



1、學(xué)生-英語專業(yè)考研英美概況材 料英語專業(yè)考研英美概況自測題(一)British Survey TestPart I Geography1. The total area of the U.K. is _D_ .A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,5342. England occupies the _C_portion of the U.K.A. n orther nB. easter nC. souther n3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is_ B_.A. Northern Ir

2、ela nd B. En gla ndC. Scotla nd4. _A_ is on the western prominence betwee n the Bristol Channel andthe Dee estuary.A. Wales B. Scotla ndC. En gla nd5. Wales was effectively un ited with En gla nd in the A cen tury.A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th6. By the Act of Union of _C_ Scotla nd and the kin gdom of En

3、gla ndand Wales were con stituti on ally joined as the Kin gdom of Brita in.A. 1707 B.1921 C.18017. Psysiographically Brita in may be divided into Aprovin ces.A. 13 B. 12 C. 148. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in A .A. the Scottish Highla ndsB. WalesC. En gla nd9. The mai n rivers part ing in Brita in runs fr

4、omA .A. n orth to southB. south to n orthC. east to west10. Cheviot hills lie along the border betwee n B and En gla nd.A. Scotla nd B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The Ion gest river in Brita in is A .A. SevenB. ClydeC. Bann12. London is situated on the River of _B .A. ParretB. ThamesC. Spey13. Edi nb

5、urgh is the capital of BA. En gla ndB. Scotla ndC. Wales14. The rivers flowi ng in to the _B_are mai nly short.A. North Sea B. En glish Cha nn el C. Dee estuary15. Mt. Sno wdo n sta nds in _B_ .A. Scotla ndB. WalesC. En gla nd16. The source of the important River Thames is in the A .A. Cotswolds B.

6、Oxford Clay C. Pennines17.About _B_ of the water requirements are obtainedun dergro und sources.A. 50% B. 38% C. 42%18. Gaelic is mai nly spoke n in A .A. Scotla ndB. En gla ndC. Northern Irela nd19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _B_ .A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 169420. Brita in is basically an imp

7、orter of_ D_.A. foodB. raw materialsC. manu facturesD. both A and B21. British farmers produce eno ugh food to supply A of the n eeds of the populati on.A. 2/3 B. 4/5 C. 1/222. Britain s main cereal crop is _C_ .A. oats B. corn C. barley D. rye23. The cen ter of the Brita in finan cial system is A .

8、A. Bank of En gla nd B. Ba nk of Britai n C. Ba nk of U.K.24. The three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain include the followingexcept_C_.A. the An glesB. the Saxo ns C. the Picts D. the Jutes25.“ Black Country ” refers to B .A. coun tryside in En gla ndB. an area around Birm in ghamC. a country i

9、n Africa26. The second largest port in Britain is_ C_.A. London B. Belfast C. Liverpool27. The capital city of Norther n Irela nd is _B .A. Cardiff B. Belfast C. Leith28. Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about _B_B.C.A. 410 B. 750 C. 30029. The U.K. is rich in the followi ng except _C_

10、.A. coalB. iro nC. gold D. tin30. The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _D_.A. limitatio n of immigratio nB. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rateD. un employme nt31. The proporti on of the En glish in the whole populati on is B.A. 60% B. 80% C. 70%from32. The Qu

11、een s University is in the city of_ A_.A. Belfast B. Edin burghC. Ma nchester33. The con tributi onmade by the Norma ns to Brita in is the followi ngexcept D.A. final un ificati on of En gla ndB. foun datio n of aristocracyC. great admi nistrative progressD. some peculiarities of dialect34. About Ap

12、erce nt of the populatio n live in cities or tow ns.A. 80 B. 85 C. 9035. The land available for farming in England, Wales, ScotlandandNorther n Irela nd does not exceed A milli on acres.A. 30 B. 25 C. 4036. The highest mountain in En gla nd is _C_.A. Mt. Mourne B. Mt. Sno wdo nC. Mt. Seafell37. The

13、sec ond largest city in En gla nd is _B_.A. GlasgowB. Birmi nghamC. Man Chester38. The moder n Scots and Irish are the desce ndants of A .A. Gaels B. Brit onsC. An glo-Sax ons39. Scotla nd occupies the _B_porti on of Great Brita in.A. souther nB. n orther nC. wester n40. By the Act of Union in A , t

