



1、ove theefficie ncy of review.2,good collation.Through six years ofst udy, studentsi nthe basi cs, rea dingmethod, exerci ses,a ndsoalrea dyhavea certain degreeofa ccumulation,the revi ewstage,tea chers shoul dknowhow to guidethestudents t o labe l thea ccumulation,pr oce ss,form asystem of knowledge

2、corre ctwriteconsona nts,vowe lsand sylla bles.2,.main types according tothe or derofthe al pha betofHanyu Pi nyin al pha betical or der ;fill inthe a ppropriate uppercaseandl owercaseletters; seephonetic writi ngwor ds; pinyi ntowritese ntenceswit h dot to select thecorrect pronunciationofthe w ord

3、;toDo thefollowingt hree main poi nts: 1networks.Exercisesforstudents tor vowels: 1 find outthe we a obere prese ntael s,wor d selection.ak.Review pr ocessis to sum up thek nowle ntative, "fine","complete",to "live",and earnestly.-一一 .-J一.|Second,the maintypesofw ords(1

4、) Rubywritten wdgeon the one hand,makethek nowledge more coherentsy stemand reg ularity, butal so letthe studentst hemselve s, looks up the deficie ncie s.So,we teachersto understand thest udents 'knowle dgeofthe situati on priortot herevie w,student s not onlyfound wide sprea d defici encies, b

5、utalso some shortcomings,forthe sewell desig ned programs,reasonablearrangementoftime,thi sreviewis mor e targeted andmoreeffective.do a probl em learni ng amethod,cla ssof passwast o get"time efficient"reviewresults.3,pay attentionto use.Theaccumulationofknowledgeis ultimatelyto use,there

6、fore,reviewthe situation and lifesituation to be created in avarietyoflang uages, gui dest udents onthe basis ofthe previ ousa cc umulati on of knowle dgeto use to themaximum,andreallya pplyw hattheyhave l earne d. Second, revie wtheconter I- - - 一 .一 .一 . L- . I I_ L .Lords;ct pr onunciation;(3) us

7、e asequencerandra dical chara cterlook up methodntandstrategy ofthefirstFopraret:xathmeple, youcan de signa formforinvest basics(a) 1,reviewthe migation,under standing stude nts'weakne sse sinea ch knowle dge, putit as areviewofkey, combi ned wit hthe probl em oftextbook s to revie w,both toain

8、points ofHa nyu Pi nyin is a bletore citeand write down the alpha bet of Hany u Pinyi n; accurate spelli ng pronunciati on (after reading cacuminal,thneshu,and impr五年級(jí)數(shù)學(xué)上冊(cè)期末專項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)(解決問題)一幢大樓有21 層,每層高2.84 米。這幢大樓約高多少米?(得數(shù)保留整數(shù)。)【小數(shù)乘除法】我家到學(xué)校大約1.3 千米,每天往返兩次,每天從家道學(xué)校往返要走多少千米?一周(按5 天)要走多少千米?世界上第一臺(tái)電子計(jì)算機(jī)很大,它的質(zhì)量相

9、當(dāng)于6 頭 5.85 噸重的大象,這臺(tái)計(jì)算機(jī)有多重?(得數(shù)保留整數(shù)。)哥哥上大學(xué),要坐6.4小時(shí)的火車,火車的平均速度是 70.5 千米/時(shí)。他坐火車走了多少千米?買 5 箱純凈水,每箱24 瓶,每瓶1.9 元,一共要花多少錢?藍(lán)鯨體重150 噸,體長(zhǎng)25.9 米。世界上最大一棵巨杉,質(zhì)量是藍(lán)鯨的18.7 倍,高是藍(lán)鯨體長(zhǎng)的 3.2倍,這棵巨杉重多少噸?高多少米?小玲一家 (爸爸媽媽爺爺奶奶和小玲)成人每張3.5 元,兒童每張1.5 元,買門票一共需要多少錢?去逛公園,買門票一共小娟加印了14 張照片,每張照片0.55 元,她一共花了多少錢?回收 1 噸廢紙,可以保護(hù)16 棵樹,回收54.5

