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1、.八年級上學(xué)期期末調(diào)研考試英 語 試 題答卷時間:100分鐘 總分值:120分 2020.1 題號總分得分聽力部分一、根據(jù)你所聽到的句子,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z。將所選答案序號填在題前括號內(nèi)。共10分 1.A、I am sixteen.B、Very much.C、I am fine , thanks. 2.A、Beijing . B、By plane.C、Two months. 3.A、Yes , its cool.B、Yes , I think so.C、You are wrong. 4.A、No , he wont.B、Yes , I will.C、Yes, it will be sunny. 5

2、.A、I like music most.B、Brad is my favorite singer.C、I like soccer most. 6.A、I want to live under the sea.B、I want to go to the moon.C、I want to be a famous singer like Celine Dion. 7.A、Dont worry. I can borrow some from you.B、Dont worry. You will have some.C、Dont worry. I can lend you some money. 8.

3、A、He is wearing a white shirt.B、He likes playing basketball.C、He didnt pass the English exam. 9.A、Because they are friendly.B、Because I like them.C、Because they are animals. 10.A、I often have it with my parents.B、I have it at 7:00.C、I often eat bread and milk.二、聽對話。根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容選擇正確答案,將其序號填在括號內(nèi)。每題1分,共5分 11

4、. Why isnt the girl going to the cinema?A、She has to go to see the doctor.B、She doesnt know where the cinema is.C、She doesnt like seeing the film. 12.Where are they talking?A、In the post office.B、In the library.C、On the train. 13. How long had they been in the city?A、For four days.B、For three days.C

5、、For two days. 14.What was the boy doing?A、He was turning on the light.B、He was looking for the light .C、He was reading in poor light. 15.What are they talking about? A、Their favorite food.B、The radio progame.C、The weather.三、聽一段長對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容選擇正確答案,將其序號填在括號內(nèi)。共5分 16.What are the speakers mainly talking a

6、bout? A、Life.B、CampingC、Plans. 17.What will the woman do in the city? A、Work at a store.B、Attend a school.C、Have a picnic. 18.Who will the woman stay with? A、The man.B、Her family.C、The mans brother. 19.What do they do in the morning when they camp?A、Go swimming.B、Play basketball.C、Tell stories. 20.W

7、hat can we learn from the conversation? A、The woman has worked for four summers.B、John is the mans brother.C、Summer vacation is coming.四、聽短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容答復(fù)以下問題,將其序號填在題前括號內(nèi)。共10分 21.Where did the story happen? A、In a fruit shop.B、In a book shop.C、In a clothes shop. 22.How many apples did the boy want to buy

8、? A、For one dollar.B、For four dollars.C、For five dollars. 23.How did the boy feel when he counted數(shù)the apples? A、Relaxed.B、Surprised.C、Pleased. 24.Why didnt the shop assistant let the boy leave? A、Because the boy didnt give him enough money.B、Because he wanted to give the boy more apples.C、Because th

9、e boys mother came to the shop. 25.What do you think of the boy from the story? A、He is kind.B、He is silly.C、He is clever.筆試部分五、 選擇填空。將代表最正確答案的字母序號填在題前括號內(nèi)。共20分 26. Wish you a happy New Year! _ !A、You also have it B、The same to you C、You do too D、The same as you 27. How can I _healthy,doctor? You can

10、 often eat a balanced diet.A、feel B、want C、stay D、last 28. Mary is hardworking .She studies very hard. Yeah. She _ watches TV on school nights.A、often B、usually C、always D、hardly 29. What are you doing for vacation ,Lily? Im _ _ . That sounds fun.A、go camping B、goes camping C、going camp D、going camp

11、ing 30 .Where are you going for vacation? I _ about_ to Greece or Spain ,but decided on Canada.A、 think ,go B、thought ,go C、think, going D、thought,going 31. What are you going to _? A doctor.A、do B、be C、work D、want 32. How are you,Peter? I feel _,Mum. Im_ sorry to hear that. I must take you to hospi

12、tal.A、terrible,terrible B、terribly,terribly C、terrible,terribly D、terribly, terrible 33.Who is that? He is Li Yundi. He _ the 14 th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland and _ the first prize in his group.A、joined,won B、took part in , beat C、joined, beat D、took part in ,won 34. Mike ,Coul

13、d I use your bike? Sorry, you _ . I have to go out.A、can B、could C、cant D、couldnt 35. How was your day off? _. It rained all day. So I have to stay at home.A、Wonderful B、Interesting C、Relaxing D、Awful 36. We need more drinks and snacks.Could you buy _? I m sorry, _ I dont have any money.A、some , but

14、 B、any,but C、some,and D、any, and 37. Do you know about Kate? Yes, I know _very well.A、herself B、her C、she D、hers 38 .I want to buy a sweater .Could you show me _ ? Yes. This is the most popular kind.A、them B、anything C、one D、it 39 . Why are you late for school? Bad luck! I _ the last bus. A、took B、l

