surprise 令某人感到驚喜Unit2 The Olympic G

5、ame1) compete with/ against 與進行競爭2) compete for 為而競爭3) compete in 參加比賽4) take part in 參加,參與(+活動)5) stand for 代表,象征,表示6) stand aside/by 袖手旁觀,待命7) stand against 靠在上8) stand out 突出,顯眼9) keep regular hours 過著有規(guī)律的生活10) on a regular basis 有規(guī)律地11) regular customers/visitors ??停现黝?2) regular meeting 定期會議13

6、) admit that 承認14) admit (to) doing 承認做某事15) admit sb/sth to be 承認某人/某事是16) be admitted as 作為被接受17) be admitted to/into 獲準進入/參加18) as well 也19) act as host 做東20) the host country 主辦國21) play host to 主辦22) a host of 許多,大量23) replace B with/by A 用A代替B24) replace sb/sth 代替25) = take the place of sb/sth

7、 26) = take ones place 27) charge (sb) some money for sth為某事(向某人)要價28) charge sb with 指控某人29) take charge of 負責30) free of charge 免費31) in charge of 主管32) in the charge of 在某人的主管之下33) = in ones charge34) = under ones charge35) bargain with sb about/over sth和某人討價還價36) bargain on 商定37) make/reach a ba

8、rgain with sb與某人達成協(xié)議38) keep a bargain 遵守協(xié)議39) find/get a bargain 買到便宜貨40) deserve to do 值得做,應(yīng)該(發(fā)出者)41) deserve doing 值得被(承受者)42) one after another 陸續(xù)地,一個接一個地43) the first gold medal winner 第一枚金牌得主44) difference betweenand 和之間的區(qū)別45) find out about 發(fā)現(xiàn),查明,弄清46) from all over the world 來自世界各地47) play a

9、n important role in 在起重要作用48) used to do sth 過去常常做某事49) be/get used to doing 習慣于做某事50) two sets/types/kinds/sorts of 兩組,兩套51) every four years 每四年52) reach the standard 達到標準53) run against 與賽跑54) change ones mind 改變主意55) ask sb for help 向某人求助56) promise sb to do 答應(yīng)(某人)做57) pick up 拾起,撿起58) for the h

10、onor of 為了的榮譽59) be allowed to do sth 被允許做某事60) come on ajourney 進行一段旅行61) be build for 被建造(立)62) rise/stand to ones feet 站起63) take responsibility for 為負責64) on purpose故意Unit3 Computer1) from now/today/then/that time on 自現(xiàn)在起/今天/那時/ 那時起2) go by 經(jīng)過,依照,作為指南3) go by sb/the law從某人旁邊經(jīng)過/遵守法律4) let a chanc

11、e go by 放過機會5) (time) go by (時光)流逝6) go after/go over/go out 追求/檢查/熄滅7) go all out/ go in for 全力以赴/從事,酷愛8) go through 遭受9) as a result 結(jié)果,因此10) as a result of 作為的結(jié)果11) with the result that 結(jié)果是,因此12) without result 毫無結(jié)果13) result from = lie in 因引起14) achieve ones goal 實現(xiàn)某人的目15) set a goal 設(shè)定一個目標16) a

12、 personal call 親自訪問17) ones personal view 某人的個人觀點18) personally speaking 就個人而言19) in a way = in one way 在某種程度上20) in no way 一點也不,決不21) in the/ones way 擋道的,妨礙人的22) all the way 一直,自始至終23) on the/ones way 接近,在進行中,在路上24) by the way 順便說25) in this way 用這種方式26) in any way 在任何方面27) lead the way 帶路,引路28) lo

13、se ones way 迷路29) make ones way 前往,去30) arise from/out of sth 因某事物而產(chǎn)生31) deal with 處理,安排,與做買賣32) do with 處置,處理,利用33) watch over 看守,監(jiān)守34) watch out 小心,當心35) on watch 值班36) in ones opinion 以某人的觀點37) with the help of 在的幫助下38) traffic signals 交通信號燈39) sothat 如此以至于40) human race 人類41) later on 后來42) be f

14、illed with 充滿,填滿43) get together 聚會44) make up 編造45) common sense 常識46) have sth in common with 與有共同之處47) to ones advantage 對某人有利48) consider sb as/to be 考慮做為49) consider doing sth 考慮做某事50) as time went by 隨著時間的推移51) = with time going by52) help sb with sth 在某方面幫助某人53) provide sb with sth 把某物提供給某人54