10、噸廢紙可以保護(hù)多少棵樹?要下雨了,小莉看見遠(yuǎn)處有閃電,雷聲, 閃電的地方離小莉有多遠(yuǎn)?中的傳播速度是0.34 千米 /秒。 )4 秒后聽到了(雷聲在空氣王老師的騎車速度是15 千米/小時(shí),王老師從家騎車到學(xué)校要用0.25 小時(shí),家離學(xué)校有多遠(yuǎn)?如果他改為步行,每小時(shí)走5 千米,用0.8小時(shí)能到學(xué)校嗎?地球直徑1.28 萬千米,月球到地球的距離是地球直徑的30 倍,月球到地球有多遠(yuǎn)?學(xué)校食堂每周要用掉1200 雙一次性筷子,每雙筷子 0.03 元,每周用掉的筷子一共多少錢?Do thefollowingt hree main poi nts:networks.Exercisesforstuden

11、ts tbring some initial consonantsor vowel1 find outthe we a obere prese ntas,wor d selection.ak.Review pr ocessis to sum up thekntative, "fine","complete",to "live",and earnestly.-一一.-J一.|Second,the maintypesofwnowle ydgeon the one hand,makethek nowledge more coherentsy

12、 stemand reg ularity, butal so letthe studentst hemselve s, looks up the deficie ncie s.So,we teachersto understand thest udents 'do a probl em learni ng amethod,cla ssof passwast o get"time efficient"reviewresults.3,pay attentionto use.Theaccumulationofknowledgeis ultimatelyto use,the

13、refore,reviewthe'knowledgeofthe situati on priortot herevie w,student s not onlyfoundwide sprea d defici encies, butalso some shortcomings,forthe sewell desig ned programs,reasonablearrangementoftime,thi sreviewis mor e targeted andmoreeffective.situation and lifesituation to be created in avari

14、etyoflang uages, gui dest ude nts onthe basis ofthe previ ousa ccumulati on of knowle dgeto use to themaximum,andreallya pplyw hattheyhave l earne d. Second, revie wthecontentand strategyofthefiFrsotrpeaxrat:mtphlee, youcan de signa formforinvest basics(a) 1,reviewthe migation,under standingstude nt

15、s'weakne sse sinea ch knowle dge, putit as areviewofkey, combi ned wit hthe probl em oftextbook s to revie w,both toain points ofHa nyu Pi nyin is a bletore citeand write downt he alpha bet ofHany u Pinyi n; accurate spelli ng pronunciati on (after reading cacuminal,thneshu,and impr一公頃松柏林每天分泌殺菌素

16、30 千克, 24.5 公頃松柏林31 天分泌殺菌素多少千克?一列火車從南京到上海運(yùn)行305 千米,用了3.6小時(shí),平均每小時(shí)行多少千米?(保留兩位小數(shù)。 )一次從地球上向月球發(fā)射激光信號(hào),約經(jīng)過 2.56秒收到從月球反射回來的信號(hào)。已知光速是30萬千米/秒,算一算這時(shí)月球到地球的距離是多少?地球赤道周長(zhǎng)約有40076 千米, 一架飛機(jī)以990千米 /時(shí)的速度沿著赤道飛行,它繞地球飛行一周需要多少小時(shí)?(得數(shù)保留兩位小數(shù)。)在兩棲動(dòng)物中,非洲蛙是跳遠(yuǎn)冠軍。一只非洲蛙曾創(chuàng)造了連續(xù)三次共跳躍7.74 米的記錄。這只非洲蛙平均一次跳多遠(yuǎn)?某停車場(chǎng)收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是:( 1) 1 小時(shí)內(nèi)收2.50 元,( 2

17、)超過1 小時(shí),每0.5 小時(shí),收2.50 元。李叔叔交了12.5元, 他在這個(gè)停車場(chǎng)停車幾小時(shí)?從 1997年初到 2002 年初, 北京市 5年共發(fā)放了節(jié)水龍頭319.46萬只, 平均每年發(fā)放多少萬只?2 臺(tái)同樣的抽水機(jī),3 小時(shí)可以澆地1.2 公頃, 1臺(tái)抽水機(jī)每小時(shí)可以澆地多少公頃?五( 1)班有班費(fèi)24.2 元,同學(xué)們賣廢品又得到16.4 元。 用這些錢可以給小書架買7 本 少年科技 ,也可以買14 根跳繩,問一本少年科技多少錢?一根跳繩多少錢?田爺爺?shù)膱?bào)攤昨天收款230 元。其中周報(bào)每份1.5 元,賣出了85份,晚報(bào)每份0.5 元,賣出了多少份?雙休日爸爸帶小勇去登山。從山底到山頂