15、ost C、got to D、missed 40 . He cant understand us in class because he speaks _ Chinese . No surprise! He came to China just two weeks ago. A、few B、a few C、little D、a little 41.Paul is never_. He cant stop talking . I think so . A、athletic B、funny C、smart D、quiet 42.What a hot day! How about going swi

16、mming after school? _! Lets ask David to go with us. A、Thats OK B、No problem C、Good luck D、Sounds great 43.How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?It makes me _ very proud.A、felt B、to feel C、feeling D、feel 44. Are you worried about the coming exam? No. I think the more _ you are ,_ mi

17、stakes youll make.A、careful, the less B、carefully,the fewer C、carefully,the least D、careful,the fewer 45. Its too late .I must be off now. OK. _ .A、Go slowly B、Stay longer C、See you D、Be careful六、完形填空。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最正確答案完好短文。10分A man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his

18、46 .“I like football, doctor,he said.“Please help me . My life has 47 been a good one since自從 I became 48 in football and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even 49 well at night. When I close my 50 ,Im out there in the football field 51 after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more 52 than I was

19、when I went to bed. What am I going to do?The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you 53 to do your best not to dream夢about football. Before you are falling asleep, try to 54 about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars. “Ar

20、e you crazy發(fā)瘋的?the man shouted. “Ill 55 the ball! 46.A、problem B、family C、sport D、journey 47.A、always B、already C、never D、often 48. A、interested B、careful C、deep D、sleep 49. A、work B、play C、do D、sleep 50. A、doors B、windows C、books D、eyes 51. A、looking B、playing C、running D、waiting 52. A、worried B、ti

21、red C、surprised D、pleased 53. A、want B、hope C、have D、decide 54. A、hear B、write C、talk D、think 55. A、miss B.play C.catch D.pass七、閱讀理解。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容做文后各題。共30分AMr Hill arrives at London Airport, at the end of the three-week holiday in France. Usually he wears a beard胡須. Since it has been hot there, he has tak

22、en it off. But his passport護照 photo shows him with his beard.An officer looks at the photo for a moment, and says:“Will you excuse me? Please sit down. I wont keep you long.With this, he walks away, shows the photo to a second officer, and says:“I know that face.The second officer looks at the passp

23、ort and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr Hill has just arrived back from Paris, the second officer smiles and says: “An English man with a beard stole偷竊 a painting in Paris on Friday, and that man looks just the kind of manSuddenly, it comes to回憶起the first offcer who Mr Hill i

24、s. He returns to him, and asks:“Did you teach at the No. 2 High School?When Mr Hill answers, in surprise, that he did, the first officer smiles, and says:“I thought so . Im Jack Smith. You taught me French. You havent changed a bit.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷句子正誤,正確的打“,錯誤的打“× 56.Mr. Hill spent three weeks in Pari

25、s before he went to France. 57.Mr. Hill has a beard on his face but not in his photo. 58.The first officer is sure Mr. Hill stole the painting. 59.The second officer says that a man with a beard,from England ,stole a painting in Paris. 60.Mr. Hill taught Jack Smith French at the No.2 High School.BCh

26、ina held the 2020 Beijing Olympic Games successfully in August. Many people came to Beijing to watch the matches. We made many rules for the spectators觀眾. Do you know some of them?Archery射箭& shooting射擊Sit at the back or on either side of the field.Keep quiet during the match. Set your mobile pho

27、ne in a vibrating state or turn it off.Do not use the flash on your camera.When the athletes 運發(fā)動are aiming at瞄準the target, keep your voice down.Basketball, baseball & footballYou cant bring drinks in glass bottles or cans.Keep the cheering down at important moments. Do not use the camera flash.I

28、f you easily get nervous, bring some snacks. Keep your mouth moving to calm you down.Cycling & marathonSpectators should keep off the track.跑道 Control your pets.Athletes might look tired and thirsty, but do not hand them water or anything else.If an athlete falls, do not help him. 61What sport i

29、s not mentioned in the passage? D、C、B、A、A B C D 62What does the underlined word “vibrating mean in Chinese?A、待機的 B、振動的 C、鈴聲的 D、戶外的 63You cannot use the camera flash in _ matches according to this passage.andandBAandandDC 64Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A、Drinks in glass

30、 bottles or cans are nor allowed in a baseball match.B、You can shout loudly“Come on!at important moments in a football match.C、When a runner falls, you cant rush over to help.D、You cannot shout loudly when watching the shooting match. 65Whats the best title of this passage?A、How to Play Basketball B

31、、Some Rules for Watching GamesC.The 2020 Beijing Olympic Games D、Some Important MatchesCAn eleven-year-old boy in a small town wanted to be a train-driver. But the boy was born without arms. He was taught by his uncle to use his feet as “hands. He couldnt go to school, so he spent all his time watch