14、he name United Kingdom of Great Brita in and Irela ndwas adopted.41. _C_has its own national church and its own system of law.A. Wales B. Northern Irela nd C. Scotla nd42. The _B _End includes Westminster, St. James PalaceA. East B. West C. North43. _D_ includes London, the centre of government for

15、the wholen ati on.A. Scotla nd B. Northern Irela nd C. WalesD. En gla nd英美概況一答案Part II.DCBAA III CAAAB III ABBBB III ABABDII.ACACB III CBBCD III BADAA III CBABA III CBD英美概況英國歷史部分History1. Julius Caesar inv aded Brita in_B_.A. onceB. twiceC. three times2. King Arthur was the king of_ B_.A. PictsB. Ce

16、ltsC. Scots D. Jutes3. The first “ King of the English” was .A. Alfred B. Egbert C. Bede D. Ethelred4. Christia nity was in troduced in to En gla nd in the late _C cen tury.A. 14th B. 8th C. 6th5. In 1653 A was made Lord Protector for life.A. Oliver Cromwell B. Charles IC. William II6. The three gre

17、at Germa nic tribes: the An glos, the A and the Jutes which inv adedBrita in form the basis of the moder n British people.A. Saxo ns B. Scots C. Welsh D. Wessex7. The head of the church in An glo-Sax on times was _D_ .A. the King of Denmark and Norway B. the king of En gla ndC. Julius CaesarD. the A

18、rchbishop of Can terbury8. The _B_ inv aded En gla nd in the earliest time.A. DanesB. Iberia nsC. Roma ns D. Celts9. The Vikings who inv aded En gla nd at the tur n of the 8th cen tury camefrom _D_.A. NorwayB. DenmarkC. FranceD. both A and B10. Edward was known as the “ A ” because of his reputation

19、 for sain tl in ess.A. Con fessorB. Conq ueror C. Protector11. Norma n Conq uest bega n in _B .A. 1016 B. 1066 C. 103512. I n history _A _ was nickn amed“ Ki ng of Lackla nd ”.A. John B. Henry I C. Henry II13. In 1181 Henry II issued the _ B_ which made it compulsory forevery freeman in England to b

20、e provided with arms.A. I nq uest of Sheriffs B. Assize of Arms C. Doomsday Book14. Henry Plantagenet, in 1154, established the House of Angevin as BA. He nry I B. Henry II C. He nry III15. He nry II appoi nted in 1162 A Archbishop of Can terbury.A. Thomas Becket B. Stephe n Langton C. Sim on de Mor

21、tfort16. Charles I was beheaded in A .A. 1649 B. 1648 C. 165317. It was A who summo ned Model Parliame nt in 1295.A. Edward I B. Henry IV C. Sim on de Mo ntfort18. The Great Charter contained_C_ sets of provisi ons.A. two B. four C. three19. The Peasa nts Upris ing in 1381 was led by _B_.A. He nry T

22、urnerB. Watt Tyler C. Richard20. The En glish Church was strictly A .A. n atio nalB. intern ati onalC. regi onal21. The Glorious Revoluti on in 1688 was in n ature a_ .A. coup d etat B. racial slaughter C. peasant rising22. The In dustrial Revoluti on laid a good foun dati on for the_ .A. factory of

23、 the worldB. expa nsion of marketsC. social upheaval23. The American Revolution (the American War of Independence) brokeout in_ and en ded in_ .A. 1775, 1783 B. 1774, 1782 C. 1786, 178424. The Battle of Hasti ngs took place in_.A. 1606 B. 1042 C. 106625. The Great Charter was sig ned by_in 1215.A. K

24、i ng He nry II B. Ki ng Richard C. Ki ng Joh n26. In the early 14th cen tury feudalism bega n to_ in En gla nd.A. grow B. flourishC. decli ne27. It was_who published the bookA. Thomas More B. Thomas Pai neD. end“ The Rights ofManC. Thomas Jeffers on28. The first Prime Min ister was_ .A. Wilmi nton B