18、全程有7.2 千米,他們上山用了3 小時(shí),下山用了2 小時(shí)。上山、下山的速度各是多少?雨燕是長(zhǎng)距離飛行最快的鳥。一只雨燕3 小時(shí)可飛行 510 千米, 一只信鴿每小時(shí)可飛行74 千米。雨燕飛行的速度大約是信鴿的多少倍?Do thefollowingt hree main poi nts: 1networks.Exercisesforstudents tor vowels: 1 find outthe we a obere prese ntael s,wor d selection.ak.Review pr ocessis to sum up thek nowle ntative, "

19、fine","complete",to "live",and earnestly.-一一 .-J一.|Second,the maintypesofw ords(1) Rubywritten wdgeon the one hand,makethek nowledge more coherentsy stemand reg ularity, butal so letthe studentst hemselve s, looks up the deficie ncie s.So,we teachersto understand thest udent

20、s 'knowledo a probl em learni ng amethod,cla ssof passwast o get"time efficient"reviewresults.3,pay attentionto use.Theaccumulationofknowledgeis ultimatelyto use,therefore,reviewther I- - - 一 .一 .一 . L- . I I_ L .Lords;ct pr onunciation;(3) use asequencerandra dical chara cterlook up m

21、ethoddgeofthe situati on priortot herevie w,student s not onlyfoundwide sprea d defici encies, butalso some shortcomings,forthe sewell desig ned programs,reasonablearra ngement oftime,thisreviewis mor e targeted andmoreeffective.situation and lifesituation to be created in avarietyoflang uages, gui

22、dest udents onthe basis ofthe pr evi ousa ccumulati on of knowle dgeto use to themaximum,andreallya pplyw hattheyhave l earne d. Second, revie wthecontentandstrategy ofthefirstFopraret:xathmeple, youcan de signa formforinvest basics(a) 1,reviewthe migation,under standingstude nts'weakne sse sine

23、a ch knowle dge, putit as areviewofkey, combi ned wit hthe probl em oftextbook s to revie w,both toain points ofHa nyu Pi nyin is a bletore citeand write down the alp habet ofHany u Pinyi n; accurate spelli ng pronunciati on (after reading cacuminal,thneshu,and impr孫老師要用80 元買一些文具作為年級(jí)運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)的獎(jiǎng)品。他先花45.6 元

24、買了 8 本相冊(cè),并準(zhǔn)備用剩下的錢買一些鋼筆,每支鋼筆2.5 元。孫老師還可以買幾支鋼筆?一種瓶裝橙子粉,每沖一杯需要16 克橙子粉和9 克方糖,沖完這瓶橙子粉,大約需要多少千克方糖?【工程問題】一個(gè)玩具廠做一個(gè)毛絨兔原來需要3.8 元的材料。后來改進(jìn)了制作方法,每個(gè)只需要3.6元的材料。 原來準(zhǔn)備做180 個(gè)毛絨兔的材料,現(xiàn)在可以做多少個(gè)?一條公路長(zhǎng)360m,甲乙兩支施工隊(duì)同時(shí)從公路的兩端往中間鋪柏油。甲隊(duì)的施工速度是乙隊(duì)的1.25 倍, 4 天后這條公路全部鋪完。甲乙兩隊(duì)每天分別鋪柏油多少米?【進(jìn)一法去尾法】美心蛋糕房特制一種生日蛋糕,每個(gè)需要0.32千克面粉。李師傅領(lǐng)了4 千克面粉做蛋糕

25、,他最多可以做幾個(gè)生日蛋糕?童裝廠原來做一種兒童服裝,每套用布2.2米。 現(xiàn)在改進(jìn)了裁剪方法,每套節(jié)省布0.2米。原來做800套這樣的服裝所用的布,現(xiàn)在可以多做幾套?果農(nóng)們要將680 千克的葡萄裝進(jìn)紙箱運(yùn)走,每個(gè)紙箱最多可以盛下15 千克。需要幾個(gè)紙箱才能全部運(yùn)完?甲貯水池存水40 噸, 乙貯水池存水66 噸,每分鐘從乙池中抽出2 噸水放入甲池,多少分鐘后,兩個(gè)貯水池存水同樣多?超市促銷,買1 箱送 1 盒,五(3)班共52人,買 4 箱正好每人一盒。每箱飲料有多少盒?4.52.5建筑工地需要黃沙47 噸,用一輛載重噸的汽車運(yùn)6 次, 余下的改用一輛載重噸的汽車運(yùn),還要運(yùn)多少次?Do thef

26、oll owingt hree main poi nts: 1 find outthe we ak.Review pr ocessis to sum up thek nowle dgeon the one hand,makethek nowledge more coherentsy stemand reg ularity, butal so letthe studentst hemselve s, looks up the deficie ncie s.So,we teachersto understand thest udents 'knowle dgeofthe situati o