15、) play against 對抗55) spoil ones free time 破壞某人的空閑時間56) mop the floors 拖地Unit4 Wildlife protection1) decrease fromto 從減少到2) decrease to 減少到3) decrease by + % 減少了百分之4) die out 滅亡5) die of/from 因而死(內(nèi)因of,外因from)6) die away (聲音,風等)逐漸消失,停息7) die off 先后死去8) in danger (of) 在危險中9) out of danger 脫險10) burst i

16、nto 突然迸發(fā)11) burst out doing 突然做某事12) eg: burst into laughter =burst out laughing13) protectfrom 保護不受(危害)14) protect sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事15) protectfrom/against 防止16) stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事17) have an effect on 對產(chǎn)生影響18) have no effect on 對沒有影響19) come into effect 開始生效20) succeed in doing

17、sth 成功地做某事21) out of employ 失業(yè)22) employ oneself in 忙于,從事23) do harm to 對有害24) mean no harm 沒有惡意25) according to 根據(jù),視而定26) long before 早在之前很久27) before long 不久以后28) = soon after/shortly after (與將來, 過去連用)29) come into being 產(chǎn)生,誕生,成立30) = come into existence = come into force31) bringinto being 使生產(chǎn),使形

18、成32) come into power 開始執(zhí)政,上臺33) come into effect 生效34) come into fashion 開始流行35) for sure 一定要,必須,必然,肯定的36) be sure of doing sth 主自己對做某事有把握37) be sure to do sth 肯定會做某事(以旁觀者)38) be sure of 確信,保證39) be sure (that) 確信(that常省略)40) be/feel sure about 對有把握41) make sure of 確保,確定42) make sure (that) 確實,證實43)

19、 be not sure whether/when/where/what/why不確定是否/何時/哪里/什么/為何44) so that 結(jié)果,以至于,為了45) sothat 如此以至于46) in peace 和平地47) in relief 如釋重負48) pay attention to 注意49) show mercy to 對表示憐憫50) economic loss 經(jīng)濟損失51) sell at a loss 虧本出售52) long to do sth 渴望做某事53) endangered species 瀕危物種54) fly away 飛走55) a certain n

20、umber of 一定數(shù)量的56) run after 追趕57) improve the environment改善環(huán)境58) lose ones chance 失去機會59) tens of millions of years ago 好幾百萬年前60) as black as night 漆黑一片61) as bold as a lion 勇猛如獅62) as hard as a stone 鐵石心腸63) as strong as a horse 健壯如牛Unit5 Music1) live a happy life 過著幸福的生活2) fight a wonderful fight

21、打了一個漂亮仗3) sleep a comfortable sleep 睡得很舒服4) die a sudden death 突然去世5) breathe a deep breath 深深地吸了一口氣6) laugh a foolish laugh 傻傻地笑了一下7) smile a forced smile 勉強地微微一笑8) run your fastest race 盡快地跑9) dream of/about 夢想,向往,希望10) earn a living 謀生11) earn ones living (by) (靠)謀生12) in cash 用現(xiàn)金13) in surprise/

22、in peace 吃驚地/平靜地14) in order/in harmony 有序地/和諧地15) in a hurry/sit in a circle匆忙坐成一圈16) a story in two parts 分成兩部分的故事17) in pairs/couples/groups/in numbers一對對/群群/組組/三三兩兩地飛18) play jokes/tricks on 開玩笑,捉弄19) rely on/upon sth/sb 相信某事/依靠某人20) rely on/upon sb doing sth 相信某人會做某事21) = rely on/upon sb to do

23、sth 22) rely on/upon sb for sth 指望某人得到某物23) rely on/upon it that 相信(事情)24) be/get familiar to/with熟悉,與熟悉起來25) or so 大約,左右26) break up 分手,解散,破裂27) break out 突然發(fā)生,爆發(fā)28) break into 突然闖入29) break down 打破30) break through 突破,強行穿過31) break away from 脫離32) go hungry 挨餓33) go wild/mad/crazy 發(fā)瘋34) go bad/sour/rotten 變質(zhì)/變酸/腐爛35) go deaf/blind/grey/bald耳聾/目瞎/白發(fā)/禿頂36) in addition 另外,也37) in addition to doing sth 除之外38) sort out 挑選出,分清,整理39) be confident +從句 對有信心4


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