25、. George Gren ville C. Robert Walpole29. The Parliament of 1265 which is known as the” is consideredthe “ beg inning of parliame ntA. All Estates Parliame ntC. Long Parliame nt30. The An glo-Fre nchwas known as_.A. the Wars of RosesC. Peasa nt Upris ing31. In the first half of 17th cen tury_grow rap

26、idly in En gla nd.A. feudalism B. capitalism C. Catholicism32. Prime Min ister_ resisted any reform that could be resisted.A. Palmersto nB. Robert Peel C. Gladsto ne33. By the end of the Hundred Years un der En glish rule.A. Troyes B. Gasc onB. Model Parliame nthostility which began in 1337 and ende

27、din 1453B. the Hun dred Years WarWay one port ofremained34. In the 14th century tookplagues in the middle ages.A. Earthquake B. Black Death35. _ and his followers,C. Calaisplacethe,the severest of manyC. Drought known as Lollards, providedideological preparati on for the labour moveme nt of the 14th

28、 cen tury.A. Joh n Wycliffe B. Watt Tyler C. Somerset36. By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of_A. TudorB. Lan casterC. Pla ntage net37. In the “_ ” of 1388 five lords accused the Kingunder a very expansive definition of crime.A. All Estates parliame ntB. Merciless Parliame ntC. Model Parl

29、iame nt38. In the Wars of the Roses the Lan castria ns wire badges ofA. white B. red C. pink D. yellow39. The first Civil War in Brita in lasted from_ to_ .A. 1600, 1604 B. 1640, 1644 C. 1642, 164640. William Shakespeare is mainly a_.A. no velistB. dramatist C. poet41. In 1689 the “ Bill of RightsA.

30、 The Con stituti onal Mon archyC. House of Lan caster42. Thecarried on tradebegan.s friends of treasonrose.” was passed._ began in England.B. All Estates Parliame ntrelati ons with Russiaand cen tral Asia ncoun tries.A. Moscow Compa nyB. Eastla nd CompanyC. East In dia Compa ny43. _started the slave

31、 trade in the sec ond part of the 16th cen tury.A. Joh n Hawk ins B. Francis Drake C. Diaz44. In 1534 Parliament passed the“_ ” , according to which Henry VIIIwas declared the head of the En glish Church.A. the Bill of Rights B. Act of Supremacy C. Act of Settleme nt45.Under Elizabeth I _ was restor

32、ed, and she was declared“governor ” of the church.A. the Roman ChurchB. the Catholic ChurchC. the Anglican Church46.In 1337 the hostility between England and _ resulted in theHundred Years War.A. France B. Spa in C. Russia47. The religious persecutio n mainly existed duri ng the reig n of_.A. Cromwe

33、ll B. Charles I C. Henry VIII48. En gla nd first became a sea power in the time of_ .A. Henry VII B. Elizabeth I C. Victoria49. The In dustrial Revoluti on first started in_ .A. the iron industry B. the textile industry C. the coal industry50. From 1688 to 1783 En glish Parliame nt was main ly con t

34、rolled by theparty of_.A. Tory B. Whig C. Labour51. The En glish Prime Min ister duri ng the Second World War was_ .A. Churchill B. Chamberlain C. Baldwin52. At the End of_ cen tury, the East In dia Compa ny was formed.A. 15th B. 16th C. 14th53. The Seve n Years War betwee n En gla nd and France las

35、ted from_to_.A. 1756, 1763 B. 1713, 1720 C. 1754, 176154.In 1689 Parliament passed“_ ” , limiting the powers of the crown.A. Habeas Corpus ActB. the Bill of RightsC. Navigation Act55. _con trasted the first successful steam locomotive.A. George Stephe nsonB. Samuel Crompt onC. James Hargreaves56. Th

36、e “ Peterloo Massacre ” took place in_ .A. Birmi nghamB. Liverpool C. Man chester57. Betwee n 1911 and 1914 took place the followi ng strikes except_.A. railway strikeB. strike of the postme nC. coal strikeD. strike of the tran sport58. The Victoria n Age was over the_bega n.A. Edwardia n Age B. Geo

37、rgia n AgeC. Elizabetha n Age59. The_ gover nment surre ndered to the British inv aders and was forced to sign thefirst unequal Treaty of Nanjing in 1842.A. I ndia nB. Qi ng C. Irish D. Spa nish60. The Great Charter was esse ntially a_ .A. Culture Moveme ntB. colo nial docume ntC. feudal docume nt61

38、. _ B_ bro ke out two years after the Hundred Years War with France.A. The Bore WarB. The Wars of the RosesC. Queen Annes War62. The Reformati on was a product of A .A. the Ren aissa neeB. the Chartist Moveme ntC. the Hun dred Years War63. The greatest dramatist of the En glish Ren aissa nee was A .