27、n priortot herevie w,student s not onlyfoundwide sprea d defici encies, butalso some shortcomings,forthe sewell desig ned programs,reasonablearrangementoftime,thi sreviewis mor e targeted andmoreeffective.For example, youca n de signa formforinvest igation,under standingstude nts'weakne sse sine

28、a ch knowle dge, putit as areviewofkey, combi ned wit hthe probl em oftextbook s to revie w,both toavoi d ca sting anettihaizha nshu,and impr ove theefficie ncy of review.2,good collation.Through six years ofst udy, studentsi nthe basi cs, rea dingmethod, exerci ses,a ndsoalrea dyhavea certain degre

29、eofa ccumulation,the revi ewstage,tea chers shoul dknowhow to guidethestudents t o labe l thea ccumulation,pr oce ss,form asystem of knowledgenetworks.Exercisesforstudents t obere prese ntative, "fine","complete",to "live",and earnestlydo a probl em learni ng amethod,cl

30、a ssof passwast o get"time efficient"reviewresults.3,pay attentionto use.Theaccumulationofknowledgeis ultimatelyto use,therefore,reviewthesituation and lifesituation to be created in avarietyoflang uages, gui dest ude nts onthe basis ofthe previ ousa ccumulati on of knowle dgeto use to the

31、maximum,andreallya pplyw hattheyhave l earne d. Second, revie wtheconte ntand strategyofthefirst part:thebasics(a) 1,reviewthe main points ofHa nyu Pi nyin is a bletore citeand write downt he alpha bet ofHany u Pinyi n; accurate spelli ng pronunciati on (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light,

32、andretroflexsounds),thecorre ctwriteconsona nts,vowe lsand sylla bles.2,.main types according tothe or derofthe al pha betofHanyu Pi nyin al phabetical order ;fill inthe a ppropriate uppercaseandl owercaseletters; seephonetic writi ngwor ds; pinyi ntowritese ntenceswit hdot to select thecorrect pron

33、unciationofthe w ord;tobring some initial consonantsor vowel s,wor d selection.Second,the mai ntypesofw ords (1)Ruby written words;(2) tobringWordtoselectthe correct pr onunciation;(3) use aseque ncerandra dical chara cterlook up method【行程問題】一條高速路長(zhǎng)336 千米。 一輛客車3.2小時(shí)性完全程,一輛貨車用3.8小時(shí)性完全程。客車的速度比貨車的速度快多少?

34、陳老師要用80 元買一些文具作為年級(jí)運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)的獎(jiǎng)品。他先化 45.6元買了 8本相冊(cè),并準(zhǔn)備用剩下的錢買一些鋼筆,每枝鋼筆2.5元。陳老師還可以買幾枝鋼筆?一條高速路長(zhǎng)336 千米。 一輛客車3.2小時(shí)性完全程,一輛貨車用3.8小時(shí)性完全程??蛙嚨乃俣缺蓉涇嚨乃俣瓤於嗌伲客趵蠋熧I3本日記本用去25.5元, 買 3支鋼筆用去16.65元。 一本日記本和一支鋼筆誰貴?貴多少元?甲乙兩地相距300 千米,一輛汽車由甲地開出5小時(shí)后,距離乙地還有 74.5千米, 這輛汽車平均每小時(shí)行多少千米?一個(gè)玩具廠做一個(gè)小白兔原來需要3.8 元的材料。 后來改了制作方法,每個(gè)只需3.6元的材料。原來準(zhǔn)備做180 個(gè)

35、小白兔的材料,現(xiàn)在可以做多少個(gè)?一條高速路長(zhǎng)336 千米,一輛客車3.2 小時(shí)行完全程,一輛貨車用3.5 小時(shí)行完全程。客車的速度比貨車的速度快多少?【解方程】小明和小紅在校門口分手,相背而行,7 分鐘后他們同時(shí)到家。已知小紅家和小明家相距560m,而且小明平均每分鐘走45m, 問小紅平均每分鐘走多少米?甲、乙兩車同時(shí)從甲站同向開出,甲車每小時(shí)行 40 千米,乙車的速度是甲車的1.2倍, 行了 3.8小時(shí)后, 兩車相距多少千米?一幅畫的長(zhǎng)是寬的2 倍,小梅做畫框用了1.8m木條。這幅畫的長(zhǎng)、寬、面積分別是多少?【單價(jià) 總價(jià)】文具店賣出18盒橡皮,每盒12塊 ,每塊 0.75元 ,一共售得多少元