32、ing trains coming and going because he lived near the station. How he wished he could be a train-driver!One day he saw an empty train and he climbed in. He started it with his feet easily. Soon the train was traveling at forty kilometers an hour. Nobody could see the boy in the train and stop the tr

33、ain. The train reached a small station a little away from the town and then the boy drove it back. When he was near the town, a worker caught up with the train and stopped it. At first he was very angry, but when he saw the boy, he was so surprised that he hardly thought it was true.“I like trains,s

34、aid the boy quietly.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最正確答案。 66.The story tells us something mainly about _.A、an old train driver B、a boys uncle C、a boy without arms D、a small town 67. Where did the boy live?A、He lived near a station. B、He lived in a school. C、He lived in an empty train. D、The story doesnt tell us. 68. What

35、made the boy wish to be a train-driver?A、His uncle taught him how to drive a train.B、Watching trains coming and going all the time.C、He could use his feet as well as his hands.D、Traveling around the town. 69. The boy couldnt go to school because_。A、he was not old enough B、he had no parents C、he was

36、not able to walk D、he had no arms 70. Who stopped the train at last?A、The boy. B、A worker. C、The uncle. D、Nobody.八、閱讀理解填詞。單詞首字母已給出,拼寫時不得重復(fù)。共15分Mr. Black works in a hospital. As he was a good doctor , the people in the town like him. Hes often k 71 to the patients病人and looks them over c 72 . So hes a

37、lways busy and h 73 little time to rest.One morning Mr. Black got to the h 74 and saw there was a fat woman in the waiting room. He called her into his o 75 and asked, “Whats the matter, madam?“It was my birthday yesterday, sir,said the woman. “My husband gave me a p 76 . But I couldnt push my way i

38、n擠進it.“It doesnt m 77 , madam,said Mr. Black. “You have to l 78 some weight減肥. Youll be able to wear your coat if you do all that I say.“Youre w 79 sir,said the rich富有woman. “He b 80 me not a coat, but a dear car!71.k 72.c 73.h 74.h 75.o 76.p 77.m 78.l 79.w 80.b 九、書面表達:15分請用英語表述以下內(nèi)容,要點如下:1Mary,我最要好的

39、朋友,1995年8月12日出生。2她的個子比我高一點,我們每天一起坐公汽上學(xué)。3去年,她的英語沒有獲得好成績。4因為學(xué)好英語很重要,所以她努力地進步英語。5我打算今年寒假幫助她學(xué)英語。要求:1、不要逐句翻譯;2、詞數(shù)60-80。 八年級英語參考答案一、第一節(jié)。共10分小題;每題1分,總分值10分.15 C A B B C 610 C C C A C二、第二節(jié)。共5小題;每題1分,總分值5分1115 A B B C C 三、對話理解。共15小題;每題1分,總分值15分。1620 C A B A C四、短文理解。每題2分,總分值30分2125 A C B A C 五、單項選擇。每題2分,總分值30

40、分2630 B C D D D 3135 B C D C D3640 A B C D C 4145 D D D D C六、完形填空15分4650 A C A D D 5155 C B C D A七、閱讀理解30分5660 × × × 6165 C B D B B6670 C A B D B八、填詞15分71.kind 72.carefully 73.has 74.hospital 75.office76.present 77.matter 78.lose 79.wrong 80.bought六、書面表達15分Mary, my best friend, was bo

41、rn on August 12th, 1995. She is a little taller than me. We go to school by bus every day. Last year, she didnt get good grades in English. Because its important to learn English well, she tries to improve her English. And I am going to help her with her English this winter vacation.八年級英語聽力錄音稿、聽句子。從

42、各題所給的A、B、C、三個選項中選擇能答復(fù)各題問句的正確應(yīng)答語。每句讀兩遍1、 How are you these days?2、 Where will you go for summer holiday?3、 Its a little hot today, isnt it?4、 Will you come to the party next Saturday?5、 Which sport do you like most?6、 What will you want to be in the future, Mary?7、 I dont have enough money to buy thi

43、s book.8、 Whats wrong with your brother?9、 Why do you like dogs?10、What do you often have for breakfast?、聽對話。每題你將聽到一段小對話,請根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案。每段對話讀兩遍11、M:Arent you going to the film this afternoon? W:Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. Ill have to go and see a doctor.12、W:Can I help you?M:Yes,please. Ive co

44、me to return this book. And Id like to borrow a science book. W:Is this one OK?13、W:They came here the day before yesterday,didnt they? M:No,they got here four days ago,and left yesterday.14、W:Dont read in poor light. M:Pardon? W:I told you not to read in poor light.15、W:Its rather warm today,isnt i

45、t? M:Yes,but the radio said it was going to be cooler later on.、對話理解。此題你將聽到一段大對話,在各題的三個選項中選出一最正確答案。對話讀兩遍M:What are you going to do after you return from Washington?W:Im going to stay in the city.M:What will you do all day?W:Im going to work with my father at the store. In the evening, Ill read books. On weekends. Ill


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