39、A. Shakespeare B. Milto nC. Chaucer D. Baco n64. The En glish Revoluti on marks the beg inning of the _B_period ofcapitalism.A. feudal B. moder nC. colo nial D. medieval65.By the _ B_ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of theUS.A. Declaratory Act B. Treaty of Paris C. Treaty of Mon tgomery

40、66.The Chartist Movement began in _ and reached its height in_C_.A. 1845, 1858 B. 1828, 1835 C. 1839, 184867. In 1840 Brita in laun ched an aggressive war aga inst C .A. FranceB. I ndiaC. Chi naD. America68. Aformed a coaliti on gover nment in 1940.A. Win st on Churchill B. Lloyd GeorgeC. Neville Ch

41、amberlain69. By the A the British dominions became in depe ndent states in all but n ame.A. Statue of Westmi nsterB. Locar no TreatyC. Disputes Act70.The Fabia ns Society was foun ded in 1883, in cludi ngin tellectualssuch as _C_ .A. William Shakespeare & Ben JonsonB. Christopher Marlowe & J

42、oh n Milt onC. G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells71. Before WWII A relied on appeaseme nt of the Europea n dictatorsto reduce tensions that might lead to war.A. Neville ChamberlainA. Sta nley BaldwinC. Winston Churchill72.During WWII, Britai n, America, Fran ce, Soviet Un io n and other antifascist countr

43、iesformed a united international allianee which was called _B .A. Locar no Treaty B. Grand Allia nee C. Statute of Westmi nster73.The first coalitiongovernmentduringWWI was organized when_B_ was the Prime Min ister.A. Lloyd GeorgeB. Herbert Asquith C. Sta nley Baldwin74. When Germa ny in vaded _C_ w

44、hich was n eutral, Brita in declaredwar on Germa ny on 4 August, 1914.A. Austria B. Russia C. Belgium D. Pola nd英美概況自測題(二)英國歷史部分答案I.BBBCA/ADBDA/BABBA/AACBAII.AAACC/CBAAB/BACBA/ ABBCBIII.AAABC/ABBBB /ABABA/CBABCIV.BAABB / CCAACV.ABBC(六)英語考研英美概況模擬題(六)美國部分地理America n Survey Test地理1. The _ part of Ameri

45、ca consists of high plateaus and mountainsformed by the Great Cordillera Ran ge.A. easter nB. western C. no rtheaster n2. In easter n_lies Death Valley, 85 metres below sea level.A. California B. Utah C. Arizo na3. In the west of the_ lie the Colorado Plateaus and the ColumbiaPlateaus.A. Rocky Mou n

46、tai n B. Coast Range C. Cascades Mountains4. The_ lies betwee n the Colorado Plateaus and Columbia PlateausA. Great Basin B. Colorado Valley C. Great Plai ns5. The famous Yellowst one Nati onal Park is situated in n orthwester n partof_.A. CaliforniaB. Ariz onaC. Wyomi ng6. The world-k nown Colorado

47、 Valley lies in no rther n_ , which is cutby the Colorado River.A. Arizo naB. Utah C. Mon ta na7. Among the five Great Lakes, only _ is wholly within the UnitedStates.A. Erie B. SuperiorC. Michiga n8. Only the climate in the southern part of_ is tropical.A. Florida B. Georgia C. Virgi nia9. Washingt

48、on, the capital of the US, is on the_ river.A. Potomac B. Delaware C. St. Laure nee10. The width of the Niagara Fall is about _ metres and the dropaverage_metres.A. 1650, 50B. 1240, 49 C. 1540, 4911. _part is the most den sely populated regi on in America.A. The souther nB. The n ortheaster n C. The