36、?D th f with ii t 1 t th wkRviwis oth k -thh k th kwlh t y tg lit il 1ktfii iSwthttthtt ' kwlf th tt t ly f -fii i i t lhtift w iblt f tivi w it t tvFl y ittit t'wki h kwlt vi w wihth bl f ttbk t vwbtt v i tti izhh ivt ffi y f viw 2 llt Th y tti th bii thil y h vt if wtth hl kw h w tithtt t

37、lf yt fkwlneksExe sfo s - es t o be re pe nt * ' "ie", "cmpet", t =", ad ne-do a earning a method - n of pao st o.t "tme e“et"r w r 3,p. atein to ue.、he ac . muOtinof -wn. is ulmaey to . - ,“* r the and ie suain t beC - in a va of a. . ' .e st udens ote 一 o

38、f the pr io a 一, of ko dge to uue 0 te mmum, and rl, a ppy - hatth. h l earne .Secnd reve- te Line nt ad st “ of teflpat teba a 1, e w te m,p“s of Ha n. Pins a ble t re cle addw the a、hae of Ha, u Piyn; a_aespel ngproucat on"rrea-.um" n - sound, lgt and retof su*thecrrect w.e cnsna ns, S a

39、d - bes,mai y *. to the or apha be of Ha. Pi nalpha bet- ode; fl ite a upper and lo e 2*_e phmek t ng wr “"into w.e ntecs - h dt t “ te crrect - ord tbrig someiniil Lonsnantsorvowe s wr d slecin.一,te ma I tyes of ords (1)、b,wte w ors« tb.g Wrd to seec the coreLt pr onunciain;.)ule a >e_

40、ence ad ra dLa Lhaa Le lok up mehod“雞兔同籠”,雞和兔的數(shù)量相同,兩種動(dòng)物的 腿加起來共有48條。雞和兔各有多少只?獵豹是世界上跑得最快的動(dòng)物,能達(dá)到每小時(shí)110km,比大象的2倍還多30km。大象最快能 達(dá)到每小時(shí)多少千米?媽媽今年的年齡是小明的 3倍,而且媽媽比小明大24歲。小明和媽媽今年分別是多少歲?世界上最大的洲是亞洲I,最小的洲是大洋洲,亞洲的面積是4400萬平方千米,比大洋洲面積的 4倍還多812萬平方千米。大洋洲的面積是多少 萬平方千米?小紅買了兩套叢書科學(xué)家叢書2.5元/本,發(fā)明家叢書2.5元/本,兩套叢書的本數(shù)相同,共花了22元。每套叢書有

41、多少本?一座大樓高29.2m,一樓準(zhǔn)備開商店,層高4米, 上面9層是住宅。住宅每層高多少米?某倉庫今天要運(yùn)走 35噸貨物,貨車每次能運(yùn) 5 噸。上午運(yùn)了 3次,下午要運(yùn)多少次才能運(yùn)完?太陽系的八大行星中,離太陽最近的是水星。地 球繞太陽一周是365天,比水星繞太陽一周所用 時(shí)間的4倍還多13天。水星繞太陽一周是多少 天?故宮的面積是72萬平方米,比天安門廣場(chǎng)面積 的2倍少16萬平方米。天安門廣場(chǎng)的面積是多 少萬平方米?寧夏的同心縣是一個(gè) “干渴”的地區(qū),年平均蒸發(fā)量是2325mm,比年平均降水量的8倍還多109mm。同心縣的年平均降水量是多少毫米?【圖形面積計(jì)算】王村有一個(gè)占地面積是 3384

42、m2的魚塘,村長(zhǎng)告訴小林,魚塘兩條平行的邊分別是 84m和60m。你能用這學(xué)期學(xué)的知識(shí)算出兩岸的寬度嗎?D tfl with ii t 1 " t th wk Rviwis toth k thh kthkwlh t y tg litybtl Itthttt h l l k thfii i Sw th ttttt kwlfth ti o itt h w t t t ly f fii i b t lhtift w iblt f tithivi w it t tvFl yi f fivt ittit t wki h kwlt vi wf k y bi wi ht bl f ttk t wbtht v i t tiizhh iv ffi y f viw 2 llt Thh i y f ty tti th bii thil y h vt ifItith viwtth hl kw h w tith t t t lb l thItf yt fkwlneksExe sfor s . es t o be re pent * ' "ie


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