49、 wester n12. The Great Salt Lake lies in northernA. Erie and Michiga n B. Erie and On tario C. Superior and Haron20. _A_ of the America s territory is covered with forests.A. 1/4 B. 1/521. Texas, hav ing bel on ged to _C_, was ann exed by the U.S. i n 1845.A. France B. Russia C. Mexico22. Hawaii is

50、in the COcea n.D. around the Great LakesE. Gulf of Mexico27. There are_ river systems in the U.S.A.A. Idaho B. Arizo na C. Nevada13._ has bee n called theA. Philadelphia B. Plymouth14. About_of the worldthe Uni ted States.A. half B. one thirdD. Utah“ cradle of America n LibertyC. Bost ons annual agr

51、icultural products come from15. The highest mountain in the U.S is Mou nt B .A. Appalachia nB. Meki nleyC. Rocky16. Mou nt Mek in ley lies in the CRan ge.A. Sierra NevadaB. CascadesC. Alaska17. The two largest Chinatowns are located in the following cities exceptC .A. New YorkB. San Fran ciscoC. Mia

52、mi18. The world s largest freshwater lake is LakeA .C. 1/3B. I ndianC. PacificA. Atla ntic23. The American black populationconsists of _Aof the totalpopulatio n.A. 1/10 B. 1/5C. 1/924.C is the largest state in area in the U.S .A.A. Florida25. The United States today is the_C_ largest country in size

53、 in theworld.A. third B. fifth C. fourth26. About half of the total population is concentrated in the followingareas except_A. Atla ntic CoastB. LouisianaC. AlaskaB. fifthB. Pacific Coast C. NorthwestC. two thirdsA. SuperiorB. OntarioC. Victoria19. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie betwee n lakes o

54、f BA. 8 B. 3 C. 628. Detroit is famous for the product ion of_.A. automobile B. timber C. bamboo29. The City St. Louis in America is called the gateway towards the_ .A. East B. West C. Northeast D. Southwest30. The city_ is give n the nickn ame“ Space City of U.S.A. ”A. Bost onB. Houst onC. San Fran

55、 cisco31. The_were the original inhabitants in America.A. blacks B. I ndia nsC. Puerto Rica ns32. The steel and iron in dustries are mainly distributed around the city of_ , provid ing_ perce nt of the total output each year.A. Pittsburgh, 60 B. Chicago, 50 C. New York, 6033. The largest in dustrial

56、 city in America is_.A. Chicago B. Bost onC. Houst on34. Only the climate in the southwestern part of Florida belongs to_.A. subtropical B. con ti nen talC. tropical35. ?_is famous for many stores and shops.A. Wall Street B. Broadway C. Fifth Ave nue36.In _ people can find the historical spot, the I

57、ndependenceNational Historical Park.A. Philadelphia B. St. Louis C. San Fran cisco37. Bost on is situated in Bost on Bay,_ .A. Maine B. Massachusetts C. Conn ecticut38. The Columbia River and the Colorado River belong to the system ofA. the GulfB. the Atla nticC. the Pacific英語考研英美概況模擬題(六)美國地理部分答案:Pa

58、rt II. BAAACACAABBDAABCCABACCACC CBABBBAACC ABC(七)英語考研英美概況模擬題(七)美國歷史Part II HistoryI. Multiple Choice1. The history of the U.S. is gen erally agreed to have beg un in_ .A. 1620 B. 1607 C. 17762.The following states are among the first thirteen colonies exceptA. Maryla ndB. South Caroli na C. Delawar

59、e D. Colorado3. _was the first man who sailed around the earth.A. Joh n CabotB. Magella n C. Balboa D. Cartier4. The coloni al life can be described as the followi ng except_ .A. simple B. easy C. rough D. hard5. The Stamp Act was passed in_and was repealed in_.A. 1765, 1766 B. 1764, 1765 C. 1763, 1

60、7646. The First Con ti nen tal Con gress was held in_in September, 1774.A. Philadelphia B. Boston C. New York7. The American War of Independence started in _ and ended inA. 1776, 1784 B. 1775, 1783 C. 1706, 17148. Wash ington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in_ .A. Gettysburg B. Pittsburgh C. Trento


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